Install ansible application to docker container - docker

I have an application which can be installed with ansible. No I want to create docker image that includes installed application.
My idea is to up docker container from some base image, after that start installation from external machine, to this docker container. After that create image from this container.
I am just starting with dockers, could you please advise if it is good idea and how can I do it?

This isn’t the standard way to create a Docker image and it isn’t what I’d do, but it will work. Consider looking at a tool like Hashicorp’s Packer that can automate this sequence.
Ignoring the specific details of the tools, the important thing about the docker build sequence is that you have some file checked into source control that an automated process can use to build a Docker image. An Ansible playbook coupled with a Packer JSON template would meet this same basic requirement.
The important thing here though is that there are some key differences between the Docker runtime environment and a bare-metal system or VM that you’d typically configure with Ansible: it’s unlikely you’ll be able to use your existing playbook unmodified. For example, if your playbook tries to configure system daemons, install a systemd unit file, add ssh users, or other standard system administrative tasks, these generally aren’t relevant or useful in Docker.
I’d suggest making at least one attempt to package your application using a standard Dockerfile to actually understand the ecosystem. Don’t expect to be able to use an Ansible playbook unmodified in a Docker environment; but if your organization has a lot of Ansible experience and you can easily separate “install the application” from “configure the server”, the path you’re suggesting is technically fine.

You can use multi-stage builds in Docker, which might be a nice solution:
FROM ansible/centos7-ansible:stable as builder
COPY playbook.yaml .
RUN ansible-playbook playbook.yaml
FROM alpine:latest # Include whatever image you need for your application
# Add required setup for your app
COPY --from=builder . . # Copy files build in the ansible image, aka your app
CMD ["<command to run your app>"]
Hopefully the example is clear enough for you to create your Dockerfile


Using a pre-built docker container image with the requirements pre-installed

I'm looking at a way to run a docker container with all the requirements already provided to avoid to wait on the download of the requirements.
I'm debugging python lambda locally.
I use the sam-cli integration in PyCharm.
To specify the requirements I have them all listed in a requirements.txt file.
When I run the debug sam build is executed with the user container setting.
This goes an fetches all the requirements from the internet into the container and then executes it.
When I'm working offline or with slow internet I would like to be able to use a container that has all the requirements. This will also be great to speed up the debugging process.
How can I setup my environment so it uses a pre-built docker container?
Build a new container base on old container and add a RUN instruction to install all you requirements to new layer on new image.

Intro to Docker for FreeBSD Jail User - How and should I start the container with systemd?

We're currently migrating room server to the cloud for reliability, but our provider doesn't have the FreeBSD option. Although I'm prepared to pay and upload a custom system image for deployment, I nontheless want to learn how to start a application system instance using Docker.
in FreeBSD Jail, what I did was to extract an entire base.txz directory hierarchy as system content into /usr/jail/app, and pkg -r /usr/jail/app install apache24 php perl; then I configured /etc/jail.conf to start the /etc/rc script in the jail.
I followed the official FreeBSD Handbook, and this is generally what I've worked out so far.
But Docker is another world entirely.
To build a Docker image, there are two options: a) import from a tarball, b) use a Dockerfile. The latter of which lets you specify a "CMD", which is the default command to run, but
Q1. why isn't it available from a)?
Q2. where are information like "CMD ENV" stored? in the image? in the container?
Q3. How to start a GNU/Linux system in a container? Do I just run systemd and let it figure out the rest from configuration? Do I need to pass to it some special arguments or envvars?
You should think of a Docker container as a packaging around a single running daemon. The ideal Docker container runs one process and one process only. Systemd in particular is so heavyweight and invasive that it's actively difficult to run inside a Docker container; if you need multiple processes in a container then a lighter-weight init system like supervisord can work for you, but that's usually an exception more than a standard packaging.
Docker has an official tutorial on building and running custom images which is worth a read through; this is a pretty typical use case for Docker. In particular, best practice is to write a Dockerfile that describes how to build an image and check it into source control. Containers should avoid having persistent data if they can (storing everything in an external database is ideal); if you change an image, you need to delete and recreate any containers based on it. If local data is unavoidable then either Docker volumes or bind mounts will let you keep data "outside" the container.
While Docker has several other ways to create containers and images, none of them are as reproducible. You should avoid the import, export, and commit commands; and you should only use save and load if you can't use or set up a Docker registry and are forced to move images between systems via a tar file.
On your specific questions:
Q1. I suspect the best reason the non-docker build paths to create images don't easily let you specify things like CMD is just an implementation detail: if you look at the docker history of an image you'll see the CMD winds up being its own layer. Don't worry about it and use a Dockerfile.
Q2. The default CMD, any set ENV variables, and other related metadata are stored in the image alongside the filesystem tree. (Once you launch a container, it has a normal Unix process tree, with the initial process being pid 1.)
Q3. You don't "start a system in a container". Generally run one process or service in a container, and manage their lifecycles independently.

Additional steps in Dockerfile

I have a Docker image which is a server for a web IDE (Jupyter notebook) for Haskell.
Each time I want to allow the usage of a library in the IDE, I have to go to the Dockerfile and add the install command into it, then rebuild the image.
Another drawback of this, I have to fork the original image on Github, not allowing me to contribute to it.
I was thinking about writing another Dockerfile which pulls the base one with the FROM directive and then RUNs the commands to install the libraries. But, as they are in separate layers, the guest system does not find the Haskell package manager command.
TL;DR: I want to run stack install <library> (stack is like npm or pip, but for Haskell) from the Dockerfile, but I dont want to have a fork of the base image.
How could I solve this problem?
I was thinking about writing another Dockerfile which pulls the base one with the FROM directive and then RUNs the commands to install the libraries. But, as they are in separate layers, the guest system does not find the Haskell package manager command.
This is indeed the correct way to do this, and it should work. I'm not sure I understand the "layers" problem here - the commands executed by RUN should be running in an intermediate container that contains all of the layers from the base image and the previous RUN commands. (Ignoring the possibility of multi-stage builds, but these were added in 17.05 and did not exist when this question was posted.)
The only scenario I can see where stack might work in the running container but not in the Dockerfile RUN command would be if the $PATH variable isn't set correctly at this point. Check this variable, and make sure RUN is running as the correct user?

Can you share Docker containers?

I have been trying to figure out why one might choose adding every "step" of their setup to a Dockerfile which will create your container in a certain state.
The alternative in my mind is to just create a container from a simple base image like ubuntu and then (via shell input) configure your container the way you'd like.
But can you share containers? If you can only share images with Docker then I'd understand why one would want every step of their container setup listed in a Dockerfile.
The reason I ask is because I imagine there is some amount of headache involved with porting shell commands, file changes for configs, etc. to correct Dockerfile syntax and have them work correctly? But as a novice with Docker I could be overestimating the difficulty of that task.
EDIT: I suppose another valid reason for having the Dockerfile with each setup step is for documentation as to the initial state of the container. As opposed to being given a container in a certain state, but not necessarily having a way to know what all was done from the container's image base state.
But can you share containers? If you can only share images with Docker then I'd understand why one would want every step of their container setup listed in a Dockerfile.
Strictly speaking, no. However, you can create a new image from an existing container using the docker commit command:
$ docker commit <container-name> <image-name>
This command will create a new image from the existing container that you can push and pull from/to registries, export and import and create new containers from.
The reason I ask is because I imagine there is some amount of headache involved with porting shell commands, file changes for configs, etc. to correct Dockerfile syntax and have them work correctly? But as a novice with Docker I could be overestimating the difficulty of that task.
If you're already using some other mechanism for automated configuration, you can simply integrate your existing automation into the Docker build. For instance, if you are already configuring your images using shell scripts, simply add a build step in your Dockerfile in which to add your install scripts to the container and execute it. In theory, this can also work with configuration management utilities like Puppet, Salt and others.
EDIT: I suppose another valid reason for having the Dockerfile with each setup step is for documentation as to the initial state of the container. As opposed to being given a container in a certain state, but not necessarily having a way to know what all was done from the container's image base state.
True. As mentioned in comments, there are clear advantages to have an automated and reproducible build of your image. If you build your containers manually and then create an image with docker commit, you don't necessarily know how to re-build this image at a later point in time (which may become necessary when you want to release a new version of your application or re-build the image on top of an updated base image).

Dockerfile or Registry? Which is the preferred strategy for distribution?

If you are making a service with a Dockerfile is it preferred for you to build an image with the Dockerfile and push it to the registry -- rather than distribute the Dockerfile (and repo) for people to build their images?
What use cases favour Dockerfile+repo distribution, and what use case favour Registry distribution?
I'd imagine the same question could be applied to source code versus binary package installs.
Pushing to a central shared registry allows you to freeze and certify a particular configuration and then make it available to others in your organisation.
At DevTable we were initially using a Dockerfile that was run when we deployed our servers in order to generate our Docker images. As our docker image become more complex and had more dependencies, it was taking longer and longer to generate the image from the Dockerfile. What we really needed was a way to generate the image once and then pull the finished product to our servers.
Normally, one would accomplish this by pushing their image to, however we have proprietary code that we couldn't publish to the world. You may also end up in such a situation if you're planning to build a hosted product around Docker.
To address this need in to community, we built Quay, which aims to be the Github of Docker images. Check it out and let us know if it solves a need for you.
Private repositories on your own server are also an option.
To run the server, clone the to your own server.
To use your own server, prefix the tag with the address of the registry's host. For example:
# Tag to create a repository with the full registry location.
# The location (e.g. localhost.localdomain:5000) becomes
# a permanent part of the repository name
$ sudo docker tag 0u812deadbeef
# Push the new repository to its home location on your server
$ sudo docker push
I think it depends a little bit on your application, but I would prefer the Dockerfile:
A Dockerfile...
... in the root of a project makes it super easy to build and run it, it is just one command.
... can be changed by a developer if needed.
... is documentation about how to build your project
... is very small compared with an image which could be useful for people with a slow internet connection
... is in the same location as the code, so when people checkout the code, they will find it.
An Image in a registry...
... is already build and ready!
... must be maintained. If you commit new code or update your application you must also update the image.
... must be crafted carefully: Can the configuration be changed? How you handle the logs? How big is it? Do you package an NGINX within the image or is this part of the outer world? As #Mark O'Connor said, you will freeze a certain configuration, but that's maybe not the configuration someone-else want to use.
This is why I would prefer the Dockerfile. It is the same with a Vagrantfile - it would prefer the Vagrantfile instead of the VM image. And it is the same with a ANT or Maven script - it would prefer the build script instead of the packaged artifact (at least if I want to contribute code to the project).
