I'm switching to Rails Active Storage to handle upload and storage of images locally (using the disk service) for a product catalog, and I'm having trouble getting a usable url to the image to feed into an <img> tag. I'm using React on the frontend, so I can't (easily) use Rails helpers to generate the tag.
ActiveStorage puts the files in /public/images. I can hardcode relative links to the files (i.e. http://localhost:3000/images/Ab/CD/AbCDEfGhIjkL) and it works fine.
Relevant snippet from Product.rb:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :image_url
has_one_attached :image
def as_json(options)
h = super(options)
if self.image.attached?
h[:image_url] = ActiveStorage::Blob.service.service_url(self.image.key)
as_json produces a JSON object to feed to React that has an entry image_url that is used for the <img>'s src attribute. With the code above, image_url contains the full path to the file (i.e. http://localhost:3000/srv/www/rails_app/public/images/Ab/CD/AbCDEfGhIjkL). Using url_for in the view produces the same result. I want it to only contain the path relative to rails root.
I could manipulate the string to remove everything before the relative path, but I foresee this causing bugs in the future if anything ever changes, so I'd much rather find a way to get ActiveStorage to just generate an appropriate string for me.
You need to use the routes helper to build of a URL to your Rails app.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :image_url
has_one_attached :image
def as_json(options)
h = super(options)
if self.image.attached?
h[:image_url] = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_blob_path(self.image)
I have a Rails model with:
has_many_attached :files
When uploading via Active Storage by default if you upload new files it deletes all the existing uploads and replaces them with the new ones.
I have a controller hack from this which is less than desirable for many reasons:
What is the correct way to update images with has_many_attached in Rails 6
Is there a way to configure Active Storage to keep the existing ones?
Looks like there is a configuration that does exactly that
config.active_storage.replace_on_assign_to_many = false
Unfortunately it is deprecated according to current rails source code and it will be removed in Rails 7.1
config.active_storage.replace_on_assign_to_many is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 7.1. Make sure that your code works well with config.active_storage.replace_on_assign_to_many set to true before upgrading.
To append new attachables to the Active Storage association, prefer using attach.
Using association setter would result in purging the existing attached attachments and replacing them with new ones.
It looks like explicite usage of attach will be the only way forward.
So one way is to set everything in the controller:
def update
if model.update(model_params)
model.files.attach(params[:model][:files]) if params.dig(:model, :files).present?
If you don't like to have this code in controller. You can for example override default setter for the model eg like this:
class Model < ApplicationModel
has_many_attached :files
def files=(attachables)
Not sure if I'd suggest this solution. I'd prefer to add new method just for appending files:
class Model < ApplicationModel
has_many_attached :files
def append_files=(attachables)
and in your form use
<%= f.file_field :append_files %>
It might need also a reader in the model and probably a better name, but it should demonstrate the concept.
The solution suggested for overwriting the writer by #edariedl DOES NOT WORK because it causes a stack level too deep
1st solution
Based on ActiveStorage source code at this line
You can override the writer for the has_many_attached like so:
class Model < ApplicationModel
has_many_attached :files
def files=(attachables)
attachables = Array(attachables).compact_blank
if attachables.any?
attachment_changes["files"] =
ActiveStorage::Attached::Changes::CreateMany.new("files", self, files.blobs + attachables)
Refactor / 2nd solution
You can create a model concern that will encapsulate all this logic and make it a bit more dynamic, by allowing you to specify the has_many_attached fields for which you want the old behaviour, while still maintaining the new behaviour for newer has_many_attached fields, should you add any after you enable the new behaviour.
in app/models/concerns/append_to_has_many_attached.rb
module AppendToHasManyAttached
def self.[](fields)
Module.new do
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
fields = Array(fields).compact_blank # will always return an array ( worst case is an empty array)
fields.each do |field|
field = field.to_s # We need the string version
define_method :"#{field}=" do |attachables|
attachables = Array(attachables).compact_blank
if attachables.any?
attachment_changes[field] =
ActiveStorage::Attached::Changes::CreateMany.new(field, self, public_send(field).public_send(:blobs) + attachables)
and in your model :
class Model < ApplicationModel
include AppendToHasManyAttached['files'] # you can include it before or after, order does not matter, explanation below
has_many_attached :files
NOTE: It does not matter if you prepend or include the module because the methods generated by ActiveStorage are added inside this generated module which is called very early when you inherit from ActiveRecord::Base here
==> So your writer will always take precedence.
Alternative/Last solution:
If you want something even more dynamic and robust, you can still create a model concern, but instead you loop inside the attachment_reflections of your model like so :
reflection_names = Model.reflect_on_all_attachments.filter { _1.macro == :has_many_attached }.map { _1.name.to_s } # we filter to exclude `has_one_attached` fields
# => returns ['files']
reflection_names.each do |name|
define_method :"#{name}=" do |attachables|
# ....
However I believe for this to work, you need to include this module after all the calls to your has_many_attached otherwise it won't work because the reflections array won't be fully populated ( each call to has_many_attached appends to that array)
I have a model as bellow:
class Note < Record
include Shared::ContentBasedModel
algoliasearch disable_indexing: AppConfig.apis.algolia.disable_indexing do
attributes :id, :key
[:keywords, :tags, :description, :summary].each do |attr|
attribute [attr] do
attribute :content do
Nokogiri.HTML(self.meta["html"]).text.split(' ').reject { |i| i.to_s.length < 5 }.map(&:strip).join ' '
attribute :photo do
unless self.meta["images"].blank?
attribute :slug do
attribute :url do
I am using AlgoliaSearch gem to index my models into the Algolia's API and when I was trying to index the model with some long content I get the following error:
Error: Algolia::AlgoliaProtocolError (400: Cannot POST to https://XXXX.algolia.net/1/indexes/Note/batch: {"message":"Record at the position 1 objectID=56 is too big size=20715 bytes. Contact us if you need an extended quota","position":1,"objectID":"56","status":400} (400))
After this, I removed EVERYTHING as the following, BUT I am still getting the exact same error!!
class Note < Record
include Shared::ContentBasedModel
algoliasearch disable_indexing: AppConfig.apis.algolia.disable_indexing do
attributes :id
It seems that Rails does not update the cached models.
Envirnoment: production
Rails version: v6
Question: Why is this happening & how can I clear cached model?
Note: I have tried everything, including removing the tmp/cache folder but it does not go away!
It looks like the object's size itself is bigger than some max allowed size.
objectID=56 is too big size=20715 bytes
Contact https://www.algolia.com/ (as the suggest)
Contact us if you need an extended quota
How do you check your code? Are you entering in rails console on your server? Might it be that you run an old release instead of the new one, in the case if you use Capistrano or Mina for deploy?
I have an application using Carrierwave to handle file uploads but really love the simplicity of ActiveStorage. There are plenty of tutorials on migrating from Paperclip to ActiveStorage with the former sunsetting development, but I see nothing on migrating from Carrierwave to ActiveStorage. Has anyone successfully done the migration and could point me in the right direction?
The procedure is really simple actually.
step 1:
configure the active store bucket. try to use a different bucket than your carrierwave one
step 2:
configure your model in order to provide access to the ActiveStorage. example
class Photo < AR::Base
mount_uploader :file, FileUploader # this is the current carrierwave implementation. Don't remove it
has_one_attached :file_new # this will be your new file
Now you will have two implementations for the same model. carrierwave access at file and ActiveStorage at file_new
step 3:
download images from Carrierwave and save it to active storage
This can be implemented in a rake file, activeJob etc..
Photo.find_each do |photo|
filename = File.basename(URI.parse(photo.fileurl))
photo.file_new.attach(io: open(photo.file.url), filename: d.file )
rescue => e
## log/handle your errors in order to retry later
At this point you will have one image on the carrierwave bucket and the newly created image on the active storage bucket!
step 4
Once you are ready with the migration modify your model changing the active storage accessor and remove the carrierwave integration
class Photo < AR::Base
has_one_attached :file # we changed the atachment name from file_new to file
This is a convenience option so your integration in controllers and other places remain intact. hopefully!
step 5
Update your records on active_storage_attachments table in order for the attachments be found as file and not file_new update column name from "file_new" to "file"
Is possible to make some other tweaks to the application in order to handle things to consider
if your site will be running while you do the migration one way to fully operate would be implement active storage for new uploads then when you display images you can display active storage and carrierwave as a fallback
something like this in a helper:
photo.attached? ? url_for(photo.file_new) : photo.file.url
I hope this helps!
To begin with
You'll have to run this bundle exec rails active_storage:install
rails db:migrate
Replace mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader, to look like has_one_attached :image, in your model.
For rendering the image in the view, you should replace image_url with url_for(user.image).
You don't have to make any change to the controller code or in params, as the attribute image is already a strong parameter.
# user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
# mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader
has_one_attached :image
# show.html.erb
<%= image_tag url_for(user.image) %>
<%= image_tag user.image %>
My conundrum is how to embed in an html page an image whose source is not available to the Internet at large.
Let's say I have, in a Rails/Paperclip setup, the following model:
class Figure < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :image
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
... (authentication code here)
has_many :figures
In the controller:
class FiguresController < ActionController::Base
def show
# users must be authenticated, and they can only access their own figures
#figure = current_user.figures.find(params[:id])
In the view:
<%= image_tag(#figure.image.url) %>
The problem with this, of course, is that with the default Paperclip settings images are stored in the public directory, and anyone with the link can access the stored image bypassing authentication/authorization.
Now, if we tell Paperclip to store attachments at a private locations:
class Figure < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :image, path: ":rails_root/private/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename",
url: ":rails_root/private/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename"
Then it's easy to control who the image gets served to:
class FiguresController < ActionController::Base
def show
#figure = current_user.figures.find(params[:id])
send_file #figure.image.path, type: 'image/jpeg', disposition: 'inline'
The effect of this action is to display the image in its own browser window/tab.
On the other hand, image_tag(#figure.image.url) will understandably produce a routing error, because the source cannot be accessed!
Thus, is there a way to display the image via image_tag in a regular HTML page, while still restricting access to it?
You need to change the :url option passed to has_attached_file so that it matches the route for your figures controller.
For example, if the correct url is /figures/123 for the figure with is 123 then the url you pass to has_attached_file should be
Or even
Since the :class segment will be interpolated to the pluralized lowercase underscore form of the name. You could also append the extension or the filename if you wanted (but you would then have to change the controller code slightly to extract the id)
I need to mount picture uploader after some verification function.
But if I call as usual mounting uploader in model:
mount_uploader :content, ContentUploader
carrierwave first download content, and then Rails start verification of model.
Specifically, I don't want to load big files at all! I want to check http header Content-length and Content-type and then, if it's OK, mount uploader.
Maybe something like that:
if condition
mount_uploader :content, ContentUploader
How can I do it?
P.S. Rails version 3.2.12
This is not the way to go if you just want avoid loading big files! That said, one can have conditional mount overriding content=.
As CarrierWave v1.1.0 there is still no conditional mount. But note that mount_uploader first includes a module in the class and then overrides the original content= to call the method content= defined in the included module. So, a workaround is just to redefine the accessors after you have called mount_uploader:
class YourModel < ActiveRecord::Base
mount_uploader :content, ContentUploader
def content=(arg)
if condition
# original behavior
write_attribute(:content, arg)
def content
# some logic here