Xamarin.ios build rejected due to HEALTHKIT reference - ios

My xamarin.ios build has been rejected from the app center due to reference of HEALTHKIT framework. I can't set linker to SDK framework only because of some 3rd party liberary. Also, I have uploaded a nee build with mtouch parameter "--linkskip=HealthKit", still my app got rejected 2nd time. Can anyone please guide me what more cahnges need to be done to remove the reference of HEALTHKIT framework from the application. Amy suggestion will be helpful

I had this recently, also tried what I could find online with no luck.
I used grep on the mac to find the said references :
$ strings directory/Payload/UpCarePro.iOS.app/UpCarePro.iOS | grep Health
And then I removed packages one by one and rebuilt the project to find the one referencing it, once I no longer found any health reference in my project, I was able to pass Apple verification.
I had no new package causing this, and my app could pass the verification process many times before that, so I don't really understand how it started, but that's how I got rid of it.
I hope this helps.


Non-public API usage : The app contains one or more corrupted binaries

I am really frustrate whats going on with iOS application new version uploads. Here are the story.
On the date of 25th Jan 2018 we have uploaded new version 3.3.27 build number 1.0. That successfully process and available on test-flight for testing. After that we found some issue and on 26th Jan 2018 we fix it and uploading new build 1.1 and we get email from iTunes Connect said:
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "appname". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Non-public API usage:
The app contains one or more corrupted binaries. Rebuild the app and resubmit.
If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs
listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app
from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one
or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was
included with your app. If so, they must be removed.
If you think this message was sent in error and that you have only
used Apple-published APIs in accordance with the guidelines, send the
app's nine-digit Apple ID, along with detailed information about why
you believe the above APIs were incorrectly flagged, to
email#apple.com. For further information, visit the
While i am validate build before upload its success:
While i am uploading app i get following success:
In mail i did not get proper information what's the name of corrupted binary or framework. What is the method we used that non-public we have uploaded 100s update build of that application before 25th Jan everything is good and acceptable.
Then i have try following changes:
Rebuild app and submit again get same email.
Uninstall Xcode9.2 and Install again get same email.
Remove changes and upload build number 1.0 again get same email.
Change Mac and try to upload new build again same email.
Try to upload old version that live before and again same emai
We sent an email to iTunes Connect Review but since 3 days we did not get any reply from them side. I do research and from 26th Jan many user face that kind of issue while submit application.
If any one know that solution who face that kind of issue in past or recently Please help us
After a LOT of investigations on this part we finally found the problem for this issue:
It seems like Apple gives this error for applications that suport both 32 and 64 bits.
Apple gave this reminder for Mac Appstore, but it seems that iOS applications are affected as well.
So a solution for this is to support bitcode OR to drop support for 32 bit devices by removing support for ARMV7 and ARMV7S or bellow from Valid Architectures from build settings. This will mean your application will work only on iPhone 5S and above.
I hope this helps someone.
Thank you and happy coding!
There is not one solution for this issue Apple not mention anything now a days about that errors or invalid binary related news on their official account or forums or their official Developer site. Even they are not reply of your email.
Some of get that issue solved by BitCode enable, Some of solve that issue for update PODFILE, Some of Solve that issue by remove some old swift framework used in project.
But finally I get solution by my self that works for me. When i build the project i found some warning at left side panel of Xcode like following.
I think apple now removed old swift support so in case your project use any swift class or podfile we need to update to swift 4.
Once i conversion to swift 4 i get following warning:
The use of Swift 3 #objc inference in Swift 4 mode is deprecated.
Please address deprecated #objc inference warnings, test your code
with “Use of deprecated Swift 3 #objc inference” logging enabled, and
then disable inference by changing the "Swift 3 #objc Inference" build
setting to "Default" for the "appname" target.
For fix this warning i use following link The use of Swift 3 #objc inference in Swift 4 mode is deprecated? and in swift class i used #objc before public declaration.
Also i review all the source code and remove unused library of podfile and class from project.
by above way i fix that issue and after uploading 13th of build finally that accepted.
The non-public API refers to Apple API methods that are not documented and offered to the programmer.
Apple does not guarantee that this part of the API will work in future upgrades. They can freely change this part.
They forbid usage, so that your app won't break in iOS updates, and so protect your future users/buyers of your app!
The webservice is external, hence does not fall under non-public. This part you need to guarantee, not Apple.
In Target -> Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags, remove -interposable. Rebuild app solved the problem.
We found 2 solutions for the issue. Remove 32 bit support, which was referred above. And remove CommonCrypto usage. We replaced CommonCrypto by CryptoSwift (https://github.com/krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift).
We chose to replace CommonCrypto as we didn't want to loose our 32 bit users (iPhone4S, 5 and 5C).

XCode Project Invalid Bundle on App Store Upload

When submitting our app to the app store the validation process for the build keeps getting rejected with the following error.
Invalid Bundle - One or more dynamic libraries that are referenced by your app are not present in the dylib search path.
Has anyone else had issues with this error? I feel like I've tried just about everything. I'd done the suggested otool -L on the main app as well as the watch app. The only library that it shows linked for is the Mixpanel library. The only other two libraries we are using is Fabric and Crashlytics. From my understanding those are not actual real frameworks? I've also tried to set ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES to YES as many posts online suggest. The project builds and runs fine so I'm completely lost as to how to resolve this issue.
This is a React Native iOS app if that has anything to do with it. I'm not the most experience when it comes to iOS stuff but I can find my way around xcode. Anyone have any suggestions? Maybe the best solution is to just create a new xcode project and set everything up again and copy/paste in the code from the previous project?

iTunes Connect Errors occurred in the app thinning process, and your app couldn’t be thinned?

I Uploaded the build via Xcode Yesterday it worked fine but while uploading today the build is uploading perfectly but after 10 minutes i got a email form apple stating that.
While processing your iOS app, ---------------Build(1.0.22), errors
occurred in the app thinning process, and your app couldn’t be
thinned. If your app contains bitcode, bitcode processing may have
failed. Because of these errors, this build of your app will not be
able to be submitted for review or placed on the App Store. For
information that may help resolve this issue, see Tech Note 2432.
I only changed the one line of code and changed the Build Number. And, I uploaded 4 build got the same Error.
I met with this issue today, I used google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest (as framework).
I tried all the solutions above, but failed.
Now I fixed it by copying all the source of google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest to my own project. Hope it helpful to you.
In My own case, i developed my IOS APP with PhoneGap
After so much research, was told to disable bitcode from my ItuneConenct App Account https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/ChangingAppStatus.html
And was introduced to a new phonegap plugin to disable bitcode in my IOS APP https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-cs-disable-bitcode
which i added to my Phonegap app config.xml file
Yet after rebuilding my phonegap IOS app and uploading to ItunesConenct using Application Builder (Got a successful message from the upload). Few mins' after the upload, I got same message from Apple with the same error.
This can give you a hint
Finally got it to work. In our case, the error was in one of the embedded frameworks. Generating a Production Ad-hoc build and then trying to export it generated an error message that pointed us to an error in a setting within one of the framework files. The framework has been there for a while and we never had any issues with it until this release.
I had the same problem and I found the solution. In my app, I had the Google Plus framework: GoogleOpenSource.framework. This framework was the problem. I searched about the latest update in Google Plus: https://developers.google.com/+/mobile/ios/upgrading-sdk.
The latest version was 1.7.1. This version has the same problem. In my app, I removed the login with Google Plus (deprecated https://gyazo.com/685a58f98ee0b0fca16a6bd83636aad8) and I added Google: https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/ios/sdk/
This works for me.
A greeting.
Hey guyz My App has been approved by Apple Store.
The trick i used was this
Deleted the plugin folder on my App root directory before building
Because most plugins were not compatible with Apple has to use just few of them on my manifest file
<plugin name="org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" />
<plugin name="org.apache.cordova.network-information" />
<plugin name="org.apache.cordova.splashscreen" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" />
i was surprised when Apple sent me a message that my App has been Approved just now.
I Home this trick work for someone
If you are having this problem recently, i.e. since September 2016, it may be due to having a 'special character' in the title of your app.
I had several targets for the same code, some of which would process OK and some of which would fail. The ones that were failing all had Apple symbols in the title, for example one app was called '🇨🇲 Flags'.
Credit to Krati Rastogi: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2205923
I had this happen a couple days ago and the temporary solution for me was to not include bitcode for iOS content, which is an uploading option (see image). Apple suggests to do an ad hoc export with an ad hoc provisioning profile to receive the errors and logs of the failure, but I'm unable to reproduce the error(s) and the ad hoc export is successful each time. Will update this post when I find out how to re-enable bitcode, but for now this seems like a good temporary fix. -Update: there was an error in the name of one of my project folders, mixup with symbolic folder name, when I corrected the name to match what was actually in the folder structure I was able to upload properly-
I've experienced the same symptoms and have found a solution.
The root cause of the issue is invalid/incorrect keys in a given bundle's embedded Info.plist.
This is typically the .bundle contained within a third party library e.g. GoogleMaps SDK.
The steps for remediation are:
For each .bundle containing only resources:
Remove the key/value CFBundleExecutable
Change the value for key
CFBundleSupportedPlatforms to iPhoneOS (Item 0, first element in the array. The previous value was iPhoneSimulator in my case)
The technical reason is that CFBundleExecutable should not be present in a bundle's plist if there is no executable. The value for CFBundleSupportedPlatforms is self explanatory, it should be iPhoneOS.
Tech Note 2432 mentions the above two keys but does not elaborate how to resolve the issue.
I hope this solution works for you.
As another user above stated... Remove the Plug In Directory and it solves the problem!
I just uploaded a fully functional version of my App with all of my Plug Ins. When I use build.phonegap.com to compile my IPA file, I have no Plugin folder in the ZIP file. The plugins are correctly referenced in my config.xml file.
It works!
I have no clue why this was ever an issue, but that is the ticket to move forward!
Finally, I made this work!!!
Just like #applejack42 said, you must remove CFBundleExecutable key of all 3rd party library info.plist file.
In my case, I just remove this key from JSONModel info.plist, and submit.
I really hope it works for you, because that issue make me crazy.
update xcode to 8.0 which published at 0914 from apple store , rebuild project and submit to iturns , the issue was not found , instead any detail info for anouther issue which use ios 10 sdk required . i have submited success, and waiting for approval .
Ive attempted various build and submitted to Itunes with Xcode 8 and 7, with no success.
Deleting my plugins folder was not the solution, neither was greping through all my .plist's to find the CFBundleExecutable. At this moment its just waiting on further discovery from the community and or returning to our 3rd party resources and asking them to update their libs which may not be as easy as apple is suggesting us to do.
To identify the affected libraries I built to an iPhone with Bitcode enabled and in my case their are three libs that need updating. This may not be the best solution but if you need an explanation for your superiors this may save you some time in identifying what needs updating.
I will update my thread as I continue along this road.
Apple recommends to test by archiving the app first and then exporting the app for ad hoc distribution. If there are errors, you can then see this in the logs, you can access them from the export dialog.
My favorite solution, if there is no error during export:
update cocoapods
run pod install
clean the project and resubmit
It just worked for me, no clue why, but it might be worth a try instead of wasting hours on finding a solution for a non existant problem ;)
For me the Issue was that one of my frameworks wasn't embedded and signed . hope that might help someone
I have met with this situation with Xamarin IOS Project in Visual Studio
I have solved in
Clean All
Rebuild All
then archive your project

Improper IDFA usage, Apps contains IDFA but app is not respecting the Limit Ad Tracking settings in iOS

Please see attached all frameworks I have referenced in my project. Still I get this Limit Ad track settings failed validation error. Could someone please suggest me which framework might be responsible or what may I need to do. I am just stuck and have been struggling for last 1 days :( . Thanks for your help!
I have
frameworks in my code. If I remove ADsupport, mygame fails with message that it needs for running on ios 6.0, although I am targeting for ios 7.0 as deployment target. Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks
Apple changed their IDFA scanning procedures recently. Not only do you have to check the appropriate checkboxes after you click on the "prepare for upload", but your code (or any other third party library that you have must use IDFA by using the class directly.
Someone suggested to do this:
"you can do that by replacing direct refs to ASIdentifierManager with NSClassFromString(#"ASIdentifierManager")"
DO NOT load this class using this approach! New scanning procedure will look specifically for this and if it is found instead of direct references - Apple seems to assume that there is some strange usage of the tracking identifier. I can't say I disagree with that decision.
It may not be easy to find exactly which library is at fault. Latest AdMob SDK for example is using the class directly and is NOT the source of a problem.
One way you can find out which library is the source of the problem is to remove AdSupport.Framework from your project and see which libraries fail to link. Those libraries are NOT the problem. See if you have other advertising libraries that do not require you to include AdSupport.Framework - those are most likely the culprit.
It sounds a bit counter intuitive, but the direct referencing is not the problem, dynamic (weak) loading of that class is.
My guess is that Tapjoy is the culprit since I did use the latest Flury and iAd without issues.
Hope this helps you - we were pulling our hair out for a few days before we figured it out.
grep for ASIdenfierManager on the folder of your project
in that way I found ASIdenfierManager in the libGoogleConversionTracking library

This app references non-public selectors ... base64EncodedString dataFromBase64String

I am getting this warning when submitting an iOS binary to Apple:
"This app references non-public selectors in Payload/x.app/x: base64EncodedString, dataFromBase64String"
I do not get a warning during the build in xCode.
I am using xCode 5.0.2 and Phonegap 3.3.
I don't know if Apple will reject the binary for this reason, but I don't want to wait to find out. Also, I like to resolve all warning errors the "right" way.
I have found other people having similar issues (different third party libraries) and it seems their solution is to get updated third party libraries. I am already using the latest phonegap and there has been plenty of time for this to have been resolved, so I suspect this problem is unique to something I am doing.
I have greped by project and the two symbols are referenced here:
Cordova/NSData+Base64.h:+ (NSData*)dataFromBase64String:(NSString*)aString;
Cordova/NSData+Base64.h:- (NSString*)base64EncodedString;
My two questions are:
1) Will Apple reject this binary because of this warning?
2) How can I resolve this warning message the "right" way?
I am answering my own question....
Upon further investigation we determined the problem was that we only
included libCordova.a in the project. This worked okay when testing
in simulator and on device, but gave the above warning on submission
to the appstore.
The solution to avoid the warning on submission was to copy all the
source code for libCordova.a into /platform/ios. That source code
originated from the "cordova create" command.
