How to disable Feign's auto retry logic - spring-cloud-feign

As it is mentioned in the Feign's documentation, by default, will automatically retry IOExceptions.
We have some another retry logic in our project and I want to prevent Feign's. Is there any easy way to disable it? Or should write my own retryer?
We are using Spring cloud's open feign library.

You will need to provide your own Retryer if you wish to change the default retry behavior. It can be applied directly to the Feign.builder or by registering it as a Bean. Either way, you must implement the feign.Retryer interface.

You need to do nothing at least from version spring-cloud-starter-openfeign 2.2.6.
Spring disables retries in the FeignClientsConfiguration. So Feign doesn't do retries for IOException.
public Retryer feignRetryer() {
return Retryer.NEVER_RETRY;
It is impossible to do retries for an exception other than IOException on the Feign level by the way.


Howto disable signature verification in Spring Security SAML 5.6.1?

I'm currently migrating from old deprecated Spring Security SAML Extension 1.0.10 to the SAML implementation in Spring Security 5.6.1.
In the old extension there was the possibility to disable the signature verification of the SAML response (property wantAssertionSigned in Spring Security SAML Extension documentation). This was very helpful for me during testing.
I wonder if this is also possible in Spring Security 5.6.1?
I searched in the source code and found the class OpenSamlMetadataResolver where it seems to me that this is hard-coded and cannot be changed:
private SPSSODescriptor buildSpSsoDescriptor(RelyingPartyRegistration registration) {
SPSSODescriptor spSsoDescriptor = build(SPSSODescriptor.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);
return spSsoDescriptor;
Also the code in OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider doesn't seem to offer an easy way to configure private variable assertionSignatureValidator to override validation behaviour.
Any help is appreciated.
In Spring Security 5.7.0, which will be released this Monday, May 16, 2022, the hard-coded line is removed. Therefore no more signature verification by default.
You will also be able to customize the EntityDescriptor if you want, something like this:
(parameters) -> parameters.getEntityDescriptor().setEntityID("overriddenEntityId"));
You can always try the milestone releases before the GA.

Changing the Order of the Spring Security WebFilter

Changing the Order of the Spring Security WebFilter
I have an API Gateway implemented using Spring Cloud Gateway that uses Spring Security. Spring Security for WebFlux is implemented as a WebFilter right at the beginning of the filter chain. So after successful authentication the request would be forwarded to Spring Cloud Gateway's RoutePredicateHandlerMapping, which would try to deduce the destination based on the URL pattern, and then it would go to a FilteringWebHandler to execute the other filters of Spring Cloud Gateway.
My problem is the following: I have implemented a customized authentication algorithm which uses query string and header variables as credentials for authentication according to the requirements of the project, an this is working without any problem. The problem occurred when we needed to add a small customization for the authentication algorithm that is path independent. When the request reaches the WebFilter of Spring Security, pattern matching is not yet done so I do not know which application does it point to, for example:
-Path: /app1/**
-Path: /app2/**
Which means that instead of having authentication -> route mapping -> filtering web handler I should do route mapping -> authentication -> filtering web handler. Not that these three components are not similar, one of them is a filter another is a mapper and the last one is web handler. Now I know how to customize them but the problem is that I do not know how to intercept the Netty server building process in order to change the order of these operations. I need to wait for the building process to end and alter the content of the server before it starts. How can I do that?
EDIT: here is the final solution:
So here is how I did it:
Goal: removing the WebFilter of Spring Security from the default HttpHandler, and inserting it between RoutePredicateRouteMapping and the FilteringWebHandler of Spring Cloud Gateway
Why: Because I need to know the Application ID while carrying on my customized authentication process. This Application ID is attached to the request by the RoutePredicateRouteMapping by matching the request's URL to a predefined list.
How did I do it:
1- Removing the WebFilter of Spring Security
I created an HttpHandler bean that invokes the default WebHttpHandlerBuilder and then customize the filters. As a bonus, I removed unneeded filters in order to increase the performance of my API Gateway
public HttpHandler httpHandler() {
WebHttpHandlerBuilder webHttpHandlerBuilder = WebHttpHandlerBuilder.applicationContext(this.applicationContext);
MyAuthenticationHandlerAdapter myAuthenticationHandlerAdapter = this.applicationContext.getBean(MY_AUTHENTICATED_HANDLER_BEAN_NAME, MyAuthenticationHandlerAdapter.class);
.filters(filters ->
Collections.singletonList( -> f instanceof WebFilterChainProxy).map(f -> (WebFilterChainProxy) f).findFirst().orElse(null))
return webHttpHandlerBuilder.filters(filters -> filters
.removeIf(f -> f instanceof WebFilterChainProxy || f instanceof WeightCalculatorWebFilter || f instanceof OrderedHiddenHttpMethodFilter))
2- Wrapping Spring Cloud Gateway's FilteringWebHandler with Spring Web's FilteringWebHandler with the added WebFilter
I created my own HandlerAdapter which would match against Spring Cloud Gateway's FilteringWebHandler and wrap it with Spring Web's FilteringWebHandler plus the security filter I extracted in the first step
public MyAuthenticationHandlerAdapter myAuthenticationHandlerAdapter() {
return new MyAuthenticationHandlerAdapter();
public class MyAuthenticationHandlerAdapter implements HandlerAdapter {
private List<WebFilter> securityFilter = new ArrayList<>();
public boolean supports(Object handler) {
return handler instanceof FilteringWebHandler;
public Mono<HandlerResult> handle(ServerWebExchange exchange, Object handler) {
org.springframework.web.server.handler.FilteringWebHandler filteringWebHandler = new org.springframework.web.server.handler.FilteringWebHandler((WebHandler) handler, securityFilter);
Mono<Void> mono = filteringWebHandler.handle(exchange);
return mono.then(Mono.empty());
This way I could achieve better performance with highly customized HttpHandler pipeline that I suppose to be future-proof
Spring Security for WebFlux is implemented as a WebFilter which is executed almost as soon as a request is received. I have implemented custom authentication converter and authentication manager which would extract some variables from the header and URL and use them for authentication. This is working without any problem.
Now I needed to add another variable taken from RoutePredicateRouteMapping before authentication is done. What I want exactly is to remove the WebFilter (called WebFilterChainProxy) from its current position and put it between the RoutePredicateRouteMapping and the FilteringWeHandler.
Here is how the default process goes:
ChannelOperations calls ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter which calls HttpWebHandlerAdapter, ExceptionHandlingWebHandler, and then org.springframework.web.server.handler.FilterWebHandler.
This WebHandler would invoke its filters and then call the DispatchHandler. One of those filters is the WebFilterChainProxy that does the authentication for Spring Security. So first step is removing the filter from here.
Now the DispatchHandler which is called after the filters would invoke RoutePredicateHandlerMapping, which would analyze the routes and give me the route ID that I need, and then it would call the (this is not the same FilteringHandler above), and that in turn would call the other filters of the Spring Cloud Gateway. What I want here is to invoke the filter after RoutePredicatehandlerMapping and before
What I ended doing was the following:
I created and WebHttpHandlerBuilder that would remove WebFilterChainProxy and pass it as a parameter to a customized DispatcherHandler. Now that the filter is removed the request would pass the first layers without requiring authentication. In my customized DispatcherHandler I would invoke the RoutePredicateHandlerMapping and then pass the exchange variable to the WebFilterChainProxy to do the authentication before passing it to the, which worked perfectly!
I still think that I'm over engineering it and I hope that there is a way to do it using annotations and configuration beans instead of all these customized classes (WebHttpHandlerBuilder and DispatcherHandler).
You should probably implement that security filter as a proper GatewayFilter, since only those are aware of the other GatewayFilter instances and can be ordered accordingly. In your case, you probably want to order it after the routing one.
Also, please don't cross-post, the Spring team is actively monitoring StackOverflow.
I had a similar problem. The accepted solution, while interesting, was a bit drastic for me. I was able to make it work simply by adding my custom filter before SecurityWebFiltersOrder.AUTHENTICATION in the security configuration. This is similar to what I've done with success in a regular Spring mvc application.
Here's an example using oauth authentication. tokenIntrospector is my custom introspector, and requestInitializationFilter is the filter that grabs the tenant id and stashes it in the context.
public class WebApiGatewaySecurityConfiguration {
private final GatewayTokenIntrospector tokenIntrospector;
private final GatewayRequestInitializationFilter requestInitializationFilter;
public SecurityWebFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
// #formatter:off
.oauth2ResourceServer(oauth2ResourceServer ->
oauth2ResourceServer.opaqueToken(c -> c.introspector(tokenIntrospector)))
.addFilterBefore(requestInitializationFilter, SecurityWebFiltersOrder.AUTHENTICATION);
// #formatter:on

How to propagate Spring Security Context in Spring Integration async messaging gateway

I am trying to get spring security context to propagate through an spring integration async message flow, but have found that even though I added SecurityContextPropagationChannelInterceptor the security context always ends up null in my message handler.
#GlobalChannelInterceptor(patterns = {"*"})
public ChannelInterceptor securityContextPropagationInterceptor()
return new SecurityContextPropagationChannelInterceptor();
I initiate my flow from a service that has a populated security context by making a call to my gateway interface:
public interface AssignmentsService
#Gateway(requestChannel = "applyAssignmentsFlow.input")
ListenableFuture<AssignmentResult> applyAssignments( AssignmentRequest assignmentRequest );
On further debugging I have found that the GatewayProxyFactoryBean creates a new thread when initiating my flow, but does not propagate the security context.
I have searched but have been unable to find out how to configure this to propagate the security context.
That's pretty interesting task. Indeed :) !
But anyway you can do it like this:
public AsyncTaskExecutor securityContextExecutor() {
return new DelegatingSecurityContextAsyncTaskExecutor(new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor());
#MessagingGateway(asyncExecutor = "securityContextExecutor")
public interface AssignmentsService
The main trick here is from Spring Security and its concurrency utils, where we should use TaskExecutor wrappers to pick up the current SecurityContext and propagate it into newly spawned Thread.
There is nothing about Spring Integration, though - just the proper way to work with Security.
Will add such a trick into Reference Manual soon.
Pull request on the matter:

Spring Boot - Spring Security - Multiple configurations

I try desperately to configure Spring Security in a Spring Boot application this way :
One way with custom token for all services called by the application
One way with HTTP Basic only for REST API services that will be used by another application
The combination of the two ways causes problems...
I tried multiples solutions without any success. I read this section :
My code looks like this :
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// Function called by application
http.authorizeRequests(). antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "MyFunction").hasAnyRole("USER");
http.addFilterBefore(xAuthTokenFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
// Function API REST
// Requests blocked by default
Adding httpbasic() causes "Security filter chain: no match" for my first function.
Do you have any idea of the right syntax... ?
Thanks in advance.

JSF 2 and the Basic HTTP authentication

We have an web app what uses Basic HTTP authentication.
Indirect usage somewhere in the deep code space ...
User getLogedUser(HttpServletRequest request)
And I have to rewrite it in JSF 2, but I have no clue how can use the this authentication method in JSF 2. (i could not find the way how can i get 'HttpServletRequest request')
Google did not throw any useful hit on his first page
Thanks for the answers in advance.
The raw HttpServletRequest is in JSF available by ExternalContext#getRequest().
ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) ec.getRequest();
// ...
However, I think it's better to change the getLoggedUser() method to take the remote user instead.
User getLoggedUser(String remoteUser)
so that you can just feed either ExternalContext#getRemoteUser() or HttpServletRequest#getRemoteUser() to it. This also decouples the method from any Servlet API or JSF API dependency.
I guess you are looking for ExternalContext.getRemoteUser()
which returns the user name.
