How does AOSP build system produce .rsp files and how to get them? - clang

According to How does AOSP 9.0 build system link the executable? and What does # mean in this clang command in AOSP build log? , when linking a module, AOSP seems to produce a .rsp file that contains all the obj files that the module need,and pass the file name as a parameter to the link command, for example:
prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-4691093/bin/clang++ /OpenSource/Build/Android/9.0.0_r30/soong/.intermediates/bionic/libc/crtbegin_so/android_x86_64_core/crtbegin_so.o #/OpenSource/Build/Android/9.0.0_r30/soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/libs/hwui/libhwui/android_x86_64_core_shared/ ......
But the .rsp files seems to be removed after build.
The question is, how are these file generated and how to get these files? This may require to learn and modify the build scripts which is out of reach for me.

There maybe the answer for you, read the ninja build manual , in that manual .rsp file mentioned.
the following is info that I copy out.
rspfile, rspfile_content
if present (both), Ninja will use a response file for the given command, i.e. write the selected string (rspfile_content) to the given file (rspfile) before calling the command and delete the file after successful execution of the command.
This is particularly useful on Windows OS, where the maximal length of a command line is limited and response files must be used instead.


Could not detect supported target files in 'project directory'see documentation supported languages target, make sure you are in the right directory

I am new to Snyk and I have installed synk-cli and ran the command snyk monitor on the root directory of my project which contains two apps,
client == reactJS, server== python(Django), I have authenticated my VS code to connect to my Snyk account but I got this error
Could not detect supported target files in /Users/yusuf/projects/ project_name.
Please see our documentation for supported languages and target files: and make sure you are in the right directory.
I have looked at the official documentation and it says you might get this error by either the language is not supported or I am in the wrong directory, however I have check both, as I mentioned I am running node(react) and python(django) and both are supported by Snyk and I am definitely in the correct directory, also I have cd to server to run only on language at a time (in this case will be user/yusuf/projects/project_name/server) but still get the same error above
I have some information that might help.
The CLI looks for the manifest in the current directory. It's default behavior is to find a manifest and perform a scan for open source scanning using "snyk test".
You can have Snyk look for multiple manifests in a mono repo using --all-projects
The first step to identify the issue is to determine the package.json, pipy, pip-env files in that root. Not only is it in the root but is a supported manifest? If it's not in the root we can always point to those files.
Second step is to either run it with --all-projects or to target each one with a "snyk test --file=.." and you will likely have to specify the package manager. The docs indicate to do this
Specify a package file.
When testing locally or monitoring a project, you can specify the file that Snyk should inspect for package information. When the file is not specified, Snyk tries to detect the appropriate file for your project.
Specify the name of the package manager when the filename specified with the
--file= option is not standard. This allows Snyk to find the file.
Example:$ snyk test --file=req.txt --package-manager=pip
The commands are mentioned here: commands:

How to run QAC tool from command line?

I have a C project and I would like to run QAC tool v7.0 from command line. I tried the following option,
C:\qac.exe -via <project_name.prj>
However, when I run the above command. I get an error saying the "VersionTag" is not found. The "VersionTag" string is the first line in the .prj file. I am not sure this is the right way to run this tool. Any help appreciated.
The qac -help is not giving valuable information either. The tool version is pretty old and the company 'Programming Research' behind this tool also has been renamed? to Perforce. They do not have any information about command line invocation either from the existing documentation or webpage.
The QAC utility is the "engine" part of the QAC package, corresponding to a compiler.
It won't be happy being run on command line without a number of environment variables:
QACBIN must point to the bin directory of the QAC package installation;
QACHELPFILES must point to the location of message help files;
QACOUTPUT points to the location where output files will be generated (binary .err file for each source file and textual .met file containing semantic and metric information.
The -via parameter to the command line should point at a text file containing other parameters used by the utility.
The .prj file is a package-level file defining the location of C source files being analysed plus their configuration settings files, among other things. It definitely should not be passed directly as a parameter to the QAC utility.
This should get you started, and other questions need to be more specific.

How to modify CONFIG_CPU_TYPE in .config

I'm building OpenWrt from source to run in QEMU for a research project. I want to use an x86-64 build since it will be a little easier for my purposes. when I go through the process of downloading and building all is successful except it won't run in qemu as the default CPU type is "pentium4".
As I understand OpenWrt the build configuration is stored in .config. The .config file is created/modified one of three ways:
make menuconfig
make kernel_config
make defconfig
I've used the search option in menuconfig and kernel_config and I see no setting for CONFIG_CPU_TYPE. I manually changed the setting as well as the associated options and get a successful build with target_i386_i486_musl.
I'd rather not modify .config directly if I don't have to. What is the correct way to change this setting?
Manually changing/adding parameter in .config won't help, as those parameters are not defined in the framework.
If you want to build it from the source then may be start by selecting
Target System (x86)
Subtarget (x86_64)
Target Profile (Generic)
in make menuconfig. OR
You can directly download the x86 image and use it(external links).

Convert iOS project to 64 bit using ConvertCocoa64 script

I need to convert my iOS project to 64-bit friendly (to get rid of compiler warnings, as in this question. The solution apparently is to run ConvertCocoa64.
I've managed to locate ConvertCocoa64 (which is no longer included in /Developer/Extras/64BitConversion/ConvertCocoa64) as the Apple docs suggest, but here (search for Auxiliary Tools)
So I've download the script. But my question is, how do I run this on my project? Please assume a total newbie level of knowledge here when it comes to the terminal and running scripts. Do I drop the script inside my project folder and just double click it? Or do I access it from the terminal? The docs say run this command:
/Developer/Extras/64BitConversion/ConvertCocoa64 `find . -name '*.[hm]' | xargs`
But since that folder doesn't exist, where do I run it?. I tried dropping the script in the Developer folder, but when I type ConvertCocoa64 it says command not found.
Find where the command is located now. You'll want to run it in the terminal using the full path to the command, as in your example, just with the real path.
A good way to get the full path is to locate the command in the Finder and drag it to an open terminal window - this also "escapes" any spaces in the path for you. The easiest way to hit all your files as arguments to the command is to cd (change directory) to your project first (in the terminal).
This should get you set up to follow the directions you have.
If I'm not mistaking, to run script, you should place dot . before command. Doesn't really matters, where script is situated as long, as it doesn't rely on it heavily
> cd ~/path/to/script/dir/
> ./ConvertCocoa64 ...

Adding a new build rule to parse all rtf files

Xcode includes a flexible build rules system. The documentation is all but non-existant however.
A project I am working on for iOS 5 and iOS 6 includes an rtf help file. For iOS 6, I can convert the rtf file into an archived NSAttributedString object, then load that at runtimeand display it directly to a UITextView. For iOS 5, I can't (without a lot of work in Core Text...) so I want just the text without the style info.
I wrote a command line tool, RTFToData that takes an RTF file as input and generates a .txt file and a .data file (where the .data file contains a version of the styled text that my project knows how to use.)
Here is the syntax of my command line tool:
RTFToData [-o] source_path [destination_path]
-o (optional) overwite existing files
source_path (required) path to source RTF file (must have extension "rtf" or "RTF"
destination_directory (optional.) writes output files to source file directory if no destination specified
destination_directory must exist if specified.
I want to set up my project so that I can add .rtf files as sources (with the "add to target" checkbox NOT checked.) I want Xcode to run my RTFToData command on each file specifying that the output files should be copied into a directory and then added to the target.
Ideally, I'd like the build process to know about the dependencies between my source .rtf files and the processed .data and .txt files. If I touch a .rtf file, I'd like the build process to re-run the rtftodata command.
I am a makefile and unix scripting neophyte. I THINK I can use a run script build rule that will do this, but I am unclear on how. I guess I need to write a script that finds all files of type ".rtf", pipes that list of files into an invocation of my RTFToData.
Can somebody outline the steps I need to take in the Xcode IDE to make my project handle this smoothly?
As a side-note, is there some directory where you can put command line tools so they are available to the current version of Xcode? So far I've been installing the RTFToData command in /Library/usr/bin, but I'd really like the build tool to be included in the project, or at the very least, not have to use sudo to set up every development machine that is used to build this project.
Create a custom build phase
Add the .rtf files to your project and make sure they are added to your target.
Go to your target settings and select the "Build Rules" tab:
Click the "Add Build Rule" button at the bottom.
You want to configure your rule based on something like this:
Enter a standard wildcard glob for the files you want to match (*.rtf).
Inside the script section you can make use of a number of environment variables. Assuming your glob has matched the input file Test.rtf you have access to these vars:
INPUT_FILE_PATH = /path/to/your/project/source/Test.rtf
INPUT_FILE_DIR = /path/to/your/project/source/
You want to process your file and send it to the ${DERIVED_FILES_DIR} directory with whatever new filename or extension you need. In this case we take the base filename from the input and give it a new extension.
Fill out the "Output Files" section with the same output file you used in the script. This will ensure the dependency system works and that the file will be copied to your .app. The script will only be run if the input has changed or the output file is missing from the .app.
Note that the "Output Files" should not have double quotes. The paths will be quoted for you by Xcode.
If your script generates multiple output files, add extra entries for those as well.
Once this is all set up, .rtf files added to your target will be converted to whatever output files your script generates. The original .rtf files will not exist in the final .app.
Where to put scripts/programs
As a side-note, is there some directory where you can put command line
tools so they are available to the current version of Xcode?
Put your tools somewhere below the directory that contains your .xcproject. Then from your build phase/rules use the ${SRCROOT} environment variable, which is the directory containing your project:
Assuming this file system layout:
Use this in your build phase/rules:
"${SRCROOT}/Tools/CommandLineTool" "${INPUT_FILE_PATH}" ...
Remember to use double-quotes everywhere you can!
