Loading a file from the assets folder in Flutter / Dart - dart

I'm using the video_player plugin for Flutter to play a .mp4 file. In the example code, there's a demo for using the .network() method to play a file, but in the source code, I'm seeing a .file() method for running local content.
I've added my assets directory to the pubspec.yaml file, but on iOS, I'm not seeing an easy way to get the file:// path to my video and pass it into the video player.
It looks like this is accomplished with an assetBundle constructor, but I'm not quite sure how to phrase the code. Intuitively, it feels like it should look something like this:
void initState() async {
final video = File('assets/video.mp4');
_controller = VideoPlayerController.file(video)
..initialize().then((_) {
setState(() {});
Any ideas?

Guessing you have added something like the following in your pubspec.yaml
- assets/
You just need to set the file path as String as follow:
_controller = VideoPlayerController.asset(
..initialize().then((_) {
setState(() {});
This will work, hope this help.


globalSetup to reference baseUrl from playwright.config

Im currently using a global-setup.ts file to load a url via playwright.
await page.goto('https://test1.com/');
I am also doing extra code inside here and storing the state of my object (All works as expected)
My playwright.config.ts file references the globalsetup and this all works as expected.
In my Config file I also set baseUrl however, I am struggling on a way to get the baseUrl passed to my global-setup.ts file instead of hardcoding it.
Inside your global setup, you can access the baseURL like that:
import { FullConfig } from '#playwright/test';
async function globalSetup(config: FullConfig) {
export default globalSetup
See here: https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-testconfig/

Using Futures to load config.json in Flutter

Being new to Dart/Flutter I am using this snippet to try and load a config.json file that I have stored in my assets folder. In trying to read this file, I am using models on the Dart language Futures documentation and in the Flutter docs on reading local text files:
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle;
import 'dart:convert';
Future<List> loadAsset() async {
String raw = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/config.json');
List configData = json.decode(raw);
return configData;
Then, inside my class, I try to load the config into a List, like this:
Future<List> configData = loadAsset();
// prints out: Instance of 'Future<List<dynamic>>'
The result of all this seems to work. Yet I can find no way of using the data I have loaded. Any effort to access elements in the List, e.g. configData[0] results in an error:
The following _CompileTimeError was thrown building
HomePage(dirty, state: HomePageState#b1af8):
'package:myapp/pages/home_page.dart': error:
line 64 pos 19: lib/pages/home_page.dart:64:19:
Error: The method '[]' isn't defined for the class
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method,
or defining a method named '[]'.
I would like to convert the configData Future into a normal object that I can read and pass around my app. I am able to do something very similar, and to get it to work inside a widget's build method, using a FutureBuilder and the DefaultAssetBundle thus...
...but I don't want the overhead of reloading the data inside all the widgets that need it. I would like to load inside a separate Dart package and have it available as a global configuration across all my app. Any pointers would be appreciated.
I have tried the suggestion by RĂ©mi Rousselet:
List configData = await loadAsset();
In this case, I get a compiler error:
compiler message: lib/pages/home_page.dart:55:21: Error: Getter not found: 'await'.
compiler message: List configData = await loadAsset();
compiler message: ^^^^^
You can't do configData[0] as configData is not a List but a Future.
Instead, await the future to have access to the List inside
List configData = await loadAsset();
You can only use await INSIDE async methods.
If you want to you your assets in entire application you want to load the asset in the main method similar like this.
void main() async {
StorageUtils.localStorage = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
Now you can use localStorage synchronously in entire application and you don't need to deal with another asynchronous calls or load it again.
Different example, same principle.

Using dart:js to stream audio through the SoundCloud JavaScript API

I'm trying to write a library that will make it easer for dartisans to use the SoundCloud JavaScript SDK (http://developers.soundcloud.com/docs/api/sdks#javascript).
I'm using the 'dart:js' library, and
I'm only using one class to handle the proxy.
class SCproxy {
JsObject proxy = context['SC'];
String client_id;
SCproxy(this.client_id) {}
initialize() {
proxy.callMethod('initialize', [client_id]);
stream(String track_id){
var track = new JsObject(proxy.callMethod('stream',[track_id]));
print(track); // track should be the soundmanager2 object that we can call '.play' on.
The repo I'm hosting this from is (https://github.com/darkkiero/scproxy)
My problem occurs when I try to run my 'stream' method.
main() {
SCproxy SC = new SCproxy('Your SoundCloud API client_ID');
When I try to grab and use the soundmanager2 object returned by the javascript 'SC.stream' method, the dart editor gives me this exception :
Breaking on exception: type 'ScriptElement' is not a subtype of type 'JsFunction' of 'constructor'.
I am under the impression that I should be able to get the dart JsObject for the soundmanager2 object by collecting the callback of the 'SC.stream', But I'm not sure how.However I could be completely misusing 'dart:js' and that would be helpful information as well.
You don't seem to follow the SoundCloud JavaScript SDK documentation. Particularly for the stream method that takes a callback as parameter and doesn't return.
The following Dart code :
context['SC'].callMethod('stream', ['/tracks/293', (sound) {
will do the same as this JS code :
SC.stream("/tracks/293", function(sound){
You can have a look at Using JavaScript from Dart for more explanations.

Dart directory scan and list population

I'm new to this dart stuff and having problems with creating a list with file names from a directory. The example code makes sense but doesn't work and provides no error messages.
I'm really not enjoying how Dart complicates simple tasks.
var flist = new List();
Process.run('cmd', ['/c', 'dir *.txt /b']).then((ProcessResult results) {
i know it's way off.. how do i go about this without having to call any outside voids.. i'd like to keep my code in the 'main' function.
You might find this answer useful. It shows how to use the Directory object to list contents of a directory: How do I list the contents of a directory with Dart?
Looks like you're trying to find all files in a directory that end in *.txt. You could do this:
import 'dart:io';
main() {
var dir = new Directory('some directory');
var contents = dir.listSync();
var textFiles = contents.filter((f) => f.name.endsWith('.txt'));

How do I list the contents of a directory with Dart?

I would like to list all the contents of a directory (on the file system) using Dart. How can I do this?
How to list the contents of a directory in Dart
final dir = Directory('path/to/directory');
final List<FileSystemEntity> entities = await dir.list().toList();
This creates a Directory from a path. Then it converts it to a list of FileSystemEntity, which can be a File, a Directory, or a Link. By default subdirectories are not listed recursively.
If you want to print that list, then add this line:
If you want to only get the files then you could do it like so:
final Iterable<File> files = entities.whereType<File>();
The API has changed and I have updated the async code for M4 release (0.5.16_r23799 ):
Future<List<FileSystemEntity>> dirContents(Directory dir) {
var files = <FileSystemEntity>[];
var completer = Completer<List<FileSystemEntity>>();
var lister = dir.list(recursive: false);
lister.listen (
(file) => files.add(file),
// should also register onError
onDone: () => completer.complete(files)
return completer.future;
The list method returns a Stream where each emitted event is a directory entry:
Directory dir = Directory('.');
// execute an action on each entry
dir.list(recursive: false).forEach((f) {
As the name suggest, listSync method is the blocking version:
// create a list of entries
List<FileSystemEntity> entries = dir.listSync(recursive: false).toList();
What method to use depends on application context. A note directly from the docs:
Unless you have a specific reason for using the synchronous version of a method, prefer the asynchronous version to avoid blocking your program.
This answer is out of date. Please see the accepted answer.
There are two ways to list the contents of a directory using the Dart VM and the dart:io library.
(note: the following only works in the Dart VM when running on the command-line or as a server-side app. This does not work in a browser or when compiled to JavaScript.)
First, you need to import the dart:io library. This library contains the classes required to access files, directories, and more.
import 'dart:io';
Second, create a new instance of the Directory class.
var dir = new Directory('path/to/my/dir');
Listing contents in a script
The easiest way is to use the new listSync method. This returns a List of contents. By default this does not recurse.
List contents = dir.listSync();
for (var fileOrDir in contents) {
if (fileOrDir is File) {
} else if (fileOrDir is Directory) {
If you want to recurse through directories, you can use the optional parameter recursive.
List allContents = dir.listSync(recursive: true);
WARNING if your directory structure has circular symlinks, the above code will crash because it's following symlinks recursively.
This method, using listSync, is especially useful when you are writing a shell script, command-line utility, or similar app or script with Dart.
Listing contents in a server
A second way to list the contents of a directory is to use the async version of list. You would use this second method when you need to list a directory in response to, say, an HTTP request. Remember that each of Dart's isolates runs in a single thread. Any long running process can block the event loop. When interactivity is important, or serving lots of clients from a single Dart script, use the async version.
With the async version, dir.list() returns a DirectoryLister. You can register three different callbacks on DirectoryLister:
onFile: called when a file or directory is encountered
onDone: called when the directory lister is done listing contents
onError: called when the lister encounters some error
Here is a simple function that returns a Future of a list of strings, containing file names in a directory:
Future<List<String>> dirContents(Directory dir) {
var filenames = <String>[];
var completer = new Completer();
var lister = dir.list();
lister.onFile = (filename) => filenames.add(filename);
// should also register onError
lister.onDone = (_) => completer.complete(filenames);
return completer.future;
Of course, this method is perfect for servers, it's more cumbersome for simple scripts.
Luckily, Dart supports both methods for you to use!
Inside and asynchronous function write this
List<FileSystemEntity> allContents = await Directory("folder/path").list().toList();
Now you have a list with all of the contents
Here is my version using async/await, returning a List of Files only:
List<File> filesInDirectory(Directory dir) async {
List<File> files = <File>[];
await for (FileSystemEntity entity in dir.list(recursive: false, followLinks: false)) {
FileSystemEntityType type = await FileSystemEntity.type(entity.path);
if (type == FileSystemEntityType.FILE) {
return files;
With this function you can print all the directories and files of a directory.
You just need to pass a specific path.
Future listDir(String folderPath) async {
var directory = new Directory(folderPath);
var exists = await directory.exists();
if (exists) {
.list(recursive: true, followLinks: false)
.listen((FileSystemEntity entity) {
To get a list of file names with a certain string, you can use this code:
String directory = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path;
List<FileSystemEntity> files = Directory(directory).listSync(recursive: false);
List<String> filePaths = [];
for (var fileSystemEntity in files) {
if (basename(fileSystemEntity.path).contains('mystring')) {
You can use the basename function if you need just the file name, and not the whole path.
To get all files with given extension:
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
Future<List<File>> getAllFilesWithExtension(String path, String extension) async {
final List<FileSystemEntity> entities = await Directory(path).list().toList();
return entities.whereType<File>().where((element) => p.extension(element.path) == extension).toList();
