`gcloud builds submit` for Cloud Run - docker

I have this situation, because the documentation was not clear. The gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/[PROJECT-ID]/helloworld command will
archive the contents of my source folder and then run the docker build on the Google build server.
Also it is only looking at the .gitignore file for the contents to archive. If it is a docker build, it should honor the .dockerignore file.
Also there is no word about how to compile the application. It has to be compiled if is not precompiled application before it is dockerized.
the quick guide only considers that the application is a precompiled one and all the contents of the folder as per the .gitignore are required required to run the application. People will not be aware of all that for a new technology. I have just figured it out by myself.
So, the alternate way of doing all that is either include the build steps in the docker file (which will make my image heavy) or create a docker image locally (manually) and then submit the image to the repository (manually) and then publish to the cloud run (using the second command documented or manually).
Is there anything I am missing over here?

Cloud Build respects .dockerignore. It will upload all files that are not in .gitignore, but once uploaded, it will respect .dockerignore regarding which files to use for the build.
Compiling your application is usually done at the same time as "containerizing" it. For example, for a Node.js app, the Dockerfile must run npm install --production. I recommend looking at the many examples in the quickstart.

I think you've got it, essentially your options are:
Building using Cloud Build
Building locally and pushing using Docker
Generally if you need additional build steps, I would recommend including them in your Docker file. Ideally you should be able to go from source + Dockerfile to a complete image in either case.


Best practice for running Symfony 5 project with Docker and Docker-Swarm

I have an existing Symfony 5 project with a mysql database and a nginx Webserver. I wanna dockerize this project, but on the web I have found different opinions how to do that.
My plan is to write a multi-stage Docker file with at least a dev and a prod stage and let this build with docker-swarm. In my opinion it is useful to install the complete code during the build and having multiple composer.json files (one for every stage). In the web I have found opinions to not install the app new on every build but to copy the vendor and var folder to the container. Another opinion was to start the installation after the build process of the container is ready. But I think with that the service is not ready, when the app is successfully deployed.
What are you thinking is the best practice here?
Build exactly the same image for all environments
Do not build 2 different images for prod and dev. One of the main docker benefits is, that you can provide exactly the same environment for production and dev.
You should control your environment with ENV vars. for example, you can enable Xdebug for dev and disable it for prod.
Composer has option to install dev and production packages. You should use this feature.
If you decide to install some packages to dev. Try to use the same Dockerfile for both environment. Do not use Dockerfile.prod and Dockerfile.dev It will introduce some mess in the future.
Multistage build
You can do multistage build described in the official Docker documentation if your build environment requires much more dependencies than your runtime.
Example of it is compilation of the program. During compilation you need a lot of libraries, and you produce single binary. So your runtime does not need all dev libraries.
First stage can be build in second stage you just copy binary and it is.
Build all packages into the docker image
You should build your application when Docker image is building. All libraries and packages should be copied into image, you should not install them when the application is starting. Reasons:
Application starts faster when everything is installed
Some of the libraries can be changed in future or removed. You will be in troubles and probably you will spend a lot of time to do debugging.
Implement health checks
You should implement Health-Check. Applications require external dependencies, like Passwords, API KEY, some non sensitive data. Usually, We inject data with environment variables.
You should check if all required variables are passed, and have good format before your application is started. You can implement Health-Check or you can check it in the entrypoint.
Test your solution before it is released
You should implement mechanism of testing your images. For example in the CI:
Run your unit tests before image is built
Build the Docker image
Start new application image with dummy data. If you require PostgreSQL DB you can start another container,
Run integration tests.
Publish new version of the image only if all tests pass.

Do I need to share the docker image if I can just share the docker file along with the source code?

I am just starting to learn about docker. Is docker repository (like Docker Hub) useful? I see the docker image as a package of source code and environment configurations (dockerfile) for deploying my application. Well if it's just a package, why can't I just share my source code with the dockerfile (via GitHub for example)? Then the user just downloads it all and uses docker build and docker run. And there is no need to push the docker image to the repository.
There are two good reasons to prefer pushing an image somewhere:
As a downstream user, you can just docker run an image from a repository, without additional steps of checking it out or building it.
If you're using a compiled language (C, Java, Go, Rust, Haskell, ...) then the image will just contain the compiled artifacts and not the source code.
Think of this like any other software: for most open-source things you can download its source from the Internet and compile it yourself, or you can apt-get install or brew install a built package using a package manager.
By the same analogy, many open-source things are distributed primarily as source code, and people who aren't the primary developer package and redistribute binaries. In this context, that's the same as adding a Dockerfile to the root of your application's GitHub repository, but not publishing an image yourself. If you don't want to set up a Docker Hub account or CI automation to push built images, but still want to have your source code and instructions to build the image be public, that's a reasonable decision.
That is how it works. You need to put the configuration files in your code, i.e,
Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml.

Docker dealing with images instead of Dockerfiles

Can someone explain to me why the normal Docker process is to build an image from a Dockerfile and then upload it to a repository, instead of just moving the Dockerfile to and from the repository?
Let's say we have a development laptop and a test server with Docker.
If we build the image, that means uploading and downloading all of the packages inside the Dockerfile. Sometimes this can be very large (e.g. PyTorch > 500MB).
Instead of transporting the large imagefile to and from the server, doesn't it make sense to, perhaps compile the image locally to verify it works, but mostly transport the small Dockerfile and build the image on the server?
This started out as a comment, but it got too long. It is likely to not be a comprehensive answer, but may contain useful information regardless.
Often the Dockerfile will form part of a larger build process, with output files from previous stages being copied into the final image. If you want to host the Dockerfile instead of the final image, you’d also have to host either the (usually temporary) processed files or the entire source repo & build script.
The latter is often done for open source projects, but for convenience pre-built Docker images are also frequently available.
One tidy solution to this problem is to write the entire build process in the Dockerfile using multi-stage builds (introduced in Docker CE 17.05 & EE 17.06). But even with the complete build process described in a platform-independent manner in a single Dockerfile, the complete source repository must still be provided.
TL,DR: Think of a Docker image as a regular binary. It’s convenient to download and install without messing around with source files. You could download the source for a C application and build it using the provided Makefile, but why would you if a binary was made available for your system?
Instead of transporting the large imagefile to and from the server,
doesn't it make sense to, perhaps compile the image locally to verify
it works, but mostly transport the small Dockerfile and build the
image on the server?
Absolutely! You can, for example, set up an automated build on Docker Hub which will do just that every time you check in an updated version of your Dockerfile to your GitHub repo.
Or you can set up your own build server / CI pipeline accordingly.
IMHO, one of the reason for building the images concept and putting into repository is sharing with people too. For example we call Python's out of the box image for performing all python related stuff for a python program to run in Dockerfile. Similarly we could create a custom code(let's take example I did for apache installation with some custom steps(like ports changes and additionally doing some steps) I created its image and then finally put it to my company's repository.
I came to know after few days that may other teams are using it too and now when they are sharing it they need NOT to make any changes simply use my image and they should be done.

Best practice/way to develop Golang app to be run in Docker container

Basically what the title says... Is there a best practice or an efficient way to develop a Golang app that will be Dockerized? I know you can mount volumes to point to your source code, and it works great for languages like PHP where you don't need to compile your code. But for Go, it seems like it would be a pain to develop alongside Docker since you pretty much only have two options I guess.
First would be to have a Dockerfile that is just onbuild so it starts the go app when a container is run, thus having to build a new image on every change (whether it be small or not). Or, you do mount your source code dir to the container dir, then attach to the container itself and do the manual go build/run yourself as if you would normally.
Those two ways are really the only way that I see it happening unless you just don't develop your Go app in a docker container. Just develop it as normal, then use the scratch image method where you pre build the Go into a binary then copy that into your container when you are ready to run it. I assume that is probably the way to go, but I wanted to ask more professional people on the subject and maybe get some feedback on the topic.
Not sure it's the best pratice but here is my way.
Makefile is MANDATORY
Use my local machine and my go tools for small iterations
Use a dedicated build container based on golang:{1.X,latest}, mount code directory to build a release, mainly to ensure that my code will build correctly on the CI. (Tips, here is my standard go build command for release build : CGO_ENABLED=0 GOGC=off go build -ldflags -s -w)
Test code
Then use a FROM scratch to build a release container (copy the bin + entrypoint)
Push you image to your registry
Steps 3 to 6 are tasks for the CI.
Important note : this is changing due to the new multistage builds feature : https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/multistage-build/, no more build vs release containers.
Build container and release container will be merged in one multistage build so one Dockerfile with (not sure about the correct syntax but, you will get the idea) :
FROM golang:latest as build
WORKDIR /go/src/myrepos/myproject
RUN go build -o mybin
FROM scratch
COPY --from=build /go/src/myrepos/myproject/mybin /usr/local/bin/mybin
ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/mybin" ]
Lately, I've been using
As a base for all of my projects. The template comes with a Makefile that will build/test your application in a Docker.
As far as I understood from you question, you want to have a running container to develop a golang application. The same thing can be done in your host machine also. But good thing is that if you could build such application, then that will be consider as cloud Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS).
The basic requirement of the container will be: Ubuntu image and other packages such as editor, golang compiler and so on.
I would suggest to look on the docker development environment.
The docker development environment is running inside a container and the files are mounted from one of the host directory. The container image is build from Ubuntu scratch image and added required packages which are needed to compile docker source code.
I hope you almost got what you are looking for.

How do you put your source code into Kubernetes?

I am new to Kubernetes and so I'm wondering what are the best practices when it comes to putting your app's source code into container run in Kubernetes or similar environment?
My app is a PHP so I have PHP(fpm) and Nginx containers(running from Google Container Engine)
At first, I had git volume, but there was no way of changing app versions like this so I switched to emptyDir and having my source code in a zip archive in one of the images that would unzip it into this volume upon start and now I have the source code separate in both images via git with separate git directory so I have /app and /app-git.
This is good because I do not need to share or configure volumes(less resources and configuration), the app's layer is reused in both images so no impact on space and since it is git the "base" is built in so I can simply adjust my dockerfile command at the end and switch to different branch or tag easily.
I wanted to download an archive with the source code directly from repository by providing credentials as arguments during build process but that did not work because my repo, bitbucket, creates archives with last commit id appended to the directory so there was no way o knowing what unpacking the archive would result in, so I got stuck with git itself.
What are your ways of handling the source code?
Ideally, you would use continuous delivery patterns, which means use Travis CI, Bitbucket pipelines or Jenkins to build the image on code change.
that is, every time your code changes, your automated build will get triggered and build a new Docker image, which will contain your source code. Then you can trigger a Deployment rolling update to update the Pods with the new image.
If you have dynamic content, you likely put this a persistent storage, which will be re-mounted on Pod update.
What we've done traditionally with PHP is an overlay on runtime. Basically the container will have a volume mounted to it with deploy keys to your git repo. This will allow you to perform git pull operations.
The more buttoned up approach is to have custom, tagged images of your code extended from fpm or whatever image you're using. That way you would run version 1.3 of YourImage where YourImage would contain code version 1.3 of your application.
Try to leverage continuous integration and continuous deployment. You can use Jenkins as CI/CD server, and create some jobs for building image, pushing image and deploying image.
I recommend putting your source code into docker image, instead of git repo. You can also extract configuration files from docker image. In kubernetes v1.2, it provides new feature 'ConfigMap', so we can put configuration files in ConfigMap. When running a pod, configuration files will be mounted automatically. It's very convenience.
