from my experience I know that most used parameters in urls are like
'id=';'cid=';'user_id='; 'pid=' and other.
Do you have any other similar most used parameters?
I'm trying to use Siesta for sending POST request with multiple url parameters.
The problem is even though the solution is presented here, it only shows example for a single parameter. So my question is, is there any other ways to add multiple parameters or should I just use the withParam() multiple times?
E.g. .withParam("myparam", "1").withParam("myparam2", "1").withParam("myparam3", "1")...
I'm asking because using withParam() multiple times kinda look messy although it works =)
You’ve answered your own question: withParam is chainable, and that is the correct way to add multiple params.
It’s quite possible to format it in a tidy way, as in this snippet from the example project:
var activeRepositories: Resource {
return service
.withParam("q", "stars:>0")
.withParam("sort", "updated")
.withParam("order", "desc")
I would welcome a feature request for a flavor that takes a dictionary if you or others think that would be useful.
I'm reading the book, HTTP - The Definitive Guide, from which I get the URL general format:
The <params> part said,
The path component for HTTP URLs can be broken into path segments. Each segment can have its own params. For example:;sale=false/index.html;graphics=true
In my opinion, path params can also be used to query resources like query strings, but why it's barely seen?
And I'm a Rails developer, and I haven't seen its usage or specification in Rails. Does Rails not support it?
You ask several questions
Why do we not see ;params=value much?
Because query parameters using ?=& are widely supported, like in PHP, .net, ruby etc.. with convenient functions like $_GET[].
While params delimited by ; or , do not have these convenient helper functions. You do encounter them at Rest api's, where they are used in the htaccess or the controller to get relevant parameters.
Does Ruby support params delimited with ;?
Once you obtain the current url, you can get all parameters with a simple regex call. This is also why they are used in htaccess files, because they are easily regexed (is that a word?).
Both parameter passing structures are valid and can be used, the only clear reason why one is used more often than the other is because of preference and support in the different languages.
I have question, basic question I guess. But its important for me to learn more about web application.
I've ever seen a url with there are other words. for example:
there is q=setapak&mode=xml. what it means?
and what relationship with GET or POST?
when I try to create a simple page such which the code are:
put $_GET['number'] into number
put number
and I run the url on the browser: livecode/nana/
it shows nothing. So I get confuse. Can anyone explain to me?
Thank you..
Get will transfer you Parameter Using URL
all parameters will add to the URL ?number=1 this is one such example. it will carry number variable with value 1.
Post transfer parameters by attaching them to HTTP message body. Refer below link and you can get a good understanding about that.
You can't use single quotes in LC. use normal quotes around "number", and it should work.
I am new to Grails/Groovy. Please bear with me if this is a silly question.
I am trying to map an URL having querystring parameters in urlmapping.groovy, something like,
"/rest/employees?empno=123&dept=delivery"(controller:"employees", action="emp")
The values 123 and delivery are dynamic values. In other words, this could be anything that the user can use.
Apparently this syntax is not correct. What is the right way to achieve this?
Just leave /rest/employees"(controller:"employees", action="emp") and you'll get your query parameters as params.empno and params.dept in your action
#splix answer is correct. If you want to use a restfull url, you could do something like
instead. Otherwise just leave out the part after "?" as said. In your controller you will still get params.empno and params.dept
Read more here
I have a relatively simple (I think) use-case but I can't find any examples where someone has done this. We are using Varnish as a cache and reverse proxy in front of two different applications and would like to make things a bit more unified across both as they both do similar things. I was hoping Varnish could help rewrite the URLs as shown below.
Original application URL for pagination (get first 10 items):
Desired URL:
This is just one example (the most complex because it combines two parameters), but in all cases the input values for the parameters stay the same, it is just that the parameter names will change.
Another example would be:
Does anyone have any experience with varnish and how this could be done?
Apparently you can. The answer is that regsub is your friend.
For example:
if (req.url ~ "(.*)(id=)") {
set req.url = regsub(req.url, "(feeds/[a-zA-Z]*/)(.*)([\?|&])(id=)([a-zA-Z0-9]*)(.*)", "\1\2\3byGuid=\5\6");
This will convert and incoming "id" parameter into a "byGuid" parameter on the backend. t also does a bunch of stuff with the rest of the URL string but the basics are there. SO if anyone wants to do something similar this is a good starting point.