How to migrate Jboss7.1 application migrate to Tomcat 7.0.54? - jsf-2

My application is currently using Jboss 7.1 eap server and used JSF and Richfaces as front end and normal bean class as back end with hibernate.
My problem is How to migrate the complete Jboss-7.1 application to Tomcat-7.0.45?
Thank you.


Cannot create a session after the response has been committed - PrettyFaces MultiPageMessagesSupport on Glassfish4

I have a Java EE app where I use JSF2 + PrettyFaces + EBJ3 + Glassfish
I just recently updated to Glassfish4 which is the default Server implementation for Java EE 7 and I started getting issues with PrettyFaces.
I have configured on my faces-config.xml:
to enable for Faces Messages to be passed around correctly and displayed on screen.
But since I upgraded from Glassfish3 to 4 I started getting this issue:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot create a session after the response has
been committed
at com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.util.FacesMessagesUtils.saveMessages(FacesMe
at com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.event.MultiPageMessagesSupport.afterPhase(Mu
If I remove the listener from faces-config.xml none of the Faces messages are displayed on screen.
I am using PrettyFaces to have nice well formatted URLs to enhance SEO on my site. I wish I couldn't have to replace it or refactor my app to not use it since I already mapped a lot of the navigation flow using it. Does somebody know a better option for this scenario?
I really appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
I don't recommend to use MultiPageMessagesSupport if you are deploying to a "modern" container with JSF 2.2 support. The MultiPageMessagesSupport phase listener has been developed for JSF 1.x. JSF 2.x added support for persisting messages across redirects. Just execute this code before redirecting:

JSF2 and primefaces 3.4 on Websphere 8

I have created web dynamic project with jsf2, Primefaces 3.4, Tomcat7.Application runs fine. If i deploy the EAR of the same project on Websphere8 instead of Tomcat7, I am getting Exceptions.I am not sure of what is happening. I am new to JSF2 and Wepshere8.
can you provide me the links on how to start sample jsf2 + primefaces project on Websphere 8
Thanks in advance.
Got it. Try to add com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener instead of org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener in your web.xml, restart your server and then run it.
The code should look like the following.
For using different implementations of JSF, the WebSphere Application Server JSF engine determines if the SUN RI or Apache MyFaces is used from the application server run time. After the JSF engine determines the implementation that is used, the correct listener class is registered with the web container. You do not need to add the com.sun.faces.ConfigureListener or the org.apache.myfaces.StartupConfigureListener to the web.xml file.
Please see above...
I too faced the same problem.
Websphere by default support sun impl and apache myfaces and its jsf 1.2.
To use jsf 2 implementation.
1.Make sure to remove servlet.jar from your application.Its need for tomcat however not in websphere.
2.Change the classloader policy for ear to parent last.Parent last means lib in your app will have higher priority.if not found will load from WAS class path.
3.Also make sure to change the webmodule class loader policy to parent last.
4.Restart websphere.
To solve the classloader of primefaces in websphere 8.5 classes replace the jsf
for the native implementation of websphere

JSF 2 and Websphere 7.0 don't want to run

I am having some trouble with JSF2 and websphere 7.0. I have searched in the internet but nothing. The thing looks to be that websphere puts its 1.2 libraries and override my 2.0 libs. The app is working fine in apache-tomcat
Thirst of all, when i try to get an xhtml page (with simple html the app works, the problem is with jsf) the server shows the error:
could not find factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory
i've read that i had to use the "parent last" option in the class loader section, but it didn't worked. Then i went to jsp and jsf options on the web module properties, and there i can choose between Sun reference implementation 1.2 and MyFaces 1.2, the sun was selected, so i choose myfaces and now the error is another one: if i try to go to "something.xhtml", it redirects to "something.jsf", which doesn't exists..
any idea?
It seems that you didn't include the JSF implementation on your classpath.
Here's how I solved it.
Use the following library: javax.faces-2.1.7.jar
If you are on PrimeFaces 3.1: primefaces-3.1.1.jar
Application Server instance: Class Loading - Parent Last
Enterprise Application instance (war Module): Class Loading - Parent Last
Make sure to remove all Servlet Container libraries such as those needed by Tomcat.

JSF 2 Mojarra and Primefaces in WebSphere 7+

I have been struggling with the unholy alliance that is WebSphere 7+ and Mojarra 2.0.4 and have run into something of a showstopper.
I followed the directions as specified at this forum post and got Mojarra 2.0.4 initializing properly:
Basically I created an isolated classloader shared library that refers externally to the Mojarra and Primefaces jars, added the shared library to the webapp and reversed the classloader to go PARENT_LAST. All of that works.
When I attempt to access my web app http://server:port/context/index.xhtml it is hitting the FacesServlet correctly but then instantly the Request Dispatcher is redirecting to index.jsp???
I don't have any JSP specified ANYWHERE in my code, my app, my web.xml, and in fact I specified DEFAULT-SUFFIX to be .xhtml and that didn't help. All my web pages are .xhtml extension and FacesServlet is mapped correctly to *.xhtml.
I have tried adding XHTML as a mime type to WebSphere, disabling the Request Dispatcher, all to no avail. I have been able to get this running correctly on Tomcat 6-7, JBoss 6 and Glassfish 3 with no problems but for some reason WebSphere insists on a JSP file extension?
I appreciate any help you might have.
WAS7 sometimes does not undeploy the web applications properly. Clearing WAS_PROFILE_HOME/temp and WAS_PROFILE_HOME/wstemp may help.

JSF 2.0, RAD 8 & Websphere Application Server 7.0

I am trying to run a JSF 2.0 application with Mojarra 2.0 implementation. I need to change the Web Module class loading policy of the .war file to PARENT_LAST, so that WAS doesn't load the default configuration. I want the JSF 2.o implementation to be loaded from WEB-INF/lib folder. However RAD does not allow me to change the settings to PARENT_LAST in admin Console. ( It's disabled )
It works fine,when the class loader policy is set using shared libarary references and set at the server level. However I don't want that.
I would like this to be loaded at the "Web Module" level.
Can anyone help how to change to PARENT_LAST that using admin console?
I changed the deployment.xml file directly to include warClassLoaderPolicy="SINGLE" and changed the mode of the classloader element to "PARENT_LAST". It loaded the Mojarra JSF 2.0 implemention.
