iOS App Icon Looks Fine Everywhere Except Within Suggestions. Suggestions Icon Has a Black Border. Why? - ios

The icon I'm using with my app looks fine everywhere on my iPhone X except for when it is listed within Suggestions.
At first I thought this was a cached image from when my version 1 app icon did have curved edges resulting in Xcode automatically adding the black border. I deleted the app from my phone before installing the latest version. Unfortunately, even though I am now on version 2 of my app icon which is completely square the black border still lingers within Suggestions.
What am I missing in order to remove this black border from Suggestions?
Using my version 2 app icon
no black border - good
black border - not good
Xcode icon setup


iOS app icon using ionic command

I have auto generated app icon using "ionic cordova resources ios" command.The icon generated for iOS having black border around the app icon and not looking properly .Do we need to manually create the icons with recommended iOS app icon sizes? . Has anyone faced similar kind of issues?. please suggest.
Note :The icon is having For android icon looks good at all different resolutions
As Ionic using automated Icon generation for iOS and Android app and due to that your Icon have black border around.
Black border reason :
Your Main Icon have some transparency or transparent area around your Icon. or may be your Icon is already have corner radius.
Solution : Please remove transparency from your icon and corner radius and again generate your iOS icon will remove black border.
Note: iPhone OS automatically add corner radius so not required to add
it in our app icon.
Hope this Info will help to solve your problem!

iOS App displayed with grey icon in Testflight

Deploying my iOS application to Testflight results in a grey-ish app icon.
All the icons are PNG files saved without transparency. In XCode 9.0 everything looks fine:
In iTunes Connect the app icons seems to have the right color:
Yet Testflight displays a greyish version of the icon:
The app icon on the home screen looks fine too.
It's the first time I stumpled upon this issue.
Did you encounter this problem?
How did you solve it?
Thank you for your help!
We tried different color profiles, web tools, nothing worked. Then we added red and green numbers to our icons to find out which of the image files was used for the generation of the app icon in Testflight – and suddently the problem disappeared.
As strange as that sounds but adding a magenta dot in the corner of the icon solved the problem.
(The dot is not visible to the user since the corners are rounded)

Black lines around icon IOS

I am having this strange problem. I have added icons of sizes 120*120, 58*58, 80*80. This is what I usually add as icon for all my iPhone apps. And there is no rounded corner in the design. But, when i run the app on iPhone4(IOS7), the icon shows a strange black line on all four edges(not on the rounded corners). I have cross checked the dimensions and confirmed it is all ok. I even tried migrating my app to asset catalogues, tried hard reseting the device but nothing helped. Then I tried running the same app on an iPad(running IOS8) and I found a similar issue, just that the lines now appear on two sides, not all. All other icons are ok. The problem just happens for this one app. Can anyone tell me what might be the probable issue and how to resolve it?
The icons might have transparent edges. Remove the transparent edges.
In my case, it was a drop shadow attached to the icon which came along with the export. Sometimes designers add this drop shadow effect so you can better visualize the icon when designing, but if you add this to your app, you will get thin black lines around the app icon.

Red dot (circle) next to the app name below the app icon on the iPhone Home Screen on iOS 8

What does the red dot (circle) next to the app name below the app icon mean?
I added a Today Extension (Widget) to the app. It appears only when I launch the app on the iOS 8, it does not appear on iOS 7 simulator. Even though I removed the extension and cleared the simulator, it still appears before the app name.
An Orange dot next to an app normally means it's a beta version, as installed through Testflight. I have a couple of those at the moment, though one looks more red. Trying to find if there's a difference between an orange and a red dot, or if it's just an artefact of the colour of the background image that makes it look red.
The dot you see is actually an orange dot, with transparency. On dark backgrounds it seems like it's red. Try changing to a bright background.
Orange dots for all beta apps that are downloaded from TestFlight and blue dots for recently updated apps from App Store.
Thanks for the question #user5673323221, and the answer by #PhilBowman. As apart from the red colour, there are few more colours as well such as yellow and blue having their specific meaning.
Check this Medium article for them all.

Why Xcode or iOS render my icon with ugly corners?

PLease tell me how can I create app icon for iOS 7 with perfect quality?
Now my two app icons have black artifacts on corners..
Original iPad desktop icon for retina 144x144px without artifacts
I also check "iOS icon is pre-rendered"
What I'am doing wrong? Why Xcode or iOS render my icon with ugly corners?
Please, help..
I generally make my icons square in the first place and then let Xcode handle the curved corners. That way you don't end up with ugly curved black lines.
Your red background is to big, when re-rendering the corners some of the red comes inside the app icon, it looks dark because it is mixed up with the blue.
Create a completely squared app icon, xcode will do the rest and it won't look screwed.
(remove the red background)
This is because your app icon's corner radius and apple's standard corner radius are mismatching. So they filling the gap with black backgound. I suggest you to make a squred icon and dont check iOS icon is pre-rendered unless there is a particular requirement. Another solution is to adjust the icon with some image editor. May be adjusting your corner radius will help you.
