How to add a TXT record to your DNS referencing Sonatype JIRA Ticket on AWS Route53? - maven-3

Recently I wanted to add my jar to Maven Central Repository.
I have raised a ticket to the community.
They wanted to verify whether I'm the owner of the domain. So I was doing this activity. They asked me to
"Add a TXT record to your DNS referencing this JIRA ticket: << Jira Link>>"
Go to AWS Route 53 Hosted Zone page
Select your domain and add a TXT record with the value as your Ticket link.
Now fire below command to verify.
dig -t txt << domain name >>
Eg: dig -t txt

Go to your DNS provider of choice and add a TXT record containing the id (ex: OSSRH-XXXX) of the jira ticket.
Wait until Search Engines index it. You can check your TXT record on free site
After that in issue comment ask for someone from Sonatype to reply.
If everything is Ok, you will get an answer with a list of next steps

cosic's answer is ambiguous because "add a TXT record containing the id" could mean adding the URL of the JIRA ticket, or just the ticket number.
To be perfectly clear, add the complete URL to the Sonatype JIRA ticket. How to add a TXT record depends on your provider; here is the link for Namecheap. If there’s an option to put in a custom TTL, put 7 days; if not, leave it at automatic.
Then run dig -t TXT com.mydomain, and in the ANSWER SECTION, you should see a line referencing the JIRA ticket. It may take some time for the change to propagate through the DNS servers.
com.mydomain. 1798 IN TXT ""
Comment in the Sonatype ticket with the output.


Some Azure Devops committer/author emails have guid instead of domain

I'm listing the contributors in an Azure Devops services git repository, and seeing some users with a guid instead of a domain in the email address, i.e username#xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
I've tried to track this guid back to any user property, but couldn't find any match.
Any idea on where it could have come from? I'd want to be able to track it back to the user and I don't think I can use the username as a unique identifier (its domain specific).
That's a strange one. Maybe an issue with how Active directory is syncing with Azure DevOps. I would try and validate with a user who has the problem what they have in their local git config file.
Something to be aware of is the email format enforcement you can do for git repositories. Project Settings -> Repositories -> Policies.{collection}/{project}/_settings/repositories?repoGroup=true&_a=pushpolicy
Git stores your name and email address in its config file. This file can be at the system level, global to your account on your computer, or local to a repository. If a name and email aren't found in any of these places, Git will do its best to get this information from your operating system. Your details are included in the commit, marking you as the author of that commit.
Where does Azure DevOps Services get your name and email?
Your details in Azure DevOps Services come from your profile. Your
profile was originally populated from details in your Microsoft
Account or Azure Active Directory account, but you may change these
details yourself. When you edit a file in the web or complete a PR,
Azure Repos supplies your profile details as the author of the
commit. This is another opportunity for your name or email address
to be specified differently.
Please check both of Git and Azure DevOps Service and make sure the name and e-mail is correct.
--How do I change my information in Git and Azure DevOps Services?
In Git, you can run two commands to change your name and email
git config --global "Frances Totten"
git config --global ""
In Azure DevOps Services, you can update your profile by clicking your picture in the upper right corner and choosing My profile.
Besides, you could also try to change the author displayed for past commits. More details please kindly refer our tutorial here-- How names work in Git

Is there a way to get gerrit to reject commits without a JiRA ticket number?

How does an admin configure Gerrit to automatically reject commits without JiRA ticket number? I've read this documentation but not sure how to implement it on all branches in a specific repository (not all repos!). Do all users need to download the file and copy it to their local repository or how does it work? What I want to achieve is that git/gerrit automatically rejects a commit that are missing a JiRA ticket number - doesn't have to be valid, it's up to the team to control that the ticket number is valid.
The Jira plugin is based in the ITS plugin. These plugins have a association configuration that can be set to MANDATORY.
MANDATORY : One or more issue-ids are required in the git commit message, otherwise the git push will be rejected.
SUGGESTED : Whenever git commit message does not contain one or more issue-ids, a warning message is displayed as a suggestion on the client.
OPTIONAL : Issues-ids are liked when found on git commit message, no warning are displayed otherwise.
The below config example is taken from the Jira plugin documentation.
[commentLink "Jira"]
match = (\\[[A-Z][A-Z]+-[1-9][0-9]*\\])
html = "$1"
association = MANDATORY
The Git::Hooks is the best solution to this job.
See how to install and configure it here.
See more info about it here.

Modify JIRA Service Desk translation

I have installed Jira Service 3.2.2 and Jira Core 7.2.2.
Whenever I create a new incidence in my project, an email is sent to the user. That email is sent in Spanish and I just want to change a sentence from that email.
I've found some translations in the file
in \i18 folder.
I've changed there the wrong sentence and restarted JIRA but the email is still the original, changes seem to not be applied.
Is it the wrong location for email templates translations?
Thanks in advance!
Well, after restarting twice the JIRA server the changes were applied.
That means translations are taken from file:

What to do to change usernames in JIRA?

I am using JIRA v4.4 and I want to change usernames in JIRA. But it seems that I have to install add-on to update usernames. After a search in google I found that the most people recommend to install Script Runner add-on. Up to now it is okay, but what to do next? How can I change user names with Script Runner add on now? Or is there a better way to change user names?
After some more research, I found that there are built in scripts, and in those scripts you can use Renames a user ID script. Because I had an error, those scripts were not showed up before. By giving From User ID and To user ID you can update the name. Moreover Jira team will add this feature in the next 12 months so after that don't have to use add-ons for username update operation.

link to other system issue number in gerrit code review page based on commit message

I used to write commit message to connect issue system like issue #9548, redmine start page is fixed, and wonder whether it can be written in hook or plugin in gerrit system.
So in the code review page, the issue #9548 can be automatically show the http link to my issues system (like redmine): => issue#9548,redmine start page is fixed
It will be easily for code review.
Yes, it is possible. In your Gerrit configuration, you have to provide a regex expression for the string in the commit message and the link to your bugtracker with wildcards. See the Gerrit documentation. For your example, you would have a regex like (issue\s+#?)(\d+)
If you use Jira and have your Jira case number first in the commit message, add the following to gerrit.config to get links when viewing change sets:
[commentlink "jira"]
match = "^([A-Z]*-[0-9]*)"
link = http://jira/browse/$1
Some supported commit message formats (paste into Rubular to test):
PRJ-123: This is my commit message
ABC-123 - Something: Yes yes
ABCD-123 - Message
For more examples, see the Gerrit documentation on Section commentlink
Yes you can turn the issue tag into a link in Gerrit. Look at the commentlink configuration -
