send text message to mobile number by free service - ruby-on-rails

There is any way for send text message to mobile number by any free service.
I have done that by twilio, but I don't want to purchase any thing,
Is there any in-build functionality in rails, to send text message in phone number like email ?

There is No build-in functionality in rails for sending text messages.
Instead of that you can use third party services. (msg91, sendgrid,
gupshup). In that Per account they will give 100 free sms per month.
You can use that service without buying anything.
If you want to send more messages you have to purchase paid services.


Restrict outgoing Twilio SMS messages to Verified Caller IDs

By default, Twilio trial accounts can only send SMS to numbers that are listed as Verified Caller IDs in the Twilio console. These numbers have to be added manually, and require a verification message before they can receive SMS. This is an excellent feature for development, as it prevents accidentally sending SMS to wrong numbers.
My problem, is that I am developing for a client whose account is already out of trial status. I don't want the software in development to be able to send text messages to any number, because there is a risk of sending dev messages to the client's actual customers. However, we need to be able to send to some numbers for testing. Is there any way to turn the trial behavior back on? That is, can we somehow configure Twilio to only allow sending SMS to verfied numbers, even if it is not a trial account?
If this isn't possible, I think I can query the Outgoing Caller IDs resource from my program to verify the recipient number against the list before sending. However, this puts the responsibility back on my development team, and the possibility for mistakes remains. I'd like to be able to block the behavior at the Twilio level.
This behavior is only applied for trial accounts, however I'll pass this feedback on internally.
You'll need to replicate this behavior yourself for your applications using an upgraded account.
As you mentioned, you can query the Outgoing Caller IDs to get the phone numbers you have already verified with Twilio and use that as an accept list.
However, for your use case, you can store and fetch the accept list using whatever way is most convenient for you, like in code, file, database, etc.
Depending on your needs, you could embed this logic directly into your app, or use a single shared library, or create a web API that all other apps have to use to send texts.
Good luck! We can't wait to see what you build!
Update after getting internal feedback.
You can create a new trial account, even with the same Twilio profile, which would give you promotional credits and the same verified Caller ID limits again.
The promotional credit should last you a long time for test scenarios.

Zapier Twilio integration is very slow. Is there a way to filter with Zapier and send SMS with Twilio with no delay?

I have created a Zap to send an SMS to a mobile number every time a new email, with a specific subject, is received.
I've created two tasks:
1st. Zapier Filter, filters the emails by the right subject.
2nd. Twilio send this email as SMS.
I find that it takes up to 10 minutes or more for that email to be sent as an SMS, and time is very relevant in this automation. Is there a way to speed up the process so Twilio sends the SMS as soon as the email arrives and Zapier has filtered it?
I am not 100% sure where us this delay happening. Zapier or Twilio?
There is a Twilio You Tube Tutorial which shows you how to set-up email to SMS, this could be another way to set-up the same requirement.
How to forward email to text messages using Twilio and SendGrid
To identify your current issue, you can send the email, record the time, and then check the Twilio Console messaging logs to find the SMS message associted with that email and record the time; then compare the time differences.
This delay is only happening because of the plan you have on zapier.
If you upgrade your plan, their event listeners can run <1 minute, but on the lower tier plans, you can except 5-10 minute delays. Check out their pricing page & look at the update time:
Zapier pricing
If you want this to run faster & don't want to upgrade zapier plans, the option above is a great choice.

I'm unable to use a Twilio phone number for Apple Two Factor authentication

I am trying to use a Twilio phone number for Apple's two factor authentication, but when I set up the phone number on Apple's site the initial verification SMS is never received by the Twilio number. I have confirmed that Apple is able to send the text to a Google Voice number. I have also confirmed with Apple support that the message sent is a standard SMS. Is there something on Twilio's side preventing receiving the message?
This is actually by design. By default, Twilio long code numbers can't receive SMS messages from short code numbers. Look for the section titled "Are you expecting to receive SMS from a short code?" at the following link.
When I asked this question the functionality wasn't available at all, but now the feature can be requested. There are caveats.
As a followup to ryechus' answer, I requested this functionality and was still not able to receive 2fa codes from apple in Twilio. Their support said:
the unfortunate limitation you're likely facing is that I have know
Apple to prevent verification codes from being sent to virtual phone
Some services review the offered number and only send verification SMS
to phone numbers associated with genuine handsets as a measure to
protect against fraud.
Unfortunately, regardless of the Twilio configuration, in my
experience Apple will not delivery verification messages to Twilio.
Interestingly, it does work with google voice.

Personalised Whatsapp message to masses from google spreadsheet database

I have been trying to personalize my messages and send in masses to my customers in google spreadsheet through whatsapp. Have been trying to work on this with an expert but it seems that currently they only allow twilio number which we have to buy from them. May I check whether any of you know when twilio will be able to enable non-twilio number(our personal contact number) for the whatsapp?
WhatsApp does not support certain uses cases, so verify this is this a promotional use case.
You will need to WhatsApp enable a Twilio number. Based on where you are located, porting your number to Twilio may be an option.
WhatsApp Commerce Policy
What use cases and businesses are allowed to use WhatsApp on Twilio.

SMS payments platform for subscriptions?

On they have a mechanism in place that facilitates payment by entering your telephone number. After you enter your number, you get an SMS that instructs you to enter "GO" in order to complete the transaction. Following that reply with the purchase you've made, you get another message suggesting that for a certain monthly fee you can use the service in an unlimited fashion. I had not seen anything with quite those dynamics before and I'm curious of what service(s) one would use to construct a payment system like this for a Ruby on Rails app?
I am particularly interested in a platform that allows this kind of payment from as many countries as possible as I currently use Twilio for SMS messaging on another app.
Without knowing the full details of what offer it sounds like they're using Premium SMS as a method of collecting payment from a mobile.
After you've entered your telephone number, they'll send you a text with the originator set to a premium shortcode (rather than from a long number). The reply you send back to the premium shortcode is deemed your acceptance to be charged more than your standard network SMS rate. The amount of the charge can vary but should be made obvious to subscribers before they are charged. This Mobile-Originated reply text (MO) is what causes the charge to be taken from your mobile telephone number bill.
Premium subscription services can then subsequently generate further charges whilst the user is still subscribed by sending messages from the premium shortcode. The act of receiving these messages causes a charge to be applied to your mobile telephone bill. These are deemed Mobile-Terminated texts (MT).
Premium SMS is not a simple solution for collecting payment for a number of reasons.
You often only receive a small percentage of what the user is being charged on their bill as the mobile networks keep a cut for offering the service.
As this relies on premium shortcodes you may have to accept you'll have different numbers for each country you want to operate in as you'll have to organise premium shortcodes in each country.
There's different regulations regarding Premium services that you need to be aware of in each country. For example, users need to be able to unsubscribe / opt-out of premium services once subscribed so premium services often have to comply with receiving 'STOP' and 'STOP ALL' messages from users.
As far as I know, Twilio doesn't support premium shortcodes at this time. There are other SMS Gateways which do support premium SMS but you won't get a single solution to fit any country you wish to operate in. Interacting with this kind of system is usually no more complex than sending and receiving normal SMS so the task of creating this with a Ruby on Rails app should be no more complex.
Normal SMS is pretty much globally universal. Premium SMS is an additional country specific feature.
