How to run an npm script only once when using docker-compose? - docker

I'm trying to figure out how to run an npm script using docker-compose but I only want to run it once (if the data volume hasn't yet been created -- e.g. the VERY first time I docker-compose build && docker-compose up).
The script uses the Sequelize CLI to run a seed file for the database, but if this is run more than once, it'll error in my database because of a duplicate key constraint violation.
This is because I'm using a data volume (so if it's been run before, it's already persisted).
Oh, and this needs to be run after another script has run (the migration script).
So in order:
npm run db:migrate <-- this can run every time docker-compose up is run
npm run db:seed <-- this can only run once as long as the persistent volume hasn't been created
any other scripts can now run (to start my server)
Are there any concepts like this that can be used with docker-compose?

Which database did you use?
In many cases (such as maraidb, mongodb) you can use the directory /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
Every mounted file wil be executed in alphabetic order if the container starts.
To do your operation only on first start the fist part of your script chould be check if there is already a database or not.
EDIT: Take a look to the doku, which file types are supportet. .sql ans .js schoul work in the most caes, but for npm I'm not shure


Separating Docker files and application source files to optimize production environment

I have a bunch of (Ruby) scripts stored on a server. Up until now, my team has used them by opening an accessor app that launches a list of the script names, and they select the script they want to run in that instance on the files in their working folder. The scripts are run directly from the server, so updates made to the script files are automatically reflected when a user runs the script.
The scripts require a fair amount of specific dependencies, so I'm trying to move to a Docker-based workflow to eliminate the problems we encounter with incongruent computer environments. I've been able to successfully build an image with our script library and run an instance of it on my computer.
However, all of the documentation and tutorials include the application source files when building an image, so that all the files are copied over by the Dockerfile. From my understanding, this means that any time the code in the application files needs to be updated, all the users will need to rebuild the image before trying to run anything. I would very rarely ever need to make changes to the environment settings/dependencies, but the app code is changed relatively frequently, so it seems like having every user rebuild an image every single time a line of app code is changed would actually slow down everyone's workflow considerably.
My question is this: Is it not possible to have Docker simply create the environment that a user must have to run the applications, but have the applications themselves still run directly off the server where they were originally stored? And does a new container need to be created every single time a user wants to run any one of the scripts? (The users are not tech-savvy.)
Generally you'd do this by using a Docker image instead of the checked-out tree of scripts. You can use a Docker registry to store a built copy of the image somewhere on the network; Docker Hub works for this, most large public-cloud providers have some version of this (AWS ECR, Google GCR, Azure ACR, ...), or you can run your own. The workflow for using this would generally look like
# Get any updates to the "latest" version of the image
# (can be run infrequently)
docker pull ourorg/scripts
# Actually run the script, injecting config files and credentials
docker run --rm \
-v $PWD/config:/config \
-v $HOME/.ssh:/config/.ssh \
ourorg/scripts \
# Nothing in this example actually requires a local copy of the scripts
I'm envisioning a directory that has kind of a mix of scripts and support files and not a lot of organization to it. Still, you could write a simple Dockerfile that looks like
FROM ruby:2.7
WORKDIR /opt/scripts
# As of Bundler 2.1, there is no compatibility between Bundler
# versions; this must match exactly what is in Gemfile.lock
RUN gem install bundler -v 2.1.4
# Copy the scripts in and do basic installation
COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock .
RUN bundle install
COPY . .
ENV PATH /opt/scripts:$PATH
# Prefix all commands with...
ENTRYPOINT ["bundle", "exec"]
# The default command to run is...
CMD ["ls"]
On the back end you'd need a continous integration service (Jenkins is popular if a little unwieldy; there are a large selection of cloud-hosted ones) that can rebuild the Docker image whenever there's a commit to the source repository. You can generally rig this up so that it happens automatically whenever anybody pushes anything.
This process makes more sense of most people are just using the set of scripts and few of them are developing them. It's also a little bit difficult to discover what the scripts are (you might be able to docker run --rm ourorg/scripts ls though).
Is it not possible to have Docker simply create the environment that a user must have to run the applications, but have the applications themselves still run directly off the server where they were originally stored?
This always strikes me as an ineffective use of Docker. You have all of the fiddly steps of your current workflow that require everyone to run a git pull or equivalent routinely, but you also have to inject the host source tree into the container. If there are OS incompatibilities in, for example, native gems in the vendor tree, you have to work around that.
# You still need to do this periodically
git pull
# And you also need to
sudo docker run \
--rm \
-v $PWD:/app \
-v $HOME/config:/config \
-v $HOME/.ssh:/config/.ssh \
-w /app \
ruby:2.7 \
bundle exec ./some_script.rb
Some of these details (especially the config file and credentials) you'd have to deal with even if you did build an image; some others of the details you could improve by building an image. Inside the image you need to correct the ownership and permissions on the ssh keys and replace the $PWD/vendor tree with something the container can run, without modifying the mounted host directories.
Is it not possible to have Docker simply create the environment that a user must have to run the applications, but have the applications themselves still run directly off the server where they were originally stored?
You can build an image with all the environment already installed then mount the directory with the scripts so the container can read the scripts from the host. Something like
docker run -it --rm -v /opt/myscripts:/myscripts myimage somescript.rb
Then your image Dockerfile would end with:
WORKDIR /myscripts
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/ruby"]
And does a new container need to be created every single time a user wants to run any one of the scripts?
Of course, a container is just an isolated process managed by docker, you could make a wrapper so the users wouldn't need to type the full docker run command.

Creating a dockerfile to compile source code

I am trying to follow the 2 steps mentioned below:
1) Downloaded source code of
2) Compiled it and you will get binary named example:
hyphen-2.8.8$ ./example ~/dev/smc/hyphenation/hi_IN/hyph_hi_IN.dic
I have downloaded and uncompressed the tar file. My question is how to create a dockerfile to automate this?
There are only 3 commands involved:
make all-recursive
make install
I can select the official python image as a base container. But how do I write the commands in a docker file?
You can do that with a RUN command:
FROM python:<version number here>
RUN ./configure && make-recursive && make install
CMD ['<some command here>']
what you use for <some command here> depends on what the image is meant to do. Remember that docker containers only run as long as that command is executing, so if you put the configure/make/install steps in a script and use that as your entry point, it's going to build your program, and then the container will halt.
Also you need to get the downloaded files into the container. That can be done using a COPY or an ADD directive (before the RUN of course). If you have the tar.gz file saved locally, then ADD will both copy the file into the container and expand it into a directory automatically. COPY will not expand it, so if you do that, you'll need to add a tar -zxvf or similar to the RUN.
If you want to download the file directly into the container, that could be done with ADD <source URL>, but in that case it won't expand it, so you'll have to do that in the RUN. COPY doesn't allow sourcing from a URL. This post explains COPY vs ADD in more detail.
You can have the three commands in a shell script and then use the following docker commands
COPY ./<path to your script>/<script-name>.sh /
ENTRYPOINT ["/<script-name>.sh"]
CMD ["run"]
For reference, you can create your docker file as they have created for one of the projects I worked on Apache Artemis Active Mq:

Is there a reason why people write everything to the DockerFile instead of a separate shell script?

I somehow don't like the RUN x && y && z ... syntax we currently use in DockerFile. As far as I understand I could just run a shell script instead like RUN and do the same tasks on my favorite language. Does the latter have any disadvantage?
In additional to the point made by David about the complexity, I believe writing everything to the Dockerfile makes it easier for share (thus creating a survivorship bias for you). Namely on the DockerHub, most of the time, you have a "Dockerfile" tab to quickly get the idea on how the image is built. If the author uses COPY and RUN, he/she would have to host the script elsewhere or the Dockerfile alone becomes meaningless.
CMD is executed at runtime, that is when the container is created from the image. RUN is a build time instruction. So the question is actually why people run things with RUN instead of CMD at runtime. (You can of course COPY / then RUN bash /
If you do things like installing dependencies, it could take a lot of time, in case of scaling up your service, this would make auto-scaling useless because it can't be fast enough to absorb the peak.
At build time, RUN can be cached, so next time the build will be a lot faster.
Because the way docker file system works, creating 10 containers from the same image takes only a few more space than creating 1 container. So you can save disk space by installing packages in the image, while if you install them at runtime, they will all occupy a part of disk space.
RUN executes commands in a new layer and creates a new image. This happens when you build the image using docker build.
CMD specifies a default command an parameters to be run when a container is launched from the image.
In summary. Run and cmd is not interchangeable, RUN runs when an image is created, CMD when a container is launched.

No command supplied, defaulting to serve Vapor

I want to create simple data base model. I'am using postgresql-provider package major:1 minor:1. I've followed instructions to create model. I've added preparations and resource to my Droplet object. Message I receive after running is
No command supplied, defaulting to serve...
Database prepared
Server 'default' starting at
Can someone help me with the problem?
With regards to the message No command supplied, defaulting to serve, this is because the binary executable is expecting a 'command'.
vapor run [command]
.build/[configuration]/App [command]
There are a variety of commands available, such as vapor run prepare to run your database preparations, or vapor run serve to begin the HTTP server. You can even add your own commands.
When the executable is run without any commands, it assumes you meant to run the serve command, which is the meaning of your messsage No command supplied, defaulting to serve.
To suppress this, simply use vapor run serve or .build/[configuration]/App serve to run your Vapor project.
Notice how it said in the message Database prepared. That is because all the tables you've specified in your models already exist.
If you've made changes to your models, you'll first need to revert your changes. Vapor has a set of commands just for preparing a database.
vapor run prepare --revert
vapor run prepare
The --revert one will run whatever code you've put in the revert function on your models (usually people just delete the table), and then the other command will run the prepare functions and create your models' tables from scratch again.

Development dependencies in Dockerfile or separate Dockerfiles for production and testing

I'm not sure if I should create different Dockerfile files for my Node.js app. One for production without the development dependencies and one for testing with the development dependencies included.
Or one file which is basically the development Then main difference of both files is the npm install command:
FROM ...
RUN npm install --quiet --production
CMD ...
FROM ...
RUN npm install
CMD ...
The question arises because I want to be able to run my tests inside the container via docker run command. Therefore I need the test dependencies (typically dev dependencies for me).
Seems a little bit odd to put dependencies not needed in production into the image. On the other hand creating/maintaining a second which just minor differences seems also not right. So what is the a good practise for this kind of problem.
No, you don't need to have different Dockerfiles and in fact you should avoid that.
The goal of docker is to ship your app in an immutable, well tested artifact (docker images) which is identical for production and test and even dev.
Why? Because if you build different artifacts for test and production how can you guarantee what you have already tested is working in production too? you can't because they are two different things.
Given all that, if by test you mean unit tests, then you can mount your source code inside docker container and run tests without building any docker images. And that's fine. Remember you can build image for tests but that terribly slow and makes development quiet difficult and slow which is not good at all. Then if your test passed you can build you app container safely.
But if you mean acceptance test that actually needs to run against your running application then you should create one image for your app (only one) and run tests in another container (mount test source code for example) and run tests against that container. This obviously means what your build for your app is different for npm installs for your tests.
I hope this gives you some over view.
Well then you'll have to support several Dockerfiles that are almost identical. Instead I recommend to use NodeJS feature like production profile. And another one recommendation regarding to
RUN npm install --quiet --production
It is better to create separate .sh file and do something like this instead:
ADD ./scripts/ /
RUN chmod +x /*.sh
And also think about to start using Gulp.
UPD #1
By default npm install installs devDependencies. In order to get around this - use npm install --production OR set the NODE_ENV environment variable to production value.
Putting script line in separate file is a good practice in order not to change Dockerfile often. If you'll need changes next time then you'll have to update only script-file and you're done. In future you could also have some additional work to do.
