Retrieve All Nodes That Can Be Reached By A Specific Node In A Directed Graph - neo4j

Given a graph in Neo4j that is directed (but possible to have cycles), how can I retrieve all nodes that are reachable from a specific node with Cypher?
(Also: how long can I expect a query like this to take if my graph has 2 million nodes, and by extension 48 million nodes? A rough gauge will do eg. less than a minute, few minutes, an hour)

Cypher's uniqueness behavior is that relationships must be unique per path (each relationship can only be traversed once per path), but this isn't efficient for these kinds of use cases, where the goal is instead to find distinct nodes, so a node should only be visited once total (across all paths, not per path).
There are some path expander procedures in the APOC Procedures library that are directed at these use cases.
If you're trying to find all reachable nodes from a starting node, traversing relationships in either direction, you can use apoc.path.subgraphNodes() like so, using the movies graph as an example:
MATCH (n:Movie {title:"The Matrix"})
CALL apoc.path.subgraphNodes(n, {}) YIELD node
If you only wanted reachable nodes going a specific direction (let's say outgoing) then you can use a relationshipFilter to specify this. You can also add in the type too if that's important, but if we only wanted reachable via any outgoing relationship the query would look like:
MATCH (n:Movie {title:"The Matrix"})
CALL apoc.path.subgraphNodes(n, {relationshipFilter:'>'}) YIELD node
In either case these approaches should work better than with Cypher alone, especially in any moderately connected graph, as there will only ever be a single path considered for every reachable node (alternate paths to an already visited node will be pruned, cutting down on the possible paths to explore during traversal, which is efficient as we don't care about these alternate paths for this use case).

Have a look here, where an algorithm is used for community detection.
You can use something like
match (n:Movie {title:"The Matrix"})-[r*1..50]-(m) return distinct id(m)
but that is slow (tested on the Neo4j movie dataset with 60k nodes, above already runs more than 10 minutes. Probably memory usage will become an issue when you have a dataset consisting out of millions of nodes. Next to that, it also depends how your dataset is connected, e.g. nr of relationships.


neo4j for fraud detection - efficient data structure

I'm trying to improve a fraud detection system for a commerce website. We deal with direct bank transactions, so fraud is a risk we need to manage. I recently learned of graphing databases and can see how it applies to these problems. So, over the past couple of days I set up neo4j and parsed our data into it: example
My intuition was to create a node for each order, and a node for each piece of data associated with it, and then connect them all together. Like this:
MATCH (w:Wallet),(i:Ip),(e:Email),(o:Order)
WHERE w.wallet="ex" AND i.ip="ex" AND"ex" AND o.refcode="ex"
CREATE (w)-[:USED]->(o),(i)-[:USED]->(o),(e)-[:USED]->(o)
But this query runs very slowly as the database size increases (I assume because it needs to search the whole data set for the nodes I'm asking for). It also takes a long time to run a query like this:
START a=node(179)
MATCH (a)-[:USED*]-(d)
WHERE EXISTS(d.refcode)
RETURN distinct d
This is intended to extract all orders that are connected to a starting point. I'm very new to Cypher (<24 hours), and I'm finding it particularly difficult to search for solutions.
Are there any specific issues with the data structure or queries that I can address to improve performance? It ideally needs to complete this kind of thing within a few seconds, as I'd expect from a SQL database. At this time we have about 17,000 nodes.
Always a good idea to completely read through the developers manual.
For speeding up lookups of nodes by a property, you definitely need to create indexes or unique constraints (depending on if the property should be unique to a label/value).
Once you've created the indexes and constraints you need, they'll be used under the hood by your query to speed up your matches.
START is only used for legacy indexes, and for the latest Neo4j versions you should use MATCH instead. If you're matching based upon an internal id, you can use MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = xxx.
Keep in mind that you should not persist node ids outside of Neo4j for lookup in future queries, as internal node ids can be reused as nodes are deleted and created, so an id that once referred to a node that was deleted may later end up pointing to a completely different node.
Using labels in your queries should help your performance. In the query you gave to find orders, Neo4j must inspect every end node in your path to see if the property exists. Property access tends to be expensive, especially when you're using a variable-length match, so it's better to restrict the nodes you want by label.
MATCH (a)-[:USED*]-(d:Order)
WHERE id(a) = 179
RETURN distinct d
On larger graphs, the variable-length match might start slowing down, so you may get more performance by installing APOC Procedures and using the Path Expander procedure to gather all subgraph nodes and filter down to just Order nodes.
WHERE id(a) = 179
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(a, {bfs:true, uniqueness:"NODE_GLOBAL"}) YIELD path
WHERE d:Order

Neo4j Cypher: Finding the maximum and minimum node value in every disconnected subgraph and take the difference

If I have a graph as shown below. I would like to find the maximum value in a subgraph and minimum value in a subgraph take the difference and return.
For instance the right-most subgraph has 4 nodes. Maximum value is 3 and Minimum value is 1, I would like to take the difference and return, which for this case is 2. This should happen for every disconnected subgraph in the whole graph database. I will prefer to handle each subgraph using one query, that way it can be done in batch and difference for each subgraph can be returned.
I will be thankful to get some intuition.
The real problem will be finding those subgraphs, as Neo4j has no native support for disconnected subgraph detection or tracking, and will require some intensive full graph queries to identify them.
I've provided an approach to finding disconnected subgraphs and attaching a :Subgraph node to the node with the smallest id in the subgraph in this answer to a similar question.
Once the :Subgraph nodes are in place, you are free to batch queries on the subgraphs.
As noted in that answer, it does not provide an approach to keeping up with graph changes which end up affecting subgraphs (creating new subgraphs, merging subgraphs, dividing subgraphs).
Once you have a :Subgraph node attached to each disconnected subgraph, you can perform operations on subgraphs easily.
You might use this query to calculate the difference:
MATCH (s:Subgraph)-[*]-(subgraphNode)
WITH DISTINCT s, subgraphNode
WITH s, MIN(subgraphNode.value) as minimum, MAX(subgraphNode.value) as maximum
WITH s, maximum - minimum as difference
If you need to batch that query, then you'll want to use APOC Procedures, probably apoc.periodic.iterate().
After some testing, it seems like APOC's Path Expander functionality, using NODE_GLOBAL uniqueness, leads to a more efficient means to find all nodes within a subgraph.
I'll be altering my linked answer accordingly. Here's how this would work with the subgraph query:
MATCH (s:Subgraph)
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(s,{minLevel:1, bfs:true, uniqueness:"NODE_GLOBAL"}) YIELD path
WITH s, last(nodes(path)) as subgraphNode
WITH s, MIN(subgraphNode.value) as minimum, MAX(subgraphNode.value) as maximum
WITH s, maximum - minimum as difference

Fast search for unconnected nodes in big neo4j graph

So, i've created a Neo4j graph database out of a relational database. The graph database has about 7 million nodes, and about 9 million relationships between the nodes.
I now want to find all nodes, that are not connected to nodes with a certain label (let's call them unconnected nodes). For example, i have nodes with the labels "Customer" and "Order" (let's call them top-level-nodes). I want to find all nodes that have no relationship from or to these top-level-nodes. The relationship doesn't have to be direct, the nodes can be connected via other nodes to the top-level-nodes.
I have a cypher query which would solve this problem:
MATCH (a) WHERE not ((a)-[*]-(:Customer)) AND not ((a)-[*]-(:Order)) RETURN a;
As you can imagine, the query will need a long time to execute, the performance is bad. Most likely because of the undirected relationship and because it doesn't matter via how many nodes the relationship can be made. However, the relationship directions don't matter, and i need to make sure that there is no path from any node to one of the top-level-nodes.
Is there any way to find the unconnected nodes faster ? Note that the database is really big, and there are more than 2 labels which mark top-level-nodes.
You could try this approach, which does involve more operations, but can be run in batches for better performance (see apoc.periodic.commit() in the APOC procedures library).
The idea is to first apply a label (say, :Unconnected) to all nodes in your graph (batch execute with apoc.periodic.commit), and then, taking batches of top level nodes with that label, matching to all nodes in the subgraphs extending from them and removing that label.
When you finally have run out of top level nodes with the :Unconnected label (meaning all top level nodes and their subgraphs no longer have this label) then the only nodes remaining in your graph with the :Unconnected label are not connected to your top level nodes.
Any approach to this kind of operation will likely be slow, but the advantage again is that you can process this in batches, and if you get interrupted, you can resume. Once your queries are done, all the relevant unconnected nodes are now labeled for further processing at your convenience.
Also, one last note, in Neo4j undirected relationships have no arrows in the syntax ()-[*]-().
not (a:Customer OR a:Order)
AND shortestPath((a)-[*]-(:Customer)) IS NULL
AND shortestPath((a)-[*]-(:Order)) IS NULL
If you could add rel-types it would be faster.
One further optimization could be to check the nodes of an :Customer path for an :Order node and vice versa. i.e.
NONE(n in nodes(path) WHERE n:Order)
In general, this might be rather a set operation, i.e.
expand around all order and customer nodes in parallel into two sets
and compute the overlap between the two sets.
Then remove the overlap from the total number of nodes.
I added an issue for apoc here to add such a function or procedure

Most efficient way to get all connected nodes in neo4j

The answer to this question shows how to get a list of all nodes connected to a particular node via a path of known relationship types.
As a follow up to that question, I'm trying to determine if traversing the graph like this is the most efficient way to get all nodes connected to a particular node via any path.
My scenario: I have a tree of groups (group can have any number of children). This I model with IS_PARENT_OF relationships. Groups can also relate to any other groups via a special relationship called role playing. This I model with PLAYS_ROLE_IN relationships.
The most common question I want to ask is MATCH(n {name: "xxx") -[*]-> (o) RETURN, but this seems to be extremely slow on even a small number of nodes (4000 nodes - takes 5s to return an answer). Note that the graph may contain cycles (n-IS_PARENT_OF->o, n<-PLAYS_ROLE_IN-o).
Is connectedness via any path not something that can be indexed?
As a first point, by not using labels and an indexed property for your starting node, this will already need to first find ALL the nodes in the graph and opening the PropertyContainer to see if the node has the property name with a value "xxx".
Secondly, if you now an approximate maximum depth of parentship, you may want to limit the depth of the search
I would suggest you add a label of your choice to your nodes and index the name property.
Use label, e.g. :Group for your starting point and an index for :Group(name)
Then Neo4j can quickly find your starting point without scanning the whole graph.
You can easily see where the time is spent by prefixing your query with PROFILE.
Do you really want all arbitrarily long paths from the starting point? Or just all pairs of connected nodes?
If the latter then this query would be more efficient.
MATCH (n:Group)-[:IS_PARENT_OF|:PLAYS_ROLE_IN]->(m:Group)

How to find distinct nodes in a Neo4j/Cypher query

I'm trying to do some pattern matching in neo4j/cypher and I came across this issue:
There are two types of graphs I want to search for:
Star graphs: A graph with one center node and multiple outgoing relationships.
n-length line graphs: A line graph with length n where none of the nodes are repeats (I have some bidirectional edges and cycles in my graph)
So the main problem is that when I do something such as:
MATCH a-->b, a-->c, a-->d
MATCH a-->b-->c-->d
Cypher doesn't guarantee (when I tried it) that a, b, c, and d are all different nodes. For small graphs, this can easily be fixed with
WHERE not(a=b) AND not(a=c) AND ...
But I'm trying to have graphs of size 10+, so checking equality between all nodes isn't a viable option. Afaik, RETURN DISTINCT does not work as well since it doesn't check equality among variables, only across different rows. Is there any simple way I can specify the query to make the differently named nodes distinct?
Old question, but look to APOC Path Expander procedures for how to address these kinds of use cases, as you can change the traversal uniqueness behavior for expansion (the same way you can when using the traversal API...which these procedures use).
Cypher implicitly uses RELATIONSHIP_PATH uniqueness, meaning that per path returned, a relationship must be unique, it cannot be used multiple times in a single path.
While this is good for queries where you need all possible paths, it's not a good fit for queries where you want distinct nodes or a subgraph or to prevent repeating nodes in a path.
For an n-length path, let's say depth 6 with only outgoing relationships of any type, we can change the uniqueness to NODE_PATH, where a node must be unique per path, no repeats in a path:
WHERE id(n) = 12345
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(n, {maxLevel:6, uniqueness:'NODE_PATH'}) YIELD path
If you want all reachable nodes up to a certain depth (or at any depth by omitting maxLevel), you can use NODE_GLOBAL uniqueness, or instead just use apoc.path.subgraphNodes():
WHERE id(n) = 12345
CALL apoc.path.subgraphNodes(n, {maxLevel:6}) YIELD node
NODE_GLOBAL uniqueness means that across all paths that a node must be unique, it will only be visited once, and there will only be one path to a node from a given start node. This keeps the number of paths that need to be evaluated down significantly, but because of this behavior not all relationships will be traversed, if they expand to a node already visited.
You will not get relationships back with this procedure (you can use apoc.path.spanningTree() for that, although as previously mentioned not all relationships will be included, as we will only capture a single path to each node, not all possible paths to nodes). If you want all nodes up to a max level and all possible relationships between those nodes, then use apoc.path.subgraphAll():
WHERE id(n) = 12345
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(n, {maxLevel:6}) YIELD nodes, relationships
RETURN nodes, relationships
Richer options exist for label and relationship filtering, or filtering (whitelist, blacklist, endnode, terminator node) based on lists of pre-matched nodes.
We also support repeating sequences of relationships or node labels.
If you need filtering by node or relationship properties during expansion, then this won't be a good option as that feature is yet supported.
