Open application on button tapped with Bundle Identifier (Without url scheme) - ios

I'm currently developing an app and i'm trying to add a button which would open another app installed on my phone when the button is tapped
I've tried looking for the URL scheme for the app but i can't find it. Only thing i can find is the bundle ID. So i thought maybe there's a way to use the bundle ID to open the app through private APIs in Swift? My phone is jailbroken if that helps. Below is my code
#IBAction func openAppTapped(_ sender: Any) {
UIApplication.shared.openURL(NSURL(string: "itms-apps://")! as URL)
I managed to upon the app on the appstore upon tapping the button but i want a way to open the app directly without using url schemes but instead using the bundle id and/or private APIs. Any help would be really really appreciated!

To open another app, you are either going to have to use some kind of extension provided by that app or figure out their URL scheme and reverse engineer it.
The first thing you could try is looking at the app's Info.plist and seeing if they have defined a URLScheme for their app. If not, and they haven't implemented an extension, then I think you're SOL.
If they did define it, try using it to open their app and see what happens, they might have some code that rejects or accepts a request to open their app based on the format of the URL after their scheme. If you can't figure it out with trial and error, you could use the fact that your phone is jailbroken to decompile their app and hunt down the URL parsing logic which is likely in their AppDelegate. From there you could try and build a URL that you can use to successfully open their app every time.


Redirects to app store if app is not installed

Scenario is user will get a link to his email. If user clicks on the link, If app is already installed, app should open and if app is not installed it should redirect to app store.
I've seen deeplinks implementation, but I believe it needs some more implementation in backend too. Can any one help on this?
Redirect to application if installed, otherwise to App Store
gone through this. Is there any better way?
added gif for one more scenario:
in the below gif, from email to app it navigates directly? how?
I'm assuming the link you want to pass by email is an https link. If that's the case, for iOS to be able to redirect it to your app, you'll need to implement universal links. This implementation requires you to register the domain you want to respond to on your entitlements file and add an apple-app-site-association file to your backend. This way Apple can verify the domain you're trying to respond to is really yours.
As a result, when the app gets installed, it can be invoked by your domain links via deeplinking.
Now when there's no installed app able to respond to a specific https domain link, the system will simply open it on a web browser. Consequently, you cannot force iOS to open such links on AppStore directly. What you can do is to check whether the running device is iOS when your website gets accessed and ask the system to show your app on AppStore.
And to request iOS to launch AppStore from a website you can use itms-apps:
const iOS = !!navigator.platform && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform);
if (iOS) {
// Just replace `https://` with `itms://` on your app's AppStore link.
window.location.href = "itms://";
// In this example I'm redirecting to Google Maps app page on AppStore.
Note: This is just a simple example used to demonstrate the concept. For a real application, you may want to use a device detection library for browsers, like mobile-detect.js
My suggestion is check iOS version
here Example
let url = URL(string: "")!
if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
} else {
} Firebase Dynamic Links in iOS ( Swift )

How to Open an iOS App using Firebase Dynamic Links and Pass or get Parameters To an App Via Custom URL Scheme in iOS(swift)?

for eg :-
My URL Scheme is ‘’ in iOS app in Url Types.
If I type in safari, I am able to open the application. But if I type with some extra parameter like in safari, , I am not able to open the application.

please also explain me how to get “link” parameter (which associated with dynamic link) from dynamic link in iOS app ( Swift ) .

I followed steps which were mentioned in for iOS ( Swift ).but its not working.
Nirav Virpara
It's hard to know exactly where your error is, but a few things to help you debug:
If you go to, you should see some JSON that points to your app. If you don't see this, make sure you've entered your team ID and your App Store ID in the project settings in the Firebase console
Make sure you're using your Bundle ID, not the shortlink domain, as your custom URL scheme in Xcode
Make sure you've enabled Associated Domains in the Capabilities tab of your Xcode project, and your domain looks like
Universal Links (and, therefore, Dynamic Links) generally don't work if you type them directly into the Safari address bar. Instead, try typing the URL into an app like Notes and then clicking on them from there.
Good luck!
If you type this link in your browser and check, you will end up seeing a json, meaning your apple-app-site-association is correctly configured on your google website. However, you need to make sure that teamid in your google console or appid is correct.

Open sayduck in iOS

I want to open sayduck application from my iOS application. I know I need to use URL Scheme register by this application. My problem is that I cant fint this URL. Do you know how I can check if this URL is definded?
There is a URL scheme - but unless you're sure the user has the Sayduck application installed the best approach is to go via safari. openURL:
This will either launch the app, go to the appropriate app store download page for the device or show a web page depending on the device type (desktop/ios/android etc.)
Disclosure: I work for sayduck

Web service for deep linking

This is my first time create an ios application that required deep linking. I need to create a web service for my custom url scheme for ios in order to publish it online. Please give some pointer on regarding which web service i should use or is there an alternative way to create a deep linking for custom url scheme for iOS. Thanks.
You can do it yourself with any server platform - Rails, PHP, Dot.Net, etc.
Here is a very simple PHP snippet. Replace "myappname" with your app's URL scheme. The param/value query is optional - you can use any other text and parse it in your App Delegate's openUrl method.
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPhone OS') !== FALSE) {
// redirect
header("location: myappname://?key=value");
Client use-cases:
iOS Safari, your app installed - will open your app.
iOS Safari, your app not installed - Safari will complain that it cannot open the link.
Another iOS app, your app installed - will switch to your app.
Another iOS app, your app not installed - same as Safari. However, if the other app is implementing UIApplication's canOpenURL: - it may gracefully take the user to the App Store, but it's up to the other app developer.
Any other device or browser - will continue to render the page, where you can add your html including AppStore links.
If you don't want to create the server code, you can use a tool I created for this purpose. You have it here:
It's mainly a short link tool that checks for user device and give him the right url based on his devices. With this tool you don't need to write any server code and it also takes care of different devices, operating systems and browsers.
Take care of Tal answer as latest versions of Chrome has changed the way to open app and now you need to provide a link in different format, they use something like "intent://..."

custom URL Scheme in iOS 6 not working?

My app uses a custom URL scheme so i send a link to my users in an email which when clicked, launches my app installed on their devices. This was working seamlessly till iOS 6 came into picture.
Now when the users click on the link or even type the address manually in the safari they get an error saying "Safari cannot open the page because it is a local file."
Wondering if anyone else encountered the same or if someone has any pointers in this regard !!
Any help much appreciated...
Update: it works if I only give my app's custom url without any parameters.. e.g. if I do "reader-app://" it launches my app but if i do "reader-app://doc=xyz" it doesn't !
try: reader-app://?doc=xyz (add a question mark after //) this way you'll specify a query string. It works for me, but it presents an alertdialog asking the user if she wants to open the url with my application
Try to remove the - sign from reader-app://.
My URL was not working until I removed underscore sings from URL.
my_app:// is not working.
myapp:// is working.
That is just a guess.
