Google Sheets: How to use arrayformula to find and get data from only a certain, dynamic set of columns - sumifs

I have a Google sheets table where my headers are dynamically generated from another source, and can show up with any header values, in any order.
In the link example I've got the header values: AA - BB - CC - ABBA - KK - VV but it could just has well been: CC - AA - QQ - YY
I don't know in advance which headers I will get, or how many.
My issue is that I want to sum each product values, per row, using an arrayformula, where the column headers include for instance "BB".
So basically =arrayformula(sumifs(G4:L1000,$G$3:$L$3,"BB")), if that had been a thing.
My closest guess is that I need to use a VLOOKUP of some sort, but since the index of the columns to get the data from isn't static I can't quite figure out how to solve it.
Desperate for help.
I can get arrays of all the headers that match my query (in B4:B):
and then get the column indexes (in C4:C):
or even column letters (in D4:D):
=iferror(arrayformula(REGEXEXTRACT(ADDRESS(ROW(), indirect("C4:C"&counta(B4:B)+3)), "[A-Z]+")),"")
and then I had some half baked idea of using this in the vlookup, but now I'm just completely and utterly stuck.

You could create an intermediate table using
=filter(F3:L, arrayformula(regexmatch(F3:L3,"BB")))
and then use SUM on each resulting column to get what you need. If the FILTER results begin on row 2, then you can place the SUM functions on row 1 so they won't get in the way of the FILTER expansion.


Return Row Data if a Name is Found in a Column

I have a table with names on the left and corresponding work schedules to the right. I've created a separate table with some of those same names and want it to automatically fill in the corresponding work schedule for that person. Seemed simple but I'm very stuck. My level of experience with Google Sheets is what is stopping me from solving this.
Example Tables:
In the attached picture the table on the top is the original (hardcoded) data. The table on the bottom is where I want the schedule data to be automatically produced based on the name on the left. The fields with #N/A and #ERROR! are both failed formulas I tried. #N/A should have returned B7:G7. #ERROR! should have returned B4:G4.
I tried the 'LOOKUP' function with ARRAYFORMULA(INDEX) hoping to have it look up the value in the column and input the work schedule data that corresponds.
yielded an #N/A.
Started trying to use =If(REGEXMATCH(A13:A21,"Clair"),... ...) but the '... ...' shows where my intellectual limits are at the moment. I couldn't finish it because I think it's the wrong formula to use.
Something like this maybe?
Remove everthing in B13:G17, and put this formula in B13
BYROW() work with an array row by row, the given data A13:A17 has only 1 column, which is the name of staff as lookup value.
XLOOKUP() scan an array for a key value (lookup value), and return another array with corresponding row or col index.
=INDEX(IFNA(VLOOKUP(A13:A17; A1:G10; SEQUENCE(1; 6; 2); )))

Google Sheets Filter + Match? Not sure

I have two tabs in a sheet, that have different ranges. One is preset data, the other is an import from a program we use. I'm trying to figure out a way, if possible, to pull specific data from sheet 1, and match it with values in sheet two, that aren't sorted the same.
Example sheet
I'm trying the formula =sort(filter(Sheet1!B1:B,match(B1:B, Sheet1!B1:B ,0)),2,TRUE), but it's just putting the results in order. If I replace the column # on the sort with 1, it sorts it out of order but it doesn't match column B, like I need it to.
The documents i'm working with are 2000+ rows each, I'd rather not manually do this if at all possible.
Please assist? Either way, thank you for reading.
=arrayformula(iferror(vlookup(MATCH( B1:B,Sheet1!$B$1:B,0),{(ROW(Sheet1!A1:A)),Sheet1!A1:A},2,0)))
step#1 =arrayformula(MATCH( B1:B,Sheet1!$B$1:B,0)) will give the row where each value column B will be found in Sheet1!column B
step #2 =arrayformula({ROW(Sheet1!A1:A),Sheet1!A1:A}) will build a virtual matrix whith in column#1 the row and in column#2 the value of Sheet1!column A
finally: join the two formulas as vlookup(___step#1____,____step#2______)

How to get row List elements compare by two rows Google Sheets

I have spreadsheet and i want to get rows with some differences by unique values Id and Updated at.
List №1 i have the same automatic importing data
In List №3 i try to use =UNIQUE('List1'!A2:A;'List1'!D2:D) but it didn't work
i need to get rows from List1 if there are duplicates with these parameters Id and Updated at first row from duplicate rows (must be like this or last row from duplicate rows (must be like this
You can create a helper column to achieve this
Create a helper column J and put the below formula in J2
Then you'll be able to filter your data, put below formula in A10
Please amend your data ranges per your requirement
Please use ; instead of , if you in are different continent
for Extended Range, use below formula
=arrayformula(if(D2:D="","", if(D2:D=OFFSET(D2:D1000,-1,0),"",ROW(A2:A))))

How to make a relative reference in an array formula in Google Sheets

Here's the straightforward version of my question:
I want to change the following formula to an array formula...
Original formula (from cell J2):
My attempt at converting to an array formula (in cell K1):
=arrayformula(if(row(A:A)=1,G3,if(F:F = "VM:",G:G,indirect("K"&row(A:A)-1))))
This works on rows where F = "VM:", but returns a #REF error on other rows. Function INDIRECT parameter 1 value is 'K0'. It is not a valid cell/range reference.
Thoughts on how to fix this?
The more complex version of my question. i.e. Why am I trying to do this?...
I have a weird spreadsheet with data that should really be in a Wiki.
I want to create filter views for each person so they can easily filter on only their own vendors. The original formula will work, but as more vendors are added, I'd like for the formula to automatically work for those rows as well.
If there's a better way to do this, I'm listening.
I don't exactly understand your needs, but If you want to autopopulate your formula, then you only need this code in desire column in row 4 (you can change this to any other - this will autofill down from this point):
Is this what you are trying to get?
After clarification:
You need this code in J2 only:
QUERY({F:G,ROW(G:G)},"select Col3,Col2 where Col1='VM:'",1)
Works for you?
maybe you just need to hide errors?

Index match find closest value with multiple search criteria

I am trying to find a closest absolute value with index match. I looked at several other posts like here but what i am trying to do is a bit different as i want to add multiple search criterias.
As you can see , I am trying to get the absolute closest time for a specific person.
I am using the formula =index(C2:C21,match(F4,B2:B21,-1),match(E4,A2:A21,0)) and I had to copy column B in column C to make my 1st match work. The result is shown in G4. Unfortunately I am struggling to get the correct result.
Effectively I would like use the formula that was posted in the previous post (see link at the top) =INDEX(E2:E21,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(ABS(D1:D21-I4)=MIN(INDEX(ABS(D2:D21-I4),,)),,),0))
with with a search criteria (the name of the person).
Any help would be much appreciated
Thank you
Thanks #avram
I still end up with some cases where the formula does not work. See below. in G6 and G7 i should get 10:25. (You can ignore column A)
Try this formula in G4,
=index(C$2:C$21, match(min(index(abs(index(C$2:C$21+(B$2:B$21<>E4)*1E+99, , )-F4), , )), if(B$2:B$21=E4, abs(C$2:C$21-F4), 1E+99), 0))
This will work in either google-sheets as a standard (non-array/non-CSE) formula or excel as an array (CSE) formula.
If anyone else wants to tackle this problem with a more elegant formula, you can copy the sample data from this publicly shared google-sheet.
Index match find closest value with multiple search criteria
Perhaps this may exempt a fourth person from retyping the same tired data that the op delivered in image(s).
A very simple approach using a "helper" column with data like:
We want the closest absolute match for larry to 10:15 AM. We enter larry in E1 and 10:15 AM in F1
Then in D2 we enter:
and copy downward. (this is the absolute difference for larry) Finally in E2:
With bigger tables having more columns, it is very easy to add additional criteria if needed.
This answer uses Array Formulas which must be entered using CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. It's kind of complicated, so I'll do my best to explain and will revise if necessary. Here's a screenshot:
Here is the formula in its raw form; names are entered in column A, Times in Column B.
As you might suspect, it uses INDEX/MATCH to get the job done, but the key is using an IF statement to generate both the search criteria and the array that the MATCH function searches within. Let's break it down.
Sec 1, Match Search Array
This creates the Search array for the match function. If the name in D2 (our criteria) is equal to the name in the search array, it return the absolute value of the difference between the criteria time and the time in the array we're searching. Otherwise it returns a blank value. Do not use 0 for this as it will skew the match result.
Sec 2, Match Search Criteria
This tells us the smallest value in the above array. We use this value as the search criteria in the MATCH function.
Sec 3, putting 1 & 2 Together
MATCH(MIN(IF(A1:A7=D2,ABS(E2-B1:B7),"")),IF(A1:A7=D2,ABS(E2-B1:B7),"")) This searches for the smallest abs difference defined in Section 2 within the array created in Section 1 and returns the row number.
Sec 4, Indexing the times
This returns the time value from column B in whatever row is identified by the Match function above.
Hopefully this all makes sense. Remember to enter it as an array formula.
