Issue with AWSCognito/DynamoDB (Unauthenticated access - not supported) - ios

I am trying to use AWSCognito and DynamoDB in an iOS app.
I have followed this document.
appearently with no problem until step 5 (Create a user pool group).
Step 6: Amazon DynamoDB row-level authorization
I don't quite understand what I am supposed to do.
When running this Swift code:!, completionHandler: {
(error: Error?) -> Void in
if let error = error {
print("Amazon DynamoDB Save Error: \(error)")
print("An item was saved.")
I get this error:
Amazon DynamoDB Save Error: Error Domain=com.amazonaws.AWSCognitoIdentityErrorDomain
Code=8 "(null)" UserInfo={__type=NotAuthorizedException, message=Unauthenticated
access is not supported for this identity pool.}
But I do not intend to have "Unauthenticated access".
I was expecting to be asked for a username/password at some point.
I must have either done something wrong on the way or not done something I should've done.
The fact is I have no experience setting up AWSCognito/DynamoDB to work together.


Not able to sign in with AWSMobileClient iOS. Getting AWSMobileClientError error 13

I'm using the AWSMobileClient on iOS for authentication and I'm not able to sign in. I'm calling the signin method and all I'm getting is the following error:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (AWSMobileClient.AWSMobileClientError error 13.)
This error is useless to me and I can't find any decent documentation on what this error means. Has anyone seen this? Appreciate your help.
Please take a look at this
You can cast the error as AWSMobileClientError and switch on it to exhaust the list of errors.
Alternatively, I've moved over the internal message property over to my app like this:
extension AWSMobileClientError {
var message: String {
switch self {
case .aliasExists(let message),
.badRequest(let message),
and then I can access the message on error after casting it to AWSMobileClientError from if let error = error as? AWSMobileClientError
You should keep in mind that the alternative method exposes the message which is a developer facing message and not a end-user facing message. Ideally when you need to provide an end-user facing message, you would use first method and map the error case to a specific localized message.

GooglePlaces API "Response That We Couldn't Understand" Error

Using the standard autocomplete code with a searchbar:
placesClient.autocompleteQuery(searchBar.textField.text!, bounds: nil, filter: filter, callback: {(results, error) -> Void in
if let error = error {
print("Autocomplete error \(error)")
if let results = results {
for result in results {
print("Result \(result.attributedFullText) with placeID \(result.placeID)")
Has been working for months and tonight it started reporting this error:
Autocomplete error Error Code=-2 "The Places API server returned a response that we couldn't understand. If you believe this error represents a bug, please file a report using the instructions on our community and support page ("
UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The Places API server returned a response that we couldn't understand. If you believe this error represents a bug, please file a report using the instructions on our community and support page (, NSUnderlyingError=0x600000444380 {Error Code=-1 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x600000444350 {Error Code=404 "Not Found" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Not Found}}}}}
Anyone else experiencing this?
Looks like the service is back up. I raised a ticket with Google.
They identified the issue and are resolving it. Mentioned it could take a few hours.
See below:
This issue has been filed with Google, Google has identified the bug, and they are currently working on a fix. Issue tracking:
See: why loading places in iOS using google places api causes lookup place id query error?
thank-you: #trishcode

When requesting metadata of Amazon S3 file using iOS Swift 3 & AWS SDK 2.5, OSStatus error, Security Error has occurred

I'm using AWS SDK 2.5 and Swift 3. Having gotten S3 to work in Android, I'm transitioning to iOS and Swift.
After following the solution in another StackOverflow question Checking metadata of Amazon S3, I receive an OSStatus error [-34018] Security error has occurred.
Here's the code snippet based on that solution.
let request = AWSS3HeadObjectRequest()
request!.bucket = bucketName
request!.key = key
let s3 = AWSS3.default()
s3.headObject(request!) {
(output1 : AWSS3HeadObjectOutput?, error : Error?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
print("Error: could not find file \(error)")
} else {
print (output1?.lastModified! ?? "")
I have a valid Cognito pool ID, bucket and key. I'm not sure what the issue is. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You need to enable keychain capability in your XCode project. Apple changed the way how keychain is accessed on iOS10. for more information please see

Google Places Api Error in Swift 3

Google Places Api
I am implementing google place api in my project. I have implemented everything but google Api returns the following error:
Current Place error: The operation couldn’t be completed. An internal
error occurred in the Places API library. If you believe this error
represents a bug, please file a report using the instructions on our
community and support page
It was working earlier but suddenly it stops. I found nothing in any other answer that could be helpful for me.
This my code to call the Api:
GMSPlacesClient().currentPlace(callback: {
(placeLikelihoods, error) -> Void in
guard error == nil else {
print("Current Place error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
Any Help would be appreciated!!
Make sure that you have given place_id instead of id.
This solved my issue
According to the GMSPlacesClient reference ( you should be accessing the shared instance of the client, so in Swift 3 your code above should be
GMSPlacesClient.shared().currentPlace(callback: {
(placeLikelihoods, error) -> Void in
guard error == nil else {
print("Current Place error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")

Google Places API Autocomplete not working bad request

I'm trying to use Google places API to get autocomplete.
I've checked everything:
API keys are activated (disabled every restriction)
I'm calling GMSServices.provideAPIKey and GMSPlacesClient.provideAPIKey
Initializing the object placesClient = GMSPlacesClient.shared()
The call I'm making is:
let filter = GMSAutocompleteFilter()
filter.type = .establishment
placesClient?.autocompleteQuery(textField.text!, bounds: nil, filter: filter) { (predictionList, error) in
if let error = error {
print("Pick Place error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
if let list = predictionList{
self.resultList = list
The error I'm getting is:
Printing description of error: Error Code=-3 "An internal error
occurred in the Places API library. If you believe this error
represents a bug, please file a report using the instructions on our
community and support page
UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An internal error occurred in the
Places API library. If you believe this error represents a bug, please
file a report using the instructions on our community and support page
NSUnderlyingError=0x608000445370 {Error Code=-1 "(null)"
UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x60800024f030 {Error Code=400 "(Bad Request)"
UserInfo={error=Bad Request, GTLRStructuredError=GMSx_GTLRErrorObject
0x60800024f9f0: {message:"Bad Request" errors:[1] code:400},
NSLocalizedFailureReason=(Bad Request)}}}}}
Has anyone else seen this problem in Xcode 8 iOS 10? Thanks
EDIT: Now it seems that some requests are working... Maybe the server is having problems?
