Swift dictionary contains value but is not printed on the debugger console - ios

I am creating and printing values in a dictionary like this
let answersToSubmit = SubmitAnswerModel() //main model
let realm = try! Realm()
let savedExamResponse = realm.object(ofType: SavedExamResponse.self, forPrimaryKey: id)
answersToSubmit.uniqid = savedExamResponse?.uniqueId
var answerListToSubmit = [QuestionAnswersToSubmit]()
for item in (savedExamResponse?.questionAnswerList)! {
let answerToSubmit = QuestionAnswersToSubmit()
answerToSubmit.qid = item.questionId
answersToSubmit.answers = answerListToSubmit
print("length %s ",answersToSubmit.answers.count)//this is printing 100
print("answers to submit %s",answersToSubmit)//this is printing only the first part
The output is like this
length %s 100
answers to submit %s SubmitAnswerModel {
uniqid = test-5cb2f6a2d81034.66536499;
//the rest of the object needs to printed here, isn't it
So I am not quite sure if I have appended the array and put it in dictionary. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

If you want a more comprehensive logging output try using the dump() function instead:
Which prints out a lot more information to the console.

Thats the expected output in your for statement. I'm not sure why your trying to append, realm doesn't handle arrays as such. You might need to use realm Lists if you need to store arrays.
But from the code you have shown this should work.
for item in (savedExamResponse?.questionAnswerList)! {
let answerToSubmit = QuestionAnswersToSubmit()
answerToSubmit.qid = item.questionId
answerToSubmit.value = item.selectedOption
answerListToSubmit = answerToSubmit


How to get an Array of Objects from Firestore in Swift?

In Swift, to retrieve an array from Firestore I use:
currentDocument.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document, document.exists {
let people = document.data()!["people"]
} else {
print("Document does not exist")
And I receive data that looks like this
name = "Bob";
age = 24;
However, if I were to retrieve the name alone, normally I'd do print(document.data()!["people"][0]["name"]).
But the response I get is Value of type 'Any' has no subscripts
How do I access the name key inside that object inside the people array?
The value returned by document.data()!["people"] is of type Any and you can't access [0] on Any.
You'll first need to cast the result to an array, and then get the first item. While I'm not a Swift expert, it should be something like this:
let people = document.data()!["people"]! as [Any]
A better way of writing #Frank van Puffelen's answer would be:
currentDocument.getDocument { document, error in
guard error == nil, let document = document, document.exists, let people = document.get("people") as? [Any] else { return }
The second line may be a little long, but it guards against every error possible.

FirebaseDatabase query issues in Swift

So I am currently working on a clone like snapchat and I am sending pull requests to the server, but as for downloading, it is not going so well. I created a reference to the database that looks like this,
var recievers: FIRDatabaseReference{
return mainRef.child("pullRequests")
and then I have a viewController that parses the data (which I know isn't the best way to go about this but I'm just trying to get it working right now) and in there I have this
DataService.instance.recievers.observeSingleEvent(of: .value) {(recipients: FIRDataSnapshot) in
if let recipient = recipients.value as? Dictionary<String,AnyObject>{
var index = 0;
for(key,value) in recipient{
index = index+1
if let dict = value as? Dictionary<String,AnyObject>{
if let reciever = dict["recipents"] as? Dictionary<String,AnyObject>{
if let num = reciever["\(index)"] as? String{
let uid = num
for i in 0...recipientsArr.count{
I'm not getting any compiling errors but it is also not adding anything into the recipientsArr, can anyone help guide me in the right direction?
My Firebase looks like this:
You're not decoding the snapshot properly. Its unclear from your question what is the value event you want to observe - is it just a new recipient that was added? the whole pullRequest?
In any case you're observing the pullRequest reference and therefore in order to decode the snapshot:
if let pullRequest = recipients.value as? Dictionary<String,AnyObject>{
if let recipientsList = pullRequest["recipents"] as? Dictionary<String,AnyObject>{
for (_, value) in recipientsList {
if let uid = value as? String{
The problem is that you are using the method observeSingleEvent to update the value in the database, when this method is only used to recieve data from the database, not updated. In other words, it read-only.
The way to update record in a firebase database works different than the read methods. You can use both methods setValue and updateChildValues to perform updates. They both work on a database reference.
To use the setValue method, you should do something like this. I'll assume that you already have a pullRequests object that you previously created from the information you fetched from the database and have it in a variable:
let previousRecipents = pullRequests.recipents
let allRecipents = previousRecipents.append(newRecipent) // Assuming preivousRecipents is an array and you have the new Recipent
To use the updateChildValues, it works very similar.
let previousRecipents = pullRequests.recipents
let allRecipents = previousRecipents.append(newRecipent) // Assuming preivousRecipents is an array and you have the new Recipent
let parametersToUpdate = ["recipents": allRecipents]
For further information on how to update, check the following link:
Hope it helps!

NSMutableDictionary replicates the last inserted index in each inserted index instead of insert the new index

I've been googling for a while, trying to find a solution to my problem and ended here. I'm trying to create a dictionary of dictionaries to load all the data in tableViewCells.
So I need a key for "name", another key for "description", another key for "image name" and like this..
I'm doing an async call so I've created a global var, nsDict which is a NSMutableDictionary and in the async parseJson Function I've created another NSMutableDictionary named jsonValues.
I use jsonValues to store the data inside the loop. The data is stored with keys too :
jsonValues["name"] = Name
And at the end of the loop I store jsonValues inside nsDict, my NSMutableDictionary global variable.
nsDict.setObject(jsonValues, forKey: c)
c += 1
At this point there is already somebody that knows for sure my issue and my mistake. But I've been trying and reading a lot of stackoverflow and didn't find the way to do something that easy.
My dictionary, is getting filled by all the jsonValues, but instead of inserting diferent values, it's copying all of them. Which is, in the first round of the loop, it insert the first value (dictionary of values). In the second loop, it insert the second dictionary of values in the first and in the second index...
At the end I got 43 same dictionaries. All of them are the copy of the last one...
Does anybody know why? I've spent two hours with this issue. Some help would be very appreciated, thanks!
private func parseJson(json : NSMutableArray, tableView : UITableView){
var jsonValues = NSMutableDictionary()
nsDict = NSMutableDictionary.init(capacity: 10)
var c : Int = 0
for j in json {
var nsData : NSMutableDictionary
//clean array
// jsonValues.removeAll()
//Create main value
guard let value = j.valueForKey("value")?.valueForKey("value")! else{
//Get name
guard let Name : String = (value.valueForKey("Name")?.valueForKey("en") as? String) else {
jsonValues["name"] = Name
title = "Address: "
//Get Address
if let Address = value.valueForKey("Address")?.valueForKey("en") as? String{
jsonValues["Address"] = Address
title = "Country: "
//Get country
if let country = geoposition.valueForKey("country") as? String{
let fCountry = title+country
jsonValues["Country"] = fCountry
nsDict.setObject(jsonValues, forKey: c)
c += 1
just move your var jsonValues = NSMutableDictionary() inside cycle
You create an NSMutableDictionary and insert it repeatedly. The object is inserted, not its contents. Therefore each entry contains the same object. You need to insert a new object at each index.

iTunes directory media item returned in unknown format

I wrote the following function that reads through the list of media items in my iTunes directory and returns the music files. I need to return the "song titles" but when I run it the items returned are in an unknown format. I am pretty sure I need to run them through a property filter or use some conversion to get the actual names correctly. At the end I want to output the contents in an array of Strings. I only run the loop four times in the screen shot attached. Can anyone point me to a missing conversion? It looks like the output is in hex format but not clear on that.
class func readMusicFiles() -> NSMutableArray {
//var songDecoded:[NSMutableArray]
let result = NSMutableArray()
let allSongsQuery:MPMediaQuery = MPMediaQuery.songsQuery();
let tempArray:NSArray = allSongsQuery.items!;
for item:AnyObject in tempArray {
if (item is MPMediaItem) {
let temp = item as! MPMediaItem;
if (temp.mediaType != MPMediaType.Music) {
return result
The output looks like this
The "hex" is not a "format"; it's merely an indication of the memory address of the object. Ignore it.
You've got your media items (songs in this case). Now, instead of saying print(result), ask for their titles:
for song in result {
Or, to make a new array:
let titles = result.map {$0.title}
(Also, do not declare your function to return an NSMutableArray. That's a Cocoa thing. Try to stick to Swift arrays. For example, if you are going to end up with an array of titles, those are strings, so return a [String].)

iOS 9 JSON Parsing loop

I'm creating an app that should retrieve some JSON from a database.
This is how my JSON looks:
[{"id":"1","longitude":"10","latitude":"10","visibility":"5","timestampAdded":"2015-10-01 15:01:39"},{"id":"2","longitude":"15","latitude":"15","visibility":"5","timestampAdded":"2015-10-01 15:06:25"}]
And this is the code i use:
if let jsonResult = JSON as? Array<Dictionary<String,String>> {
let longitudeValue = jsonResult[0]["longitude"]
let latitudeValue = jsonResult[0]["latitude"]
let visibilityValue = jsonResult[0]["visibility"]
As you can see it only gets the first chunk from the JSON and if there are no JSON at all it will crash, but if i want it to count the amount and make an array out of it like this:
var longitudeArray = [10, 15]
var latitudeArray = [10, 15]
And so on...
I also need this to be apple watch compatible so i can't use SwiftyJSON.
What do i do? I really hope you can help me!
Problems was solved by "Eric D."
This is the code:
do {
if let url = NSURL(string: "YOU URL HERE"),
let data = NSData(contentsOfURL: url),
let jsonResult = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: []) as? [[String:AnyObject]] {
let longitudeArray = jsonResult.flatMap { $0["longitude"] as? String }
let latitudeArray = jsonResult.flatMap { $0["latitude"] as? String }
} catch let error as NSError {
Thank you soo much Eric!! :-)
You could use flatMap to get an array of your elements:
let longitudeArray = jsonResult.flatMap { $0["longitude"] as? String }
let latitudeArray = jsonResult.flatMap { $0["latitude"] as? String }
flatMap is like map but unwraps optionals, which is adequate because we need to safely cast the type of the object we get from each dictionary in the json array.
$0 represents the object in the current iteration of flatMap of the array it's applied to.
If you're currently using SwiftyJSON, then that would be:
let longitudeArray = jsonResult.flatMap { $1["longitude"].string }
let latitudeArray = jsonResult.flatMap { $1["latitude"].string }
because .string is SwiftyJSON's optional String value getter.
But as you said, you don't want to use it (anymore), so you need to use NSJSONSerialization to decode your JSON data, there's plenty of examples on the Web and on SO. Then you will be able to use my original answer.
You're already getting an array with all of the elements (not just the first one. you're simply only accessing the first one). jsonResult is an array of dictionaries. Each dictionary (in this case, based on the json you provided) contains these elements: id, longitude, latitude, visibility and timestampAdded. In order to access each of them, you can simply loop over jsonResult and access the i'th element (and not always the 0 element). This will also prevent the crash you're experiencing with the json is blank or invalid (since you'll only be going over the valid elements in jsonResult.
This will give you the flexibility to create the custom arrays you wish to create (in order to create an array of all of the longitudes, for example, you will simply add that element to the new array while looping over jsonResult). However, if you'd like to save yourself the trouble of manually building these arrays and assuming you have control over the json structure, I would recommend changing the received json to the relevant structure (a dictionary or arrays instead of an array of dictionaries), so it would better fit your needs and provide you the results in the relevant format right "out of the box".
