How to hide shadow root in the element inspector panel? - shadow-dom

I use some web component libs like "LitElement" and I don't want to inspect all of the shadow doms. I only foucs on codes I write. Is there any way to hide them?


Custom scrollbars for <vaadin-combo-box> , impossible?

I'm using vaadin-combo-box and I have a problem. I have no clue how to customize look and feel of scrollbars for the dropdown. I read about styling parts and I know how to do it but this seems to be impossible. Cant figure out the way to select #scroller element because it has been design not to be a "part" to style. However that is the only way I can think of to apply custom style to dropdown scrollbars. How can that be accomplished?
Thanks in advance for help.
Turns out that as of today there is no way of having customized styling on scrollbars for vaadin-combo-box component. Element responsible for scrolling resides inside contents shadow DOM and is inaccessible from outside nor its going to inherit style implemented on the parent part [part="content"]
The dropdown part is called vaadin-combo-box-overlay, see: And it is available for styling.
This allows to style the dropdown to some extent, but there is additional shadow root, that prevents to apply e.g. ::-webkit-scrollbar styles on #scroller element.
So the last option would be to make a copy of the vaadin-combo-box html file in right place in frontend directory. It happens so that that file will be used instead of the one coming from webjar. Then you can edit that html file directly. Of course this means that if there are changes in future versions of vaadin-combo-box, you need to copy again, re-apply changes

How to handle drag start event in vaadin?

I have 10 layout .I want to allow all layouts to drag over the other layout.But when layout is dragging then on the hover of any layout,background should be white so it look like as dragged component can
have space to drop and layout on which dragged component is going to drop is adjusted just below.
So,I think i need on drag event in vaadin.
I think Vaadin tries to tackle the scenario at a higher level of abstraction. I'm referring to section 11.12.4 "Accepting Drops" in
Vaadin automatically handles the hovering and visual feedback while dragging the component over a possible drop target. Your code defines the accept criteria for the drop target.
If required you can style the visual "drop hints" yourself, adding CSS styles to the container of the drop target.

Hide the tab in a VCL Ribbon

I have 2 problems with a VCL TRibbon. I am using C++ Builder XE3.
Extra bar along the top. There is an extra bar along the top which i cant remove. I don't see any options which effect it.
Is there a way to remove just the tab. I only have 1 ribbon page and there is no need for the tab with the text.
I am trying to get the icons flush against the App border.

Windows Phone Application Bar TextBox

I was wondering, if it is somehow possible to add a TextBox in the Application Bar area (the same way the Internet Explorer does), but I didn't find any information source about this. Have you any idea, how to accomplish this task?
You will not be able to add UIElements inside ApplicationBar as it is not derived from UIElement.
Alternatively, you can try adding a Grid at the bottom of the screen and color it similar to the ApplicationBar. Then add a TextBlock inside the Grid. This is just a workaround and not recommended as it is not according to the standards.
You can also check the following link:

How do I add buttons to a FireMonkey toolbar?

With 10 years of experience in development, I could not put new buttons on the Toolbar FireMonkey. Could anyone help me?
There is no component editor menu-item to add buttons or seperators, but you can drag buttons from the toolpallet to the toolbar. Or select the toolbar in the form and press F6. Type the name of the control you want on the toolbar and press enter.
TToolBar is now simply a container. You must drop your own controls onto it.
To add a control to a ToolBar, make sure that your ToolBar is selected on the form, select your child control in the Tool Palette, and then click the location in the ToolBar that you wish your child control to appear.
Another way to do this is to ensure that the ToolBar is selected and double-click the control in the Tool Palette. Whatever control is selected becomes the parent.
Many of the new FireMonkey UI controls are now simply containers, including TStatusBar.
To add a text line to TStatusBar, you must add your own TLabel or other control.
I found that the best way to put an image on a button was to literally drop a TImage onto the button and unset the TImage's HitTest property.
All FireMonkey controls are containers and can have child controls now. It might take a little longer to configure your UI, but you have a lot of flexibility.
Use the TLayout control for dividing up the parent control and aligning your controls. Use the Margin and Padding properties to adjust the spacing.
