OpenVPN + Radius authentication how to disconnect users - freertos

I'm trying to bring up an OpenVPN service that authenticates users via Radius. The Radius server is made by me so I can play with the code and understand the internals better.
Upon a successful login I receive accounting data from the OpenVPN server. By saving these sessions I can then count the number of open sessions each user has because I want to deny them the opportunity to login multiple times. I could impose it at the OpenVPN server config but I might add some other servers in the future and I want to do it from the Radius side - if possible.
My problem is on the Radius side, once I detect multiple logins, what do I do?
I could try to access the management console of OpenVPN from my radius code but...there's got to be a better way.
I also tried sending Session-Timeout in the Access-Accept reply message to something lower in order to force them to authenticate more often and do my checks there but that setting seems to have no effect on the radius plugin used by OpenVPN:
Any ideas on how to do this better?


Forward request for 2nd factor to other RADIUS server

I am working with FreeRADIUS for quite some time now and it is working perfectly fine. I mostly use it for WiFi authentication and wired 1x auth, both with only one factor.
I now have a new usage scenario which is authenticating VPN users. This should be done using a two factor authentication. The first factor should be the Active Directory password and the 2nd factor should be either SMS, email or a Yubikey. For this 2nd factor, I already have a running RADIUS server which could be connected to by FreeRADIUS.
I tried to implement the setup described at the following website:
The first step is working fine, the user is asked for their password and the password is verified against the Active Directory. Then, FreeRADIUS sends a new challenge asking for the OTP. A this time, the 2nd RADIUS server is not yet contacted and the SMS or the mail containing the 2nd factor is not sent. When the user enters something at the prompt, control is given over to the proxy RADIUS server which asks for the 2nd factor again and which then triggers sms or email sending.
I have read the configuration of FreeRADIUS but I don't understand how to pass control to the proxy RADIUS server and let that server send the new challenge instead of the FreeRADIUS server. I guess the solution is very simple and I just don't see the forest for the trees...
So it would be great if someone could help me here...

Limit the server to only respond to HTTP requests made from an iOS app - without username and password

I have an iOS app where the user can makes HTTP requests from their phones and the HTTP returns information based on the zip code that the user provides through the phone.
My issue is that anyone can type the URL and the server would respond with the information that corresponds to the zip code they input e.g.
My questions is, can I limit the server to only respond to requests made from my iOS app without the user having to create a user and password? In other words, if someone types directly in a browser I want the server to ignore the request but if the request comes from my iOS app I want the server to respond accordingly.
For the HTTP request I'm using Laravel.
Here is my Laravel code.
Route::get('zip-code/{zipCode}', 'AppsAPIController#information');
class AppsAPIController extends Controller
public function information($zipCode)
$info = CityInfo::where('ZipCode', $zipCode)->get();
return ($info);
Again, the question is, how can I limit the server to only respond to requests made from my iOS app without the user having to create a username and password?
This package seems to do that
Basically, you are adding a middleware that reads the user agent out of the request, and denies the rest.
There is no foolproof way to respond only to requests made by your app.
User agent sniffing, navigator feature detection, and like measures may deter most basic attempts to load information from that url (like search engine bots), but anyone with a little time can learn to replicate the HTTP requests made by your app, defeating those measures.
Even requiring a login will not prevent external request (they can send requests matching your login workflow to obtain a valid token, then request the restricted url with it).
(via the comments) I just don’t want to overload the server with unnecessary requests.
In that case, there's a much better solution. Laravel ships with a throttle middleware, which you can use to limit the number of requests per minute per IP (or per logged-in user, if they're authenticated).
Just add throttle:60,1 to your route's middleware and it'll max out at 60 requests per minute for a particular IP address. Set it to something relatively high (so normal use doesn't hit it), but it'll prevent millions of requests from the same IP from using up too many resources.

Method to monitor requests that come towards Keycloak server

I'm trying to understand the functionalities of Keycloak and trying to find a way to monitor request flows (like in Wireshark) in a local environment (localhost). What tool could I use for this purpose in a Windows environment? I've got an Angular app that is integrated with Keycloak, and it works. When I request localhost:4200, the browser takes me to Keycloak login screen.
To view logs, I changed the log level in the Keycloak server at ..\keycloak-4.8.3.Final\standalone\configuration from INFO to ALL. It did expand the log entries that showed in the console but it didn't show any logs when my angular application redirects to Keycloak and when I enter user credentials in Keycloak login screen.
I would like to see the request flow from browser to Keycloak and all the auth requests and so on. Is there a tool that I could use for this purpose?
Configure the events part of the server the way you prefer. They are stored in the DB.
Keycloak provides a rich set of auditing capabilities. Every single
login action can be recorded and stored in the database and reviewed
in the Admin Console. All admin actions can also be recorded and
reviewed. There is also a Listener SPI with which plugins can listen
for these events and perform some action. Built-in listeners include a
simple log file and the ability to send an email if an event occurs.
Still I don't know if this covers the specific case of your application redirecting to the KC login screen. If not, you might need to log this in your application, but it might be a little bit tricky if you use the Angular adapter, as it gets executed in client side (you would need to do POST to some server that you own to get it logged, or directly switch to any server side based KC adapter).
another way to get the event is from the
Keycloak keycloak = KeycloakBuilder.builder()
.username("foo")//the admin user
List<EventRepresentation> events = keycloak.realm("myRealm").getEvents();
then you choose the type of event you want to target

Can I trigger a mobile client to automatically launch a web browser when connecting to wifi?

Assume that you have complete programmatic control over a wireless router (running say OpenWrt or DD-WRT - linux). The router is configured to broadcast an ssid, and the network is wide open.
A mobile user (iPhone/Android/BB) walks up.
1) on iPhone, if the device is not currently wifi connected, a dialog appears that offers to connect to available SSIDs. The user picks my ssid and connects. Is there a way, from my router (say using Bonjour or ??) to trigger the iPhone to launch the web browser and try to load the home page, or an autoconfig url automatically?
2) any different answer for Android/BB?
The reason is that in a 'walled garden' application I need to be able to pop up a greeting page and don't want the user to have to fumble around loading a default page first.
Any and all thoughts appreciated!
Update - I think the answer may lie in either 802.21 or UMA. I read somewhere that ATT uses this with iPhones for authentication.
On iPhone there is a switch called 'autologin' when connecting to a wifi gateway. If you turn that on, the iPhone sends an HTTP request, and receives a redirect from my hotspot, and then I send the welcome page. (the spot is totally open). Problem is that iPhone seems to be waiting for something specific - it doesn't change from '3G' to wifi and may eventually time out. Also it still displays the 'Login' banner docked to the top of the window.
Anyone know of documentation for the frames I need to send to do a proper autologin?
What you're describing is a captive portal system (hotspot, walled garden, etc). This functionality can be implemented with several application on openwrt. Check out another answer for details on each specific option offered in openwrt Answer.
There are a few common techniques to implement a captive portal
HTTP 302 Redirect
The most common technique is to simply block all out bound traffic on the network and then redirect any port 80 traffic to your own portal page, either local or remotely hosted. This portal page would then provide the means to "authenticate" the user (by poking a hole in the firewall). There are layer 2 methods such as chillispot which provide all the same functionality and can be authenticated against a radius server if you wanted to get fancy.
DNS Rewrite
Another technique is to use dns rules to rewrite any dns query to resolve to your own webserver which will then present the user with a login page, once the user has "authenticated" you simply updates their dns, or allow the dns request from that user to pass upstream.
IP Redirect
This technique often times overlaps a bit with the HTTP redirect. Essentially you redirect their requests to a new destination IP. You could setup a squid proxy to then handle these requests.
Both iOS and android devices will detect for captive portals by simply checking for a standard URI resource (eg: and if that resource is blocked then you're offline, if that resource gets 302 or 307 redirected then it assumes there is a captive portal in place and they will open a browser. If that resource is found then they assume you are online and no browser is auto opened.
Android will open the standard browser on the phone or tablet to allow the user to authenticate. iOS devices will however open a pseudo browser which is a limited application which doesn't allow things like video playback popups etc.
The WISPr protocol I believe was originally intended for devices which do not have a web browser to accept the terms and conditions and thus allowing these devices a generic protocol to accept and authenticate against a captive portal. I'm not even sure that the WISPr protocol was ever really accepted. (perhaps they redrafted it)
(Didn't realize how old this originally was, sorry)
Ok, solved it.
The protocol is called WISPr - now version 2.0
some links
and traces
HTTP 302 Redirect
The most common technique is to simply block all out bound traffic on the network and then redirect any port 80 traffic to your own portal page, either local or remotely hosted. This portal page would then provide the means to "authenticate" the user (by poking a hole in the firewall). There are layer 2 methods such as chillispot which provide all the same functionality and can be authenticated against a radius server if you wanted to get fancy.
// Working on creating a wifi Hotspot, which would automatically trigger mobile browsers(directly to my shop's link) when the mobile device is connected to the wifi.. This would serve as an interesting factor to user's, get noticed something special about our Hotspot when they cross across it..
I think what you're looking for is the ability to create a standard wifi "hotspot".
There are several very good tutorials online about how to do this, several using DD-WRT.
For example, check out this one:
which gives some examples.

How to test the twitter API locally?

I'm trying to write a web application that would use Twitter via OAuth.
I run my local server as 'localhost', so I need the callback URL to be something like http://localhost/something/ but Twitter doesn't like that: Not a valid URL format
I'm probably going to do a lot of tests, but once I've approved my app with my username, I can't test again can I? Am I supposed to create multiple twitter accounts? Or can you remove an app and do it again?
You can use instead of localhost.
You can authorize your app as many times as you like from the same twitter account without the necessity to revoke it. However, the authenticate action will only prompt for Allow/Deny once and all subsequent authenticate requests will just pass through until you revoke the privilege.
Twitter's "rate limiting" for API GET calls is based on IP address of the caller. So, you can test your app from your server, using the same IP address, and get (once approved) 15,000 API calls per hour. That means you can pound on your app with many different usernames, as long as your approved IP address remains the same.
When you send the e-mail to Twitter to ask for an increase to your rate limit, you can also ask for the increase to apply to your Twitter username too.
I believe Twitter requires you - if you need to change your IP address, or change the username that is using the app - to send in another request asking for the rate limit increase for that new IP address or username. But, in my experience, Twitter has been pretty quick at turning around these requests (maybe less than 48 hours?).
use like this
for Website :
and for callback URL:
or any of your page address like
Have you tried creating your own caching mechanism? You can take the result of an initial query, cache it on thread local, and given an expiration time, refresh from Twitter. This would allow you to test your app against Twitter data without incurring call penalties.
There is also another solution (a workaround, rather) which requires you to edit your hosts file.
Here is how you do it on a linux box:
Open your /etc/hosts file as root. To do this, you can open a terminal and type something like sudo vi /etc/hosts.
Pick a non-existent domain to use as your local address, and add it to your hosts file. For example, you will need to add something similar to the following at the end. localhost.cep # this domain name was accepted.
So, that's pretty much it. Pointing your browser to localhost.cep will now take you to your local server. Hope that helped :)
In answer to (1), see this thread, in particular episod's replies:
It doesn't matter what callback URL you put in your app's management page on (as long as you don't use localhost). You provide the 'real' callback URL as part of your request for an OAuth token.
1.) Don't use localhost. That's not helpful. Why not stand up another server instance or get a testing vm slice from slicehost?
2.) You probably want a bunch of different user accounts and a couple different OAuth key/secret credentials for testing.
You were on the right track though: DO test revoking the app's credentials via your twitter account's connections setting. That should happen gracefully. You might want to store a status value alongside the access token information, so you can mark tokens as revoked.
