SAXParseException when using restassured - rest-assured

I am trying to verify a XML response with rest-assured like this:
.then().body("some.xml.path", is("abc"));
However, what I get is a SAXParseException:
DOCTYPE is disallowed when the feature "" set to true.]
Response starts like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cXML ...
Why am I getting this exception? What should I change?
I am using version 3.2.0 of rest-assured.

A similar question has been answered here. In short, the answer describes to use disableLoadingOfExternalDtd() to have RestAssured ignore the Document Type Definition in your XML.
Normally, the DTD would describe (using the external definition) the structural layout of the element defined as cXML.


Delphi THttpClient: post's IHttpResponse giving encoded string seen in fiddler webview

I have a THTTPClient giving a strange response (apparently UTF-16 encoding?) when invoking lHttpResp.ContentAsString().
The string comes through as this:
㰀㼀砀洀氀 瘀攀爀猀椀漀渀㴀∀㄀⸀ ∀ 攀渀挀漀搀椀渀最㴀∀唀吀䘀ⴀ㄀㘀∀ 猀琀愀渀搀愀氀漀渀攀㴀∀礀攀猀∀㼀㸀਀㰀刀䔀匀唀䰀吀㸀਀    㰀倀䄀夀倀䄀䜀䔀唀刀䰀㸀栀琀琀瀀猀㨀⼀⼀攀攀⸀琀攀猀琀⸀瀀愀礀最愀琀攀眀愀礀⸀挀漀洀⼀䠀漀猀琀倀愀礀匀攀爀瘀椀挀攀⼀瘀㄀⼀栀漀猀琀瀀愀礀⼀瀀愀礀瀀愀最攀⼀㄀㘀㜀 㔀㘀㘀㈀㄀㔀㐀㌀㈀㐀欀䬀䬀儀㔀唀漀䈀椀吀氀㠀䔀爀䈀䴀 戀㰀⼀倀䄀夀倀䄀䜀䔀唀刀䰀㸀਀    㰀匀䔀匀匀䤀伀一吀伀䬀䔀一㸀㄀㘀㜀 㔀㘀㘀㈀㄀㔀㐀㌀㈀㐀欀䬀䬀儀㔀唀漀䈀椀吀氀㠀䔀爀䈀䴀 戀㰀⼀匀䔀匀匀䤀伀一吀伀䬀䔀一㸀਀㰀⼀刀䔀匀唀䰀吀㸀਀
Running Fiddler, I can see the response is fine when looking at the raw or text view, but matches the above encoding when looking at Webview. I'm probably missing something pretty obvious here, but I've tried converting with TEncoding to no avail, as per this thread:
Delphi - converting string back from UTF-8
Fiddler's text view gives a correct text:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes"?>
A colleague helped with this and found it was TEncoding.BigEndianUnicode, it was one of the only ones I hadn't tried due to tunnel vision. Resolution seen below. Thanks for your input.
lHttpResp.ContentAsString(TEncoding.BigEndianUnicode); //to get the result in text for testing etc
XmlFile.LoadFromStream(lhttpResp.ContentStream); //to load to an xmlfile

How to get over this SXXP0003 parser error?

I have an XML document which prolog looks like this :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
This XML document is valid against the external DTD with the exact same prolog :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE root [
When I transform using Saxon (latest release):
$:/opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/$ java net.sf.saxon.Transform -s:pandora.xml -xsl:pandora.xsl -o:pandora.html
Error on line 1 column 53 of pandora.dtd:
SXXP0003 Error reported by XML parser: No more pseudo attributes are allowed.: No more
pseudo attributes are allowed.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:/opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/fred/pandora/dtd/pandora.dtd; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 53; No more pseudo attributes are allowed.
I am newbie and my research about this has only led to listing the pseudo-attributes in the order they actually are. If anybody have a clue there.
I have made other transformations using the same process with other projects without any problem. The only difference is in this problematic application, I make use of another namespace exsl to use a function not provided with version 1.0 (node-set). Everything else is similar.
For an external subset of the DTD the specification defines the format in as
extSubset ::= TextDecl? extSubsetDecl
extSubsetDecl ::= ( markupdecl | conditionalSect | DeclSep)*
, for the "Text Declaration" in as TextDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo? EncodingDecl S? '?>' so a standalone "pseudo" attribute is indeed not allowed there.
So make sure that your external DTD file does not repeat <!DOCTYPE root, it is just meant to contain declaration of markup, e.g. elements, attributes.
The error message you get comes anyway just from the XML parser and is not transformation/XSLT related.

Allure reporting: if suite name contains dot, suite name in reporting is truncated

If suite name contains dot, suite name in reporting is truncated.
The XML seems to have proper name as below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:test-suite xmlns:ns2="" start="1424101948829" stop="1424102027462" version="1.4.4">
<test-case start="1424101949080" stop="1424101952336" status="passed">
But html report(generated using allure.bat generate allure-results -v 1.4.0) is truncated as below:
Looks like not a bug. There happens extracting simple class name out of fully qualified one. Usually suite names look like "". In that case current behavior is more preferred.

Validating XML with an in-memory DTD in C using libxml2

I need to validate XML using DTD stored in memory, i.e. something like the following:
static const char *dtd_str = "<!ELEMENT ...>";
xmlDtdPtr dtd;
dtd = xmlParseMemoryDtd(dtd_str);
XML_PARSE_DTDVALID parser option allows to validate DTD embedded into XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE some_tag[
<!ELEMENT some_tag ...>
So a workaround is to modify in-memory XML. Things become more complicated with
a parser used in "push mode". In push mode we have to detect whether the XML
declaration (<?xml ...?>), or start of the root element, then put our inline
DTD between them.
Could you suggest better solution?
A workaround is to validate parsed XML posteriori as Daniel(_DV) suggested below.
Example: main.c, response.xml.
But I was searching for way to "embed" a DTD and validate XML "on-the-fly" while libxml2 parses XML chunk-by-chunk.
The following aproach doesn't work for me:
ctxt->sax->internalSubset = ngx_http_file_chunks_sax_internal_subset;
ctxt->sax->externalSubset = NULL;
$ ./parsexml
validity error : Validation failed: no DTD found !
Document is not valid
xmlValidateDtd allows to do DTD validation a posteriori of an already parsed XML document
to make sure it validates against the DTD. This will not use the internal subset...
See xmllint.c code in libxml2 for a full example of how to use it,

Is it possible to generate plain-old XML using Haml?

I've been working on a piece of software where I need to generate a custom XML file to send back to a client application. The current solutions on Ruby/Rails world for generating XML files are slow, at best. Using builder or event Nokogiri, while have a nice syntax and are maintainable solutions, they consume too much time and processing.
I definetly could go to ERB, which provides a good speed at the expense of building the whole XML by hand.
HAML is a great tool, have a nice and straight-forward syntax and is fairly fast. But I'm struggling to build pure XML files using it. Which makes me wonder, is it possible at all?
Does any one have some pointers to some code or docs showing how to do this, build a full, valid XML from HAML?
Doing XML in HAML is easy, just start off your template with:
!!! XML
which produces
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
Then as #beanish said earlier, you "make up your own tags":
%test2 hello
%item{:name => "blah"}
to get
<item name='blah'></item>
%test2 hello
%item{:name => "blah"}
run it through haml
haml hamltest.haml test.xml
open the file in a browser
<item name='blah'></item>
The HAML reference talks about html tags and gives some examples.
HAML reference
This demonstrates some things that could use useful for xml documents:
!!! XML
%root{'xmlns:foo' => 'http://myns'}
-# Note: :dashed-attr is invalid syntax
%dashed-tag{'dashed-attr' => 'value'} Text
%underscore_tag Text
- ['apple', 'orange', 'pear'].each do |fruit|
- haml_tag(fruit, "Yummy #{fruit.capitalize}!", 'fruit-code' => fruit.upcase)
%foo:nstag{'foo:nsattr' => 'value'}
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<root xmlns:foo='http://myns'>
<dashed-tag dashed-attr='value'>Text</dashed-tag>
<apple fruit-code='APPLE'>Yummy Apple!</apple>
<orange fruit-code='ORANGE'>Yummy Orange!</orange>
<pear fruit-code='PEAR'>Yummy Pear!</pear>
<foo:nstag foo:nsattr='value'></foo:nstag>
Look at the Haml::Helpers link on the haml reference for more methods like haml_tag.
If you want to use double-quotes for attributes,
Or outside of rails use:
>>"%tag{:name => 'value'}", :attr_wrapper => '"').to_html
=> "<tag name=\"value\"></tag>\n"
Haml can produce XML just as easily as HTML (I've used it for FBML and XHTML). What problems are you having?
I've not used HAML, but if you can't make it work another option is Builder.
what about creating the xml header, e.g. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
It should be possible. After all you can create plain old XML with Notepad.
