I want to add more tab bar than two - ios

I want to add more tab bar than 2 and I tried the make segue between the main storyboard but I can not succeed.Summary how can I add more tab bar?

If you wanna add more View Controllers via Storyboard:
Select your UITabBarController
Press down Ctrl key (hold on)
Drag to another View Controller (hold Ctrl)
Select view contollers in Relationship Segue
If you wanna create UITabBarController with Storyboard Reference you can use this approach:
Add TabBarController to your Storyboard.
Remove added View Controllers.
Add Storyboard Reference as many as you need
Select view contollers in Relationship Segue like in first approach


Can't create new tab bar controller in iOS

When i try to create a new tab bar controller it comes like this. What can be the problem?
1.Add new UIViewController in storyboard
2.Drag segue from Tab bar Controller to that ViewController
3.And Select Relationship segue ->view Controllers
There you Go..!
Easiest way to add uiviewcontroller to tabor is.
1) Add one uiviewcontroleller on the story board.
2) Select that and click on Editor> Embed In > Tabbar Controller
3) That initialises a new tabor controller with one uiviewcontroller.
If you want to add additional items to your tabar.
Add new uiviewcontroller and CTRL + Click + drag to new uiviewcontroller from the taborcontroller.When you choose the relationship segue, that would add your second view controller.

How to make TabBarController inside another TabBarController in swift storyboard?

I wanna know how to create nested UITabBarControllers in Xcode, I'm using Swift.
My first UITabBarController has two items: Search (UITableView) and Map (MKMapView).
When I hit a cell in my table I wanna go to the second UITabBarController.
This second UITabBarController is the detail page for the clicked cell and must have three items --> Info, Reviews and Contact.
Can anyone explain how to do this? Right now I only have the first UITabBarController and a single view controller for the detail page working.
EDIT: The main problem is that when I nest the UITabBarControllers, my app always shows the items of the first UITabBarController.
Make another Tab View Controller next to it (You should see two tab view controllers on the storyboard), and then inside the Tab View Controller you want the other one in, insert a Container View. After the Container View is in the desired Tab View Controller and sized properly, hold control and drag from the Container View to the other Tab View Controller. After releasing, select embed and you should be good to go! Hope this helps. If it does, please vote this up :)
I found the answer by myself.
Just create a segue between the list view and the second tab controller.
And select on the second tab controller hide bottom bar on push in the attributes inspector.
Drag and drop new tabbarcontroller from stroryboard and from your list view controller ctrl+drag to this newtabbar controller and select show segue. (assuming that you are using navigation controller)

Update UINavigationController when clicked on menu

This is my current storyboard.
I have an initial view (Activity) embedded into a Navigation Controller, which has a top left navigation item (barely visible button) which segues to a menu (Guillotine Menu View Controller) with different options. How do I set this up to open a different ViewController embedded in the same navigation controller when I click on an option in the menu?
BTW I am using this library as the menu view controller.
You can do it as follow:
New your different view controller in the storyboard.
Cmd+drag from the button to the view controller.
In the pop-up menu, select the "push" segue.
I think you need a way to make the menu push new viewcontroller to the navigation controller that presented it. I have an idea but I can't try it now, you can try it and tell me if anything isn't clear
1- Add delegate properety to your GuillotineMenuViewController
2- In prepareForSegue in your viewcontrollers if the segue is for displaying the menu, set the menu delegate to self
3- Make menu buttons' actions call the menu's delegate with the name (or better the storyboard ID) of the viewcontroller it should push
4- In the delegate function close the menu, and check if the viewcontroller isn't the one already on top, instantiate it with the corresponding storyboard ID and push it

How to use Navigation Controller inside of UITabBarController with Storyboard on Swift

I'm using swift.
I would like to use Navigation inside of TabBar with Storyboard.
At first, the first display show up inside of tab menu.
But when I move to second display, second display show up without tab menu.
I selected segue type "show (e.g.Push)"
How can I keep displaying tab menu on all views?
In Interface Builder:
Create an UITabBarController and set it as the initial View Controller.
Create an UITableViewController.
Select the UITableViewController and go to the menu bar > Editor > Embed in > Navigation Controller.
Select your UITabBarController and CTRL-drag from it to the UINavigationController.
Choose Relationship Segue > view controllers.
Now, any View Controller you will add in the UINavigationController stack will be presented in the same UITabBarController.
To perform a segue from the first-in-stack UITableViewController connected to the UINavigationController, to another ViewController you must of course first create another ViewController, create a segue to it in Interface Builder, create an identifier for your segue and in your code perform it by calling the appropriate function in Swift like:
optional func performSegueWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String,
sender sender: AnyObject?)
Here's a sample on how your Interface Builder could look like:
Here's a rough overview on how your Storyboard will look like. You have to use Tab Bar Controller as a rootViewController.
Embed UITableViewController to a UINavigationController, so that you always have a back button.
There are endless possibilities for improvement as long as you follow Combined View Controller Interfaces. Here's what a demo will look like with a common tab as you wanted -

How to link items from a tabbar item to another viewcontroller

I have a UITabbar and added additional UITab Bar Items. I then want to link (create a segue) to another view controller, but when I drag to create a segue, I do not get the popup menu letting me choose between 'push' and 'modal'.
How can I create a segue to another view controller?
It is not possible to create a segue inside the Interface Builder using a UITab Bar Items, it has to be done using a UITabViewController (dragging directly from it).
A workaround could be to do it programmatically, listening when a item is selected inside the UITabbar and use the pushViewController:animated: method from the navigation controller to make the push, but not sure if this will work.
