How to reverse the words in the string in automation anywhere - automationanywhere

I am trying to reverse the string For Example string s= "Hello Robot Process Automation" will be changed to String s="Automation Process Robot Hello" in automation anywhere.
I tried below steps:-
Reverse the sentence(it reverses the words and alphabets in words as well).
2.Split the sentence and put into list variable
used loop and in same loop i reversed again the alphabets so now the sentence will be like "Automation" "Process" "Robot" "Hello" into one list
4 I am not getting next step after this(joining of these words).
Please help.

For reversing the string as per above requirement, below are the steps:
Create a variable for storing the reversed string called vReversedString
Reverse the given string i.e from above string the output should be noitamotuA ssecorP toboR olleH
Split the reversed string by space deliminator and store in my-list-variable
Loop through my-list-variable
Reverse the each element through the loop. For example, In this case the first element is noitamotuA by reversing this you'll be getting Automation as an output, store it to system variable clipboard or create a new variable to hold each element.
Concatenate and store to vReversedString = $vReversedString$ $clipboard$


Finding strings between two strings in lua

I have been trying to find all possible strings in between 2 strings
This is my input: "print/// to be able to put any amount of strings here endprint///"
The goal is to print every string in between print/// and endprint///
You can use Lua's string patterns to achieve that.
local text = "print/// to be able to put any amount of strings here endprint///"
The pattern "print///(.*)endprint///" captures any character that is between "print///" and "endprint///"
Lua string patterns here
In this kind of problem, you don't use the greedy quantifiers * or +, instead, you use the lazy quantifier -. This is because * matches until the last occurrence of the sub-pattern after it, while - matches until the first occurence of the sub-pattern after it. So, you should use this pattern:
And to match it in Lua, you do this:
local text = "print/// to be able to put any amount of strings here endprint///"
local match = text:match("print///(.-)endprint///")
-- `match` should now be the text in-between.
print(match) -- "to be able to put any amount of strings here "

How to use grep to search for strings with (exclusively) a finite set of characters

I have a plain text file with a one string per line. I'd like to identify any instances where a string contains a value outside of a restricted character set. In this particular instance, if the string contains any character outside of the set "[THADGRC.SMBN-WVKY]" I want to retain it and pass it along to a new file.
For example, let's say the original file "mystrings.txt" contained the following data:
My intention is to retain only the third sequence, because it contains a character outside of the allowed set (I) in this case.
It doesn't matter how many times, or in what order, an allowed character is present - all I care about is if a character exists in that string outside of the allowed set.
Originally I tried:
cat mystrings.txt | grep -v [THADGRC\.SMBN-WVKY] > badstrings.txt
but of course the third string contains those allowed character in addition to the non-allowed characters, thus this search ended up producing no "offending" strings.
Last thing: I'm not sure what characters outside of the allowed set might exist in this text file. It would be great to know ahead of time to just search for anything with an "I", but I don't actually know this ahead of time.
So the question: is there a way to use grep (or another tool, say awk?) to pass in a restricted list of characters, and flag any instances where a string contains any number of characters outside of that set?
Thanks for your consideration
I think that your problem is N-W. This doesn't match "N", "-" and "W", it matches a range from "N" to "W". You should move "-" to the end of the character class, or escape it. I suggest changing to:
grep '[^THADGRC.SMBNWVKY-]' mystrings.txt
Also, note that "." doesn't have to be escaped when it's inside a character class.
Your attempt says "remove any lines which contain one of these characters at least once". But you want "print any lines which contain at least one character not in this set."
(Also, quote your regular expressions , and lose the useless cat.)
grep '[^-THADGRC.SMBNWVKY]' mystrings.txt > badstrings.txt
I moved the dash to the beginning of the character class on the assumption that you want a literal dash, not the regex range N-W (i.e. N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W).

Lua How to replace 1 specific character inside table without whole string?

Already know how to show specific character.
table {"abc"}
return string.sub(table[1], 2, 2)
But want to replace 1 specific character inside the table without changing whole string.
table = {"abc"}
table = {"axc"}
In Lua, strings are strictly immutable, so they cannot be changed, per se.
As such, the only way to accomplish this is to create a new string with the content you want and insert it in table[1]. Whether or not the string is inside a table does not matter.
This would be accomplished, for example, by taking the beginning and end of the string and concatenating them with the new part:
local index = 2 -- The character we want to change
table[1] = string.sub(table[1], 1, index - 1) .. "x" .. string.sub(table[1], index + 1, -1)
This would extract all characters from the beginning of the string until the character before the one we wish to "replace", append the new character, then append the rest of the old string not including the character we "replaced".
In most cases, however, it is not very well-advised to play with single characters like this, as Lua has reasonably powerful pattern-matching and replacement facilities such as string.gsub, which allows you to replace even more complex substrings with ease. (Usage example from Programming in Lua available here)

How can i parse the standard input with the erlang api?

I'm developing a game in Erlang, and now i need to read the standard input. I tried the following calls:
The problem is that i can't read a whole string, when it contains white spaces. So i have the following questions:
How can i read the string typed from the user when he press the enter key? (remember that the string contains white spaces)
How can i convert a string like "56" in the number 56?
Read line
You can use io:get_line/1 to get string terminated by line feed from console.
3> io:get_line("Prompt> ").
Prompt> hello world how are you?
"hello world how are you?\n"
io:read will get you erlang term, so you can't read a string, unless you want to make your users wrap string in quotes.
Patterns in io:fread does not seem to let you read arbitrary length string containing spaces.
Parse integer
You can convert "56" to 56 using erlang:list_to_integer/1.
5> erlang:list_to_integer("56").
or using string:to_integer/1 which will also return you the rest of a string
10> string:to_integer("56hello").
11> string:to_integer("56").
The erlang documentation about io:fread/2 should help you out.
You can use field lengths in order to read an arbitrary length of characters (including whitespace):
io:fread("Prompt> ","~20c").
Prompt> This is a sentence!!
{ok,["This is a sentence!!"]}
As for converting a string (a list of characters) to an integer, erlang:list_to_integer/1 does the job:
7> erlang:list_to_integer("645").
Edit: try experimenting with io:fread/2, the format sequence can ease the parsing of data by applying some form of pattern matching:
9> io:fread("Prompt> ","~s ~s").
Prompt> John Doe
The console is not really a good place to do your stuff, because you need to know in advance the format of the answer. Considering that you allow spaces, you need to know how many words will be entered before getting the answer. Knowing that, you can use a string as entry, and then parse it later:
1> io:read("Enter a text > ").
Enter a text > "hello guy, this is my answer :o)".
{ok,"hello guy, this is my answer :o)"}
The bad news is that the user must enter the quotes and a final dot, not user friendly...

from list to string and back to list

I have read a multiline file and converted it to a list with the following code:
Lines = string:tokens(erlang:binary_to_list(Binary), "\n"),
I converted it to a string to do some work on it:
Flat = string:join(Lines, "\r\n"),
I finished working on the string and now I need to convert it back to a multiline list, I tried to repeat the first snippet shown above but that never worked, I tried string:join and that didnt work.. how do i convert it back to a list just like it used to be (although now modified)?
Well that depends on the modifications you made on the flattened string.
string:tokens/2 will always explode a string using the separator you provide. So as long as your transformation preserves a specific string as separator between the individual substrings there should be no problem.
However, if you do something more elaborate and destructive in your transformation then the only way is to iterate on the string manually and construct the individual substrings.
Your first snippet above contains a call to erlang:binary_to_list/1 which first converts a binary to a string (list) which you then split with the call to string:tokens/2 which then join together with string:join/2. The result of doing the tokens then join as you have written it seems to be to convert it from a string containing lines separated by \n into one containing lines separated by \r\n. N.B. that this is a flat list of characters.
Is this what you intended?
What you should do now depends on what you mean by "I need to convert it back to a multiline list". Do you mean everything in a single list of characters (string), or in a nested list of lines where each line is a list of characters (string). I.e. if you ended up with
"here is line 1\r\nhere is line 2\r\nhere is line 3\r\n"
this already is a multiline line list, or do you mean
["here is line 1","here is line 2","here is line 3"]
Note that each "string" is itself a list of characters. What do you intend to do with it afterwards?
You have your terms confused. A string in any language is a sequence of integer values corresponding to a human-readable characters. Whether the representation of the value is a binary or a list does not matter, both are technically strings because of the data they contain.
That being said, you converted a binary string to a list string in your first set of instructions. To convert a list into a binary, you can call erlang:list_to_binary/1, or erlang:iolist_to_binary/1 if your list is not flat. For instance:
BinString = <<"this\nis\na\nstring">>.
ListString = "this\nis\na\nstring" = binary_to_list(BinString).
Words = ["this", "is", "a", "string"] = string:tokens(ListString, "\n").
<<"thisisastring">> = iolist_to_binary(Words).
Rejoined = "this\r\nis\r\na\r\nstring" = string:join(Words, "\r\n").
BinAgain = <<"this\r\nis\r\na\r\nstring">> = list_to_binary(Rejoined).
For your reference, the string module always expects a flat list (e.g., "this is a string", but not ["this", "is", "a", "string"]), except for string:join, which takes a list of flat strings.
