Intellisense not suggesting in VS 2019 for old MVC5 project -

I opened up an old ASP.NET MVC5 project in Visual Studio 2019 and IntelliSense is not making any suggestions for certain things.
As you can see below, ActionResult was not suggested and not highlighted as a recognized keyword.
Also, even though I have my using MyClassLibraryProject.NameSpace is in place, IntelliSense is not making any suggestions about methods in that project.
If I type things out myself, my solution compiles fine and everything works.
Any idea why IntelliSense may not be working?

It seems like a known issue, please check this and I tried to follow your description to test, to workaround this issue, please upgrade the package 'Microsoft.Net.Compilers' to the latest version 1.3.0 and the intellisense works fine like the following:


Visual studio unable to evaluate anything in debug in any page of my blazor webassembly

I have a blazor webassembly app that is working fine and it is split in webassembly talking to a web api version all .Net Code
I use VS community Edition 2019 and suddenly after many modifications to my code I noticed that I am not able to debug and see any variable content(unable to Evaluate) at any break points anywhere in my web assembly app. I tried with an old version of my code which I know it was working then and same issue, so it is not the code.
I tried upgrading VS to ( from 16.6 something) without success and even uninstall & reinstall VS with no success.
The only new thing on my station was a windows update this week.
Is someone had something similar happening this week?
ps: What is weird is that I do not not have this problem in my web API solution portion just the webassembly solution.
I think I've been badluck to find many not working thread but finally it was simply to close VS . delete the .vs directory tehn relod the solution and it was OK. It is weird though that many old version of my code that never had this issue had the same problem. It was impossible to have all those .vs not working although I had not touched them in weeks. Anyway it is now working.

My VSIX extension is not showing on VS2017 (Was on 2015)

I have a VSIX extension ( that worked really well on my VS2015 but, as I built/run it on VS2017 (yeah, I've put the prerequisites on the .csproj properties), it is not appearing at 2017's TFS Pending Changes tab.
I've tried updating MIcrosoft.TeamfoundationServer.Controls to the 2017 version but still no success.
As I try to debug it, it seems that VS2017 isn't loading the extension at all. (Breakpoints aren't not been loaded)
Any help is welcome. Thanks!
Give a try with another new extension on VS2017(from marketplace) in your side. If this could also not installed successfully and you are using VS2017 RC.
You may encountered this issue--Unable to install extensions after updating VS2017 RC
Either update to latest VS version or use Stefan Z Camilleri 's workaround in above link.
If only your old extension could not be installed, since
Huge changes have been made by Microsoft on the installation, so
previous approaches of detecting VS won't work any more. For example,
to detect VS installation folder, now a few extra tools or scripts are
So guides such as How to: Migrate Extensibility Projects to Visual
are critical and you can follow the tips.
You could also refer more details in this similar question Visual Studio 2017 is not detected by extensions for installation
Looking through the log, I was able to find that some of my references were asking for Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client Version=14.0.0, in fact, It was the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl version=12.0 that were looking for it.
To solve it, I've made a 'binding redirect' like this:
[assembly: ProvideBindingRedirection(AssemblyName = "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client", NewVersion = "", OldVersionLowerBound = "", OldVersionUpperBound = "")]
It started appearing at the Exp instance and I was able to debug it.
Note that I strongly advise against doing such kind of workaround but, in my case, it was the only way I could make it load my extension so I could debug it.

Upgrading to Visual Studio 2015 renders intellisense broken for project

I've been through a lot of similar issues, but could not find anything that worked for me.
I'm upgrading my IDE from the VisualStudio for Web (v10) to Visual Studio 2015 (v14, I guess) Community Edition.
The main project that I'm trying to use on the new IDE is a MVC 5 (5.2.3), with EF 6.1 (6.1.3) and a bunch of other stuff.
Problem is: When opening the project on the new IDE, everything looks fine (it even compiles and work). I got the MVC context menu working on the project explorer (showing the "Add Controller..." and "Add View..." when appropriate). Only (really annoying) thing is the Razor Intellisense.
When I do open a View file (.cshtml) I receive warnings on several helpers, some of the "using" are greyed out (even though they're supposed to be needed) and the #model myModel is shown like everything after the #model directive is not razor (it's treated like HTML by the intellisense coloring).
What I've already found and tried:
I've already tried to clear the UserData from the vs (devenv /ResetUserData)
I've already tried to run the VS2015 in safe mode
I've already tried to run VS2015 as Administrator
I've already tried to set the Project's target framework to 4.5.1 (used to be 4.5)
I've already tried to open the project on Visual Studio Community 2013 saving it there before trying to use it on VS2015.
When creating another MVC project from the VS2015, everything works fine.
Here's an example of the annoying issue:
Ok, finally got it.
Posting what I found out believing it may help someone else:
What seems to cause the problem mentioned is the fact that the project was created on an old MVC version (with older Razor, EF, etc).
As stated in this answer: Visual Studio 2015 Razor View MVC Types not recognized, VS2015 tools may not work for older MVCs.
The solution is to update all your packages to [at least] the minor versions accepted on newer MVC (5?). To do so you can use the list in this website:
Once everything is up-to-date, open the web.config files located on root of your application and on the Views folder. In there, you will probably find some references to the older versions of MVC and Razor. Update those versions values (all of them) to match the updated versions of your packages (you may create a new empty MVC project on the new Visual Studio and check for those values as a hint of what they should be).
This step is the catch! Since, even if you update you project's packages, some web.config references may still mention the original versions.
Clean the solution (Build > Clean Solution) and close the project. Reopen and compile it. Now [hopefully] everything should be working fine.
One more thing: If your project was also updated from Framework 4.5 to 4.5.1 during this IDE transition, you should also install a NuGet package called "Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform" (as stated in

Copy and paste Razor markup in Visual Studio 2010 SP1 is extremely slow

Any time I try to paste anything in a CSHTML file that contains Razor markup or targets a line inside a code block - the entire Visual Studio freezes for almost a minute.
I've applied SP1 for Visual Studio. I'm using ASP.NET MVC 3.
I also only have this problem on a single computer so I'm guessing there's some sort of application or version mismatch I'm simply not seeing. I'm running ReSharper and upgraded it to 6.0 to no avail (though the Razor code inspection works and is really nice).
It's only if I paste a line containing Razor markup that the issue occur. I get no errors on the copy operation, and if I'm pasting regular HTML without Razor markup or outside code blocks in the very same file there're no issues whatsoever. No problems pasting in any other kinds of files like .cs or .aspx. Freshly created MVC 3 projects suffer as well as existing old projects.
I resolved this a while ago but I don't recall exactly which component was the issue - but it was either SP1 for Visual Studio that was in fact not RTM (though it wasn't obvious when looking at the about dialog hence the difficulty in figuring out) or, more likely according to my memory, a pre-RTM version of MVC 3 installed, also not obvious at all when looking through the installed components list.
It took some manual work to get all the related components uninstalled, including some registry hacks, before reinstalling the RTM version and then the problem disappeared. I did not have to reinstall Visual Studio or any of my addons.
Hope this helps someone with similar problems, carefully investigate the exact build numbers of the suspected components. They may in fact be pre-RTM :9
Have you tried to reset the Visual Studio settings? I can't promise this will help but I think it would be worth a try (devenv.exe /ResetSettings). If that doesn't help, I think you will have to re-install Visual Studio.

"the project type is not supported by this installation" error

I have installed VS 2008 SP1 on W2k3 OS. After I installed ASP.NET MVC beta and tried creating ASP.NET MVC type project I get the following error.
"the project type is not supported by this installation"
Let me know if you have fixed this issue.
I tried some of the solutions posted here but still no joy. Finally I replaced the ProjectTypeGuids to this one below in the project file and it loaded fine
I came across something while having issues of my own.
In short, try:
Run the Visual Studio Command Prompt as Admin.
devenv /setup
It then whirs away for a bit (VS2008 will not open), once the prompt returns fire up VS and all (may) be back to normal.
I came across this when my MVC projects got messed up when trying to get the Entity Framework up and running :)
The problem is that MVC 2 is not completely backward compatible. Visual Studio cannot open MVC 1 apps without MVC 1 installed. So if you just install MVC 1, which can install together with MVC 2 you should be just fine.
I had the same problem with MVC v1. Turns out that I hadn't installed the "Visual Web Developer" feature.
This SO user had the same issue.
My situation was slightly different: I was trying to open an existing MVC 3 project. Turns out I didn't have MVC 3, installing it from here fixed the problem for me.
i installed visual web developer from the Visual studio 2008 installation dvd and that fixed the problem
Tried to install ASP.NET MVC 1.0. It works to me.
ewalshe - same thing worked for me. I know this is an old post, just wanted to put this out there for anybody else. I had an existing solution in source control (Vault), and wanted to set up my home computer for development. I installed Visual Studio 2008 at home without the following options:
Visual Basic
Visual Web Developer
When I pulled down the solution from source control, all projects loaded EXCEPT my web project - VS simply did not recognize it. A fresh installation using the default options and a restart fixed my problem. I do not have the time nor the desire to really figure out which of the above is necessary for Web Application projects to work... maybe somebody will chime in.
I was getting the same error and found this question in a Google search for the answer. Most answers unearthed in the search suggested that old project types were being moved onto a machine with a different version of Visual Studio installed. None of which applied to me.
I've got VS2008 installed on a machine (running 64bit Vista) at work and recently installed the ASP.NET MVC beta, without any problems.
I wanted to replicate my work environment on my Mac, so I installed VS2008 with the ASP.NET MVC beta into a WinXp installation running within a Parallels VM. When I went to create a project with the ASP.NET MVC Web Application template I got the "the project type is not supported by this installation" error.
I finally got things working by yet another reinstall of VS2008 (a clean install, not a repair). This time I choose the default installation options, rather than customising things as I usually do. I normally deselect VB, the mobile device, office and other non C# development stuff - I don't have much free space on my Mac.
After the clean install of VS2008 I did a windows update, installed VS2008 SP1 and finally installed the ASP.NET MVC beta.
It seems that when I customised the VS2008 install, I deselected something essential for the correct operation of the MVC beta. I don't have clue what that something is, I'm just happy that after three days I can play the the MVC stuff at home.
Its been a month since you posted the question. Have you made any progress since?
This is sometimes caused by running a version of Visual Studio which doesn't support MSTest.
This might be obvious, but it fixed it for me. I had installed ASP.NET MVC prior to installing Visual Studio 2008. Once I removed MVC and reinstalled, I no longer had the problem.
install ASP.NET MVC 1.0. It works to me.
In Windows 7 if you are not running as the local "Administrator" and have UAC turned on the install will silently fail. The solution is to disable UAC, reboot, and the install should succeed.
I kept running into this problem. Running devenv /setup and devenv /resetskippkgs did not work for me. Nor did removing project guids. I installed MVC 1.0 and it still didnt work. Then I installed MVC 2.0 and that seemed to do it.
I had MVC 2 installed on my machine and I was still getting this error message. I installed MVC 1, no GO. i installed web Developer No GO. I finally uninstalled MVC1 and MVC2 and then reinstalled MVC2:
The re installation of MVC 2 solved the problem for me. Hope this helps someone else.
If you are trying to run an MVC application, try running AspNetMVC1.msi. It worked for me, so hopefully it will resolve your problem.
VS2008; ASP.NET MVC 2 on 64-bit machine receiving the issue:
"the project type is not supported by this installation"
Solution: Thanks to Bert Huijben from above. Under the VS install in the start menu, in the VS Tool folder, ran VS2008 x64 Cmd Prompt. Executed commands:
devenv /setup
...still project errored and didn't open, then ran
devenv.exe /resetskippkgs
... and then success!
I had to rebuild my development VM to solve this one. Clean install FTW.
Tried #ryan and #Rob Cooper answers with no joy. Running this in a vhd on Win7.
Zoned in on Mvc and that's where problem lies. Not 100% but think issue is that I was trying to open a project that didn't have latest Mvc release, which new build had.
Temporary solution is to rollback to previous version of Mvc. Then when that's happy, upgrade project to latest Mvc and then machine.
Ran into this problem when I had VS2008 running by accident when I started the ASP.NET MVC install. Closed VS, uninstalled ASP.NET MVC, then reinstalled it and everything worked fine.
Vivek Ayer's solution also worked for MbUnit projects. Additionally, simply deleting the first GUID (rather than replacing it with "{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21}") worked.
If you are running Visual Studio 2010 and want to open/create MVC 3 solutions you have to have the Visual Web Developer component of Visual Studio installed.
If you have done a default installation without customization then this component is installed.
If you do a customized installation and say thought you only wanted C# stuff installed you may have unchecked the Visual Web Developer component thinking you didn't need it. You need it for any MVC development. Simply re-run your VS setup and make sure this component is selected.
The MVC 3 download and installation will work properly even without this component installed. However, you will not be able to open or create a MVC 3 solution.
The trick to getting around this problem is the ProjectTypeGUID, but the GUIDS listed elsewhere in this and other posts didn't work for me.
In the end (and this is my suggestion), I created a new MVC project, then open the *.vbProj file and copy out the ProjectTypeGUIDs I found there. When I transposed those into the vbproj file of the project I was having trouble with, everything started working.
In my case (for an existing VS10 VB project), the right GUIDs were:
