Trying to get the line of code from a specific crashlog - ios

I'm trying to understand how to get the line of code from this line of a core data crash log (arm64)
I've been able to symbolicate it from :
0x0000000100922c94 0x10089c000 + 552084
to :
0x0000000100922c94 +[NSManagedObject(SBTMerge) objectForCode:entityName:context:mergeExisting:] + 552084 (NSManagedObject+SBTMerge.m:0)
but line 0 is the top of the file which doesn't make sense.
I've used atos and dwarfdump but I'm not able to get the line of code / offset using the load address "+ 552084"
Can anyone help me?

You have to symbolicate your crash log. So at least you ned .dSym file and .crash file, put this file in a single path. Then run a commands
export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"
cp -i /Applications/ ./
./symbolicatecrash bug.crash > symbolicated.crash


Dyldinfo commamd not found

mac os 10.13.4
I write the command 'dyldinfo' in shell, but is wroing
-bash: dyldinfo: command not found
hope you help me
On recent versions of macOS you can run the tool with xcrun dyldinfo (as long as you have Xcode installed)
First, make sure you have either Xcode or Command Line Tools installed.
If you have one of those, you can find dyldinfo in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin.
So, to run it, type this into your bash:
You can check the dyldinfo path using following command:
$ xcrun --sdk dyldinfo
Showing that the command dyldinfo is under the path:/Applications/, which means commands like dyldinfo belong to Toolchains of Xcode. Therefore, 'dyldinfo' cannot be used as a separate shell command. Instead, you must invoke it by using xcrun <sdk>.
$ xcrun dyldinfo
Usage: dyldinfo [-arch <arch>] <options> <mach-o file>
-dylibs print dependent dylibs
-dr print dependent dylibs and show any recorded DR info
-rebase print addresses dyld will adjust if file not loaded at preferred address
-bind print addresses dyld will set based on symbolic lookups
-weak_bind print symbols which dyld must coalesce
-lazy_bind print addresses dyld will lazily set on first use
-export print addresses of all symbols this file exports
-opcodes print opcodes used to generate the rebase and binding information
-function_starts print table of function start addresses
-export_dot print a GraphViz .dot file of the exported symbols trie
-data_in_code print any data-in-code information

Unable to symbolicate crash reports

I submitted a new version of my app to AppStore and it got rejected due to some crashes that I never experienced while testing the app.
Unfortunately I can't seem to be able to reproduce the issue so all I have to analyze the 2 unsymbolicated crash logs (.txt files) they sent me.
However, I am having problems symbolicating them.
Crash Log 1
Crash Log 2
I tried following the steps provided HERE and HERE, as well as other suggestions but no luck.
Here are the things I tried so far:
$ atos -arch arm64 -o -l 0x1839fa000 0x0000000183a1c2e8
Unfortunately the command returns only 0x00000001000222e8 (in Qlear)
$ atos -arch arm64 -o ''/'Qlear' 0x1839fa000
$ atos -arch arm64 -o '' 0x1839fa000
Both commands return 0x1839fa000
$ dwarfdump --uuid
$ dwarfdump --uuid
Both commands return
UUID: 4FFCBD15-01BA-366A-8C28-E4E613401616 (armv7)
UUID: 97BD48FC-11E3-37C9-A081-700DCE0CDB23 (arm64)
If I try $ dwarfdump --lookup 0x1839fa000 -arch arm64 I get:
File: (arm64)
Looking up address: 0x00000001839fa000 in .debug_info... not found.
Looking up address: 0x00000001839fa000 in .debug_frame... not found.
So in the end I thought the .dSYM files(I tried the one on my Mac as well as the one from iTunes Connect) are corrupted so I tried dwarfdump --all but this seems to be working as it returns a lot of content.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here? Am I mixing up the commands, am I using the wrong hex?
Finally, after hours of searching I finally found a solution:
Change the crash logs extension from .txt to .crash.. This is very important since .txt files are not recognized. I was also unable to find any info on this while reading Apple documentation.
Connect an iOS device and start Xcode.
In Xcode, go to Windows > Devices and Simulators (Shift + CMD + 1)
Select the Devices tab and then View Devices Logs.
In the left pane, select This Device and then drag-n-drop the .crash files inside.
Wait for the files to load and get symbolicated. The logs can also be symbolicated manually after drag-n-drop: Right Click on the log > Re-Symbolicate Log.

iOS: symbolicatecrash is stuck

symbolicatecrash is stuck.
I was trying to run it like this:
symbolicatecrash -v crash.txt MYAPP
The execution never ends. It used to work in the past but now (Xcode 7 and 8) it is stuck.
Is there a solution please?
Here is a solution:
The in-depth details appear here: iOS9: duplicated lines in crash reports are causing symbolicatecrash to get stuck
The quick solution is to edit this perl script (new location in Xcode 8!):
Now search for defined($images{$bundlename}) and add next; right after, like this:
if ( defined($images{$bundlename}) ) {
That's all!
Some VERY USEFUL symbolication tips:
For symbolication you need 3 files:
A text file with the crash report: starting with Incident Identifier: and ending with something like 0x1974d0000 - 0x1974f3fff libxpc.dylib arm64 <ad580443238d39978d09004c210d0c18> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
The app folder, named (the Finder hides the .app extension). If you have and IPA of the app, unzip it and it will be wishing the Payload folder.
The dSYM folder, as generated by Xcode while compiling.
You should rename the dSYM folder into and put all three files in the same folder.
All the three must have the same UUID. To verify that you can use the following commands (I got gsed by running brew install gnu-sed):
UUID of app: dwarfdump --uuid
UUID of symbols: dwarfdump --uuid
UUID od crash:cat crash.txt | grep -A 1 "Binary Images:" | gsed -r -n -e 's_.*<([0-9a-z]{8})([0-9a-z]{4})([0-9a-z]{4})([0-9a-z]{4})([0-9a-z]{12}).*_\1-\2-\3-\4-\5_p' | awk '{print toupper($0)}'
Now, if they all match the same UUID, you can:
symbolicatecrash -v crash.txt MYAPP

Execute symbolicatecrash from shell script

I am trying to call symboliccrash from a shell script that loops through multiple crash log file and outputs symbolicated version, but it is failing with an error message saying "command not found"
But it works fine in the command line.
symboliccrash CRASH_FILE.crash APP.dSYM > symbolicated.crash
I tried to find the source for symboliccrash but it fails to find it
which -a symboliccrash
Shell Script Code
export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"
for x in *.crash;
symboliccrash $x MyApp.dSYM > $i.crash
Response line 7: symboliccrash: command not found
Any idea how i can do this.
I think that you need first of all is execute this command
find /Applications/ -name symbolicatecrash -type f
on your Terminal, this will retrieve the localization of your symbolicatecrash something like this
then you need to update your script to this code
export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"
alias symbolicatecrash='/Applications/'
for x in *.crash;
symbolicatecrash $x MyApp.dSYM > $i.crash
and replace the direction of symbolicatecrash for the result given by the execution of find /Applications/ -name symbolicatecrash -type f
and that is it,execute with sudo sh, I tested and result in this error
No crash report version in 0.crash at
line 1007.
But I asume that this error is because I don't have any crash or dSYM so I think that now is working, I hope this help you

How to symbolicate crash logs using the .xcarchive file?

I am having issues extracting the dsym file from .xcarchive to symbolicate crash logs. I understand that .xcarchive contains both the .app files and .dsym files. Normally you should be able to right click on the xcarchive file and selecct "Show Package Contents" (link). However "Show Package Contents" does not show up for me.
I also attempted to symbolicate the crash logs manually by using symbolicatecrash and giving it the xcarchive file (link). However it would still return crash logs that were not symbolicated.
Would anyone know what could be going on here? Any help is appreciated, Thank you!
I have prepared a script which takes two parameters,
And gracefully output the MyApp_symbolicated.crash
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Argument missing [symbolicate #logLocation #xcarchiveLocation]"
exit 0
if test -e "$1"; then
echo "$1 exists"
echo "$1 does not exist!"
exit 1
if test -e "$2"; then
echo "$2 exists"
echo "$2 does not exist!"
exit 1
export DEVELOPER_DIR=`xcode-select -p`
echo $PATH
cd ../SharedFrameworks/
command=$commanddir/`find . -name symbolicatecrash`
cd $parentdir
outputdir=`dirname "$crashlog"`
nfile=$(echo $1 | rev | cut -f 2- -d '.' | rev)
echo $nfile
$command -v "$crashlog" "$desymfile" > "$outputfile"
How to use:
create a file symbolicate in /usr/local/bin/
Put the above code in symbolicate file
set execute permission with chmod 777 symbolicate
Run from wherever in your location with proper params
output will be generated in same directory of crash file.
Plug an iOS Device into the Machine that contains the archive in the designated archives folder.
Open the devices window in Xcode.
Open device logs.
Drag an drop your crash report into the list of logs of the device. Wait until it gets resymbolicated.
