I cannot find the mining of potential, higher order potential, low order potential and how higher order potential enhances image segmentation. is their any documentation to explain these concepts?
You can start with the seminal work of:
Kohli, Pushmeet, and Philip HS Torr. Robust higher order potentials for enforcing label consistency. International Journal of Computer Vision 82.3 (2009): 302-324.
If you want to play around with som ecode, you can find a matlab wrapper here.
In the Visual SLAM area, there's the well-known solution of EKF/UKF/Particle-SLAM , like the "mono-slam".
Recently , there was a direction to Local Bundle Adjustment methods , like lsd-slam or orb-slam ..
My question is :
Do the filtering ways still have a future or steady usage? in what applications? what are the pros/cons?
I read these papers but, I failed to extract a final answer,(mostly out of misunderstanding):
Visual SLAM: why filter?
Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
P. S.: I know the first is saying that Local BA is better somehow, and the second rarely mentioned filtering, so.., that's it.. , is it the end of the awesome Kalman filter in Visual-SLAM area?!!
No, the Kalman filter still has its uses. Although "visual SLAM: Why filter" is interesting in that it is the first (to my knowledge) paper to conduct a mathematically sound comparison, you should note that it only compares bundle adjustment to a very specific Kalman filter, which for example includes the points in the filter, while state of the art EKF-based odometry/slam methods seem to indicate that this is not a good idea. Also, you can argue that a recursive Kalman filter is more or less the same as bundle adjustment.
A kalman filter, despite its computational disadvantage in some cases, will have the advantage of easily providing you with uncertainty estimates. Obtaining non-local uncertainties in bundle adjustment is not trivial, and adds significant overhead (see for example this paper, which actually is the only uncertainty propagation in bundle adjustment I know of.).
Another advantage of Kalman filters is that sensor fusion is straightforward. You more or less have to add the parameters to estimate to the state vector. For an example of a state of the art Kalman filter for IMU/Vision fusion that is actually being used in many applications, see this paper.
But yes, there is a clear tendency in the SLAM community to move away from Kalman-based methods, except in specific areas (experimental sensors or large sensor graphs where having global covariances is mandatory etc), but the arguments are usually a little weak. People mumble something about better empirical results, and then cite "Visual SLAM: why filter". I recommend you read the thesis from that paper's author. Although his theoretical arguments on entropy are convincing, I still think that we have to be very cautious when citing that paper, because of the aforementioned particularities of the filter.
No, the second paper does not describe the end of the Kalman filter in Visual-Slam. The Kalman filter is a special case of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Gaussian noise. I want to direct your attention to Page 4, paragraph 3 of the second paper. There, the authors should clarify that the Kalman Filter and MAP are both extensions of Maximum Likelihood Estimation. As written, that insight is only implicit.
I have a twitter-like(another micro blog) data set with 1.6 million datapoints and tried to predict the its retweet numbers based on its content. I extracted its keyword and use the keywords as the bag of words feature. Then I got 1.2 million dimension feature. The feature vector is very sparse,usually only ten dimension in one data point. And I use SVR to do the regression. Now it has taken 2 days. I think the training time might take quite a long time. I don't know if I do this task like this is normal. Is there any way or is it necessary to optimize this problem?
BTW. If in this case , I don't use any kernel and the machine is 32GB RAM and i-7 16 cores. How long the training time will be in estimation? I used the lib pyml.
You need to find a dimensionality reduction approach that works for your problem.
I've worked on a similar problem to yours and I found that Information Gain worked well, but there are others.
I found this paper (Fabrizio Sebastiani, Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 34, No.1, pp.1-47, 2002) to be a good theoretical treatment of text classification, including feature reduction by a variety of methods from the simple (Term Frequency) to the complex (Information-Theoretic).
These functions try to capture the intuition that the best terms for ci are the
ones distributed most differently in the sets of positive and negative examples of
ci. However, interpretations of this principle vary across different functions. For instance, in the experimental sciences χ2 is used to measure how the results of an observation differ (i.e., are independent) from the results expected according to an initial hypothesis (lower values indicate lower dependence). In DR we measure how independent tk and ci are. The terms tk with the lowest value for χ2(tk, ci) are thus the most independent from ci; since we are interested in the terms which are not, we select the terms for which χ2(tk, ci) is highest.
These techniques help you choose terms that are most useful in separating the training documents into the given classes; the terms with the highest predictive value for your problem.
I've been successful using Information Gain for feature reduction and found this paper (Entropy based feature selection for text categorization Largeron, Christine and Moulin, Christophe and Géry, Mathias - SAC - Pages 924-928 2011) to be a very good practical guide.
Here the authors present a simple formulation of entropy-based feature selection that's useful for implementation in code:
Given a term tj and a category ck, ECCD(tj , ck) can be
computed from a contingency table. Let A be the number
of documents in the category containing tj ; B, the number
of documents in the other categories containing tj ; C, the
number of documents of ck which do not contain tj and D,
the number of documents in the other categories which do
not contain tj (with N = A + B + C + D):
Using this contingency table, Information Gain can be estimated by:
This approach is easy to implement and provides very good Information-Theoretic feature reduction.
You needn't use a single technique either; you can combine them. Ter-Frequency is simple, but can also be effective. I've combined the Information Gain approach with Term Frequency to do feature selection successfully. You should experiment with your data to see which technique or techniques work most effectively.
At first you can simply remove all words with high frequency and all words with low frequency, because both of them don't tell you much about content of a text, then you have to do a word-stemming.
After that you can try to reduce dimensionality of your space, with Feature hashing, or some more advance dimensionality reduction trick (PCA, ICA), or even both of them.
Interestingly, what technologies and algorithms the large companies use. I found only that the Microsoft uses the PhotoDNA technologie, but it is responsible only how photos are compared. It is interesting also as they automatically detecting pornographic images.
For example, are used any of methods : Skin Detection, ROI Detection, Bag-of-Visual-Words.
Seminal work in this field was done in Fleck, Margaret M., David A. Forsyth, and Chris Bregler. "Finding naked people." Computer Vision—ECCV'96. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1996. 593-602.. The approach detects skin-colored regions and then determines whether or not the regions match predefined human shapes. More on their skin detection algorithm here: http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~fleck/naked-skin.html .
More recent papers with summaries of current methods are available:
You may also take a look at: What is the best way to programatically detect porn images?
update 2016: use a convnet. They are far better at building high resolution filters. I wrote about it in more detail here
I've been playing with the excellent GPUImage library, which implements several feature detectors: Harris, FAST, ShiTomas, Noble. However none of those implementations help with the feature extraction and matching part. They simply output a set of detected corner points.
My understanding (which is shakey) is that the next step would be to examine each of those detected corner points and extract the feature from then, which would result in descriptor - ie, a 32 or 64 bit number that could be used to index the point near to other, similar points.
From reading Chapter 4.1 of [Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications, Szeliski], I understand that using a BestBin approach would help to efficient find neighbouring feautures to match, etc. However, I don't actually know how to do this and I'm looking for some example code that does this.
I've found this project [https://github.com/Moodstocks/sift-gpu-iphone] which claims to implement as much as possible of the feature extraction in the GPU. I've also seen some discussion that indicates it might generate buggy descriptors.
And in any case, that code doesn't go on to show how the extracted features would be best matched against another image.
My use case if trying to find objects in an image.
Does anyone have any code that does this, or at least a good implementation that shows how the extracted features are matched? I'm hoping not to have to rewrite the whole set of algorithms.
First, you need to be careful with SIFT implementations, because the SIFT algorithm is patented and the owners of those patents require license fees for its use. I've intentionally avoided using that algorithm for anything as a result.
Finding good feature detection and extraction methods that also work well on a GPU is a little tricky. The Harris, Shi-Tomasi, and Noble corner detectors in GPUImage are all derivatives of the same base operation, and probably aren't the fastest way to identify features.
As you can tell, my FAST corner detector isn't operational yet. The idea there is to use a lookup texture based on a local binary pattern (why I built that filter first to test the concept), and to have that return whether it's a corner point or not. That should be much faster than the Harris, etc. corner detectors. I also need to finish my histogram pyramid point extractor so that feature extraction isn't done in an extremely slow loop on the GPU.
The use of a lookup texture for a FAST corner detector is inspired by this paper by Jaco Cronje on a technique they refer to as BFROST. In addition to using the quick, texture-based lookup for feature detection, the paper proposes using the binary pattern as a quick descriptor for the feature. There's a little more to it than that, but in general that's what they propose.
Feature matching is done by Hamming distance, but while there are quick CPU-side and CUDA instructions for calculating that, OpenGL ES doesn't have one. A different approach might be required there. Similarly, I don't have a good solution for finding a best match between groups of features beyond something CPU-side, but I haven't thought that far yet.
It is a primary goal of mine to have this in the framework (it's one of the reasons I built it), but I haven't had the time to work on this lately. The above are at least my thoughts on how I would approach this, but I warn you that this will not be easy to implement.
For object recognition / these days (as of a couple weeks ago) best to use tensorflow /Convolutional Neural Networks for this.
Apple has some metal sample code recently added. https://developer.apple.com/library/content/samplecode/MetalImageRecognition/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40017385
To do feature detection within an image - I draw your attention to an out of the box - KAZE/AKAZE algorithm with opencv.
For ios, I glued the Akaze class together with another stitching sample to illustrate.
detector = cv::AKAZE::create();
detector->detect(mat, keypoints); // this will find the keypoints
cv::drawKeypoints(mat, keypoints, mat);
// this is the pseudo SIFT descriptor
.. [255] = {
pt = (x = 645.707153, y = 56.4605064)
size = 4.80000019
angle = 0
response = 0.00223364262
octave = 0
class_id = 0 }
Here is a GPU accelerated SIFT feature extractor:
The code is written in Swift 5 and uses Metal compute shaders for most operations (scaling, gaussian blur, key point detection and interpolation, feature extraction). The implementation is largely based on the paper and code from the "Anatomy of the SIFT Method Article" published in the Image Processing Online Journal (IPOL) in 2014 (http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2014/82/). Some parts are based on code by Rob Whess (https://github.com/robwhess/opensift), which I believe is now used in OpenCV.
For feature matching I tried using a kd-tree with the best-bin first (BBF) method proposed by David Lowe. While BBF does provide some benefit up to about 10 dimensions, with a higher number of dimensions such as used by SIFT, it is no better than quadratic search due to the "curse of dimensionality". That is to say, if you compare 1000 descriptors against 1000 other descriptors, it stills end up making 1,000 x 1,000 = 1,000,000 comparisons - the same as doing brute-force pairwise.
In the linked code I use a different approach optimised for performance over accuracy. I use a trie to locate the general vicinity for potential neighbours, then search a fixed number of sibling leaf nodes for the nearest neighbours. In practice this matches about 50% of the descriptors, but only makes 1000 * 20 = 20,000 comparisons - about 50x faster and scales linearly instead of quadratically.
I am still testing and refining the code. Hopefully it helps someone.
I have to find similar URLs like
and gather them in groups or clusters. My problems:
The number of URLs is large (1,580,000)
I don't know which clustering or method of finding similarities is better
I would appreciate any suggestion on this.
There are a few problems at play here. First you'll probably want to wash the URLs with a dictionary, for example to convert
teeth whitening 360 com teeth whitening treatments 18
then you may want to stem the words somehow, eg using the Porter stemmer:
teeth whiten 360 com teeth whiten treatment 18
Then you can use a simple vector space model to map the URLs in an n-dimensional space, then just run k-means clustering on them? It's a basic approach but it should work.
The number of URLs involved shouldn't be a problem, it depends what language/environment you're using. I would think Matlab would be able to handle it.
Tokenizing and stemming are obvious things to do. You can then turn these vectors into TF-IDF sparse vector data easily. Crawling the actual web pages to get additional tokens is probably too much work?
After this, you should be able to use any flexible clustering algorithm on the data set. With flexible I mean that you need to be able to use for example cosine distance instead of euclidean distance (which does not work well on sparse vectors). k-means in GNU R for example only supports Euclidean distance and dense vectors, unfortunately. Ideally, choose a framework that is very flexible, but also optimizes well. If you want to try k-means, since it is a simple (and thus fast) and well established algorithm, I belive there is a variant called "convex k-means" that could be applicable for cosine distance and sparse tf-idf vectors.
Classic "hierarchical clustering" (apart from being outdated and performing not very well) is usually a problem due to the O(n^3) complexity of most algorithms and implementations. There are some specialized cases where a O(n^2) algorithm is known (SLINK, CLINK) but often the toolboxes only offer the naive cubic-time implementation (including GNU R, Matlab, sciPy, from what I just googled). Plus again, they often will only have a limited choice of distance functions available, probably not including cosine.
The methods are, however, often easy enough to implement yourself, in an optimized way for your actual use case.
These two research papers published by Google and Yahoo respectively go into detail on algorithms for clustering similar URLs: