Excel 2010 Macro does not find value - excel-2010

I have a macro that searches but does not find the “7” (If Right(pair, 2) = 7 Then). The thing is when I change the number to 11 or 12 etc. (any two digits) and the findXX in the code, it works fine. Does anyone know what’s occurring and what is the exact change I need to do.
Option Explicit
Sub DivideSomeStuff()
Dim pair As Range, accumulator As Range
Dim findSeven As Double
Dim remainder As Long
For Each pair In Range("B30, F30, J30")
If Right(pair, 2) = 7 Then
If pair.Offset(0, 2) <= 12 Then
remainder = 0
remainder = pair.Offset(0, 2) Mod 10
End If
findSeven = (pair.Offset(0, 2) - remainder) / 10
For Each accumulator In Range("A36, D36, G36, J36, M36, A40, D40, G40, J40, M40")
If accumulator.Offset(-1, 0) = Val(Left(pair, InStr(pair, "-") - 1)) Then
accumulator.Value = accumulator.Value + remainder
End If
accumulator.Value = accumulator.Value + findSeven
Next accumulator
End If
Next pair
End Sub

Change it from ...
Right(pair, 2) = 7
... to ...
Right(pair, 1) = 7
You’re currently getting the 2 right values when 7 is a single character.
You may need to put quotes around the 7 too, see if works without them though.


How do I fix the error "subscript out of range" in QBASIC?

I'm trying to create a code that generates random numbers within the range 10-30 but making sure that no number is repeated. It shows "subscript out of range" on NumArray(Count) = Count when I run the code.
'Make an array of completely sorted numbers
FOR Count = 10 TO 30
NumArray(Count) = Count
NEXT Count
FOR Count = 10 TO 30
Number = (RND * (31 - Count)) + 10
PRINT #1, NumArray(Number)
FOR Counter = Number TO 30 - Count
NumArray(Counter) = NumArray(Counter + 1)
NEXT Counter
NEXT Count
This isn't actually my code. Copied and pasted for my assignment.
It looks like you're missing some DIM statements.
Variables containing numbers have type SINGLE by default, so you might see something like FOR Counter = 18.726493 TO 20 because the RND function returns a number between 0 and 1, excluding 1, meaning you will be trying to use NumArray(18.726493) which will not work.
Arrays that are not explicitly declared can only have 11 items with an index from 0 to 10, but the range 10-30 requires you to store 21 items (30 - 10 + 1 = 21). You can also specify a custom upper and lower bound if it will make your code easier for you to understand. Add these lines before the first line in your code shown above:
DIM NumArray(10 TO 30) AS INTEGER
This will ensure Number only contains integers (any fractional values are rounded to the nearest integer), and NumArray will work from NumArray(10) to NumArray(30), but you can't use NumArray(9), NumArray(8), NumArray(31), etc. The index must be in the range 10-30.
I think that should fix your code, but I don't know for certain since I don't fully understand how it is supposed to work. At the very least, it will fix the type and subscript problems in your code.
You need to declare the array:
'Make an array of completely sorted numbers
FOR Count = 10 TO 30
NumArray(Count) = Count
NEXT Count
FOR Count = 10 TO 30
Number = (RND * (31 - Count)) + 10
PRINT #1, NumArray(Number)
FOR Counter = Number TO 30 - Count
NumArray(Counter) = NumArray(Counter + 1)
NEXT Counter
NEXT Count

VBA SUMIF on Array

OK, so I am wanting to do a sumif on a column on an array because I don't want to print to the worksheet in order to obtain a range type for a Worksheet.function.Sumif, the idea is to stay completely out in VBA code and write to the worksheet as little as possible. I am trying to optimize for speed: 4814 rows by 40 columns X 60.
The first column total is total of 197,321,164 is correct, the next columns are low and instead of going to quarter 40 the Else kicks in and everything after 8 is 0. The first "To_Quarter" in the array is 9 so with the >= I would think it would go to 9. I tried putting my Next I before the End IF but then it just asks for the For.
image of locals box: https://ibb.co/cgFQhxY
Any help would be much appreciated.
Sub SumifONarray()
Dim arrQuarters, arrNumber_of_Assets As Variant
Dim I As Long, J As Long
arrNumber_of_Assets = Range("Costs_Number_of_Assets")
arrQuarters = Range("Quarters_1to40")
Dim MaxRecov_If_result, arr_Row10_Resolution_Physical_Possession_Expenses_To_Quarter, arr_Row10_Resolution__Max_Recovery_Grid As Variant
arr_Row10_Resolution_Physical_Possession_Expenses_To_Quarter = Range("_Row10_Resolution_Physical_Possession_Expenses_To_Quarter")
arr_Row10_Resolution__Max_Recovery_Grid = Range("_Row10_Resolution__Max_Recovery_Grid")
ReDim arrIf_Max_Recovery_Amount_Sum(1 To 1, 1 To UBound(arrQuarters, 2))
For J = LBound(arrQuarters, 2) To UBound(arrQuarters, 2)
For I = LBound(arrNumber_of_Assets, 1) To UBound(arrNumber_of_Assets, 1)
If arr_Row10_Resolution_Physical_Possession_Expenses_To_Quarter(I, 1) >= arrQuarters(1, J) Then
MaxRecov_If_result = MaxRecov_If_result + arr_Row10_Resolution__Max_Recovery_Grid(I, J)
Else: MaxRecov_If_result = 0
End If
Next I
arrIf_Max_Recovery_Amount_Sum(1, J) = MaxRecov_If_result
MaxRecov_If_result = 0
Next J
End Sub
I've uploaded a sample below with code with 10 rows.

generating series of number 0,3,5,8,10,13,15,18

i want to generate a series of number through looping.
my series will contain numbers like 0,3,5,8,10,13,15,18 and so on.
i try to take reminder and try to add 2 and 3 but it wont work out.
can any one please help me in generating this series.
You can just use an increment which toggles between 3 and 2, e.g.
for (i = 0, inc = 3; i < 1000; i += inc, inc = 5 - inc)
printf("%d\n", i);
It looks like the the sequence starts at zero, and uses increments of 3 and 2. There are several ways of implementing this, but perhaps the simplest one would be iterating in increments of 5 (i.e. 3+2) and printing two numbers - position and position plus three.
Here is some pseudocode:
i = 0
REPEAT N times :
PRINT i + 3
i += 5
The iteration i=0 will print 0 and 3
The iteration i=5 will print 5 and 8
The iteration i=10 will print 10 and 13
The iteration i=15 will print 15 and 18
... and so on
I was pulled in with the tag generate-series, which is a powerful PostgreSQL function. This may have been tagged by mistake (?) but it just so happens that there would be an elegant solution:
SELECT ceil(generate_series(0, 1000, 25) / 10.0)::int;
generate_series() returns 0, 25, 50, 75 , ... (can only produces integer numbers)
division by 10.0 produces numeric data: 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, ...
ceil() rounds up to your desired result.
The final cast to integer (::int) is optional.
SQL Fiddle.

If function not working in case of numeric characters

So i have used the following code
If (txtbedroom + txtkitchen + txtbathroom + txtlivingroom + 0) > 9 Or (txtbedroom + txtkitchen + txtbathroom + txtlivingroom + 0) < 7 Then
If MsgBox("Please ensure the number of rooms you entered is entered correctly.", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
even if the result of the following is less than 9 and greater than 7 the if function still gets satisfied... what can be done??
Anyway I solved the problem. I used a variable and the code CInt() like x = CInt(txtbedroom) to convert the text to number and then it worked...

KMP Preprocessing Function

this is the pseudo code I've see in ItoA:
1 m = P.length
2 let pi[1...m] be a new array
3 pi[1] = 0
4 k=0
5 for q=2 to m
6 while k > 0 and P[k+1] != P[q]
7 k = pi[k]
8 if P[k+1] == P[q]
9 k = k+1
10 pi[q] = k
11 return pi
my doubt is why on line 6 we do k = pi[k] instead of k-- which seems to me that should be the way of checking a preffix of length k (because if P[k+1] != P[q] it means that a preffix of lenght k+1 that's also suffix cannot be achieved) which can be also suffix, that is comparing with P[q], I also think that if we do it, the running time will stay the same.
The recursive call k = pi[k] searches for the smaller border of p[1..q]; because the pi[k], which is the largest border of P[0..k], is smaller border of p[1..q] than pi[q]. It will search until it finds a border of p[1..q] where the next character p[k+1] is not equal to P[q+1].
You can find more details here: http://www.inf.fh-flensburg.de/lang/algorithmen/pattern/kmpen.htm
