I'd like to make a Find-A-Word for the library wall.
The solution (also for the wall) requires a box, enclosing the word.
Horizontal/vertical boxes are no problem. Sloped (slanted?) boxes are what's the problem.\I envisage a command like
\makebox (length, breadth, angle, co-ordinates of left-lower corner)
It may be that this has been done before.
Has anyone any suggestions?
Using tikz and the tikzmarks library:
\tikzmark{a:start}w d e w e r n \tikzmark{b:start}b v c w o i q\tikzmark{b:stop} v o i q t u h n r g j q v r o e q i o n j v k w
o q p i n t o j v k m o q e i n g k m f o r q e p i n k f m p i g n o j k m
f \tikzmark{c:start}v e p o q i o n j r g k m l e v q n b g j k v m e q n b o j g k v l m e q
n b j g f k l e m v q n j g k e m l v q n g j r f e l v q n j g f l k q g j
n\tikzmark{a:stop} v q e\tikzmark{c:stop} n p m k w g j k n e k e m l v q n g j r f e l v q n j g f l k q g j
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\draw[red] ([shift={(0,1.5ex)}]pic cs:a:start) rectangle (pic cs:a:stop);
\draw[red] ([shift={(0,1.5ex)}]pic cs:b:start) rectangle (pic cs:b:stop);
\draw[red,rotate=45] ([shift={(1.5ex,1.5ex)}]pic cs:c:start) rectangle ([shift={(-0.5ex,0ex)}]pic cs:c:stop);
I am a beginner in PLFA, when I read the Induction section, I accidentally wrote a +-swap proof that I can't understand:
+-suc': ∀ (m n: ℕ) → m + suc n ≡ suc (m + n)
+-suc' zero n = refl
+-suc' (suc m) n rewrite +-suc' m n = refl
+-swap: ∀ (m n p: ℕ) → m + (n + p) ≡ n + (m + p)
+-swap zero n p = refl
+-swap (suc m) n p rewrite +-suc' n (m + p) | +-swap m n p = refl
I don't know why this proof is right, so I try to prove it by a chain of equations (which is wrong):
+-swap (suc m) n p =
(suc m) + (n + p)
≡⟨⟩ n + (suc (m + p))
≡⟨ +-suc' n (m + p)⟩
suc (n + (m + p))
≡⟨ cong suc (+-swap m n p)⟩
n + ((suc m) + p)
I know I really don't understand how rewrite works. I learn from the following document that rewrite will expand into with:
But I don't find how rewrite containing | expands in the document. I guess the | in rewrite is also a kind of syntactic sugar:
+-swap (suc m) n p rewrite +-suc' n (m + p) | +-swap m n p = refl
will expand into:
+-swap (suc m) n p rewrite +-suc' n (m + p) rewrite +-swap m n p = refl
I tried to replace the second rewrite with with, no problem:
+-swap (suc m) n p rewrite +-suc' n (m + p)
with m + (n + p) | +-swap m n p
... | .(n + (m + p)) | refl = refl
But if I replaced the first rewrite with with, it gives an error:
+-swap (suc m) n p with n + (suc (m + p)) | +-suc' n (m + p)
... | .(suc (n + m + p)) | refl
rewrite +-swap m n p = refl
+-swap (suc m) n p with n + (suc (m + p)) | +-suc' n (m + p)
... | .(suc (n + m + p)) | refl
with m + (n + p) | +-swap m n p
... | .(n + (m + p)) | refl = refl
Error message:
n + m != n of type ℕ
when checking that the given dot pattern suc (n + m + p) matches
the inferred value suc (n + (m + p))
How do multiple rewrites expand into with? How can this proof be accomplished with an equation chain?
Here's the initial premise: two sums s1 and s2 are added; the sum element expressions have a common factor a[n].
s1: sum(r1[m,q]*b[m,n]*a[n],n,0,N)$
s2: sum(r2[m,q]*c[m,n]*a[n],n,0,N)$
I expect the sums to be combined and the common element expression a[n] factored out:
s12: sum(a[n]*(r1[m,q]*b[m,n]+r2[m,q]*c[m,n]),n,0,N);
However, I'm unable to make Maxima produce such contraction. The most simplification I was able to obtain was using sumcontract(s1+s2) and it results in two sums without the common element being factored out:
r1[m,q]*sum(b[m,n]*a[n], n,0,N) + r2[m,q]*sum(c[m,n]*a[n], n,0,N);
How to make Maxima produce the factored out expression from s1+s2 as in s12 above?
NOTE: If we remove the r1 and r2, then the factor(sumcontract(s1+s2)) indeed results in the expected s12 expression. However, with both present, it results in two sums and does not factor out the a[n] as mentioned.
How about this. I've applied sumcontract, intosum, and factor.
(%i1) s1: sum(r1[m,q]*b[m,n]*a[n],n,0,N)$
(%i2) s2: sum(r2[m,q]*c[m,n]*a[n],n,0,N)$
(%i3) s1 + s2;
==== ====
\ \
(%o3) r2 > c a + r1 > b a
m, q / m, n n m, q / m, n n
==== ====
n = 0 n = 0
(%i4) intosum (%);
==== ====
\ \
(%o4) > c r2 a + > b r1 a
/ m, n m, q n / m, n m, q n
==== ====
n = 0 n = 0
(%i5) sumcontract (%);
(%o5) > (c r2 a + b r1 a )
/ m, n m, q n m, n m, q n
n = 0
(%i6) factor (%);
(%o6) > (c r2 + b r1 ) a
/ m, n m, q m, n m, q n
n = 0
In this, intosum is pushing constant factors back into the sum.
I want to prove that (c * a) / (c * b) = a / b in agda using the division function defined in the standard library. The proofs keep coming back to this thing div-helper that is very difficult to work with and reason about.
open import Data.Nat.DivMod using (_/_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; suc; zero)
/-cancelˡ : ∀ c a b {b≢0} {b*c≢0} → ((c * a) / (c * b)) {b*c≢0} ≡ (a / b) {b≢0}
/-cancelˡ (suc c) a (suc b) {b≢0} {b*c≢0} = ?
That hole simplifies to:
div-helper 0 (b + c * suc b) (a + c * a) (b + c * suc b) ≡ div-helper 0 b a b
I could come up with two different proofs.
Proof 1 is completely agnostic of div-helper's structure. It is based on lemmas about division from the standard library. It proves a few additional lemmas about division, which it then uses to prove the property we're after. It's a little involved, but I think that the additional lemmas are useful in their own right.
Proof 2 considers the structure of div-helper and proves two invariants from which the property follows trivially. It's way more concise.
This is the property we're after:
∀ (a b n : ℕ) → divₕ 0 (b + n + b * n) (a + n * a) (b + n + b * n) ≡ divₕ 0 b a b
What makes this look a little weird is that the division helper takes n (as opposed to suc n) for a / suc n. That's where b + n + b * n comes from - suc (b + n + b * n) is equal to suc b * suc n.
Stated in terms of / instead of the division helper, the proof thus says that (a * suc n) / (suc b * suc n) is equal to a / suc b.
This is proof 1:
module Answer where
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_; cong; refl; subst; sym)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.DivMod
open import Data.Nat.DivMod.Core
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using () renaming (div-helper to divₕ; mod-helper to modₕ)
divₕ′ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
divₕ′ a m = divₕ 0 m a m
modₕ′ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
modₕ′ a m = modₕ 0 m a m
a<n⇒a[divₕ]n≡0 : ∀ (a n n′ : ℕ) → a ≤ n → divₕ 0 n′ a n ≡ 0
a<n⇒a[divₕ]n≡0 zero _ _ _ = refl
a<n⇒a[divₕ]n≡0 (suc a) (suc n) n′ (s≤s a≤n) = a<n⇒a[divₕ]n≡0 a n n′ a≤n
a*n[modₕ]n≡0 : ∀ (a n : ℕ) → modₕ 0 n (a * suc n) n ≡ 0
a*n[modₕ]n≡0 zero n = refl
a*n[modₕ]n≡0 (suc a) n rewrite +-comm (suc n) (a * suc n) | a+n[modₕ]n≡a[modₕ]n 0 (a * suc n) n = a*n[modₕ]n≡0 a n
a<n⇒a+b*n[divₕ]n≡b : ∀ (a b n : ℕ) → a ≤ n → divₕ 0 n (a + b * suc n) n ≡ b
a<n⇒a+b*n[divₕ]n≡b a b n a≤n =
divₕ′ (a + b * suc n) n
≡⟨ +-distrib-divₕ 0 0 a (b * suc n) n lem₁ ⟩
divₕ′ a n + divₕ′ (b * suc n) n
≡⟨ cong (_+ divₕ′ (b * suc n) n) (a<n⇒a[divₕ]n≡0 a n n a≤n) ⟩
0 + divₕ′ (b * suc n) n
≡⟨ +-identityˡ (divₕ 0 n (b * suc n) n) ⟩
divₕ′ (b * suc n) n
≡⟨ m*n/n≡m b (suc n) ⟩
open P.≡-Reasoning
≤₁ = a[modₕ]n<n 0 a n
≤₂ = ≤-reflexive (a*n[modₕ]n≡0 b n)
<₃ : n + 0 < suc n
<₃ = s≤s (≤-reflexive (+-identityʳ n))
lem₁ : modₕ′ a n + modₕ′ (b * suc n) n < suc n
lem₁ = <-transʳ (+-mono-≤ ≤₁ ≤₂) <₃
a[divₕ]m*n≡a[divₕ]m[divₕ]n : ∀ (a m n : ℕ) → divₕ 0 (m + n + m * n) a (m + n + m * n) ≡ divₕ 0 n (divₕ 0 m a m) n
a[divₕ]m*n≡a[divₕ]m[divₕ]n a m n =
divₕ′ a mn
≡⟨ cong (λ # → divₕ′ # mn) (div-mod-lemma 0 0 a m) ⟩
divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + divₕ′ a m * suc m) mn
≡⟨ cong (λ # → divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + # * suc m) mn) (div-mod-lemma 0 0 (divₕ′ a m) n) ⟩
divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + (modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n + divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc n) * suc m) mn
≡⟨ cong (λ # → divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + #) mn) (*-distribʳ-+ (suc m) (modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n) (divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc n)) ⟩
divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + (modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m + divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc n * suc m)) mn
≡⟨ cong (λ # → divₕ′ # mn) (sym (+-assoc (modₕ′ a m) (modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m) (divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc n * suc m))) ⟩
divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m + divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc n * suc m) mn
≡⟨ cong (λ # → divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m + #) mn) (*-assoc (divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n) (suc n) (suc m))⟩
divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m + divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * (suc n * suc m)) mn
≡⟨ cong (λ # → divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m + divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * #) mn) (*-comm (suc n) (suc m)) ⟩
divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m + divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * (suc m * suc n)) mn
≡⟨ cong (λ # → divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m + divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * #) mn) lem₁ ⟩
divₕ′ (modₕ′ a m + modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m + divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc mn) mn
≡⟨ a<n⇒a+b*n[divₕ]n≡b (modₕ′ a m + modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m) (divₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n) mn lem₄ ⟩
divₕ 0 n (divₕ′ a m) n
open P.≡-Reasoning
mn = m + n + m * n
lem₁ : suc m * suc n ≡ suc mn
lem₁ rewrite +-comm m n | *-comm m (suc n) | *-comm m n | +-assoc n m (n * m) = refl
lem₂ : m + n * suc m ≡ mn
lem₂ rewrite *-comm n (suc m) | +-assoc m n (m * n) = refl
≤₁ = a[modₕ]n<n 0 a m
≤₂ = a[modₕ]n<n 0 (divₕ 0 m a m) n
≤₃ = ≤-refl {suc m}
lem₃ = +-mono-≤ ≤₁ (*-mono-≤ ≤₂ ≤₃)
lem₄ : modₕ′ a m + modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m ≤ mn
lem₄ = subst (λ # → modₕ′ a m + modₕ′ (divₕ′ a m) n * suc m ≤ #) lem₂ lem₃
a*n[divₕ]b*n≡a[divₕ]b : ∀ (a b n : ℕ) → divₕ 0 (b + n + b * n) (a + n * a) (b + n + b * n) ≡ divₕ 0 b a b
a*n[divₕ]b*n≡a[divₕ]b a b n =
divₕ′ na nb
≡⟨ cong (λ # → divₕ′ na #) nb≡bn ⟩
divₕ′ na bn
≡⟨ a[divₕ]m*n≡a[divₕ]m[divₕ]n na n b ⟩
divₕ′ (divₕ′ na n) b
≡⟨ cong (λ # → divₕ′ (divₕ′ # n) b) lem₁ ⟩
divₕ′ (divₕ′ (a * suc n) n) b
≡⟨ cong (λ # → divₕ′ # b) (a*n[divₕ]n≡a 0 a n) ⟩
divₕ 0 b a b
open P.≡-Reasoning
na = a + n * a
nb = b + n + b * n
bn = n + b + n * b
nb≡bn : nb ≡ bn
nb≡bn rewrite +-comm n b | *-comm n b = refl
lem₁ : na ≡ a * suc n
lem₁ rewrite *-comm a (suc n) = refl
Now let's look at proof 2. Simply append it to the above code, so that I don't have to repeat the imports:
a*n[divₕ]b*n≡a[divₕ]b′ : ∀ (a b n : ℕ) → divₕ 0 (b + n + b * n) (a + n * a) (b + n + b * n) ≡ divₕ 0 b a b
a*n[divₕ]b*n≡a[divₕ]b′ a b n rewrite +-comm b n | *-comm b n = lem₂ n 0 b a b
lem₁ : ∀ (a k m n j : ℕ) → divₕ k m (a + n) (a + j) ≡ divₕ k m n j
lem₁ zero k m n j = refl
lem₁ (suc a) k m n j = lem₁ a k m n j
lem₂ : ∀ (a k m n j : ℕ) → divₕ k (a + m + a * m) (suc a * n) (a + j + a * j) ≡ divₕ k m n j
lem₂ a k m zero j rewrite *-zeroʳ a = refl
lem₂ a k m (suc n) zero
rewrite *-zeroʳ a
| +-identityʳ a
| *-suc a n
| P.sym (+-assoc n a (a * n))
| +-comm n a
| +-assoc a n (a * n)
| P.sym (+-suc a (n + a * n))
| lem₁ a k (a + m + a * m) (suc (n + a * n)) 0
= lem₂ a (suc k) m n m
lem₂ a k m (suc n) (suc j)
rewrite *-suc a n
| P.sym (+-assoc n a (a * n))
| +-comm n a
| +-assoc a n (a * n)
| P.sym (+-suc a (n + a * n))
| +-assoc a (suc j) (a * suc j)
| lem₁ a k (a + m + a * m) (suc (n + a * n)) (suc j + a * suc j)
| *-suc a j
| P.sym (+-assoc j a (a * j))
| +-comm j a
= lem₂ a k m n j
The first lemma is an invariant that says that we can add an identical value a to the last two arguments of div-helper, n and j. It's used by the second lemma, which is the more interesting one.
The second lemma is an invariant that says that you can multiply the last three arguments, m, n, and j, with an identical value a. Its a proof by induction on the last two arguments, n and j. This makes it closely follow the structure of div-helper.
The proof thus covers the same three different cases that show up in the three defining equations of div-helper:
n is zero
n is non-zero, but j is zero
n and j are both non-zero
The property that we're after then follows directly from the second lemma. This is basically the idea outlined in the other response, where the second lemma is the more general version of the property that we're after.
Note that the invariants div-helper respects are spelt out in the builtin file Agda.Builtin.Nat. You should state a more general version of your lemma satisfied by div-helper.
I've defined a pair of typeclasses called Map and PartialMap, with the obvious rules for such data structures. In particular, they differ only in whether they range over some V or option V.
It is clear to me that PartialMap is essentially a special case of Map. However, I'm not sure how to encode that.
Class Map M K V: Type := {
get: M K V -> K -> V;
set: M K V -> K -> V -> M K V;
map_get_set_idem: forall (m: M K V) (k: K) (v: V), get (set m k v) k = v;
map_get_set_comm: forall (m: M K V) (k1 k2: K) (v: V), ~(k1 = k2) -> get (set m k1 v) k2 = get m k2;
Class PartialMap M K V: Type := {
pget: M K V -> K -> option V;
pset: M K V -> K -> option V -> M K V;
pmap_pget_pset_idem: forall (m: M K V) (k: K) (v: option V), pget (pset m k v) k = v;
pmap_pget_pset_comm: forall (m: M K V) (k1 k2: K) (v: option V), ~(k1 = k2) -> pget (pset m k1 v) k2 = pget m k2;
Turns out that parameterizing M by K and V is totally superfluous.
Class Map M K V: Type := {
get: M -> K -> V;
set: M -> K -> V -> M;
map_get_set_idem: forall m k v, get (set m k v) k = v;
map_get_set_comm: forall m k1 k2 v, ~(k1 = k2) -> get (set m k1 v) k2 = get m k2;
Class PartialMap M K V: Type := {
PartialMapIsMap :> Map M K (option V)
I am trying to simplify a differential equation via substitution in maxima. However, the substitution does not seem to be working.
Here's my code:
depends (\rho,[t, r, \theta, z]); depends (V, [t, r, \theta, z]);
f_contin : diff (\rho, t) + diff (\rho*r*V[r], r)*(1/r) = 0;
base : diff (V[b]*r*\rho, r) = 0;
V_sub : V[r] = V[b] + \epsilon*V[r];
subst (V_sub, f_contin);
subst (base, %o6);
The last substitution did not work. What am I doing wrong here?
For clarity I add a Screenshot here:
The problem is that subst(a=b, c) (or equivalently subst(b, a, c)) can only make substitutions when a is an exact subexpression of c.
ratsubst (which see) can handle some cases when a is not an exact subexepression but in this case it doesn't seem to work.
But I think you can get the result you want by just subtracting the one equation from the other. Note that (a=b) - (c=d) yields a - c = b - d. Note also that I've put in another step (in %i7) to apply the diff operator. Also I've multiplied %o7 by r to get something like base.
(%i1) depends (\rho,[t, r, \theta, z]); depends (V, [t, r, \theta, z]);
(%o1) [rho(t, r, theta, z)]
(%o2) [V(t, r, theta, z)]
(%i3) f_contin : diff (\rho, t) + diff (\rho*r*V[r], r)*(1/r) = 0;
drho d
r V ---- + r (-- (V )) rho + V rho
drho r dr dr r r
(%o3) ---- + ------------------------------------ = 0
dt r
(%i4) base : diff (V[b]*r*\rho, r) = 0;
drho d
(%o4) V r ---- + (-- (V )) r rho + V rho = 0
b dr dr b b
(%i5) V_sub : V[r] = V[b] + \epsilon*V[r];
(%o5) V = epsilon V + V
r r b
(%i6) subst (V_sub, f_contin);
drho drho d
(%o6) ---- + (r (epsilon V + V ) ---- + r (-- (epsilon V + V )) rho
dt r b dr dr r b
+ (epsilon V + V ) rho)/r = 0
r b
(%i7) %o6, nouns;
drho drho d d
(%o7) ---- + (r (epsilon V + V ) ---- + r (epsilon (-- (V )) + -- (V )) rho
dt r b dr dr r dr b
+ (epsilon V + V ) rho)/r = 0
r b
(%i8) expand (r*%o7 - base);
drho drho d
(%o8) r ---- + epsilon r V ---- + epsilon r (-- (V )) rho + epsilon V rho = 0
dt r dr dr r r
The function subst (a,b,c) substitutes a for b in c. It uses 3 arguments, your first subst works because its interpreted as subst (V[b] + \epsilon*V[r],V[r], f_contin);
Your second subst is probably interpreted as subst (0,diff (V[b]*r*\rho, r),%) therefor nothing is substituted. What do you want to substitute for what?