When using opencl with torch, lua uses integrated graphics not dedicated gpu - lua

I am using Andrej Karpathy's code to train a rnn. When I give the flag "-opencl 1" to tell it to use an opencl gpu, it uses integrated graphics and nothing else.
I tried reinstalling cltorch and using different flags, but nothing has seemed to work. To add to this I can't see if my gpu is under load because I'm on macos. I looked through the code and I could't find any errors, but I have little experience with lua.
Code can be found here: https://github.com/karpathy/char-rnn.
I expect with the flag "opencl 1" or something to the like, my radeon pro 560x will be used to train on my dataset and not my cpu or integrated graphics.

When reading instructions I thought just -opencl flag needed to be used but it turns out -gpuid needs to be used in conjuction with it as well. This was also after a reinstall of torch and opencl drivers, so that could have been a problem as well.


OpenCV version compatibility

I'm trying to apply my algorithm (made OpenCV) to the Inspection machine.
but, my develop environment is OpenCV 4.6 (win10). but the machine's env is OpenCV b5a (win XP)
so, we have problem in here.
I know the b5a version is too old.
but We can't the OpenCV version in machine go up. (the soft ware is too heavy to change version)
and the my algorithm include so many OpenCV function. so It is not easy to make without OpenCV function.
Could anyone have a good idea for figure this problem?

can we run digits or caffe on Mac without GPU?

I have seen caffe installation for Mac. But I have a question. If my Mac does not have GPU, then I have no chances to use GPU?? and I have to use CPU-only?
or I have the chance of using (virtual!) GPU by NVIDIA web driver?
Moreover, can I have digits on my Mac? as I try to download it, it does not have any options for Mac download and it is just for Ubuntu!
I am very confused about these questions! Can you please make me clear about these?
The difference in architectures between CPU and GPU does not allow simple transformation of the code written for one architecture to the other. The GPU drivers are specifically written for the GPU architecture and cannot be easily virtualized. On the other hand, some software supports both. This includes OpenGL instructions and caffe (http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/). NVidia DIGITS is based on caffe and therefore can work without a dedicated GPU (Here the thread how to install on Macs: https://github.com/NVIDIA/DIGITS/issues/88)
According to https://www.github.com/NVIDIA/DIGITS/issues/251 CUDA cannot be run on computers that do not have a dedicated NVidia GPU, but according to How to run my CUDA application on ATI or Intel card in software mode? there is a program gpuocelot that receives CUDA instructions and can work on NVidia GPU, AMD GPU and x86.
In scientific shared computing they wrote separate programs for different devices, e.g. Einstein at Home has four separate programs to find gravitational waves: CPU, NVidia GPU (CUDA), AMD GPU and ARM.
To make DIGITS work you need to
build Caffe with CPU_ONLY and tell DIGITS not to use any GPUs by
running digits-devserver with the --config flag
(https://github.com/NVIDIA/caffe/blob/v0.13.2/Makefile.config.example#L9-L10, https://github.com/NVIDIA/DIGITS/issues/251).
Other possibility:
you can still use the --config flag with the web installer. Try this:
./runme.sh --config. Choose "N" to select none.
Also a possibility:
I am trying to answer how you can choose CPU or GPUs.. Within the
caffe folder, there is a Makefile.config.example file.. Copy the
contents of this file into a new file and rename it as
"Makefile.config". If you want to use CPU, then
1. comment out the "USE_CUDNN :=1 Within "Makefile.config" file,
2. uncomment CPU_ONLY := 1
3. issue the make all command again within the caffe folder..
And if nothing helps you can do the procedure two times because it helped someone at the end of the thread.

setting up for programming using webGL

I am having problems for setting up my laptop to program using webGL.
I am using mint linux 16. I tried installing nodejs because the webGL is javascript program but it seems not working. I am reading a book called WebGL programming guide and try to run an example in the book to make sure that my laptop is set up for webgl. One of the very first example in the book uses javascript libraries such as webgl-utils.js, webgl-debug.js... but I can find those libraries. Can anyone help me please??
I'd check to see if your video card or browser is supported.

OpenCv 2.4.3 prebuild seems not to use TBB/IPP

I am using OpenCv 2.4.3. I just downloaded it from their site and used the build that they have made. I did not want to take the headache of building it from the source myself. Anyway, in my machine the haar classifier gives very slow performance to detect faces. In another machine my friend runs it fine.( he built from source with TBB and IPP supprt on in cmake).
Though in the release they say that : "You do not need TBB anymore on MacOSX, iOS and Windows. BTW, the binary package for Windows is now built without TBB support. Libraries and DLLs for Visual Studio 2010 use the Concurrency framework."
I do not know much about these TBB and IPP. Only thing that I understand is making these things available will make multi-threading and parallelism possible resulting to speeding up my program.
Do I need to compile the source with cmake, TBB IPP bla bla... or there is something else that I am missing? Any ideas?
What they say, is that they have the pre-built binaries compiled in a way that does not need TBB, because they use another concurrency framework. So if You don't want to meddle in the library's settings You can use the pre-built version without sacrificing performance. But that is on Windows, iOS and MacOS.
The performance might also depend on the machines parameters (You know, cascades are power hungry), so if Your friend has a stronger machine, he will probably get better results, and OS You are operating, but I cannot tell You which is the best, as I didn't try OpenCV on anything besides Linux.

Using GNU Readline; how can I add ncurses in the same program?

The title is a bit more specific than my actual goal:
I have a command-line program which uses GNU Readline, primarily for command history (i.e. retrieving previous commands using up-arrow) and some other niceties. Right now the program's output appears interspersed with the user's input, which sometimes is OK but the output is asynchronous (it comes via a network connection in response to the input commands), and that gets annoying sometimes (e.g. if lines are output when the user is typing new input).
I'd like to add a feature to this program: a separate "window" for the output. I thought about using ncurses for this. But it appears from the ncurses FAQ that the two libraries are not easy to use together.
I might consider using Editline or tecla instead of Readline, but it's not clear to me if either of those will solve my problem. I'd also consider using something other than ncurses, including a library which provides both kinds of functionality (text-mode windows and command history), but I don't know what might be best.
Oh, and support for colored text might get bonus points. I suspect I may be able to do that with Readline, so maybe it's a separate concern, but if a solution to my problem also makes it easy to add a bit of color to the output, so much the better.
I'm using Ubuntu Hardy (Linux 2.6).
I've now put together a simple example program on GitHub: https://github.com/ulfalizer/readline-and-ncurses.
It supports seamless and efficient terminal resizing and multibyte/combining/wide characters. The code has helpful comments.
Screenshot below:
I have done some searching, and it seems like you are out of luck.
For ncurses alternatives there are SLang, Newt and Turbo
Vision. Slang is much more than just screen handling and thus more
complex, but maybe it can be used for your purpose?. Newt uses the screen
handling and is much simpler, but too simple and single-threaded-mode
for your purpose I think.
Turbo vision is the text mode graphics library from Borland, used by
all their tools in the late 80s/early 90s. Borland released the source
code when the market for that kind of thing diminished, and there is
now a port for linux (side note, this project seems to have written
its own turbo vision implementation). That port is not dead (there have
been some cvs updates this year which compiled fine (the older releases
did not)), but none of the TV examples I found were up to date and I
did only got a few of them to compile before giving up on the rest.
This is a bit of a shame, because TV was a lovely environment to use.
TV is btw C++ (and I assume you are using C?).
For an alternative to readline, there is libkinput, which maybe works
together with ncurses (it says it can use ncurses' terminfo. but I am
not sure if that means that it can co-exists together with ncurses usage)?
Maybe one option is to run readline "externally" to your ncurses program
using rlwrap?
This had me banging my head for a few hours, so just to save people Googling some pain:
If you're using ncurses' builtin SIGWINCH handler with KEY_RESIZE, be aware that readline sets the LINES and COLUMNS environment variables by default. These override any dynamic size calculation (usually with ioctl() TIOCGWINSZ) that ncurses would otherwise do, meaning you'll keep getting the initial terminal size even after resizing the terminal.
This can be prevented by setting rl_change_environment to 0 before initializing readline.
Here's some additional information I gleaned from the readline sources:
readline's SIGWINCH handling code (which is used if rl_catch_sigwinch is 1) does update LINES and COLUMNS, which seems like it should be sufficient for ncurses. However, when using the alternate readline interface (which makes most sense when combining readline with ncurses), the signal handlers (including the one for SIGWINCH) will only be installed for the duration of each rl_callback_read_char() call, meaning any terminal resize between two calls to rl_callback_read_char() will not be seen by readline.
So it turns out that gdb uses both readline and ncurses. If you're interested in doing this, I recommend that you check out their implementation: http://sourceware.org/git/?p=gdb.git;a=blob;f=gdb/tui/tui-io.c
I've achieved what you've described in a program of mine:
The following is the file handling io:
I'm not sure which version you tried. As of today(2012.09.14) It is very simple, We just need to hook our custom function to following function pointers.
I did something reasonable here.
