Calculate percentage along with groupBy in Grafana - jmx

I am logging a success count metric and failure count metric for every 30 seconds into graphite. In the Grafana, I am using per second and hitCount(1minute) that aggregates the count(success and failure) for every minute. Now I need to calculate the percentage of success for every minute? Any advice on how to proceed?
Also, I am using groupbyNode on the fourth metric * mentioned below.
Success metric : api.server.metric.*.success.count
Failure metric : api.server.metric.*.failure.count

Try something like this:
asPercent(api.server.metric.*.success.count,sumSeries(api.server.metric.*success.count, api.server.metric.*.failure.count),0)
or if you just have failure and success as values :


Log data into grafana for every minute

The below code registers five metrics count, oneminuteRate, fiftenMinuteRate, fiveMinuteRate, meanRate into graphite for every 30 seconds from my application.
public void collectMetric(string metricName, long metricValue){
I would like to show in the Grafana dashboard the no of requests that are received every minute.(i,e if in the first minute 60 is received, in the second minute 120 is received) Since the count in the meter metric above just keeps increasing and all the *Rate values are events per second. I am not sure how to log metric into Grafana dashboard that displays the no of requests received per minute. Any advice is highly appreciated?
Suppose if I use
mr.counter(metricName).inc(value) IS there a way to reset the counters every 1 minute?
I had the same problem. The way that I found is that I resolved this in Grafana.
When you're on the panel's metrics, you can add a function to your query like this:
You can try the derivative() function or perSecond() function but these functions are not completly reliable, it depends what you're doing with these in your panel.
But with these you'll see the number of input in time and not the total.

How to graph individual Summary metric instances in Prometheus?

I'm using Prometheus' Summary metric to collect the latency of an API call. Instead of making an actual API call, I'm simply calling Thread.sleep(1000) to simulate a 1 second api-call latency value -- this makes the Summary hold a value of .01 (for 1 second of latency). But if, for example, I invoke Thread.sleep(1000) twice in the same minute, the Summary metric ends up with a value of .02 (for 2 seconds of latency), instead of two individual instances of .01 latency that just happened to occur within the same minute. My problem is the Prometheus query. The Prometheus query I am currently using is: rate(my_custom_summary_sum[1m]).
What should my Prometheus query be, such that I can see the latency of each individual Thread.sleep(1000) invocation. As of right now, the Summary metric collects and displays the total latency sum per minute. How can I display the latency of each individual call to Thread.sleep(1000) (i.e. the API request)?
private static final Summary mySummary =
.help("This is a custom summary that keeps track of latency")
Summary.Timer requestTimer = mySummary.startTimer(); //starting timer for mySummary 'Summary' metric
Thread.sleep(1000); //sleep for one second
requestTimer.observeDuration(); //record the time elapsed
This is the graph that results from this query:
Prometheus graph
Prometheus is a metrics-based monitoring system, it cares about overall performance and behaviour - not individual requests.
What you are looking for is a logs-based system, such as Graylog or the ELK stack.

Measure service latency with Prometheus

I am new to Prometheus and Grafana. My primary goal is to get the response time per request.
For me it seemed to be a simple thing - but whatever I do I do not get the results I require.
I need to be able to analyse the service latency in the last minutes/hours/days. The current implementation I found was a simple SUMMARY (without definition of quantiles) which is scraped every 15s.
Is it possible to get the average request latency of the last minute from my Prometheus SUMMARY?
If YES: How? If NO: What should I do?
Currently I am using the following query:
rate(http_response_time_sum{application="myapp",handler="myHandler", status="200"}[1m])
rate(http_response_time_count{application="myapp",handler="myHandler", status="200"}[1m])
I am getting two "datasets". The value of the first is "NaN". I suppose this is the result from a division by zero.
(I am using spring-client).
Your query is correct. The result will be NaN if there have been no queries in the past minute.

How do I query Prometheus for number of times a service is down

I am trying to work with the UP metric to determine the number of times the service was down for less than a minute (potentially a network hiccup) during a time range (or per hour). I am sampling at 5 seconds intervals
The best I got so far is up == 0 would give me a series with points only when the service was down but I am not sure what to do next.
Any help with this type of query would be greatly appreciated
You might try the following: calculate the average of the up metric. If the service goes down, the average (sliding windows of 1 minute) will decrease over time.
If the job comes up again, and the average is greater than 0, then the service wasn't down for more than one minute.
The following query (works via the Prometheus web console) delivers one data point for each time the service comes up before it was down for more than one minute.
avg_over_time(up{job="jobname"} [1m]) > 0
irate(up{job="jobname"} [1m]) > 0

Jenkins - JMeter Plugin - How to compare with Previous build in terms of Average Response time in Seconds

I have Scheduled a JMeter Job in Jenkins. My Goal is to compare the result of the current test with previous build's result and provide the status accordingly. I have set the
Unstable % Range as = (-)1 to (+)1
Error % Range as = (-)5 to (+)5
My application's response time always have a variation of 1 second and it is an known factor
Since JMeter is returning Average Response time in milli seconds, Test is marked as failed or unstable as the difference in milli seconds is always high
Instead of comparing the response time in milli seconds, is it possible to convert the response time in Seconds and then perform an build comparison?
