How does Locust provide state over time for load testing? - load-testing

I was trying to move from Gatling to Locust (Python is a nicer language) for load tests. In Gatling I can get data for a chart like 'Requests per seconds over time', 'Response time percentiles over time', etc. ( ) and the really useful 'Responses per second over time'
In Locust I can see the two report (requests, distribution), where (if I understand it correctly), 'Distribution' is the one that does 'over time'? But I can't see where things started failing, or the early history of that test.
Is Locust able to provide 'over time' data in a CSV format (or something else easily graph-able)? If so, how?
Looked through logs, can output the individual commands, but it would be a pain to assemble them (it would push the balance toward 'just use Gatling')
Looked over but not spotting it
I can (and have) created a loop that triggers the locust call at incremental intervals
increment_user_count = [1, 10, 100, 1000]
# for total_users in range(user_min, user_max, increment_count):
for users in increment_user_count:
And that works... but it loses the whole advantage of setting a spawn rate, and would be painful for gradually incrementing up to a large number (then having to assemble all the files back together)
Currently executing with something like
locust -f --no-web -c 1000 -r 2 --run-time 8m30s --only-summary --csv=output_stats_20190405-130352_1000
(need to use this in automation so Web UI is not a viable use-case)
I would expect a flag, in the call or in some form of setup, that outputs the summary at regular ticks. Basically I'd expect (with no-web) to get the data that I could use to replicate the graph the web version seems to know about:
Actual: just one final summary of the overall test (and logs per individual call)


How to run a python script in the background on azure

I have a uni project in which I have to run a number of machine learning algorithms like SVM, ME, Naive bayes, etc... and perform a grid search on them, to find the optimal sets of hyper-parameters. Running all these would take an exceedingly long amount of time (48-168 hours total but run- in batches) and considering my computer becomes more or less unusable while I run them, I was attempting to find a solution which allowed me to run my code externally. The scripts I have to run are in python and my plan was to run them on azure to make use of its "Azure for students" $100 credit.
My original plan was to use azure's ml notebook section and then run the python scripts in the terminal they provide. My problem with this route is as far as I can tell, when the browser closes, the computation stops which is a problem. I looked into it, and I found some articles mentioning a combination of 'ctrl-z', 'bg', and 'disown', to disconnect the process from the shell but I thought there should definitely be a better way to do it. (I also wasn't sure how this worked in my case where there were 8 processes running at once using gridsearchcv's n_jobs=-1 feature).
I then realized a better way to do this would be to use pipelines. My intent was to create a number of pipelines of the form:
(Import data in xlsx file) -> (python script to run ML) -> (export data to working directory)
And then run them until all the work is completed. In the first stage I used the parameters,
And I got the error,
My intention was to have the excel file pipe into the python script as a data frame but this implantation (and all the others I've tried) isn't working.
My question first question is, how do I get the excel data to pipe into the python script properly?
My second question is, is there a better way to go about doing this? Would running it on the shell be an easier way to do it? If so, how do ensure it runs while my browser is closed? Are there other services that would be better? My main metrics for this are price (Cheap) and time limit (ability to run for long time) but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I also tried using google colab, this worked but it felt slower than running on my computer.
To run a grid search with AzureML, you would use the Sweep job. The simplest way to kick of a Sweep is via the CLI. See here for an example.
type: sweep
command: >-
--A ${{inputs.A}}
--B ${{search_space.B}}
--C ${{search_space.C}}
code: src
environment: azureml:AzureML-sklearn-1.0-ubuntu20.04-py38-cpu#latest
A: 0.5
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
sampling_algorithm: random
type: choice
values: ["hello", "world", "hello_world"]
type: uniform
min_value: 0.1
max_value: 1.0
goal: minimize
primary_metric: random_metric
max_total_trials: 4
max_concurrent_trials: 2
timeout: 3600
display_name: hello-sweep-example
experiment_name: hello-sweep-example
description: Hello sweep job example.
You can start that job using the AzureML v2 CLI with the following command:
az ml job create -f hello-sweep.yml
That will create max_total_trials number of jobs for different parameter combinations as defined in the search_space governed by the sampling_algorithm, which can be random, grid or bayesian.
The actual job that is started is defined under trial. You need a program or script of some sort that you can execute via a command line and that can take parameters via that command line. command is that command that is executed, code is a folder on the local machine that contains the script/program you want to run and environment is a registered environment in your workspace. azureml:AzureML-sklearn-1.0-ubuntu20.04-py38-cpu#latest is one that is predefined in AzureML, but you can also create your own.
If you prefer Python, here is the same thing done in Python.
See here for a blog post on How to do hyperparameter tuning using Azure ML.

How to define Alerts with exception in InfluxDB/Kapacitor

I'm trying to figure out the best or a reasonable approach to defining alerts in InfluxDB. For example, I might use the CPU batch tickscript that comes with telegraf. This could be setup as a global monitor/alert for all hosts being monitored by telegraf.
What is the approach when you want to deviate from the above setup for a host, ie instead of X% for a specific server we want to alert on Y%?
I'm happy that a distinct tickscript could be created for the custom values but how do I go about excluding the host from the original 'global' one?
This is a simple scenario but this needs to meet the needs of 10,000 hosts of which there will be 100s of exceptions and this will also encompass 10s/100s of global alert definitions.
I'm struggling to see how you could use the platform as the primary source of monitoring/alerting.
As said in the comments, you can use the sideload node to achieve that.
Say you want to ensure that your InfluxDB servers are not overloaded. You may want to allow 100 measurements by default. Only on one server, which happens to get a massive number of datapoints, you want to limit it to 10 (a value which is exceeded by the _internal database easily, but good for our example).
Given the following excerpt from a tick script
var data = stream
|eval(lambda: "numMeasurements")
var customized = data
var trigger = customized
.crit(lambda: "value" > "maxNumMeasurements")
and the name of the server with the exception being influxdb and the file /etc/kapacitor/customizations/demo/hosts/host-influxdb.yaml looking as follows
maxNumMeasurements: 10
A critical alert will be triggered if value and hence numMeasurements will exceed 10 AND the hostname tag equals influxdb OR if value exceeds 100.
There is an example in the documentation handling scheduled downtimes using sideload
Furthermore, I have created an example available on github using docker-compose
Note that there is a caveat with the example: The alert flaps because of a second database dynamically generated. But it should be sufficient to show how to approach the problem.
What is the cost of using sideload nodes in terms of performance and computation if you have over 10 thousand servers?
Managing alerts manually directly in Chronograph/Kapacitor is not feasible for big number of custom alerts.
At AMMP Technologies we need to manage alerts per database, customer, customer_objects. The number can go into the 1000s. We've opted for a custom solution where keep a standard set of template tickscripts (not to be confused with Kapacitor templates), and we provide an interface to the user where only expose relevant variables. After that a service (written in python) combines the values for those variables with a tickscript and using the Kapacitor API deploys (updates, or deletes) the task on the Kapacitor server. This is then automated so that data for new customers/objects is combined with the templates and automatically deployed to Kapacitor.
You obviously need to design your tasks to be specific enough so that they don't overlap and generic enough so that it's not too much work to create tasks for every little thing.

Windowing appears to work when running on the DirectRunner, but not when running on Cloud Dataflow

I'm trying to break fusion with a GroupByKey. This creates one huge window and since my job is big I'd rather start emitting.
With the direct runner using something like what I found here it seems to work. However, when run on Cloud Dataflow it seems to batch the GBK together and not emit output until the source nodes have "succeeded".
I'm doing a bounded/batch job. I'm extracting the contents of archive files and then writing them to gcs.
Everything works except it takes longer than I expected and cpu utilization is low. I suspect that this is due to fusion -- my hypothesis is that the extraction is fused to the write operation and so there's a pattern of extraction / higher CPU followed by less CPU because we're doing network calls and back again.
The code looks like:
Window.<MyType>into(new GlobalWindows())
.apply("Add key", MapElements...)
Locally I verify using debug logs so that I can see work is being done after the GBK. The timestamp between the first extraction finishing and the first post-GBK op usually reflects the 5s duration (or other values I change it to (1,5,10,20,30)).
On GCP I verify by looking at the pipeline structure and I can see that everything after the GBK is "not started" and the output collection of the GBK is empty ("-") while the input collection has millions of elements.
this is on beam v2.10.0.
the extraction is being done by a SplittableDoFn (not sure this is relevant)
Looks like the answer you referred to was for a streaming pipeline (unbounded input). For batch pipeline processing a bounded input, GroupByKey will not emit till all data for a given key has been processed. Please see here for more details.

How to calculate CPU time in elixir when multiple actors/processes are involved?

Let's say I have a function which does some work by spawning multiple processes. I want to compare CPU time vs real time taken by this function.
def test do
prev_real = System.monotonic_time(:millisecond)
# Code to complete some task
# Spawn different processes & give each process some task
# Receive result
# Finish task
current_real = System.monotonic_time(:millisecond)
diff_real = current_real - prev_real
IO.puts "Real time " <> to_string(diff_real)
IO.puts "CPU time ?????"
How to calculate CPU time required by the given function? I am interested in calculating CPU time/Real time ratio.
If you are just trying to profile your code rather than implement your own profiling framework I would recommend using already existing tools like:
fprof which will give you information about time spent in functions (real and own)
percept which will provide you information about which processes in your system ware working at any given time and on what
xprof which is design to help you find which calls to your function will cause it to take more time (trigger inefficient branch of code).
They take advantage of both erlang:trace to figure out which function is being executed and for how long and erlang:system_profile with runnable_procs to determine which processes are currently running. You might start a function, hit a receive or be preemptive rescheduled and wait without doing any actual work. Combining those two might be complicated, and I would recommend using already existing tools before trying glue together your own.
You could also look into tools like erlgrind and eflame if you are looking for more visual representations of your calls.

Reading large gzip JSON files from Google Cloud Storage via Dataflow into BigQuery

I am trying to read about 90 gzipped JSON logfiles from Google Cloud Storage (GCS), each about 2GB large (10 GB uncompressed), parse them, and write them into a date-partitioned table to BigQuery (BQ) via Google Cloud Dataflow (GCDF).
Each file holds 7 days of data, the whole date range is about 2 years (730 days and counting). My current pipeline looks like this:
p.apply("Read logfile", TextIO.Read.from(bucket))
.apply("Repartition", Repartition.of())
.apply("Parse JSON", ParDo.of(new JacksonDeserializer()))
.apply("Extract and attach timestamp", ParDo.of(new ExtractTimestamps()))
.apply("Format output to TableRow", ParDo.of(new TableRowConverter()))
.apply("Window into partitions", Window.into(new TablePartWindowFun()))
.apply("Write to BigQuery", BigQueryIO.Write
.to(new DayPartitionFunc("someproject:somedataset", tableName))
The Repartition is something I've built in while trying to make the pipeline reshuffle after decompressing, I have tried running the pipeline with and without it. Parsing JSON works via a Jackon ObjectMapper and corresponding classes as suggested here. The TablePartWindowFun is taken from here, it is used to assign a partition to each entry in the PCollection.
The pipeline works for smaller files and not too many, but breaks for my real data set. I've selected large enough machine types and tried setting a maximum number of workers, as well as using autoscaling up to 100 of n1-highmem-16 machines. I've tried streaming and batch mode and disSizeGb values from 250 up to 1200 GB per worker.
The possible solutions I can think of at the moment are:
Uncompress all files on GCS, and so enabling the dynamic work splitting between workers, as it is not possible to leverage GCS's gzip transcoding
Building "many" parallel pipelines in a loop, with each pipeline processsing only a subset of the 90 files.
Option 2 seems to me like programming "around" a framework, is there another solution?
With Repartition after Reading the gzip JSON files in batch mode with 100 workers max (of type n1-highmem-4), the pipeline runs for about an hour with 12 workers and finishes the Reading as well as the first stage of Repartition. Then it scales up to 100 workers and processes the repartitioned PCollection. After it is done the graph looks like this:
Interestingly, when reaching this stage, first it's processing up to 1.5 million element/s, then the progress goes down to 0. The size of OutputCollection of the GroupByKey step in the picture first goes up and then down from about 300 million to 0 (there are about 1.8 billion elements in total). Like it is discarding something. Also, the ExpandIterable and ParDo(Streaming Write) run-time in the end is 0. The picture shows it slightly before running "backwards".
In the logs of the workers I see some exception thrown while executing request messages that are coming from the logger, but I can't find more info in Stackdriver.
Without Repartition after Reading the pipeline fails using n1-highmem-2 instances with out of memory errors at exactly the same step (everything after GroupByKey) - using bigger instance types leads to exceptions like
CANCELLED: Received RST_STREAM with error code 8 dataflow-...-harness-5l3s
talking to frontendpipeline-..-harness-pc98:12346
Thanks to Dan from the Google Cloud Dataflow Team and the example he provided here, I was able to solve the issue. The only changes I made:
Looping over the days in 175 = (25 weeks) large chunks, running one pipeline after the other, to not overwhelm the system. In the loop make sure the last files of the previous iteration are re-processed and the startDate is moved forward at the same speed as the underlying data (175 days). As WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE is used, incomplete days at the end of the chunks are overwritten with correct complete data this way.
Using the Repartition/Reshuffle transform mentioned above, after reading the gzipped files, to speed up the process and allow smoother autoscaling
Using DateTime instead of Instant types, as my data is not in UTC
UPDATE (Apache Beam 2.0):
With the release of Apache Beam 2.0 the solution became much easier. Sharding BigQuery output tables is now supported out of the box.
It may be worthwhile trying to allocate more resources to your pipeline by setting --numWorkers with a higher value when you run your pipeline. This is one of the possible solutions discussed in the “Troubleshooting Your Pipeline” online document, at the "Common Errors and Courses of Action" sub-chapter.
