Given source which looks like:
"Name": "sandbox-config",
"VersionList": {
"version-2": [ "STAGING" ],
"version-1": [ "CURRENT", "NEXT" ],
"version-0": [ "ANCIENT" ]
I'm looking for a jmespath query which would give me:
"Name": "sandbox-config",
"Version": "version-1"
where version-1 is the first key where the value array contains "CURRENT".
So, a query like,
{ Name:Name, Version:VersionList.*[?#==`CURRENT`] | [] | [0]}
gives me:
"Name": "sandbox-config",
"Version": "CURRENT"
which isn't what I'm after. Similarly:
{Name:Name, Version:VersionList.keys(#)}
which gives me:
"Name": "sandbox-config",
"Version": [
Any suggestions? I feel like I'm circling around a solution and not quite getting there.
(Context for this: I'm trying to process the output of aws secretsmanager list-secrets, which has SecretVersionsToStages with ARN values as keys with an array containing "AWSCURRENT".)
if you want just get the version number for one secret with stage [AWSCURRENT], I recommend you use describe secret rather than list secret.
And one thing I need to call out is that SecretVersionsToStages with versoin number as keys with an array containing "AWSCURRENT".
how can I create an relationship in NEO4J from one node to another node which has multiple vales.
The first node has unique values for the identifier. For example:
Data of the first NodeA:
"c": "11037",
"b": 15.4,
"a": 10.0,
"id": 11137100
The second NodeB look like this:
"text": "some text",
"prio": 1,
"id": 11137100,
"value": 0.1
But here we have data which has the same id like here:
"text": "some other text",
"prio": 2,
"id": 11137100,
"value": 2.1
Now want to create a relationship between both nodes. But if I do things like:
MATCH (p:NodeA),(h:NodeB)
CREATE (p)-[dr:Contains{prio:h.prio}]->(h)
I get multiple relationships. I want one NodeA with two Outputs to NodeB.
How can I do it?
The CREATE statement will create a new node/relationship, irrespective if one already exists.
If the intent is to only create a relationship if one does not already exist, I would suggest you do a pre-filter query first, e.g.
MATCH (p:NodeA), (h:NodeB)
WHERE = AND NOT (p)-[:Contains{prio:h.prio}]->(h)
//continue your query here
I'm facing an issue importing a JSON file using the apoc.load.json procedure.
The expected relationship I'm trying to capture:
University --child--> Class --child--> Student
Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: Variable `value` not defined (line 1, column 8 (offset: 7))
"UNWIND AS university"
Here is the performed command sequence:
CALL apoc.load.json("FILE:///C:/tmp/input.json") YIELD value
UNWIND AS university
UNWIND university.class AS class
UNWIND class.student AS student
MERGE (u:UniversityCategory {})
MERGE (c:ClassCategory {})
MERGE (s:StudentCategory {})
ON CREATE SET i.ID = instructions.ID
ON CREATE SET i.GPA = instructions.GPA
MERGE (u)-[:CHILD]->(c)
MERGE (c)-[:CHILD]->(s)
Here is the JSON file structure:
"university": [{
"name": "universityA",
"class": [{
"name": "class_1",
"student": [{
"name": "student_1",
"ID": "1234",
"GPA": "3.8"
"name": "student_2",
"ID": "12345",
"GPA": "3.4"
"name": "class_2",
"student": [{
"name": "student_3",
"ID": "14",
"GPA": "3.0"
My apoc.load.json command appears to work because I see the structured JSON file in the browser window. The next steps are suspect but I think I'm close to defining the relationships.
Resolved my issue.
The commands I expressed above are all correct but the load.apoc.json command has to be run in the SAME query as the rest versus sequentially.
So I have a json (in text field) and I'm using postgresql and I need to query the field but it's nested a bit deep. Here's the format:
"name":"First Things",
"name":"Foo Bar Item 1",
"name":"Foo Item 2",
"name":"Second Things",
"items": [
"name":"Bar Item 3",
And I need to query the name INSIDE the items node. I have tried some queries but to no avail, like:
.where('this_json::JSON #> [{"items": [{"name": ?}]}]', "%#{name}%"). How should I go about here?
I can query normal JSON format like this_json::JSON -> 'key' = ? but need help with this bit.
Here you need to use json_array_elements() twice, as your top level document contains array of json, than items key has array of sub documents. Sample psql query may be the following:
item->>'name' AS item_name,
item->>'price' AS item_price
json_array_elements(t.v) js_val,
json_array_elements(js_val->'items') item;
where t - is the name of your table, v - name of your JSON column.
CouchDB, version 0.10.0, using native erlang views.
I have a simple document of the form:
"_id": "user-1",
"_rev": "1-9ccf63b66b62d15d75daa211c5a7fb0d",
"type": "user",
"identifiers": [
"username": "monkey",
"name": "Monkey Man"
And a basic javascript design document:
"_id": "_design/user",
"_rev": "1-94bd8a0dbce5e2efd699d17acea1db0b",
"language": "javascript",
"views": {
"find_by_identifier": {
"map": "function(doc) {
if (doc.type == 'user') {
doc.identifiers.forEach(function(identifier) {
emit(identifier, {\"username\":doc.username,\"name\"});
which emits:
{"id":"user-1","key":"ABC","value":{"username":"monkey","name":"Monkey Man"}},
{"id":"user-1","key":"DEF","value":{"username":"monkey","name":"Monkey Man"}},
{"id":"user-1","key":"123","value":{"username":"monkey","name":"Monkey Man"}}
I'm looking into building an Erlang view that does the same thing. Best attempt so far is:
%% Map Function
fun({Doc}) ->
case proplists:get_value(<<"type">>, Doc) of
undefined ->
Type ->
Identifiers = proplists:get_value(<<"identifiers">>, Doc),
ID = proplists:get_value(<<"_id">>, Doc),
Username = proplists:get_value(<<"username">>, Doc),
Name = proplists:get_value(<<"name">>, Doc),
lists:foreach(fun(Identifier) -> Emit(Identifier, [ID, Username, Name]) end, Identifiers);
_ ->
which emits:
{"id":"user-1","key":"ABC","value":["monkey","Monkey Man"]},
{"id":"user-1","key":"DEF","value":["monkey","Monkey Man"]},
{"id":"user-1","key":"123","value":["monkey","Monkey Man"]}
The question is - how can I get those values out as tuples, instead of as arrays? I don't imagine I can (or would want to) use records, but using atoms in a tuple doesn't seem to work.
lists:foreach(fun(Identifier) -> Emit(Identifier, {id, ID, username, Username, name, Name}) end, Identifiers);
Fails with the following error:
{"error":"json_encode","reason":"{bad_term,{<<\"user-1\">>,<<\"monkey\">>,<<\"Monkey Man\">>}}"}
Thoughts? I know that Erlang sucks for this specific kind of thing (named access) and that I can do it by convention (id at first position, username next, real name last), but that makes the client side code pretty ugly.
The JSON object {"foo":"bar","baz":1} is {[{<<"foo">>,<<"bar">>},{<<"baz">>,1}]}
In Erlang lingua it is a proplist wrapped in a tuple.
It's not pretty, but very efficient :)
To get a feel for it you can play with the JSON lib that ships with CouchDB:
Start CouchDB with the -i
(interactive) flag
On the resulting erlang shell, type: couch_util:json_decode(<<"{\"foo\":\"bar\"}">>).
// in later versions of CouchDB, this is ejson:decode()
For test_suite_reports bd, that has tests field:
"name": "basics",
"status": "success",
"duration": 21795
"name": "all_docs",
"status": "success",
"duration": 385
} ...
I have wrote this to get name and status:
fun({Doc}) ->
Name = fun(L) -> proplists:get_value(<<"name">>, L, null) end,
Status = fun(L) -> proplists:get_value(<<"status">>, L, null) end,
Tests = proplists:get_value(<<"tests">>, Doc, null),
lists:foreach(fun({L}) -> Emit(Name(L), Status(L)) end, Tests)
If you like experimental features (that still work...), you might want to have a look to Erlang exprecs.
I found it extremely helpful in creating a sort of dynamic records for Erlang.