Concatenate Double Quote for a large number without E+ - excel-2010

I have some really big numbers with me in an excel. I need to concatenate double quote in both the end of each number.
Like I have number:
20150909110448800000000000 in A1
20150909105944800000000000 in B1
and 20150909110448700000000000 in C1
And i need the output like :
"20150909110448800000000000","20150909105944800000000000","20150909110448700000000000" in D1
I have tried changing the format of cell D1 by selecting Format Cell --> Number --> Custom --> 0 --> "OK"
Then Put the concatenate function in D1.
But it is giving output as :
Instead of what I expect.
Can you please provide the solution to get rid of this E+ in the output?

You can convert your numbers to text and then concat. As you output will be text if you add " ".


How can I split a string and sum all numbers from that string?

I'm making a list for buying groceries in Google Sheets and have the following value in cell B4.
0.95 - Lemon Juice
2.49 - Pringle Chips
1.29 - Baby Carrots
9.50 - Chicken Kebab
What I'm trying to do is split using the dash character and combine the costs (0.95+2.49+1.29+9.50).
I've tried to use Index(SPLIT(B22,"-"), 7) and SPLIT(B22,"-") but I don't know how to use only numbers from the split string.
Does someone know how to do this? Here's a sample sheet.
The following formula should produce the result you desire:
The first thing to do is to split the entry in B4 into its component parts. This is done by using the =SPLIT function, which takes the text in B4 and returns a separate result every time it encounters a specific delimiter. In this case, that is =CHAR(10), the newline character.
Next, all non-number information needs to be removed. This is relatively easy in your sample data because the numbers always appear to the left of a dash. =REGEXEXTRACT uses a regular expression to only return the text to the left of the dash.
Before the numbers can be added together, however, they must be converted to be in a number format. The =VALUE function is used to convert each result from a text string containing a number to an actual number.
All of this is wrapped in an =ARRAYFORMULA so that =VALUE and =REGEXEXTRACT parse each returned value from =SPLIT, rather than just the first.
Finally, all results are added together using =SUM.
Functions used:
Firstly you can add , symbols start and ends of numbers with below code:
Then split it based of , sign.
SPLIT(A8, ",")
Try below formula (see your sheet)-

Extracting numbers with REGEXEXTRACT that might have a comma or dot

I have a list of numbers in a few formats that may or may not include a dot and a comma. The numbers are locked in a string. For example:
hello 1,000 goodbye
hola 2,000.12 ciao
Hallo 3000.00 Auf Wiedersehen
How can I extract the numbers?
I don't care if the comma is added but the dot is obviously important.
I need the regular_expression to be used in REGEXEXTRACT (and the rest of the REGEX formulas.
The output should be:
Supposing that your raw data is in A2:A, use this in B2 (or the second cell) of an otherwise empty column:
The REGEX portion reads, in plain English, "Extract any portion that starts with a digit followed by any number of digits, commas or periods (or none of these) and ends with a digit."
You will likely want to apply Format > Number > Currency to the results column.

google-sheet : extract sub text from text

I have cells and each contains these text :
I want correspondingly to extract just the number parts and make a "xx and xx" format like these :
10 and 50
20 and 40
30 and 30
15 and 50
Anyone can help ?
You can try a combination of substitute and regex extract:
=SUBSTITUTE(REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "[0-9]+x[0-9]+"),"x", " and ")
The REGEXEXTRACT extracts the numbers along with the x in the middle and substitute replaces the x with the 'and' in the middle keeping the numbers as is.
=INDEX(IFNA(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXEXTRACT(A1:A, "\d+x\d+"), "x", " and ")))
Another option:
=INDEX(SPLIT(SUBSTITUTE(A1:A,"x"," and "),"_"),0,3)

How to generate a sequence code string in Rails

I have a model which has a column named code, which is a combination of the model's name column and its ID with leading zeros.
name = 'Rocky'
id = 16
I have an after_create callback which runs and generates the code:
update(code: "#{[0..2].upcase}%.4d" %
The generated code will be:
The code is working.
I found (%.4d" % from another project, but I don't know how it works.
How does it determine the number of zeros to be preceded based on the passed integer.
You’re using a "format specifier". There are many specifiers, but the one you’re using, "%d", is the decimal specifier:
% starts it. 4 means it should always use at least four numbers, so if the number is only two digits, it gets padded with 0s to fill in the rest of the numbers. The second % means replace 4d with whatever comes after it. So in your case, 4d is getting replaced with "0016".
sprintf has more information about format specifiers.
You can read more about String#% in the documentation also.
After the percentage sign ("%") is a decimal (".") and a number. That number is the number of total digits in the result. If the result is less than this value, additional zeros will be added.
Thus, in this first example, the result is "34" but length was set to "4". The result will have two leading zeros to fill it into four digits.
"This is test string %.4d" % 34
result => "This is test string 0034"
"I want more zeroes in my code %.7d" % 34
result => "I want more zeroes in my code 0000034"

Is --- Cobol picture valid

I'm running some tests on Cobol pictures and wondering if --- is a valid picture. Am I right in saying that this picture accepts values in the range of -99 through to +99. If it is valid then it is possible for the picture to accept 3 spaces as a value?
For example:
12 would return 12
1 would return 1
Yes --- is a valid PICTURE clause. The variable corresponding to this PICTURE will accept assignments of numeric values in the range -99 through to +99. It cannot be assigned non-numerics (space for example). However, if you were to DISPLAY this variable after assigning a numeric value to it, leading zeros will be replaced by spaces. Consequently, if you MOVE ZERO to this item it will DISPLAY only spaces. Attempting to MOVE SPACES to this item will result in a compile error (incompatible data types). This last bit may seem a little counter intutive, but remember that this type of PICTURE clause implies a USAGE of display - basically items defined in this manner are used to 'pretty print' numbers. About the only operations you can preform with USAGE DISPLAY items is MOVE to or from and DISPLAY them.
EDIT - Response to Comment
A PICTURE of ---X(2) is invalid. The chart below illustrates combinations and the order that symbols may appear in a PICTURE string. Notice that parenthesis are not in the chart. Logically you can replace them with the corresponding number of occurences of the preceding character before reading the string. For example X(3) is read as XXX. If you really want to parse out a PICTURE string properly, you can use this chart to construct a BNF grammar specifically for them.
If this is a numeric picture, it won't accept spaces.
