How to implement the following table? - ios

I'd like to implement the following view (circled blue):
However, I'm not sure what view to use.
On the one hand, when using a UITableView, the cells' width cannot be changed.
On the other hand, when using a UICollectionView, I need to have sections (exactly three sections; each section represents a game state, either 'running', 'waiting' or 'ended').
Cells shall be added dynamically (the data for the cells is retrieved through an API).
What is the preferred basic structure (basically the view) to use?
I'm not looking for a fully coded solution! I'd just like to know what view I should be using.

Given that you have a simple one-column set of cells, it looks like a table view would be a good fit. A collection view can do everything a table view can, but it's more work.
I'd suggest using a sectioned table view with section headers, and a custom header view that's mostly transparent and shows the background behind it. (The section header's view would still be the same width as all the other cells, but it would be transparent, have a fill color of clear, and have a subview that draws the boxes with your section headers in it.

I don't know enough about the content (can't understand that language) but looks like a quiz app?
The basic outline for displaying the majority of the dataset looks to be a UITableView in grouped mode (where "Warten Auf" and "Beendete Spiele" are groups).
If the first row (under the green button) is part of the data set you can either leave that without a section/group header, use the green button as a header view for that group or use the green button as a header view for the UITableView itself.


How to create table view with rounded corners around the list items

I am trying to recreate a menu similar to the ones in the detail view of the iOS 13 Health app. Please refer to the marked up screenshot.
I know that this can be done with a table view. There's a section title and list items. But what I want to achieve is similar to the look shown in the screenshot whereby there's a background colour on the list items (not including the section title) and rounded corners at the top and bottom of the list.
Can anybody tell me how I can achieve this with the table view? Or point me towards the right direction? I already know how to setup table views and programmatically add the details. I just need help on how to achieve the styling as shown below.
So, I was able to figure it out. For the benefit of the devs who stumble in the same dilemma, I'm posting my solution here. But I will be tagging Glenn's answer above as the correct answer as it lead me to find the solution. Thanks again Glenn!
It appears that I didn't have to do anything special with my code. I just discovered that on XCode 11 and iOS 13, there's a new table view style called "Inset Grouped". You may set this property from IB or via code.
With a quick experimentation I was able to come up with the result as shown on the screenshot below.
It's not that complex to do. This one of the multiple ways that that style can be done.
a. You can use grouped tableView, as what you've indicated in the screenshot.
b. Provide section title, or better yet, a section view (for more customization!).
c. For each section, you have ONE tableViewCell.
d. For each cell of that c., you will have a tableView.
e. For each tableView of that d., you will have your a new cell of course (item cell).
f. How to compute for the height of the tableView of e.? There are multiple ways.
Provide static height (if your number of items are static).
If dynamic count, but you have constant height of each cell, then you can just compute it like so: itemsCount * heightConstantOfCell
If again you have dynamic count of rows/items, and you have iether constant height of each cell or dynamic height of each cell, then you can observe the frame key of the whole tableView.
g. Finally, just add some corner radius to each container view of your tableView in d..
Note, this screenshot ONLY shows the item g.. It's merely a corner radius of each container view of your tableView in a tableViewCell that is a cell of your main tableView.
Another way is to use UICollectionView, but kinda more complex than what I've discussed - at least for me.

CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout Header Frame

EDIT: I have create a very small app that represents perfectly the problem.
In the sample app, we just need to scroll down then press the button on the top bar to see the problem I am having
I am using to have sticky headers behaviors (like default UITableView) inside my collection view.
It works pretty well when scrolling through the collection view. I have a search bar outside the collectionview that allows users to filter the data with search text, everytime the user enters a letter, I'm refreshing the collectionview's data with the found data.
The problem is let's say there is currently 4 sections inside the collection view and that it is scrolled completely at the bottom. When I input a certian letter, it filters out everything but a single item (with a single header). The content size then changes for the collection view and displays the proper data, but then the header is too low (see screenshot).
I have investigated inside the flowlayout and inside the layoutAttributesForElementsInRect and I see it actually set the frame's origin Y to 0 (like it should be), but it seems the collectionview doesn't use this value and uses the previous one (which was when the collection view was scrolled down).
Any idea what could cause the UICollectionView to not use the desired frame inside layoutAttributesForElementsInRect ?
I tried to fix this issue, but it looks like it's impossible till UICollectionViewLayout mechanism is black box for us. Custom layout correctly returns updated frame to layout engine on reloadData:
But hidden engine not even asking attributes if they are equal. In your case you can use simple workaround. Just update contentOffset after reload.:
[self.collectionView reloadData];
self.collectionView.contentOffset = CGPointZero;

If I have different UI controls to display sequentially, should I still use a table view controller?

I want to implement something similar to this- (focus on the left portion)
I imagine possible implementations to be
Making a table view with (in this case) 7 'normal' cells, one normal size cell with a custom right accessory item, one 3XL cell containing a button, and finally a normal size cell with an imageview and custom accessory item.
Making a scroll view with styled view containing UILabels masquerading as 'cells', a button within a larger UIView, and another faux view-with-label-cell.
Considering the challenges posed by different screen sizes, and the want for easy configuration and modification- which way should mixed sequential data be displayed? Hacky table view, redundant scroll view, or reinvented custom UIView?
I am currently using a sliding view controller. The sliding functionality is of no worry to me, the contents of the scroll/table view within is.
There are various open source libraries available on net/github. you can use this
Although you can make your own if you want but doing this using scrollview I don't think it will be a good way to do that.
You basically have to create 8 normal cells and change the color of the cell label which is selected. And create a footer view of YUTableview for last view.
You can use Slide-Out Navigation Panel. Use this slide-out-navigation for better understanding.
I've found more information on this, and I definitely overcomplicated a simple matter.
The answer is yes (use the table view), and there are multiple reasons- the first being the principle of always using the highest level of abstraction where practical.
StaticUITableViewCellsare completely capable of rendering other UI elements (buttons, sliders, etc) inside themselves from stock, and this is encouraged in Apple's UITableView spec. Dynamic cells, stock, are not as flexible but they can be subclassed from UITableViewCell for more custom functionality.
To speak for the example, the first X (in this case, 7) cells are likely dynamic, and the last 3 cells are static. The 'second to last' cell seems to have an infinite(?) height, and the last cell appears to be a sticky tableview footer.

Custom grouped table or buttons?

I'd like to design a view like this:
Each "section", which looks like a two-cell section in the mockup, are actually or should behave as a whole, I mean, both the blank upper part and the lower part with the disclosure indicator should be an only tappable unit and navigate to another view, I drawed it like two cells because I need the disclosure indicator to be vertically aligned to the bottom.
Should I set two grouped table views with three sections each one? Is it possible to change the corner radius of a grouped table, the space between sections and the right/left margins of the table? And change the alignment of the disclosure indicator?
Or should it be better to design a view like this with buttons? Is it possible to put a custom disclosure indicator in a button, or such symbol is only intended to appear in table cells and may break the iOS Human Interface Guidelines?
Collection views is the best for this.
Each little box with be its on UIView, reminds me of the card app they created in iTunesU, coding together.
Hope that helps.
UICollection view is the best but if you need to support iOS5, in that case you can use plain UITableView create a custom UITableViewCell with the contentView you want with appropriate padding.
I made something like this some time ago.. There are 2 options for you to develop this..
If you are supporting iOS 5.0 and below then you can make a grid view using TableView. (The code is in this tutorial Customize it a bit for your button and ImageView size.
If you are only supporting iOS 6.0 and above then you can use CollectionView and then customize it according to your needs.

How to Reduce UICollectionView Size

I have this UICollectionView, layout scroll direction = horizontal.
I don't want it to occupy all page (as it does when you create it in IB), I need to have a header (another view) above it. This won't work using Accessories -> Header Section, when the scrolling is horizontal this header section sits to the left of the collection view. And it's not fixed, as I need my view to be.
I was doing something similar and ended up just putting a UIView at the top that allowed me to put whatever I needed up there. It just solved a lot of problems for me.
I thought it was strange the way the header operates in the horizontal scrolling mode. It isn't really a header at all.
Revision -- I don't use IB at all, so it is all hand-coded -- but either way, you can do it. I've attached a screenshot of something I'm working on now -- it has a picker view and a youtube video at the top, where your header would be and a collection view down below. You could, of course, make your header view whatever size you want it to be and with whatever content. In this case I also have a footer that is a different view as well, but the concept is the same.
