When I add an optional match to my already working query the selection is expanded.
I have a structure regarding players in games as follows
And as players oppose each other things will look like this in the final data
Given a list of result_1 ids I try to find corresponding result_2
The basic query
MATCH (r:Result)-[:In]->(g:Game)<-[:In]-(or:Result)
WHERE r.id IN [30,32]
RETURN r, or, g, m
returns exactly what I expect:
But games can also be in an (optional) match and this query
MATCH (r:Result)-[:In]->(g:Game)<-[:In]-(or:Result)
OPTIONAL MATCH (g)<-[:Contains]-(m:Match)
WHERE r.id IN [30,32]
RETURN r, or, g, m
Whatever else happens to match the structure p-r-g-r-p but with no regard to the list [30,32]
I do suspect that it has something to do with the mirrored nature of the data because if I remove r from the returned values I still get (30) and (32) back as or but I cannot figure out why and thus how to stop it.
I've tried to add a With before the optional but it makes no difference.
The WHERE clause modifies the immediately preceding [OPTIONAL] MATCH or WITH clause.
You need to move your WHERE clause so it is right after the initial MATCH, so that it will limit r as you intended. Like this:
MATCH (r:Result)-[:In]->(g:Game)<-[:In]-(or:Result)
WHERE r.id IN [30,32]
OPTIONAL MATCH (g)<-[:Contains]-(m:Match)
RETURN r, or, g, m
I want to create a map projection with node properties and some additional information.
Also I want to collect some ids in a collection and use this later in the query to filter out nodes (where ID(n) in ids...).
The map projection is created in an apoc call which includes several union matches.
call apoc.cypher.run('MATCH (n)-[:IS_A]->({name: "User"}) MATCH (add)-[:IS_A]->({name: "AdditionalInformationForUser"}) RETURN n{.*, info: collect(add.name), id: ID(n)} as nodeWithInfo UNION MATCH (n)-[:IS_A]->({Department}) MATCH (add)-[:IS_A]->({"AdditionalInformationForDepartment"}) RETURN n{.*, info: collect(add.name), id: ID(n)} as nodeWithInfo', NULL) YIELD value
WITH (value.nodeWithInfo) AS nodeWithInfo
WITH collect(nodeWithInfo.id) as nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds, nodeWithInfo
MATCH (n)-[:has]->({"Vacation"})
MATCH (u)-[:is]->({"Out of Order"})
WHERE ID(n) in nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds and ID(u) in nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds
return n, u, nodeWithInfo
This does not return anything because, when the where part is evaluated it doesn´t check "nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds" as a flat list but instead only gets one id per row.
The problem only exists because I am passing the ids (nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds) AND the nodeProjection (nodeWithInfo) on in the WITH clause.
If I instead only use the id collection and don´t use the nodeWithInfo projection the following adjustement works and returns my only the nodes which ids are in the id collection:
WITH collect(nodeWithInfo.id) as nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds
MATCH (n)-[:has]->({"Urlaub"})
MATCH (u)-[:is]->({"Out of Order"})
WHERE ID(n) in nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds and ID(u) in nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds
return n, u
If I just return the collection "nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds" directly after the WITH clause in both examples this gets obvious. Since the first one generates a flat list in one result row and the second one gives me one id per row.
I have the feeling that I am missing a crucial knowledge about neo4js With clause.
Is there a way I can pass on my listOfIds and use it as a flat list without the need to have an exclusive WITH clause for the collection?
Right now I am using the following workaround:
After I do the check on the ID of "n" and "u" I don´t return but instead keep the filtered "n" and "u" nodes and start a second apoc call that returns "nodeWithInfo" like before.
WITH n, u
call apoc.cypher.run('MATCH (n)-[:IS_A]->({name: "User"}) MATCH (add)-[:IS_A]->({name: "AdditionalInformationForUser"}) RETURN n{.*, info: collect(add.name), id: ID(n)} as nodeWithInfo UNION MATCH (n)-[:IS_A]->({Department}) MATCH (add)-[:IS_A]->({"AdditionalInformationForDepartment"}) RETURN n{.*, info: collect(add.name), id: ID(n)} as nodeWithInfo', NULL) YIELD value
WITH (value.nodeWithInfo) AS nodeWithInfo, n, u
WHERE nodeWithInfo.id = ID(n) OR nodeWithInfo.id = ID(u)
RETURN nodeWithInfo, n, u
This way I can return the nodes n, u and the additional information (to one of the nodes) per row. But I am sure there must be a better way.
I know ids in neo4j have to be used with care, if at all. In this case I only need them to be valid inside this query, so it doesn´t matter if the next time the same node has another id.
The problem is stripped down to the core problem (in my opinion), the original query is a little bigger with several UNION MATCH inside apoc and the actual match on nodes which ids are contained in my collection is checking for some more restrictions instead of asking for any node.
Aggregating functions, like COLLECT(), aggregate over a set of "grouping keys".
In the following clause:
WITH collect(nodeWithInfo.id) as nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds, nodeWithInfo
the grouping key is nodeWithInfo. Therefore, each nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds would always be a list containing one value.
And in the following clause:
WITH collect(nodeWithInfo.id) as nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds
there is no grouping key. Therefore, in this situation, nodesWithAdditionalInfosIds will contain all the nodeWithInfo.id values.
I have the following records in my neo4j database
I want to get all the C Nodes and all the relations and related Nodes. If I do the query
Match (p:A)-[o:B]->(i:C)-[u:D]->(y:E)
Return p,o,i,u,y
I get the first to match if I do
Match (i:C)-[u:D]->(y:E)
Return i,u,y
I get the second to match.
But I want both of them in one query. How do I do that?
The easiest way is to UNION the queries, and pad unused variables with null (because all cyphers UNION'ed must have the same return columns
Match (p:A)-[o:B]->(i:C)-[u:D]->(y:E)
Return p,o,i,u,y
Match (i:C)-[u:D]->(y:E)
Return NULL as p, NULL as o,i,u,y
In your example though, the second match actually matches the last half of the first chain as well, so maybe you actually want something more direct like...
OPTIONAL MATCH (connected)
WHERE (c)-[*..20]-(connected)
RETURN c, COLLECT(connected) as connected
It looks like you're being a bit too specific in your query. If you just need, for all :C nodes, the connected nodes and relationships, then this should work:
MATCH (c:C)-[r]-(n)
RETURN c, r, n
I have a graph which looks like this:
Here is the link to the graph in the neo4j console:
Basically, you have two branching paths, of variable length. I want to match the two paths between orange node and yellow nodes. I want to return one row of data for each path, including all traversed nodes. I also want to be able to include different WHERE clauses on different intermediate nodes.
At the end, i need to have a table of data, like this:
a - b - c - d
neo - morpheus - null - leo
neo - morpheus - trinity - cypher
How could i do that?
I have tried using OPTIONAL MATCH, but i can't get the two rows separately.
I have tried using variable length path, which returns the two paths but doesn't allow me to access and filter intermediate nodes. Plus it returns a list, and not a table of data.
I've seen this question:
Cypher - matching two different possible paths and return both
It's on the same subject but the example is very complex, a more generic solution to this simpler problem is what i'm looking for.
You can define what your end node by using WHERE statement. So in your case end node has no outgoing relationship. Not sure why you expect a null on return as you said neo - morpheus - null - leo
MATCH p=(n:Person{name:"Neo"})-[*]->(end) where not (end)-->()
RETURN extract(x IN nodes(p) | x.name)
may not the the best option as I am not sure how to do this programmatically. If I use UNWIND I get back only one row. So this is a dummy solution
MATCH p=(n{name:"Neo"})-[*]->(end) where not (end)-->()
with nodes(p) as list
return list[0].name,list[1].name,list[2].name,list[3].name
You can use Cypher to match a path like this MATCH p=(:a)-[*]->(:d) RETURN p, and p will be a list of nodes/relationships in the path in the order it was traversed. You can apply WHERE to filter the path just like with node matching, and apply any list functions you need to it.
I will add these examples too
// Where on path
MATCH p=(:a)-[*]-(:d) WHERE NONE(n in NODES(p) WHERE n.name="Trinity") WITH NODES(p) as p RETURN p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]
// Spit path into columns
MATCH p=(:a)-[*]-(:d) WITH NODES(p) as p RETURN p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]
// Match path, filter on label
MATCH p=(:a)-[*]-(:d) WITH NODES(p) as p RETURN FILTER(n in p WHERE "a" in LABELS(n)) as a, FILTER(n in p WHERE "b" in LABELS(n)) as b, FILTER(n in p WHERE "c" in LABELS(n)) as c, FILTER(n in p WHERE "d" in LABELS(n)) as d
Unfortunately, you HAVE to explicitly set some logic for each column. You can't make dynamic columns (that I know of). In your table example, what is the rule for which column gets 'null'? In the last example, I set each column to be the set of nodes of a label.
I.m.o. you're asking for extensive post-processing of the results of a simply query (give me all the paths starting from Neo). I say this because :
You state you need to be able to specify specific WHERE clauses for each path (but you don't specify which clauses for which path ... indicating this might be a dynamic thing ?)
You don't know the size of the longest path beforehand ... but you still want the result to be a same-size-for-all-results table. And would any null columns then always be just before the end node ? Why (for that makes no real sense other then convenience) ?
Therefore (and again i.m.o.) you need to process the results in a (Java or whatever you prefer) program. There you'll have full control over the resultset and be able to slice and dice as you wish. Cypher (exactly like SQL in fact) can only do so much and it seems that you're going beyond that.
Hope this helps,
P.S. This may seem like an easy opt-out, but look at how simple your query is as compared to the constructs that have to be wrought trying to answer your logic. So ... separate the concerns.
I'd like to pull and combine data from several different paths that share a path at the beginning, not all of which might exist. For example, I'd like to do something like this:
MATCH (:Complex)-[:PATH]->(s:Somewhere)-[:FETCHING]->(data)
RETURN data.attribute
MATCH (s)-[:OPTIONAL]->(o:OtherData)
RETURN o.attribute;
so that it doesn't retrace the path up to s. I can't actually do this, though, because UNION separates queries and the (s)-[:OPTIONAL] in the second part will match anything with an outgoing OPTIONAL relation; the s is a loose handle.
Is there a better way of doing this than repeating the path:
MATCH (:Complex)-[:PATH]->(s:Somewhere)-[:FETCHING]->(data)
RETURN data.attribute
MATCH (:Complex)-[:PATH]->(s:Somewhere)-[:OPTIONAL]->(o:OtherData)
RETURN o.attribute;
I made a few attempts using WITH, but they all either caused the query to return nothing if any part failed, or I could not get them to line up into a single column and instead got rows with redundant data, or (with multiple, nested WITHs, which I'm not sure about the scoping of) just fetching everything.
Have you looked at the semantics of an optional match? So you can match to s, beyond s and your optional component. Something like:
MATCH (:Complex)-[:PATH]->(s:Somewhere)
MATCH (s)-[:FETCHING]->(data)
RETURN data.attribute, otherData.attribute
Sorry I missed the importance of a single column, is it really important?
You can gather the vaues into a single collection :
MATCH (:Complex)-[:PATH]->(s:Somewhere)
MATCH (s)-[:FETCHING]->(data)
RETURN [data.attribute] + COLLECT(otherData.attribute)
But doesn't this work for a single column:
MATCH (:Complex)-[:PATH]->(s:Somewhere)
MATCH (s)-[:FETCHING]->(data)
WITH [data.attribute] + COLLECT(otherData.attribute) as col
I have the following graph structure:
all nodes between a building and an asset are optional, for example, there might be another hierarchy between, or asset can be directly inside a building.
to get all assets in a specific building I use: MATCH (b:Building {id: buildingId})<-[*]-(a:Asset) RETURN a
how can I change this query to return also the PART_OF hierarchies along the paths?
the value of Room, Floor, ... is stored in a 'value' property.
eventually, I want to know for each returned asset, the value of Floor and Room and the labels..
I thought on starting from something like MATCH (b:Building {id: {buildingId}})<-[:PART_OF*0..]-(x)<-[:INSIDE]-(a:Asset) RETURN a, labels(x), x.value but it returns only the hierarchy which is directly connected to the asset
match (b:Building)<-[:PART_OF*0..]-(x)<-[:PART_OF*0..]-()<-[:INSIDE]-(a:Asset) return a, labels(x), x.value seems to do the trick, does it look correct?
Assuming you gave your complete graph structure in your question, the following might work for your needs (I assume that the building's 'id' property value is parameterized}:
OPTIONAL MATCH (b:Building {id: {id}})<-[:PART_OF]-(f:Floor)<-[:PART_OF]-(r:Room)<-[:INSIDE]-(a:Asset)
RETURN a, f.value AS fVal, r.value as rVal
OPTIONAL MATCH (b)<-[:PART_OF]-(f:Floor)<-[:INSIDE]-(a:Asset)
RETURN a, f.value AS fVal, null as rVal
RETURN a, null AS fVal, null as rVal;
If an asset is not part of a room, then the rVal value will be null. If it is also not part of a floor, then the fVal value will be null.
Also, if there are no assets at all for the building (or any floor/room in the building), then you will still get a single row in the result, but all values will be null.
I did not bother to return any labels, since that should not be necessary with this approach.
You could try examining the paths returned between m:Machine and b:Building. Assuming you don't just want the shortest path(s) and assuming you're using Cypher 2.0 (which it looks like you are), try something like this (note the "p" binding for the path):
MATCH p = (m:Machine)-->(b:Building) RETURN nodes(p), rels(p)
(You can also use "--" instead of "-->" if direction isn't an issue.)
And if you need other info from what's returned, you can always use EXTRACT and other functions, e.g.
RETURN EXTRACT(n IN nodes(p) | p.value)
Hope this helps!
I may have misread the question. You may want to use "allShortestPaths" (around the (m:Machine)-->(b:Building) portion) OR use (m:Machine)-[*]->(b:Building) for variable depth paths (watch the performance, though; you may want to limit the depth) if my original answer doesn't give you what you want.