Add footer with jsPDF newest html plugin (NOT fromHTML) - jspdf

I'm creating a pdf from my page using this code
var root = document.getElementById("pdfRoot");
var pdfDoc = new jsPDF("p", "pt", "a4");
pdfDoc.html(root, {
callback: function(pdf) {"my.pdf");
I don't know how to add a footer that repeats on all my pages. All solutions I find apply to the old unsupported fromHTML/addHTML plugins.
If I just add a <footer> in my "pdfRoot" div, it doesn't repeat.


Styling and Listening for items in template Custom Element at Dart

I'm trying to build equivalent example of this
the code I used is:
class proto extends HtmlElement {
static final tag = 'x-foo-from-template';
factory proto()=>new Element.tag(tag);
proto.created() : super.created(){
// 1. Attach a shadow root on the element.
var shadow = this.createShadowRoot();
// 2. Fill it with markup goodness.
var t = new TemplateElement();"sdtemplate"
..innerHtml = """
p { color: orange; }
<p>I'm in Shadow DOM. My markup was stamped from a <template>.</p>
var span = t.content.querySelector('span');
span.text= "hello "+span.text;
var btn = t.content.querySelector('button');
btn..onClick.listen((e) => print('hello'));
The code displayed the statement and button, but the following did not work:
1. Styling, nothing had been styled, I checked with the developer tools, and found this output "Removing disallowed element ",
2.OnClick.listen for the button
any thoughts?
I found that Listening to items in Templates is not possible till the template be cloned and called, and Listeners can be added to the script that is calling the template, this is applicable for both Dart and JS.
to add event listeners to the template items, we have to go one step up, and use Custom Elements instead.

SSRS Reportviewer in MVC, removing iframe scrollbars by auto-sizing iframe to fit report

I have pieced together information on eliminating iframe scrollbars in favour of the browser scroll bars when rendering a reportviewer in an iframe. MVC does not support rendering a report viewer in a view, hence the need for an iframe.
Edit: i struggled to find this solution (below) hence i thought i would share.
In the aspx page (the page that will be rendered in the iframe)
$(function () {//jQuery document.ready
// attach an event handler, whenever a 'property' of the reportviewer changes, the function will be called to adjust the height of the iframe
Sys.Application.add_load(function () {
$find("ReportViewer").add_propertyChanged(viewerPropertyChanged); // $.find("ReportViewer") will return the reportviewer with id "ReportViewer"
function adjustIframeSize() {
// you can play around with these figures until your report is perfect
var extraHeightToAvoidCuttingOffPartOfReport = 100;
var extraWidthToAvoidCuttingOffPartOfReport = 10;
// '#ReportViewer_fixedTable' is a portion of the report viewer that contains the actual report, minus the parameters etc
var reportPage = $('#ReportViewer_fixedTable');
// get the height of the report. '#ParametersRowReportViewer' is that top part that contains parameters etc
var newHeight = reportPage.height() + $('#ParametersRowReportViewer').height() + extraHeightToAvoidCuttingOffPartOfReport;
// same for width
var newWidth = reportPage.width() + extraWidthToAvoidCuttingOffPartOfReport;
// get iframe from parent document, the rest of this function only works if both the iframe and the parent page are on the same domain
var reportIframe = $('#ReportViewerFrame', parent.document);
// just make sure that nothing went wrong with the calculations, other wise the entire report could be given a very small value for height and width, thereby hiding the report
if (newWidth > extraWidthToAvoidCuttingOffPartOfReport)
function viewerPropertyChanged(sender, e) {
// only change the iframe dimensions when 'isLoading'
if (e.get_propertyName() == "isLoading") {
if (!$find("ReportViewer").get_isLoading()) {
Solved a similar problem using a set of extensions in ReportViewer for MVC.
ViewBag.ReportViewer as Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportViewer,
new { scrolling = "no" })

Display ASP.MVC view in CKEditor dialog window

I created a plugin with a custom dialog window.
init: function (editor) {
var pluginName = 'imggallery';
label: 'Add image',
command: 'OpenWindow',
icon: CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('imggallery') + 'lightbulb.gif'
editor.addCommand('OpenWindow', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand('simpleLinkDialog'));
var html2 = "<h1>This is a heading</h1>";
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('simpleLinkDialog', function (editor) {
return {
title: 'LinkProperties',
minWidth: 400,
minHeight: 200,
id: 'general',
label: 'Settings',
type: 'html',
html: html2
My question is: Is it possible to somehow display ASP.MVC view in window content?
When I assign html2 to elements property the text is shown without formatting (plain text).
Are you sure it's plain text and not a H1 tag that is formatted to look like plain text? There's a big difference :). The CKE dialogs reset most of the standard browser styles so that elements appear like plain text, even though they are not.
As for the MVC view, I would recommend that you add an iframe within the CKE dialog and display the page normally there. Then you can control or get/set values from the iframe using JavaScript. It will be a bit tricky, but should work.
var html2 = '<iframe id="DialogIframe" src="/MyController/MyView?foo=bar"></iframe>';
The other option is to use something like jQuery to $.get() the HTML and then use it, should be relatively simple if you have worked with ajax before. If not, here's a good chance to start! :)

How to set nothing on el or tagname to work with jquery ui accordion

Structure of jQueryUI's Accordion is something like this,
for each item. What I am going to do is create accordion inside of my backbone view through looping, but backbone create div tag for each item so I have html code like this
This makes jQuery Accordion control does not work correctly, collapse and expand is not working.
I think this can be solved if I can set nothing on el or tagname, but I cannot find out.
Is there any way to solve this problem?
I think you'd be better off leaving the accordion to one view and then have a separate view inside each panel. After all, the <h2>s are controls for the accordion as-a-whole rather than for a specific panel.
You'd have some per-panel views like this:
var P = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
// Add the panel's content to this.$el (which is a <div> by default).
return this;
And then an accordion view like this:
var A = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
var panels = [ ... ];
for(var p, i = 0; i < panels.length; ++i) {
p = new P({ ... });
this.$el.append('<h3><a>' + panels[i] + '</a></h3>');
// The accordion wants to know the sizes of things so
// we let the DOM sort itself out before binding the
// accordion.
var _this = this;
setTimeout(function() { _this.$el.accordion() }, 0);
return this;
Then you can simply $('#something').append((new A).render().el) and it all works out nicely while leaving everything where it should be.
You could also add a title method to the P views and then A could ask the panel what its name/title/header should be so that all the per-panel information is nicely contained in the per-panel view.

Add dynamically TinyMCE Textarea on Newly tabs

I using tab's JQuery plugin UI each tab contains TextArea then are manage by TinyMCE librarie.
I want to do : When you click on tab "+" , that add new tab which contains textarea too.
To create new tab with textearea , it's good. The problem is : I can't edit textarea value and if i click on TinyMCE 's option ( like Bold ) : J is null error on Javascript console
My JS Code :
$('li > a.moretxt').click(function(){
// Number of element in tabs
var size = $( "#tabs" ).tabs("length");
// Content to add on new tab
var content = "<div id='divcontent"+size+"'><textarea id=\'txtcontent"+size+"'\' cols=\'60\' rows=\'5\'></textarea></div>";
// Some variable
var path = '#divcontent'+size;
var title = 'content'+size;
var idtxt = 'txtcontent'+size;
// Add new div Textarea before the end
//Add control ?
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', true, idtxt);
// Add new TAB
$( "#tabs" ).tabs("add",path,title,(size));
var index = $( "#tabs" ).tabs("option", "selected");
The follow code , well add tab with tiny TextArea but it doesn't works ...
TinyMCE needs to have the object in the DOM to apply itself. I'm not sure why TinyMCE isn't working as you appear to be are adding the container prior to adding TinyMCE, however if you move the "addControl" to after you've added the new Tab it should work.
