How do we find the TFS logs? - tfs

How do we find the TFS logs? I need to extract those logs and export/bind them to my new TFS server.
How can we extract and attach the TFS logs?

You can find all the activity logs over provided url. Similar query over here
You can use export option on selecting host [collection/project], it downloads the logs in CSV format. I believe you can attach/import it to your new server


WSO2 loss APIs after changes in docker container

I'm having another problem using WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0: I have installed it in docker using three containers (one for APIM, one for Analytics and one for MySQL) and I replace some configuration files with my custom version (e.g. DB, server name, gateway setup...).
Both APIM and Analytics are configured to save data in the MySQL container and I am able to see changes in the DB.
The issue is that I cannot find my APIs neither in the publisher nor in the store after the container has been rebuilt. Changes in the DB persists, I can see the statistics for all my APIs and I get an error if I try to create a new API using the same name or context, but the store is always empty after a new build.
I have also tried to put both /repository/deployment/server/synapse-config/default and /repository/tenants/ in two volumes and I can see the files created in /.../default/api/ for my APIs, but I cannot figure out the issue.
Should I persists some additional directory not mentioned in the guide?
I don't want to put the whole APIM and Analytics homes in volumes if possible.
First, check whether artifacts can be located in Resources Browser.
If you can find the API related files, then the issue is related to indexing.
Do the following to re-index the artifacts in the registry:
Rename the <lastAccessTimeLocation> element in the <APIM_2.0.0_HOME>/repository/conf/registry.xml file. If you use a clustered/distributed API Manager setup, change the file in the API Publisher node. For example, change the /_system/local/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.registry/indexing/lastaccesstime registry path to /_system/local/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.registry/indexing/lastaccesstime_1.
Shut down the API Manager, back up and delete the <APIM_2.0.0_HOME>/solr directory.
Finally start the API Manager.
The Api Information resides in the DB and in the File system.(/repository/deployment/server/synapse-config/default/api) It is possible that the registry artifacts are not indexed properly. Can you try following?
Delete the solar directory.
Open registry.xml and change the following line as shown below. < lastAccessTimeLocation>/_system/local/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.registry/indexing/lastaccesstime-1
Now restart the server. Server will re-index all the files again.
Also make sure the Databases are properly configured. Specially Registry mounting related configurations.

How to export query results from TFS 2013 Issue tracker web ui?

I have access to TFS 2013 Issue Tracker Web UI, only option i see to export my query results is to send them as an email. Is there any other way to export them to more "computer" friendly format? I would like to use those results as input in my application.
Edit: Some more information. My TFS version is 12.0.40629.0. I don't have Visual Studio and my Excel does'n have tab "Team" on the ribbon. Let's assume that i don't have any rights to install additional applications, all i have is Web UI.
You can use the REST APIs for queries to get the results of a query if you want to consume the data by a tool. These APIs should be available on TFS 2015.
There is also a suggestion on user voice requesting to add Excel export to the Web
You can only export query result by sending it as an email from Web access. But you can export the query result to Excel from Team Explorer:
Another way is saving the query from Web Access, then create report from Excel directly by clicking Team tab and go to New List to connect the team project and select the saved query result:

Restore tfs collection from mdf/ldf

My server running TFS express crashed. I managed to mount the disk and extract mdf/ldf file for my TFS collection. Here is what I did next:
Built a new machine (with the same name/IP address) and installed SQL Express/TFS server express.
From SQL Server Management Studio, attached the mdf/ldf files. I can now see TFS_MyCollection as a new database.
From TFS Administrative console, clicked on "Attach Collection."
However, the new database is not being listed.
I went through a bunch of links on the Internet. had a similar situation. Based on the suggestion, I had attached the database. I also looked at However, this one talks about using backup/restore, which is not my case.
I must be missing some configuration step. Please advice. Regards.
You cant just attach a collection that was never detached.
You need to unconfigure your TFS instance (tfconfig.exe setup /uninstall:all) and then restore all of the databases.
You will need to restore each collection and the configuration DB. They are currently a set. Once you have all of the databses attached/restored you need to run the setup and "configure application tier only".
You need to follow the documentation for moving hardware. Make sure that you follow each step.
Note: You should take backups!

TFS 2012 - Scheduled Backups Failing

I'm trying to setup Nightly Backups for my TFS 2012.4 development box going off to another server, but it's failing.
The server is has SQL Express and TFS Express on it, trying to send the backups over to a network path on another share.
When going through the Wizard it will successfully pass all of the Readiness Checks, including permissions. It will fail when it tries to run the backup job for the first time under Confirming Permissions.
Error is:
TF401002: The SQL Server Database Engine failed to save the database
backup to path \[share]\c$\TFSBackup. Please grant SQL service
account read/write access to that folder.
I've tried adding "Everyone" with full control to the folder on the backup server, but it still fails with the same error.
Added the full log to
This may be a problem with using the administrative share path of c$. I suggest you go to your [share] server and make the TFSBackup folder a shared folder, and give your share the appropriate permissions.
Then you can change this:
To something like this(depending on what you name your share):
I know it's an old post, but just incase anyone else has issues. I had the same issue configuring backups. The following resolved it for me:
1) Open up "Services" and note the "Log On As" user for "Sql Server" and "Sql Server Agent"
2) On the folder that your backups are being saved to, go to Properties -> Security -> Edit
3) Add the users from #1, and check "Full Control", Save

Where are TFS Admin Console Settings Saved?

this may sound like a silly question but our IT department wants us to use their approved backup tool instead of using the standard back solution that comes packaged within TFS2010. My question is, is there a config file holding all settings found within the TFS Admin Console or are all these values saved within the TFS_Configuration table.
Please note that we are using TFS2010
The settings are indeed stored in the config database.
