Flink Checkpoint Failure - Checkpoints time out after 10 mins - stream

We got one or two CheckPoint Failure during processing data every day. The data volume is low, like under 10k, and our interval setting is '2 minutes'. (The reason for processing very slow is we need to sink the data to another API endpoint which take some time to process at the end of flink job, so the time is Streaming data + Sink to external API endpoint).
The root issue is:
Checkpoints time out after 10 mins, this caused by the data processing time longer than 10 mins, so the checkpoint time out. We might increase the parallelism to fast the processing, but if the data become bigger, we have to increase the parallelism again, so don't want to use this way.
Suggested solution:
I saw someone suggest to set the pause between old and new checkpoint, but I have some question here is, if I set the pause time there, will the new checkpoint missing the state in the pause time?
How to avoid this issue and record the correct state that doesn't miss any data?
Failed checkpoint:
Completed checkpoint:
subtask didn't respond

There are several related configuration variables you can set -- such as the checkpoint interval, the pause between checkpoints, and the number of concurrent checkpoints. No combination of these settings will result in data being skipped for checkpointing.
Setting an interval between checkpoints means that Flink won't initiate a new checkpoint until some time has passed since the completion (or failure) of the previous checkpoint -- but this has no effect on the timeout.
Sounds like you should extend the timeout, which you can do like this:
where n is measured in milliseconds. See the section of the Flink docs on enabling and configuring checkpointing for more details.


Streaming Beam pipeline with "lookbehind"

I am new to Beam/Dataflow and am trying to figure out if it is suited to this problem. I am trying to keep a running sum of which types of messages are currently backlogged in a queueing system. The system uses a monotonically increasing offset number to order messages: producers learn the number when the send a message, and consumers track the watermark offset as they process each message in FIFO order. This pipeline would have two inputs: counts from the producers and watermarks from the consumers.
The queue producer would regularly flush a batch of count metrics to Beam:
(type1, offset, count)
(type2, offset, count)
where the offset was the last offset the producer wrote for typeN, and count is how many typeN messages it enqueued in the current batch period.
The queue consumer will regularly send its latest consumed watermark offset. The effect this should have is to invalidate any counts that have an offset lower than this consumer watermark.
The output of the pipeline is the sum of all counts with a higher offset than the largest consumer watermark yet seen, grouped by message type. (snapshotted every 5 minutes or so.)
(Of course there would be 100k message "types", hundreds of producer servers, occasional 2-hour periods where the consumer doesn't report an advancing watermark, etc.)
Is this doable? That this pipeline would need to maintain and scan an unbounded-ish history of count records is the part that seems maybe unsuited to Beam.
One possible approach would be to model this as two timeseries (left , right) where you want to match left.timestamp <= right.timestamp. You can do this using the State and Timer API.
In order to achieve this unbounded, you will need to be working within a GlobalWindow. Important note in the Global Window there is no expiry of the state, so you will need to make sure to do Garbage Collection on your left and right streams. Also data will arrive in the onprocess unordered, so you will need to make use of Event Time timers to do the actual work.
Very roughly:
Store data in BagState.
Setup Event time timer to go off
Do your buiss logic.
This is a lot easier with Apache Beam > 2.24.0 as OrderedListState has been added.
Although the timeseries use case is different from the one in this question, this talk from the 2019 Beam summit also has some pointers (but does not make use of OrderedListState, which was not available at the time);
State and Timer API and Timeseries

Cloud Dataflow what is the exact definition of freshness and latency?

When using Cloud Dataflow, we get presented 2 metrics (see this page):
system latency
data freshness
These are also available in Stackdriver under the following names (extract from here):
system_lag: The current maximum duration that an item of data has been awaiting processing, in seconds.
data_watermark_age: The age (time since event timestamp) of the most recent item of data that has been fully processed by the pipeline.
But, these descriptions are still very vague:
what does "awaiting processing" mean? is how long a message waits in pubsub? or the total time it has to wait inside the pipeline?
the "maximum duration": after that maximum item is processed, will the metric be adjusted?
"time since event timestamp" does that mean if my event was put in pubsub at timestamp t1 and it flows out of one end of the pipeline at timestamp t2, the pipeline is at t1? I think I can assume that if the metric is at t1, everything before t1 can be assumed processed.
As these metrics coincide with the semantics of Apache Beam, I would love to see some examples, or at least more clear definitions of these metrics to make them usable.
These metrics are notoriously tricky. An in-depth dive into how they work can be seen in this talk by a member of the Beam / Dataflow team.
Pipelines are split in series of computations that occur in memory, and computations that require serializing your data to some sort of data store. For example, consider the following pipeline:
with Pipeline() as p:
p | beam.ReadFromPubSub(...) \
| beam.Map(parse_data)
| beam.Map(into_key_value_pairs) \
| beam.WindowInto(....) \
| beam.GroupByKey() \
| beam.Map(format_data) \
| beam.WriteToBigquery(...)
This pipeline would get broken up into two stages. A stage is a series of computations that can be applied in memory.
The first stage goes from ReadFromPubSub to the GroupByKey operation. Everything in between those two PTransforms can be done in-memory. To perform the GroupByKey, the data needs to be written to persistent state (and therefore into a new source).
The second stage goes from GroupByKey to WriteToBigQuery. In this case, the data is read from a 'source'.
Each source has its own set of watermarks. The watermarks that you see in the Dataflow UI are the maximum watermarks coming from any source in the pipeline.
Answering your questions:
What's awaiting processing?
It is how long an element waits in PubSub. Specifically, how long an element waits inside any source in the pipeline.
Consider a simpler pipeline:
ReadFromPubSub -> Map -> WriteToBigQuery.
This pipeline does the following operations for each item: Read an item from PubSub -> Operate on it -> Insert to BigQuery -> **Confirm to PubSub that the item has been consumed**.
Now, imagine that the BigQuery service goes down for 5 minutes. This means that PubSub will not receive confirmations for any of the elements for 5 minutes. Therefore, these elements will be stuck in PubSub for a while.
This means that the system latency (and the data freshness metric as well) will balloon up to 5 minutes while BQ writes are blocked.
Does maximum duration get adjusted after processing?
That's right. For instance, consider the previous pipeline again: BQ is dead for 5 minutes. When BQ comes back, a large batch of items may be written to it, and confirmed as read from PubSub. This will drastically reduce the system latency (and data freshness) back to a few seconds.
What's time since event timestamp?
An event timestamp can be provided as an attribute of the message to PubSub. It's a bit of a tricky concept, but essentially:
For each stage there is an output data watermark. An output data watermark of T indicates that the computation has processed all elements with event time before T. The latest an output data watermark can be is the earliest input watermark of all its upstream computations. However, the output watermark could be held back if there is some input data that has not yet been processed.
This metric is, of course, heuristic. If some data point comes in very late, then the Data Freshness will be held back.
I'd advice you to check out the talk by Slava. It goes over all these concepts.

Prometheus duration collection

Is it possible calculate operation duration in prometheus when the data is collected as start time (epoch) and end time (epoch) that would be grouped by some form of a transaction trace?
Once duration is known, the data can then be used to provide a prometheus Apdex.
Use case:
API initiates fires (and essentially forgets) a start operation request
Multiple distributed (message based) processes take place
Final message fires and indicates the end of the operation
Prometheus is a metrics-based system, not a tracing system. The most you can do is track a summary of how long all your requests are taking using the Summary or Histogram metric types.

Calculating periodic checkpoints for an unbounded stream in Apache Beam/DataFlow

I am using a global unbounded stream in combination with Stateful processing and timers in order to totally order a stream per key by event timestamp. The solution is described with the answer to this question:
Processing Total Ordering of Events By Key using Apache Beam
In order to restart the pipeline after a failure or stopping for some other reason, I need to determine the lowest event timestamp at which we are guaranteed that all other events have been processed downstream. This timestamp can be calculated periodically and persisted to a datastore and used as the input to the source IO (Kinesis) so that the stream can be re-read without having to go back to the beginning. (It is ok for us to have events replayed)
I considered having the stateful transformation emit the lowest processed timestamp as the output when the timer triggers and then combine all the outputs globally to find the minimum value. However, it is not possible to use a Global combine operation because a either a Window or a Trigger must be applied first.
Assuming that my stateful transform emits a Long when the timer fires which represents the smallest timestamp, I am defining the pipeline like this:
.apply("StatefulTransform", ParDo.of(new StatefulTransform()))
.apply(Combine.globally(new MinLongFn()))
.apply("WriteCheckpoint", ParDo.of(new WriteCheckpoint()));
Will this ensure that the checkpoints will only be written when all of the parallel workers have emitted at least one of their panes? I am concerned that a the combine operation may operate on panes from only some of the workers, e.g. there may be a worker that has either failed or is still waiting for another event to trigger it's timer.
I'm a newbie of the Beam, but according to this blog https://beam.apache.org/blog/2017/08/16/splittable-do-fn.html, Splittable DoFn might be the thing you are looking for!
You could create an SDF to fetch the stream and accept the input element as the start point.

How to make LR waiting only time needed?

Our application perfoms the query and then selects on of the results. I would like to automate this in order to measure the system overload, but the main problem I have is: the more users, the longer it takes for backend to return the results. Hence I need loadrunner to perform the query and then perform the action as soon as the results have been returned. Or does LR do this automatically?
LoadRunner will wait until the time specified in client timeout automaticallyb before entering into an error state. If you have no wait time between your query and your next statement and your query finishes within your client timeout window, then loadrunner will continue automatically with your next statement a soon as the current statement is complete.
This is a question normally covered in training. If not in training then as a part of your post training mentoring/internship period.
