Using a single dropwizard MetricRegistry for the dropwizard application as well as BigtableClientMetrics - dropwizard

I have a Dropwizard application that uses Dropwizard metrics and uses BigTable for persistence. I am already reporting metrics to graphite from my application and would like to report client side BigTable metrics too. I see that there is an existing class BigtableClientMetrics that supports reporting client-side metrics. DropwizardMetricRegistry is also provided which wraps the dropwizard MetricRegistry and creates an instance of the class. Considering an instance of the MetricRegistry is already created as part of bootstrap of my application, is there any way I can use the same instance for reporting Bigtable client metrics too?
Would be great if the DropwizardMetricRegistry class would have a constructor that takes a dropwizard MetricRegistry object as a parameter.

That sounds like a Cloud Bigtable HBase client feature request. Please submit an issue here:


Spring Cloud Data Flow - rabbitmq source sink example

i am looking at the documentation for spring Cloud Data flow.
This example that uses RabbitMQ as source and sink is using Spring Cloud Streams framework - which is fine. But it doesn't show how these 3 apps - source, sink and processor can be deployed to Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF), it simply just runs three jars locally and they talk to each other via RabbitMQ Queues.
I am not sure how this shows the use of SCDF in this case. There's no involvement of SCDF in this case. A proper example that shows how to deploy this jars as apps inside the SCDF needs to be provided. am i missing anything in this case?. i am hoping somebody else has tried them and can share their feedback about my concern.
The documentation here covers the SCDF part of how to manage those source, processor and sink applications.

Is it possible to customize Spring Cloud Data Flow dashboard/ admin user interface?

Is there a recommended way to customize the user interface of Spring Cloud Data Flow?
I am trying to find a way to change the text of the dashboard, colors and logos.
I found the GitHub repo for the UI on
But I cannot understand how to integrate that with my backend because the APIs and docs are not provided. Neither style guides nor backend logic.
The Spring Cloud Data Flow UI is tightly coupled to the Spring Cloud Data Flow server (as one of the REST clients of the SCDF server) and hence it is not designed to be customizable or extensible. All the documentation we have for the SCDF UI is pertinent to the SCDF use cases only.

Custom template creation in Google dataflow

Is it possible to create custom template in Google dataflow for live data streaming into cloud SQL?
No. Google Cloud SQL is not a supported I/O transform. See Built-in I/O Transforms.
Edit: You may be able to connect to Google Cloud SQL with Apache Beam's JdbcIO class. However, the class has been annotated as #Experimental. See the JdbcIO documentation.

how to get dropwizard metrics web ui

I am trying to give some web user interface to the dropwizard metrics. Checked Graphite and Ganglia but I need something which can be easily installed on windows and linux,as well.
Could not configure metrics-watcher because the metrics in my application are dynamic. Also configured jclawson/metrics-ui but did not find the ui appealing. Please suggest me if there are any other sources which can be easily integrated.
Pipelined the metrics to Kibana. I was expecting a web interface where can I search the metrics contents, configuring meaningful widgets and dashboards for the same, Kibana fulfills my requirement.

Using Document Discovery service on a non-app engine service

I have been playing around with the RPC package in Dart which makes it easy to add a Document Discovery service to Dart server.
After a bit of Googling I found out about the API Discovery Service which explained how to create client code for a given Discovery Document.
I then found Google Cloud Endpoint which looks like the server end of the a Document Discovery service. Is this true.
My real question is that I would like to use the Document Discovery service on a standard web site that is based on (say) Spring and running (say) an embedded Jetty server? Is this possible or would my application be intertwined with the App Engine Technology?
You application just needs to provide a Document Discovery service.
It shouldn't be to hard to get the information what is expected out of the source of which is the Dart client which generates Dart client code from discovery documents. As far as I know your service doesn't even need to provide the discovery documents. The discovery_api_client_generator package can also use discovery documents stored locally but the service is of course the preferred way if you want to make it available to everyone.
I would see it as equivalent to SOAP which also allows to create client code from meta-information provided as XML.
Also the shelf_rpc package doesn't need to run on AppEngine or Managed VM. You can run it locally or on any server you want.
