Dart cannot import files - dart

I'm trying to create a simple web app with Dart.
But I cannot import anything that is outside the current or in a sub directory. I'm using VSCODE
My project structure:
Now I can import view.dart in chatsignin.dart but cannot import view.dart to main.dart or bin/server.dart. Or any of the other file to any other file in a different directory.
I tried import with package name:
import 'package:chatapp/';
But it shows no subdirectories or files in VS Code
I tried pub get and restarted vscode multiple times but it doesn't work.

After reading the docs I found that all files and folders should be inside the web directory.
I'm embarrassed of myself doing such a silly mistake


Importing module from package raises ModuleNotFoundError for subpackages

I'm trying to create a package (that includes several subpackages) for reuse and distribution. The plan is to provide a CLI entry point to allow easy launch. After building the package and installing it in a virtualenv, I get a ModuleNotFoundError for imports from the subpackages included in the main package.
I think this has something to do with setting the right paths in __init__.py, but having read multiple examples on the web, I'm still rather confused as to why anything should go in __init__py and what that something is.
The package is built so that the package name (and thus folder created in site-packages) is the same as the root in the directory structure below.
The directory structure is (simplified and with names changed):
|- __init__.py
|- entrypoint.py
|- subpackage1
|-- __init__.py
|-- module1.py
|- subpackage2
|-- __init__.py
|-- module2.py
Note that all the __init__.py are empty
And entrypoint.py is:
from subpackage1.module1 import foo
from subpackage2.module2 import baz
if __name__ == "__main__":
In my pyproject.toml, I define:
mypackage-cli = "maypackage:entrypoint"
After installing with pip, I run (in a virtualenv where I pip installed the package):
(myvenv) me#mymachine ~ % mypackage-cli
But I get:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named subpackage1
Two things to note:
When running source locally, I have no issues
If I edit the files in site-packages to have from mypackage.subpackage1.module1 import foo I don't get the error anymore when running the installed package, but then when trying to run the same modified imports (i.e. changing to import mypackage.subpackage1.module1) locally in my dev env, I get a ModuleNotFoundError
What's the correct way to get the imports to work when packaged and when running locally in my dev env?
Your "top-level importable package" seems to be mypackage so all your import statements should start from there. For example from mypackage.subpackage1.module1 import foo.
In order to avoid confusion between "local" and "installed" (in site-packages), I recommend you to use the so-called "src-layout" for this project's directory structure. In combination with the "editable" installation, it is very convenient to work with.

Error Could Not Find or Load Main Class Twitter4j

So I have a folder. Inside this folder is a jar file(twitter4j-core-4.04.jar) that my java file(Runner.java) imports and uses like so:
package twitter4j;
import twitter4j.Twitter;
import twitter4j.StatusUpdate;
import twitter4j.Status;
import twitter4j.TwitterFactory;
import twitter4j.auth.AccessToken;
I have all the right code -- a properly formatted:
public class Runner
and a proper main function --
public static void main(String[] args)
I compiled Runner.java using the following command and it compiled without error or warning: javac -cp .:twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar Runner.java
Yet, when I go to run the class file it produced(using: java Runner) I get the error listed in the title. This error also occurs if I run the java command with the cp flag(Ive looked everywhere and used every possible classpath to no avail)
how can I fix this?
You have to create a runnable .jar file including your code dependencies like twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar and (possibly) others that this depends on. If you are not using Maven, your IDE probably is capable of generating this kind of .jar file for you.
You must specify the class with its package.
This command must be executed from outside of folder twitter4j:
java -cp blabla.jar twitter4j.Runner
Right Click on class > Run as > Run Configuration
remove main class reference
Apply > Close
Now again right click on class > run as java application.
It worked for me.

Using rstan::rstan.package.skeleton to add to existing R package

I've already used devtools to create my package skeleton, then added a bunch of R code, metadata, documentation, etc. I would like to use rstan within this package. I understand that rstan::rstan.package.skeleton creates a package skeleton to facilitate this. So what is the best practice for augmented an existing package with the structure necessary to use rstan from that package? Thank you.
I would say to use rstan.package.skeleton to create the skeleton in a temporary directory and then copy the relevant stuff it creates into the package you created by devtools. This would include
cleanup and cleanup.win in the root of the directory
the tools directory
the exec directory
the inst/chunks subdirectory
the src directory
the R/stanmodels.R file
the DESCRIPTION file in the root of the directory
For the DESCRIPTION file, you may just have to combine it by hand with whatever DESCRIPTION file you have currently.

Usage of local dart library

I have created some local libraries in my dart lib directory.
These libraries are visible in dart packages for each newly created folder in the web directory. However, when I attempt to access them using the dart's package nomenclature eg package:reg/name.dart, the system always generates an error.
I think I am missing something.
I have read http://pub.dartlang.org/doc/package-layout.html but this did not help me either.
You need to ensure that the name you're using as the package matches that in pubspec.yaml.
Eg. if in pubspec.yaml you havename: my_app and your file is at lib\my_library.dart then you need to use import 'package:my_app/my_library.dart';.

how to have libraries import libraries from the same package?

The dart page http://pub.dartlang.org/doc/#adding-a-dependency describes how you can have a dart file (parser_test.dart) import files from its own package using the 'import "package:..." style of import. It seems to imply this is a good thing - better than using relative paths. This example shown is for a file in test which appears to be special. But, then why does it not make sense for importing same package lib files from a lib in the package. Maybe it does make sense, but if so the pub update does not make it convenient.
Assume foo_lib_2 uses foo_lib_1. There are two options for foo_lib_2.dart:
import "../foo_lib_1.dart";
import "packages:foo/foo_lib_1.dart";
My guess is the suggested approach is the first for any such import that resides under lib. The reason I think this is pub update seems to automagically provide a soft link in the packages folder of any of bin, test, or example to foo, like foo -> ../lib. Yet, it does not do the same for the packages folder in top level foo. This means to get the second type of import (i.e. the packages import) to work you need to add:
path: lib
to the dependencies of foo in the pubspec.yaml. Is there any advantage or disadvantage for a library to use the package style import to import another library (not in test, bin, or example) from its own package? Is there a reason for the apparent inconsistency?
After accepting the answer below, I still am not seeing it. Here is what I'm seeing in a shell session and I would like to reconcile this behavior with the answer. Any explanations appreciated. I am using emacs instead of DartEditor, thus the old-school command line approach here.
### Show all files, one dart library file and one yaml, plus empty
### lib and test folders
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ ls -R
lib pubspec.yaml test
### Show contents of pubspec
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ cat pubspec.yaml
name: domain_model
version: 0.0.1
description: >
Auto-generated support from /home/user/plusauri/modeling/plusauri.xmi.json
path: /home/user/open_source/codegen/dart/ebisu
### Run pub install and show the changes. Note there is a soft
### link to packages from test, but not lib.
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ pub install
Resolving dependencies...
Dependencies installed!
Some packages that were installed are not compatible with your SDK version 0.4.7+5.r21658 and may not work:
- 'pathos' requires >=0.5.0+1
You may be able to resolve this by upgrading to the latest Dart SDK
or adding a version constraint to use an older version of a package.
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ ls -R
lib packages pubspec.lock pubspec.yaml test
domain_model ebisu pathos
### Note here the program does not work, and suspiciously pub
### install put no packages link under lib like it did test
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ dart lib/plusauri.dart
Unable to open file: /tmp/uml_codegen_sample/lib/packages/ebisu/ebisu_utils.dart'file:///tmp/uml_codegen_sample/lib/plusauri.dart': Error: line 5 pos 1: library handler failed
import "package:ebisu/ebisu_utils.dart" as EBISU_UTILS;
### Copy the same dart file to test to show that it can run there
### just fine
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ cp lib/plusauri.dart test/
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ dart test/plusauri.dart
Main for library plusauri
### Finally, manually create the soft link in lib, to show it will
### then run
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ ln -s ../packages lib/packages
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ dart lib/plusauri.dart
Main for library plusauri
Actually, you can definitely import using the package:foo/foo_lib_1.dart syntax without needing to change your pubspec.yaml or even creating a pubspec.yaml in the first place!
You can see that this is true from a language level, in this test: https://github.com/dart-lang/bleeding_edge/blob/master/dart/tests/standalone/package/packages/package1.dart
and an example of this in the wild is: https://github.com/kevmoo/hop.dart/blob/master/lib/hop_tasks.dart#L17
I do not think there is any benefit from writing one way or another except that writing relative paths is slightly shorter.
From a project structure point of view, I would use relative path imports when I am drilling into subdirectories that are not going to be exposed to the user. src is generally seen as implementation specific details that won't be visible to external users, so use relative paths to your heart's content.
However, if you're working within multiple directories, then you should use package: imports to reinforce the idea that the parts are stand-alone and interchangeable. Within the lib directory itself, you want to say that these two libraries, although they might rely on each other, can live separately and are not bound by their physical location.
I would recommend not ever using ../ in your imports, as that is fragile and may break in strange ways if/when you modify directory structure or deploy.
