Add Main Tab Bar to Other View Controller - ios

I'm a new Swift developer. I'm using Swift 4.2 and XCode 10.2.
I have a tab bar controller with 5 tab bar items. In the view controller for each tab bar item there is a button to show the balance in a different view controller (call it the Balance View Controller). I have a segue from each button to the Balance View Controller.
I am using interface builder, but will be happy to add code.
How can I put the main tab bar on the Balance View Controller so when the user is done viewing the balance, he can select another tab bar item and keep going? I rejected using a navigation controller because the back button will interfere with the uniform view at the top of every screen and I don't want to adjust it.
I could not find any SO questions that address this issue. And all the other web resources I found are very basic on how to implement tab bars. Any help would be appreciated.

Another approach:
Load Balance View Controller as a Child ViewController, and display its view on top of the current view. This will leave the tab bar alone, allowing users to navigate to another tab.
Balance View Controller sounds like it's just an information display. If so, you can add a tap gesture to remove it from the current view on a simple tap.
If Balance View Controller is interactive, you can add a button to remove it from the current view.
Since you say you have a button in each tab's VC to show the Balance View Controller, then you probably also want to remove it from the current view when another tab is selected.

I rejected using a navigation controller because the back button will interfere with the uniform view at the top of every screen and I don't want to adjust it.
The best way to achieve this is with a UINavigationController what we can do about the Top navigation bar and the darn back button is we can hide the whole thing by
// Add this to your viewcontroller
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = true
And going further if you want to you can disable the animations for the view controller
hope this helps


Swift/XCode 6.4: add back button to navigation controller in navigation bar

In my app I have this storyboard:
and I would like to add a back button from the second table view back to the first. So I inserted a Navigation controller in order to have a navigation bar in the second table view ad I have created a segue with its identifier from the second table view to the first. But then how can I add a back button? I have tried to drag a button from the library into the navigation controller but it won't let me do it...I had already done this but in this moment I can't remember how.
Please can you help me?
In above image you shared you are making your tableview controller as root view controller.You have to kept your navigation controller on root. As you can see in attached image and you don't have to make back button manually as navigation controller has its own default back button.
This example is right how to make storyboard.Try it
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = false
In setting of UINavigationController set up like on screenshot
If you're using a navigation controller and its default navigation bar, you don't add an explicit back button--the navigation bar does it for you. You can add a UINavigationItem to your view controller, on which you set a title, back button title, etc.

Using Xcode Storyboard to create Master-Detail views where the Detail view is Tab Bar to three different views

I'm trying to implementing master-detail scenes where the detail scene can be tabbed to show three different scenes. The example is a list of stories and for each story, I am interested to present an introduction, author info and reviews. So the scenes are as the following:
Master scene: a list of stories
When a story is selected:
Detail - Introduction scene (about the selected story)
Detail - Author scene (about the author)
Detail - Reviews scene (a list of reviews)
I attached the storyboard that I used to kind of achieve this:
I also attached the resultant scene on the iPhone simulator that showed the Detail - Author scene:
My problem is with there are 2 navigation bars presented in the detail - author scene: The top one with Stories back button, and the bottom one with Author label and B button. I want them to be collapsed into just one navigation bar. This means that when I click on a story from the Stories scene to transition to the detail author view, there will be only one navigation bar that has the Stories back button, the Author label, and the B button.
My question is: How can I collapse these two navigation bars together? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The problem is that you have a root navigation controller and you also have a navigation controller in each tab of the tab controller, then you show them both at the same time.
You could try a couple of things:
Hide the root nav controllers nav bar when the tab view is on display. This could be manual or by presenting modally. In either case you will need a done / back button to dismiss. The modal option could be done in the storyboard.
Add a delegate to the tab bar controller. Remove the nav controllers from each tab. When the tab changes, get the new view controller and set its navigationItem onto the root nav controllers nav bar.
Back button items are only shown when there is something to go back to. You can add left button items. You may be able to connect them to an unwind segue or you might need to add a method to each view controller which does:
[self.tabBarController.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
I figured out one solution:
Objectives: When combining a Master-Detail scheme with the Detail part spreads to several scenes via tab bar controller using Push segue from Master to the tab bar scene, I want to: 1). retain the back button from the push segue, 2). set the navigation item on the tab bar scene to whichever detail scene that is visible, 3). set the right button on the detail scene. Another objective is to just use Storyboard to convey the GUI design and interaction flow, without getting into the code.
Problems: There were many problems with which controllers to use. (And one can play with the Xocde project that I uploaded here to see them.) One good solution is to use a navigation controller for each detail scene, which enables the bar button item to be added to the navigation bar on the detail scene (do not add a navigation bar to the detail scene yourself). Just from Storyboard, this worked fine, except that the navigation bar from the navigation scene would show up under the navigation bar from the tab bar scene, and the upper navigation bar wouldn't have the correct title or the correct button on it.
Solutions: The basic use of all the scenes as described in the original post is fine. For the programmatic changes part, create a view controller .h and .m for the detail scene. Then in the viewDidAppear method, retrieve the bar button that was added to the right side of the detail scene's navigation bar, and then assign it to the right bar button item on the tab bar scene's navigation bar.
The code snippet is as the follows - this is applicable to scenes that I described earlier:
UIBarButtonItem *detailButton = self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem;
self.parentViewController.parentViewController.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = detailButton;
On the Storyboard canvas, select the navigation scene, and make sure it's navigation bar is turned off.
One thing that I particularly liked abut this that the separation of the GUI design and flow are totally there.
Hope this helps.

How to create a UIView with NavigationBar and TabBar

I would like to introduce in my app a View that will contains both navigation bar and a tab bar at the bottom. View contains a Table View with multiple entries and once user tap on a cell a push segue takes him to another view with details regarding the cell he has previously tapped. If he decides, user can go back to parent view by tapping on 'Back' button of the navigation bar on top. In addition to this, I would like my view to have a tab bar at the bottom with extra tools for the user. So, if he decides to check the 'Creator' of the app, he can by simply tap on 'Creator' TabBarItem at the bottom.
I would like to ask you what is the best way to achieve the above. I have already tried to use UITabBarController combined with UINavigationController. Didn't achieve what I was looking for because I would like the view with the table on it to be independent from the TabBarController and NOT a part of it (by part I mean by accessible through tabs).
Do you believe a UINavigationController view with UITabBarView would be a better choice?
What I mean by, "independent from the TabBarController and NOT a part of it":
Once the app loaded, I would like to see my main view (with table) contains Navigation Bar on top and Tab Bar at the bottom. However, I don't want to see the first tab of the Tab Bar selected because my main view will not be accessible through tabs of the Tab Bar but through Navigation Bar. If, for example, I am in Main view and tap on 1st tap, I would like to move to another view that will contains some other info.
Option 1:-
Create a tab bar Controller and on that TabbarController assign your navigation Views.
say nav1 with tab1 , nav2 with tab2...
Option 2:-
Create a Navigation View Controller and than add the tabbarcontroller on that navigationView Controller by using addSubView.
So when the user clicks on a row in a table u will go to a different View which doesn't have the TabbarController and when the user comes back he will again see the TabbarController.
This is what I will do:
First I will subclass UITabbarController and create for example ParentTabBarController. This controller will contain all the tabs necessary and what they will do if they are clicked so on.
Next for each viewcontroller I create, I will subclass from this ParentTabBarController so that the tabs are already in. You can add additional functionality or override it depending on your situation.
In your appdelegate pass in a navigation controller and every time push and dismiss the viewcontrollers you created in second step.
Hope this helps..

How do you change views from a Tab Bar Controller

I am developing an app that consists of a Tab Bar Controller that points to 3 view controllers (all with tabs). In one of these tab views I've made a button and I want it to open a new view (without a tab at the bottom). This new view would need a navigation bar with a back button to return to the previous view, so I was thinking I need to create a navigation controller?
Essentially this is what I'm trying to do (I apologize for the poorly drawn diagram).
How can I get this new view (entirely independent of the tab bar controller) to display programatically? Would this require a navigation controller?
You are describing a presented view controller. Call presentViewController:animated:completion:.
I very frequently do this with a navigation bar and a Back or Done button, just as you describe. But it's not a navigation controller or navigation interface; it's just a convenient way of showing the user how to get back.
For example, this is a presented view in one of my apps. The top is a navigation bar, and the cancel button gets us back (call dismissViewController...). The rest is a scrolling view (a UICollectionView) of buttons.
[myTabBar setSelectedIndex:1]
You may have to access the tabBar like self.tabBarController so… [self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:1];
1 is index 1 in the tabbar's stack (this is like tapping a tabBar button manually)

Tab bar disappears when trying to go back from new view

I am very new to Xcode and have encountered an issue with my app. I am trying to create a tab bar app. On one of the tabs I have a button that brings the user to a different ViewController. I want to have it so the user can select a button that would return them to the tab that had the button. I tried to set up an action from the button to the previous view (the tabbed screen), however the tab bar disappears. I hope this is makes sense.
Here is a link to a screenshot...
Easiest way to do this is to place a UINavigationController as the root view controller of the TabBarController. You can do this in storyboard by simply ctrl+dragging from the tabbar controller to the navigation controller and adding it as a relationship.
Here's an example using storyboards:
The next step is to set the third controller (in this case the table view controller) to your player view controller class.
Then, you can use the default back button and animation that comes with the navigation controller. If you prefer to hide the navigation bar at the top of the screen, then you can use your custom back button to call
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
You can also choose custom animations / segues, etc. but using a navigation controller to help you navigate screens is probably the simplest approach.
