Twilio voice <gather> with fieldtype - twilio

I'm trying to gather data from the caller like their email address.
In twilio autopilot \collect\ there is a fieldtype TWILIO.EMAIL where it will automatically detect email address in the speech and it really do well (also the other fieldtypes)
But in twilio voice \gather\ there's no fieldtype to do that job and it returns to john carlo at gmail com
Is there any way in the docs to apply fieldtype in \gather\?
btw, I'm using \gather\ because some questions are dynamic (depends on the answer on the previous question)

Twilio Developer Evangelist here. 👋
I don't think that's possible with gather (will double-check though).
Is there any way in the docs to apply fieldtype in \gather\? btw, I'm using \gather\ because some questions are dynamic (depends on the answer on the previous question)
Autopilot may do the job just fine though. Did you discover the redirect property? Using redirect you can dynamically route to different tasks depending on an answer. :)
Hope that helps. Let me know how it goes. 😊


How to redirect an accepted call in Twilio to an another worker?

I use Twilio and want to make call center. I use the TaskRouter and VoiceAPI but I didn't find the way to redirect accepted call to an another specialist. For example, if a manager after a couple of minutes of a conversation wants to connect a client to specialist from the support service. Can I do this in using Twilio?
#Andrew here is a perfect example for your use case. It worked for me. Do try it and if there is any question let me know in the comments. I will update the answer accordingly.
There are some sequence diagrams below that should help.
Call Control Concepts
Call Control Concepts | Appendix | Web Sequence Diagrams

Is it possible to exlude words in the hints in gather in Twilio?

Gather in Twilio is constantly mistaking "a" with "hey" can i exclude it in the hints? Tried putting "a" in the hints but that doesn't seem to work.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
There aren't exclusions in hints.
Are you setting the language/accent you expect from your users in the <Gather>? Check all of the languages available here:
Let me know if that helps at all.

Trying to build a bot that listens for it's own name to be tagged

I've been playing with the reddit API and I'd really like to make a bot that listens for someone to tag it in a comment, and then responds with a comment.
I've been looking through the docs here but haven't found what I'm looking for.
I've seen other bots do this in the past so I feel it must be possible.
If someone could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.
If you use PRAW (Python Reddit API Wrapper), then you can use the redditor.inbox class to track "mentions".
Otherwise, AFAIK mentions are just another item in your inbox.

Twilio creating confrence

Having trouble in creating conference. i need to achieve where when the agent is having conversation with a client the agent can add another person in the room. I research some documentation but it's just transferring the caller to the conference and the conference creator is not in the conference.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The best thing to look at will be this blog post on warm transfers using Twilio. It is in Python, but the theory is the same.
The basic idea is that you get the first two people into a <Conference> first. Then you can make a new call to the third person you want to bring in and drop them into the same conference which adds them to the call.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Anonymous CallerId and (Un)conditional Forwarding with Twilio

When forwarding calls to a twilio number using unconditional forwarding from a mobile phone like this:
I never get information about the original caller id, or better, I get +266696687 which is the equivalent for ANONYMOUS.
This is a sample of the request parameters that twilio sends
If I try a conditional call forwarding like this one for example:
In this case, assuming that my number is +315555555, the caller id information is my own number and not the original number that called my phone
I'm trying this from Vodafone Netherlands but I haven't tried with another operator yet.
Is there anyway to make this work? Is it a Vodafone (Netherlands) issue or something at the Twilio side because otherwise I'm afraid this is a major setback to our solution.
Thanks in advance
Can you try this example: ?
If that also fails, there's something wrong with the entire process, potentially related to your phone number or carrier.
If it does work, there's probably an error in your TwiML. Would you be able to share the underlying code? Or at least whatever is generated?
Either way, we should be a little closer to the underlying problem. :)
According to Twilio it's an operator issue
