Difficulty debugging RSepec - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to debug my feature spec in RSpec. But I'm unable to get an exception. If I put a binding.pry before auth.save!, I'm able to break in. I then check if auth.valid? and it returns true. I also call auth.save manually with no exception being thrown. But if I put a pry after user.update_for_omniauth omniauth It doesn't get hit. The method update_from_omniauth is not actually being called because I am stubbing it. There is a rescue block at the end of my method. Placing a pry there doesn't trigger anything either. My spec is failing because I doesn't find an Authentication nor User in the database.
authentication controller
def create
user = merge_users! if current_user
auth = current_auth
user ||= auth&.user
email_user = User.has_email.where(email: omniauth.info.email).first_or_initialize
if user && email_user.persisted? && user != email_user
user.merge! email_user, auth
user ||= email_user
auth ||= user.authentications.build uid: omniauth.uid,
provider: omniauth.provider, image_url: omniauth.info.image
auth.token = omniauth.credentials.token
if Authentication::GOOGLE.include?(params[:provider].to_sym)
auth.token_expire = Time.at(omniauth.credentials.expires_at)
if omniauth.credentials.refresh_token
auth.refresh_token = omniauth.credentials.refresh_token
auth.refresh_facebook_token # get a longer running token
user.update_for_omniauth omniauth
if params[:provider] == 'google_contacts'
params[:sync_status] = Contact.sync player, auth.token
sign_in_and_redirect user
rescue => e
if Rails.env.production?
Raven.capture_exception e, extra: omniauth
redirect_back fallback_location: new_user_session_path, flash: {error: e.message}
spec version 1
it 'set organically login user as propertyuser' do
visit '/users/sign_in'
click_link 'Login via Facebook'
expect(Authentication.last.uid).to eq('654321')
spec version 2
it 'set organically login user as propertyuser' do
visit '/users/sign_in'
click_link 'Login via Facebook'
expect(User.last.email).to eq('facebookuser#mail.com')
more spec code
before do
allow(Facebook).to receive_message_chain(:oauth_for_app, :exchange_access_token_info).and_return('access_token' => '123', 'expires' => 500_000)
allow_any_instance_of(Authentication).to receive(:refresh_facebook_token) #.and_return(true)
allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:update_facebook_properties)# .and_return(true)
allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:update_for_omniauth)# .and_return(true)
def setup_omniauth
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:facebook_app_rewards] = OmniAuth::AuthHash.new(
'provider' => 'facebook',
'uid' => '654321',
'info' => {
'first_name' => 'Facebook',
'last_name' => 'User',
'email' => 'facebookuser#mail.com',
'image' => 'https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/med/men/65.jpg'
'credentials' => {
'token' => '123456',
'secret' => 'top_secret',
'expires_at' => 2.days.from_now
Rails.application.env_config['devise.mapping'] = Devise.mappings[:user]
Rails.application.env_config['omniauth.auth'] = OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:facebook_app_rewards]
def application_controller_patch
ApplicationController.class_eval do
def omniauth

The most likely reason your tests are failing is because actions triggered by click_link are not guaranteed to have completed when click_link returns. You can test that by adding a few second sleep after the click_link. If that fixes your test then you'll want to replace the sleep with an expectation of visual change on the page.
click_link 'Login via Facebook'
expect(page).to have_text('You have logged in!') # expectation for whatever happens on the page after a successful login
expect ... # rest of your test.
Note: Mocking/Stubbing methods on User in a feature test is generally a bad idea (mocking of anything but external services is generally a bad code smell in a feature test) as is direct DB access from feature tests. Feature tests are designed to be all about testing what a user experiences on the site, not about directly testing the implementation details.


Rails + Cucumber/Capybara: How to set/retrieve cookies in tests?

I'm implementing a lazy login feature. My cucumber feature should describe it:
Feature: User log in
Scenario: Lazy login
Given I didn't log out the last time I was on the site
When I go to the homepage
Then I should automatically be logged in
And these are my step definitions:
Given(/^I didn't log out the last time I was on the site$/) do
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
visit new_user_session_path
fill_in('user[email]', with: user.email)
fill_in('user[password]', with: 'test123')
click_button('Sign in')
When(/^I go to the homepage$/) do
visit root_path
Then(/^I should automatically be logged in$/) do #<-- Fails here
page.should have_content("Logout")
This is what happens when a user logs in: the cookies.signed[:auth_token] gets set. This will be used by a before filter in my ApplicationController so that users who open a fresh browser will be logged in automatically:
class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
def create
if user_signed_in?
puts 'yesssssss'
session[:user_id] = current_user.id
current_user.remember_me! if current_user.remember_token.blank?
cookies.signed[:auth_token] = {
:value => current_user.remember_token,
:domain => "mysite.com",
:secure => !(Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?)
puts "current_user.remember_token = #{current_user.remember_token}"
puts 'cookies:'
puts cookies.signed[:auth_token]
This is the before filter in my ApplicationController:
def sign_in_through_cookie
logger.info "logging in by cookie"
puts "logging in by cookie"
puts cookies.signed[:auth_token] #<-- PROBLEM: this returns nil.
return true if !current_user.nil?
if !cookies[:auth_token].nil? && cookies[:auth_token] != ''
user = User.find_by_remember_token(cookies.signed[:auth_token])
return false if user.blank?
puts 'success'
return true
return false
So the issue is that in the last step of my cucumber feature, cookies.signed[:auth_token] returns nil. I'm guessing this is just a capybara thing. So do I actually have to set a cookie in the test as opposed to using the one in my controller?
So eventually I figured it out after trying a lot of different things.
Given(/^I didn't log out the last time I was on the site$/) do
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
visit new_user_session_path
fill_in('user[email]', with: user.email)
fill_in('user[password]', with: 'test123')
click_button('Sign in')
Capybara.current_session.driver.request.cookies.[]('auth_token').should_not be_nil
auth_token_value = Capybara.current_session.driver.request.cookies.[]('auth_token')
When(/^I go to the homepage$/) do
visit root_path
Then(/^I should automatically be logged in$/) do
page.should have_content("Logout")
Here's what I use in case I'm using Selenium for some of the tests:
if Capybara.current_session.driver.class == Capybara::Selenium::Driver
auth_token = page.driver.browser.manage.cookie_named('auth_token')[:value]
page.driver.browser.manage.add_cookie(:name => "auth_token", :value => auth_token)
puts "cookies = #{Capybara.current_session.driver.request.cookies}"
Capybara.current_session.driver.request.cookies.[]('auth_token').should_not be_nil
auth_token_value = Capybara.current_session.driver.request.cookies.[]('auth_token')
Use https://github.com/nruth/show_me_the_cookies which wraps the driver methods. It has methods for getting cookies, deleting cookies, and a method for creating cookies called create_cookie.
I needed just to test the cookie values
Inspiration taken from https://collectiveidea.com/blog/archives/2012/01/05/capybara-cucumber-and-how-the-cookie-crumbles
and ported to Rails 5.x
Create features/support/cookies.rb
With content
module Capybara
class Session
def cookies
#cookies ||= ActionDispatch::Request.new(Rails.application.env_config.deep_dup).cookie_jar
Before do
allow_any_instance_of(ActionDispatch::Request).to receive(:cookie_jar).and_return(page.cookies)
allow_any_instance_of(ActionDispatch::Request).to receive(:cookies).and_return(page.cookies)
Then the step for testing
Then('is set cookie {string} with value {string}') do |cookie, value|
expect(page.cookies.signed[cookie]).to eq value

Rspec: Test redirects in Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController subclass

Following the Railscast on Devise and OmniAuth I have implemented an OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController which contains a single method to handle an OmniAuth callback:
def all
user = User.from_omniauth(request.env["omniauth.auth"])
if user.persisted?
sign_in_and_redirect user
session["devise.user_attributes"] = user.attributes
redirect_to new_user_registration_url
alias_method :facebook, :all
devise_for :users, controllers: {omniauth_callbacks: "omniauth_callbacks", :sessions => "sessions" }
I would like to customise this, so I'm trying to test it using RSpec. The question is how do I test this method and the redirects?
If in the spec I put user_omniauth_callback_path(:facebook) it doesn't complain about the route not existing, but doesn't seem to actually call the method.
According to this answer "controller tests use the four HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), regardless of whether your controller is RESTful." I tried get user_... etc. but here it does complain that the route doesn't exist. And indeed if I do rake routes it shows there is no HTTP verb for this route:
user_omniauth_callback [BLANK] /users/auth/:action/callback(.:format) omniauth_callbacks#(?-mix:facebook)
Can you see what I'm missing?
So following this question one way of calling the method is:
However I then run into the same error that the questioner ran into:
ActionController::RackDelegation#content_type delegated to #_response.content_type, but #_response is nil
You will need to do three things to get this accomplished.
enter OmniAuth test environment
create an OmniAuth test mock
stub out your from_omniauth method to return a user
Here is a possible solution, entered in the spec itself
(spec/feature/login_spec.rb for example) . . .
let(:current_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
before do
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:facebook] = OmniAuth::AuthHash.new({
provider: :facebook,
info: {
name: "Joe"
I adapted this from a google authentication, so facebook may require more fields, but those are the only ones required by omniauth docs. You should be able to find the correct fields by looking at your database schema and finding fields that match the documentation.
In my case, the minimum was enough to pass the request phase and move onto the stubbed out method returning my user.
This example also uses FactoryGirl.
It may not be perfect, but I hope it helps. Good luck!
If you hit this and you are running rspec 3.4 this example should work for you:
describe Users::OmniauthCallbacksController, type: :controller do
let(:current_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
before do
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:your_oauth_provider_here] = OmniAuth::AuthHash.new(
provider: :your_oauth_provider_here,
uid: rand(5**10),
credentials: { token: ENV['CLIENT_ID'], secret: ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'] }
request.env['devise.mapping'] = Devise.mappings[:user]
allow(#controller).to receive(:env) { { 'omniauth.auth' => OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:your_oauth_provider_here] } }
allow(User).to receive(:from_omniauth) { current_user }
describe '#your_oauth_provider_here' do
context 'new user' do
before { get :your_oauth_provider_here }
it 'authenticate user' do
expect(warden.authenticated?(:user)).to be_truthy
it 'set current_user' do
expect(current_user).not_to be_nil
it 'redirect to root_path' do
expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path)
I am experiencing problem for writhing RSpec for OmniauthCallbacksController, do some research on this and it working for me. Here is my codes, if anyone found necessary. Tests are for happy path and it should work for news version of RSpec eg. 3.x
require 'spec_helper'
describe OmniauthCallbacksController, type: :controller do
describe "#linkedin" do
let(:current_user) { Fabricate(:user) }
before(:each) do
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:linkedin] = OmniAuth::AuthHash.new({provider: :linkedin, uid: '12345', credentials: {token: 'linkedin-token', secret: 'linkedin-secret'}})
request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
#controller.stub!(:env).and_return({"omniauth.auth" => OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:linkedin]})
describe "#linkedin" do
context "with a new linkedin user" do
before { get :linkedin }
it "authenticate user" do
expect(warden.authenticated?(:user)).to be_truthy
it "set current_user" do
expect(subject.current_user).not_to be_nil
it "redirect to root_path" do
expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path)

How to test file download with Rails, Paperclip and RSpec request spec?

I have a request spec that is trying to test file download functionality in Rails 3.1 for me. The spec (in part) looks like this:
get document_path(Document.first)
response.should be_success
It fails with:
Failure/Error: response.should be_success
expected success? to return true, got false
But if I test the download in the browser, it downloads the file correctly.
Here's the action in the controller:
def show
send_file #document.file.path, :filename => #document.file_file_name,
:content_type => #document.file_content_type
And my logger gives this information about the response:
<html><body>You are being redirected.</body></html>
How can I get this test to pass?
As several pointed out, one of my before_filters was doing the redirect. The reason is that I was using Capybara to login in the test, but not using it's methods for navigating around the site. Here's what worked (partially):
click_link 'Libraries'
click_link 'Drawings'
click_link 'GS2 Drawing'
page.response.should be_success #this still fails
But now I can't figure out a way to test the actual response was successful. What am I doing wrong here.
Most likely, redirect_to is being called when you run your test. Here's what I would do to determine the cause.
Add logging to any before filters that could possibly run for this action.
Add logging at several points in the action itself.
This will tell you how far execution gets before the redirect. Which in turn will tell you what block of code (probably a before_filter) is redirecting.
If I had to take a guess off the top of my head, I'd say you have a before_filter that checks if the user is logged in. If that's true, then you'll need to make sure your tests create a logged-in session before you call the login-protected action.
I was getting the same redirect until I realized that my login(user) method was the culprit. Cribbed from this SO link, I changed my login method to:
# file: spec/authentication_helpers.rb
module AuthenticationHelpers
def login(user)
post_via_redirect user_session_path, 'user[email]' => user.email, 'user[password]' => user.password
In my tests:
# spec/requests/my_model_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
require 'authentication_helpers'
describe MyModel do
include AuthenticationHelpers
before(:each) do
#user = User.create!(:email => 'user#email.com', :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password')
it 'should run your integration tests' do
# your code here
[FWIW: I'm using Rails 3.0, Devise, CanCan and Webrat]

Testing Sessions in Rails 3 with Rspec & Capybara

I'm trying to write integration tests with rspec, factory_girl & capybara. I also have cucumber installed, but I'm not using it (to my knowledge).
I basically want to prepopulate the db with my user, then go to my home page and try to log in. It should redirect to user_path(#user).
However, sessions don't seem to be persisted in my /rspec/requests/ integration tests.
My spec: /rspec/requests/users_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe "User flow" do
before(:each) do
#user = Factory(:user)
it "should login user" do
fill_in :email, :with => #user.email
fill_in :password, :with => #user.password
click_button "Login"
assert current_path == user_path(#user)
1) User flow should login user
Failure/Error: assert current_path == user_path(#user)
<false> is not true.
# (eval):2:in `send'
# (eval):2:in `assert'
# ./spec/requests/users_spec.rb:16
Instead, it redirects to my please_login_path - which should happen if the login fails for any reason (or if session[:user_id] is not set).
If I try to put session.inspect, it fails as a nil object.
If I try to do this in the controller tests (/rspec/controllers/sessions_spec.rb), I can access the session with no problem, and I can call session[:user_id]
If you are using Devise, you'll need to include Warden::Test::Helpers (right after the require of spec_helper is a good place) as outlined in the warden wiki.
The call to session is returning nil because capybara doesn't provide access to it when running as an integration test.
I have the same problems and although filling out a form might be an option for some, I had to roll my own authentication ruby because I was using a third party auth system (Janrain to be exact).... in my tests I ended up using something like this:
Here is what I have in my spec/support/test_helpers_and_stuff.rb
module AuthTestHelper
class SessionBackdoorController < ::ApplicationController
def create
sign_in User.find(params[:user_id])
head :ok
_routes = Rails.application.routes
_routes.disable_clear_and_finalize = true
Rails.application.routes_reloader.paths.each{ |path| load(path) }
_routes.draw do
# here you can add any route you want
match "/test_login_backdoor", to: "session_backdoor#create"
ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) { _routes.finalize! }
_routes.disable_clear_and_finalize = false
def request_signin_as(user)
visit "/test_login_backdoor?user_id=#{user.id}"
def signin_as(user)
session[:session_user] = user.id
Then in my request spec, with capybara and selenium, I did the following:
describe "Giveaway Promotion" do
context "Story: A fan participates in a giveaway", js: :selenium do
context "as a signed in user" do
before :each do
#user = Factory(:user)
request_signin_as #user
it "should be able to participate as an already signed in user" do
visit giveaway_path
BTW, I came up with solutions after trying the proposed solutions to this post and this post and neither of them worked for me. (but they certainly inspired my solution)
Good luck!
You've probably moved on from this, but I was just struggling with the same question. Turns out it was a matter of syntax. I was using symbols for :email and :password and I should've been using strings instead ("email" and "password").
In other words, try changing this:
fill_in :email, :with => #user.email
fill_in :password, :with => #user.password
to this:
fill_in "email", :with => #user.email
fill_in "password", :with => #user.password

Controller test fails for rails user authentication

--preface: ignore if you want.
I'm new to rails, and working on a project that will require user authentication.
I found this tutorial and have been trying to go through it and understand what's happening. Of course, it's not exactly what I need as-is, so I've been modifying as I go along. The tutorial is also out of date in some areas, so of course I've had to update my code. So part of my problem is that I'm not sure if the bug is in my modifications, or some function that's been deprecated, or what.
--the question
This is the (simplest) test that fails. (" expected to not be nil" on the first assert statement.)
def test_authentication
#check we can log in
post :login, :user => { :username => "bob", :password => "test" }
assert_not_nil session[:user_id]
assert_equal users(:bob).id, session[:user_id]
assert_response :redirect
assert_redirected_to :action => 'welcome'
It calls the user_controller action login:
def login
if request.post?
if session[:user_id] = User.authenticate(params[:user][:username], params[:user][:password])
flash[:message] = "Login succeeded!"
flash[:warning] = "Login failed."
which calls the User method authenticate. I know that authenticate works properly, however, because I have a single test that does pass:
def test_registration
#check that we can register and are logged in automatically
post :register, :user => { :username => "newuser", :password => "pass", :password_confirmation => "pass", :email => "newuser#web.com" }
assert_response :redirect
assert_not_nil session[:user_id]
assert_redirected_to :action => 'welcome'
which calls the user_controller action register
def register
#user = User.new(params[:user])
if request.post?
if #user.save
session[:user_id] = User.authenticate(#user.username, #user.password)
flash[:message] = "Registration succeeded"
redirect_to :action => 'welcome'
flash[:warning] = "Registration failed"
which successfully calls authenticate.
the users fixture has one relevant record:
username: bob
email: bob#mcbob.com
hashed_password: 77a0d943cdbace52716a9ef9fae12e45e2788d39 # test
salt: 1000
I've tested the hashed password and salt - "test" is the correct password.
So by my analysis, the bug has got to be in one of 3 places:
how I'm sending my post request,
how I'm accessing the parameters in the login action,
or some aspect of the fixture loading.
(originally I was using the tutorial's code to load the fixture explicitly (self.use_instantiated_fixtures = true; fixtures :users), but I read that all fixtures are automatically loaded before testing, so I took it out. That didn't change a thing.)
Of course, since I can't seem to find the problem in those areas, it could just as well be anywhere else.
Is it possible that there's a filter that is preventing your action getting called? If there's a general :before_filter => 'login_required' then you might not be reaching your login functionality at all. (Though admittedly the register action would have to be excluded for that test to pass)
In cases like this it's useful to stick some logging in (or run through a debugger) to see whether you even get to the part of the method that you think is failing. If it were me I'd stick a logger.debug("...") as the first line of the login method and then another after the check for request.post? and then another after the authentication check.
