regex to extract URLs from text - Ruby - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to detect the urls from a text and replace them by wrapping in quotes like below:
original text: Hey, it is a url here
required text: Hey, it is a url here ""
original text show my input value and required text represents the required output. I searched a lot on web but could not find any possible solution. I already have tried URL.extract feature but that doesn't seem to detect URLs without http or https. Below are the examples of some of urls I want to deal with. Kindly let me know if you know the solution.
ANQUETIL-DUPERRON Abraham-Hyacinthe, KIEFFER Jean-Luc,,Les Belles lettres, 2001.

Find words who look like urls:
str = "ANQUETIL-DUPERRON Abraham-Hyacinthe, KIEFFER Jean-Luc,,Les Belles lettres, 2001.\n\n\n\\n\\n\\n\"{|w| w[/(\b+\.\w+)/]}
This will give you an array of words which have no spaces and include a one or more . characters which MIGHT work for your use case.
puts{|w| w[/(\b+\.\w+)/]},
Complete solution to modify your string:
str_with_quote = str.clone # make a clone for the `gsub!`{|w| w[/(\b+\.\w+)/]}
.each{|url| str_with_quote.gsub!(url, '"' + url + '"')}
Now your cloned object wraps urls inside double quotes
puts str_with_quote
Will give you this output
ANQUETIL-DUPERRON Abraham-Hyacinthe, KIEFFER Jean-Luc, ",Les" Belles lettres, 2001.


SEC company filings: Is the <SEC-HEADER> tag valid SGML? If so, how to parse it?

I tried to parse SEC company filings from Starting from fb 10-Q index.htm let's look at a complete text submission filing like complete submission text filing. It has a structure like:
<ACCEPTANCE-DATETIME>"some content" This tag is not closed.
"some lines resembling yaml markup"
These are indented lines with a
"key": "value" structure.
some content
"several DOCUMENT tags" ...
I tried to figure out the structure of the <SEC-HEADER> tag and found some information under Public Dissemination
Service (PDS) Technical
Specification (pdf) and concluded that the content of the header should be SGML.
Nevertheless, I am clueless about the formatting, since there are no angle brackets, and the keys - value paires are separated by colons like key: value instead of <key>value</key>. In the pdf link I could not find anything about colons.
Question: Is the <SEC-HEADER> tag valid SGML? If it is, how to parse it?
I'd be glad at any help.
The short answer is no. The <SEC-HEADER> tag in the raw filing is not a valid SGML.
However, it is my understanding that this section in the raw filing is parsed automatically from the header file <accession_num>.hdr.sgml, which does follow SGML. This header file can be found in the same directory as the raw filing (i.e., the <accession_num>.txt file).
I use a REGEX of the form: ^<(.+?)>(.+?)$ (with re.MULTILINE option) to capture each (tag, value) tuple and get the results directly in a dict().
I believe the only tag in that file that has a closing tag is the </FILER> tag, where there could be multiple filers in each filing. You can first extract those using a REGEX of the form: <FILER>(.+?)</FILER> and then employ the same REGEX as above to get the inner tags for each filer.
Note that other than 'FILER', there could be other tags, representing different relations of the entities to the filing. Those are 'ISSUER', 'SUBJECT COMPANY', 'FILED BY', 'FILED FOR', 'SERIAL COMPANY', 'REPORTING OWNER'.

Regex failing to match the punycode url

I was having the url which on converting to punycode has suffix as xn---- which all the regex present in ruby libraries fails to match.
Currently I am using validates_url_format_of ruby library.
Example Url: "https://www.θεραπευτικη-κανναβη"
Punycode url: ""
So can you please suggest that is there any issue in the regex in the library or the issue lies in the conversion to punycode.
As per the punycode conversion rules the suffix always is xn--. So can anyone suggest what extra two -- means here
=> #<MatchData "">
Note the url matcher is not perfect
When you have a - inside the URL, the algorithm gets it duplicated and moves it to the beginning of the puny code.
For example:
áéíóú.com ->
á-é-í-ó-ú.com ->
I guess it has to do with the xn-- encoding restrictions.
This one should work for you:
The beginning of the code: (xn--)
An even number (or 0) of --: (--)*
The domain chars/numbers :([a-z0-9]+)
The TLD of the domain :
You can add http/https if you wish
After adding numbers to the URL I found that the regex needs a fix:
á-1é-2í-3ó-4ú ->

Problem with attachments' character encoding using gmail gem in ruby/rails

What I am doing:
I am using the gmail gem in a Rails 4 app to get email attachments from a specific account at regular intervals. Here is an extract from the core part (here for simplicity only considering the first email and its first attachment):
require 'gmail'
Gmail.connect(#user_email,#user_password) do |gmail|
if gmail.logged_in?
emails = gmail.inbox.emails(:from => #sender_email)
email = emails[0]
attachment = email.message.attachments[0]"~/temp.csv", 'w') do |file|
The encoding of the attached file can vary. The particular one that I am currently having issues with is in Finnish. It contains Finnish characters and a superscripted 3 character.
This is what I expect to get when I run the above code. (This is what I get when I download the attachment manually through gmail user interface):
What the problem is:
However, I am getting the following odd results.
From cat temp.csv (Looks good to me):
With nano temp.csv (Here I have no idea what I am looking at):
This is what temp.csv looks like opened in Sublime Text (directly via winscp). First line and small parts look ok but then Chinese/Japanese characters:
This is what temp.csv looks like in Notepad (after download via winscp). Looks ok except a blank space has been inserted between each character and the new lines seems to be missing:
What I have tried:
I have without success tried:
.force_encoding(...) with all the different "ISO-8859-x" character sets
putting the force_encoding("ISO-8859-15").encode!('UTF-8') outside the .read (works but doesn't solve the problem)
encode to UTF-8 without first forcing another encoding but this leads to Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: "\xC4" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
writing as binary with 'wb' and 'w+b' in the (which oddly doesn't seem to make a difference to the outcome).
searching stackoverflow and the web for other ideas.
Any ideas would be much appreciated!
Not beautiful, but it will work for me now.
After re-encoding, I convert the string to a char array, then remove the chars I do not want and then join the remaining array elements to form a string.
decoded_att = attachment.decoded
data = decoded_att.encode("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", invalid: :replace, undef: :replace).gsub("\r\n", "\n")
data_as_array = data.chars
data_as_array = data_as_array.delete_if {|i| i == "\u0000" || i == "ÿ" || i == "þ"}
data = data_as_array.join('').to_s
File.write("~/temp.csv", data.to_s)
This will work for me now. However, I have no idea how these characters have ended up in the attachment ("ÿ" and "þ" in the start of the document and "\u0000" between all remaining characters).
It seems like you need to do attachment.body.decoded instead of attachment.decoded

Why numbers getting reversed when formatted in RTL Arabic - Rails application?

I'm using Prawn gem in my Rails app to generate PDF reports.
I read the documentation for putting the text in Arabic with text_direction RTL in arabic.
But, issue is that numbers are getting reversed here.
I wanted semester 1234 as الفصل الدراسي 1234,
but in my app the output is الفصل الدراسي 4321.
My two lines of code is here:
pdftable =
pdftable.text(t('org.semester') + " " + #semester)
#semester = '1234' (The reason would be that it is being treated as a text/string, thus changes to RTL (reversed))
Anyway, Please help me to retain numbers in proper order without changing the RTL format.
Without hacking too much you could use
So you reverse the string twice

Can I use a regular expression to extract the domain from a URL?

Suppose I want to turn this :
into this :
or even better, this :
Is this even possible in regex?
Why use a regex when Ruby has a library for it? The URI library:
ruby-1.9.1-p378 > require 'uri'
=> true
ruby-1.9.1-p378 > uri = URI.parse("")
=> #<URI::HTTP:0x000001010a2270 URL:>
ruby-1.9.1-p378 >
=> ""
ruby-1.9.1-p378 >'.')
=> ["en", "wikipedia", "org"]
Splitting the host is one way to separate the domains, but I'm not aware of a reliable way to get the base domain -- you can't just count, in the event of a URL like "" vs "".
/http:\/\/([^\/]*).*/ will produce from the string you provided.
/http:\/\/.{0,3}\.([^\/]*).*/ will produce
Now I know you haven't asked for how, and you haven't specified a language, but I'll answer anyway... (note, this works for all language subsites, not just en.wikipedia...)
$url =~ s,http://[a-z]{2}\.(wikipedia\.org)/.*,$1,;
url = url.sub(/http:\/\/[a-z]{2}\.(wikipedia\.org)\/.*/, '\1')
$url = preg_replace('|http://[a-z]{2}.(*|, '$1', $url);
Of course, for this particular example, you don't even need a regex, just this will do:
url = ''
but I jest...
you probably want to handle any URL and pull out the domain part, and it should also work for domains in different countries, eg:
In which case, I'd use Mark Rushakoff's solution to get the hostname and then a regex to pull out the domain:
domain = host.sub(/^.*\.([^.]+\.[^.]+(\.[a-z]{2})?)$/, '\1')
Hope this helps
Also, if you want to learn more, I have a regex tute online:
Sure all you would have to do is search on http://(.*)/wiki/Anarchy
In Perl (Sorry I don't know Ruby, but I expect it's similar)
$string_to_search =~ s/http:////(.)//. should give you
to get rid of the en, you can simply search on http:////en(.)//......
That should do it.
Update: In case you're not familiar with Regex, I would recommend picking up a Regex book, this one really rocks and I like it: REGEX BOOK,Mastering Regular Expressions, I saw it on the other day for 14.99 used, but to clarify what i suggested above, is to look for the string http://en, then for anything until you find a / this is all captured in $1 (in perl, not sure if it's the same in ruby), a simple print $1 will print the string.
Update: #2 sorry the star in the regex is not showing up for some reason, so where you see the . in the () and after the // just imagine a *, oh and I forgot for the en part add a /. at the end that way you don't end up with
