Read outlook mails through MS 365 graph client without login form - microsoft-graph-api

I have to read Outlook emails from an inbox in a Windows Console Application. I am trying to use MS Graph Client for the same. Problem is I don't want to login to generate access token. How should I go about generating access token without a login form ? I will appreciate any help.
I have tried the solution given in this article, but couldn't get it working as I didn't know redirectUrl and couldn't resolve some references for the given code.

Single user -> Use device code flow
If you want to access the mailbox of a single user: you can use the Device code flow documentation.
This flow allows you to display a code to the user, they go to the device login page and authorize your application. You also get a refresh token so this access can be used for a log time.
Any user in organization -> Use client credentials
If you want to access any mailbox of the entire organisation you can check out this answer and replace the required permission by Read mail in all mailboxes.


"Error 403: access_denied" when usign Google OAuth

I am trying to understand the basic logics for receiving GMail emails with Google OAuth. I see this document Authorizing Your App with Gmail
Now I follow the instructions in Setting Up POP3 Importing with OAuth via Google to setup POP3 with Google OAuth.
I login one Google account(Account1) and then in Google Cloud, create the Google App and OAuth Client ID.
Then I start connect to GMail account(Account2) with the web application(WHMCS). When connecting, it asks me to choose an account that create the app, so I choose Account1. But get the following error:
Error 403: access_denied
The developer hasn’t given you access to this app.
Thus I am a bit confused. Since Account1 is used to create the app and OAuth Client ID, it should be able to access the app when I choose Account1, but the app will not be able to access the data in Account2. Or does the App in the error message means Gmail, not the app I created in Google Cloud?
Should I use Account2 to create the app for receiving emails in Account2? If yes, then for each Gmail account, should I create a separate app accordingly?
Now I try to do as follows:
Use Account3(The admin of Google Workspace) to create the Cloud Project, Consent Window, Client ID, etc.
Then when connecting from WHMCS on our domain, it asks me to choose the account, I choose Account3, and then see a new window as below:
I then select "Allow" button, but then see the following error:
Connection unsuccessful. Please close this window and try again.
I try several times. And find the first time will be successful. I forget enable POP3 in my Gmail account. After enabling it, everything is fine.
I am a bit confused as to what you are trying to do here.
You created a project on Google cloud console and created client id and client secret for the authorization of your project.
All this does is create a project that will be allowed to use Oauth2 to request authorization of a user to access their data.
If I understand what WHMCS is trying to do. Its going to let you use your client id and client secret to request access of a user to access their data.
So when it asks you to authorize a user this is the user whos data you want access to. That user must be added as a test user over on Google cloud console for the project that you created.
The project you create on google cloud console is still in the testing phase. Each user you want to allow to test your application must be added as a test user. Other wise only the owner of the project can test the applicaiton.
To fix this issue for me was this simple:
Go to
open the project in question.
Click "OAuth consent screen" on the left.
Under "Test users" there is a button called "+ ADD USERS"
Type the email of the account you will be testing with, press enter, then click save.
It should work now
It seems like they updated this recently because last year I did not have to do this.
The issue you may be having is that if you created this project on a workspace account then i suspect only workspace domain users are going to be able to authorize it. It cant be authorized by someone on the standard google domain. So try with a workspace domain user. The same may go the other way I have never tried tbh. I tend to keep workspace within its domain.

Adding new permissions resulted in: Access is denied. Check credentials and try again

I made an app where the user logs in to their Office 365 account and I perform actions using the Microsoft Graph API. When I first started the app, I requested for little permissions such as profile and mail permissions. However, I now want to access the user's calendar and thus I added more permissions (Calendars.Read, Calendars.ReadWrite).
Now, when I try to get the user's calendar events, I receive the following error:
{code: ErrorAccessDenied, message: Access is denied. Check credentials
and try again., innerError: {request-id:
33074527-630e-41cf-bd00-4fcd5f0ac816, date: 2018-09-10T03:15:07}}
I noticed that once I added these calendar permissions, it didn't prompt the user to accept these new permissions so I think that's why I don't have access. Do I have to delete my app or something in order to get these permissions from the user? I tried to force the user to sign in again adding new permission requests to the scopes variable but it still didn't ask the user for these permissions.
No, you need to update the consent recorded for the user. My guess is you are using the Azure v1 OAUth2 endpoints, as this problem tends to crop up there more often than the v2 endpoints :).
The problem here is that the first time your user consented, Azure recorded their consent so they wouldn't be prompted again. That record captured the permissions you initially had configured on your app registration. Azure v1 is not "smart" enough to detect that you've added new permissions on your app registration since the user's consent was recorded, so it happily continues to issue tokens with the old permissions, skipping the user prompt.
To get the prompt to show up, you need to include a prompt=consent query parameter on the authorization URL, as documented here.
If you're using the v2 OAuth2 endpoints, this becomes a bit easier. With the v2 endpoints, all you have to do is include the new permission scopes in the scope query parameter for your authorization URL. Azure will detect that the user hasn't consented for them, and will prompt.
So how do you tell which endpoint you're using?
Did you register the app at You're using v1.
Are you using ADAL libraries in your code? That's v1.
Are you using MSAL libraries? That's v2.
Does your code send the user to a URL that has v2.0 in it? You guessed it, that's v2. If there's no v2.0 in it, it's v1.

Can't get permissions for Microsoft Graph API Drive integration

we are using Microsoft Graph API for uploading files for business and personal accounts.
After the account logs in, we ask for some permissions, but we don't add the once needed for OneDrive. After the user explicitly requests to upload a file we send another request for an AccessToken including all scopes until now + files.readwrite.all. This was working perfectly until (maybe) a month ago. Now it works for business accounts, but not for personal accounts.
Steps that we do:
Redirect the user to
The user selects their account (whit which they are already signed in)
They get redirected to with the following sreen:
The permissions are not added for our application and we don't get any error.
Here is also the response from the error page:
Error Info
Method string:GET
Query string:"code=5"
Server protocol:HTTP/1.1
Update: after a couple of tries i actually managed to grant access to one of my accounts for the OneDrive integration. Not really sure what changed. I was just logging in and out with different Outlook accounts in Outlook and in our app. After that, i tried the same process with a different account and it failed again. Every time I was trying this I was logged with the same account on both places.
One more thing that I noticed is that before the consent was for all permissions and now the consent screen showed request only for the files permission.

How can my app (an iframe loaded by salesforce) confirm that the user is logged in to salesforce?

We're building a salesforce app, and I need to auth against a user's SF user (so they don't have to log in to SF, then also log into our system).
So I from our app, I want to bounce off of SF and:
1) confirm that the user is logged in to salesforce.
2) get (or confirm, if I provide it) some kind of tenant id, so I can confirm that they are logged in to the tenant they are self-reporting to me.
Does SF have docs on this flow somewhere?
When you put your iframe in Salesforce you can include the current SessionId and ServerURL in the query string parameters.
You can then use the PartnerAPI with these credentials to call back to Salesforce and verify the users details.
There are some very basic details on doing this in Implementing Salesforce Integrations on

Automatic AWeber Authentication? How do I access one user's data programmatically without them having to log in?

How can I use the AWeber API to automatically check whether an email address exists on a given user's list? The AWeber paradigm is baffling to me and their docs are poor. Essentially, what you get is the ability to put the AWeber login form on your site (just like this one:, so ANY AWeber user could use my site to log into their AWeber account and view their subscriber and list data. This is useless.
The API keys are moot: they simply establish that yes, I am a developer and yes, I have registered my app. The API keys have nothing to do with USER data.
This is not at all how MailChimp handles logins: each user can download their own API keys and use them to authenticate and then programmatically retrieve the subscriber data from their lists.
What I need to do is to create a "Members' Area" on my website, and in order for visitors to see the content in the members-only content, they must join my list. It's a simplified login form that would ask only for the email address (no password is necessary). But I cannot see how to do this with AWeber's convoluted oAuth restrictions. The only way I can currently check email addresses is by logging into my own form (the local copy of the form) and then checking the email address. That won't work programmatically. If I can't automatically access subscriber data, then what's the point of the API?
How can I automate authentication so my application can retrieve subscriber information from my user's lists without me having to log in?
The consumer keys identify your application, the access keys are what give the application access to an account, both are needed to make requests to the API.
There is a php quickstart for accessing an aweber accounts' subscriber data.
Once you have the access keys generated, you must store them for future requests.
