GraphQL Ruby Using NameSpace - ruby-on-rails

I am using graphql-ruby in my rails application.
Currently, my app's directory structure looks like this.
- controllers
- application_controller.rb
- graphql_controller.rb
- admin
- application_controller.rb
- graphql_controller.rb
- graphql
- types
- mutations
- graphql_schema.rb
I am trying to make a simple admin page but I'm not sure how I should hanlde namespaces with graphql-ruby.
Should I make Admin directory under graphql as well and make types and mutations under it for the data I want to use on the admin page??
Also, should I make another endpoint for Admin like the code below??
Rails.application.routes.draw do
namespace :admin do
post :graphql, to: 'graphql#execute'
post :graphql, to: 'graphql#execute'
Can you possibly give me the link of a project that does what I am trying to do with graphql-ruby??? That would be a tremendous help.

GraphQL APIs are organized in terms of types and fields, not endpoints. Access the full capabilities of your data from a single endpoint.
Hence, creating two endpoints as you have suggested would go against that principle. You probably shouldn't do it, but most importantly, there's no need to.
Suppose you have a type ProductType with a couple of fields. You can use that same type to both query/display the product data in your website and edit it with a mutation in the admin page. Granted, you may have to deal with authorizing some specific queries and mutations, but it shouldn't be any harder than dealing with authorization in REST.
See more about GraphQL authorization in Ruby.


API docs for a generic controller that handles all requests

I need to generate api endpoints for certain database views we have in our postgres database dynamically, as we may add / delete views we don't want to update the code every time we do this.
for this i have a generic controller which handles all requests and I create model class on the fly based on which view needs to be accessed.
when a request is sent to the generic_api#index based on the end_point passed i create certain model classes on the fly and query them.
namespace 'api' do
namespace 'v2' do
get '*end_point', to: 'generic_api#index'
const = ClassFactory.class_object(end_point.classify, result)
Octopus.using(result['shrad'].to_sym) do
result = const.ransack(params[:q])[:page]).per(10000)
render json: result.to_json
The api itself is working as expected, however i am not sure what's a good way to generate documentation for the API since i only have one controller. we were earlier using the apipie gem but the documentation seems to be tightly coupled with controllers for each end point.
Any help on how to generate api documentation when I have a single controller handling multiple end point requests would be great, Thanks.

Rails: Configure routes to attempt to find records from two classes

This is my current route configuration:
resources :organizations, path: ''
resources :users, path: ''
I want to create a similar experience to what GitHub does. When using GitHub, you can access organization and user profile pages by entering "{username}"
Now, the routes configuration above leads to the obvious problem that accessing organizations works fine while accessing a user fails because Rails only considers the organizations route and does not attempt to find a user.
Note: I am using friendly id to use usernames in my URL's and also made sure that usernames are unique across both ActiveRecord classes.
How do I do what I want to do?
You can create additional controller like PageOwnerController and pass request to it:
get ':page_owner_nick', to: 'page_owners#show', as: :page_owner
In show action you can manually find desired record by params[:page_owner_nick].
Advice: it looks like you have many a lot of similar logic between users and organizations - take a look on STI. Using STI allow you to write common code easier, but at the same time to separate different logic.

Create basic RESTful API Server to a datastore

I have the most basic of questions, but the more I think about it, the more complex it gets.
I've been using rails and it follows the MVC paradigm in that db and api calls are abstracted through calls generated through the controller. This seems way too heavy for what I want.
1) I want a simple (basic) web server that sits in front of my datastore. (The contents of which happen to be stored in a directory structure that follows: /LOCATIONS/LOCATION/PRESENTERS/PRESENTER/YEAR/MN/)
2) I want to be able to host json files within that directory structure and GET them as needed.
3) I want to be able to PUT/POST append to those json files.
Seems like all I'd need is nginx with my datastore as a doc root and index.html files at critical places within the structure (e.g. ,
How would I begin to solve this problem, (without the use of controllers of coarse)?
MVC Frameworks
without the use of controllers
You must be aware that there are many more frameworks than Rails out there, so when you ask about using a system to "sit in front of your datastore", you're really looking for different frameworks to handle requests, of which there are many.
The problem you have is how do you keep data consistency, whilst ensuring you can handle the relevant API requests (through JSON). The answer is to look at how the systems you're examining work.
I can only really vouch for Rails (it's the only framework I've got production apps for) -
Creating an API in Rails is so simple - I don't know why you'd think about doing anything else
Using the MVC principle might seem bloated to you, but the security, structure and extensibility it provides is unmatched.
Here is how to create an API in Rails:
namespace :api do
resources :controller, only: [:update, :create] #-> only PUT / POST
class API::YourController < ApplicationController
respond_to :json
def update
# handle PUT request
def create
# handle POST request
Class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
This is all you need - you'll be able to access POST to create data, and PUT to update it :)

rails, implementing a master detail yet staying RESTful

Say that I have a Customers and an Orders tables, where each Customer may have many Orders.
Since in rails we are encouraged to represent these resources in a RESTful style, each of our resources, will respond to the following actions
So far, it all is very fair and plain. But now say that each time i open the show page of my Customer, i want to show a detail table containing all his/her orders.
This is a very common need, but doesn't this "unclean" the correctness of restful approach?
Is there some workaround, like "mashing" the two resources at a "view level", leaving them separate from the rest point of view?
Rails' default conventions ensure a RESTful application, and the only way this might become non-restful would be if you used custom-names on the routes, in which case you would have you add an extra bit of code to specify the HTTP method.
So, to accomplish what you're suggesting, at the view level, you may have something like this:
<% if customer.orders.any? %> #the orders method is provided on `customer` by defining the `has_many` and `belong_to` associations
<%= render #orders $>
And you would make sure to define #orders in the show action of the customers_controller.rb file.
This not only is RESTful, but also works within Rails' default conventions.
Those actions you list are not what makes something RESTful. There are a bunch of characteristics an application must have to be considered RESTful. Some of these characteristics are:
it is thought of as a repository of resources
resources are identified by a URI
there is a uniform interface for interacting with resources - the HTTP verbs of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
Rails takes care of receiving HTTP requests and calling your application's functionality, regardless of whether it is RESTful in nature or not, through routing. Rails routing takes those HTTP verbs I mentioned, in combination with a URI, and determines which controller to call. By default Rails follows the RESTful paradigm, and by convention will map verb/URI combinations to those actions you listed - but the actions themselves, and the fact that they are lumped into a single controller, are not part of REST - they are just the rails convention.
In fact, the rails default routing maps 4 different resources to that single controller and its actions:
/customers // the list of all customers, GET/POST -> index/create
/customers/new // a form for creating a customer, GET -> new
/customers/{id} // a single customer, GET/PUT/DELETE -> show/update/destroy
/customers/{id}/edit // a form for editing a customer, GET -> edit
Resources can contain sub-resources, and Rails completely supports that. A sub-resource might be:
/customers/{id}/orders // the list of all orders for a particular customer
Another key part of REST is that it supports a resource having different representations, whether that is HTML, XML, JSON, etc. Clients use HTTP headers to convey what representation they are passing into the app (using the Content-Type header) and (usually) what they will accept in response (using the Accept header).
Its up to the application to determine what a resource representation looks like. Typically a resource will either be "thin" or "fat". A "thin" resource is one that simply has links to its sub-resources and further calls must be made to get them. A "fat" resource will contain the fully-fleshed out sub-resources it contains. Typically with an HTML representation, an application will return some form of "fat" resource. There is nothing non-RESTful about this - and is exactly what you are describing you want for your application.
So that was my long way of saying "don't be afraid of not being RESTful by displaying sub-resources - it's perfectly OK" :-)

Friendly URLs in Github

How has Github managed to get friendly URLs for representing repos of users? For a project called abc by username foo, how do they work around with a URL like: Are they fetching the abc model for the DB from the title in the URL (which sounds unreasonable as they are modifying the titles). How are they transferring the unique ID of the abc repo which they can fetch and show in the view?
The reason I ask is that I am facing a similar problem of creating friendlier URLs to view a resource. MongoDB's object IDs are quite long and make the URL look horrific. Is there a workaround? All the tutorials that demonstrate CRUD (or REST) URLs for a resource always include the object's unique ID(e.g. or Is there a better way to do it?
Not having seen their code, I couldn't tell you exactly how they do it, but if you're using Rails there are at least two Ruby gems that will give you similar results:
Take a look at Slugged and friendly_id is a unique repository identifier (for that repo's master branch). I'd assume that somewhere they have a table that looks like:
repository-id | user-id | project-id
and are just looking up based on user and project rather than repository-id.
You'd need to do some domain-specific mapping between internal and user-friendly ids, but you'd need to make sure that was a 1:1 mapping.
See this rails cast on methods, gems and solutions to common problems you might get while modifying the application to use friendly urls.
(although Ryan Bates deserves the rep+ for this)
I mocked a structure like this using FriendlyID and Nested Resources.
Essentially, use friendly ID to get the to_param-ish slugs in your routes, then set up nested resources. Using GitHub as an example:
resources :users do
resources :repositories
Then in your controller, say, for repositories, you can check the existence of params[:user_id] and use that to determine the user from the route. The reason I check for existence is because I did something like (roughly):
So my controller does:
def show
#user = params[:user_id] ? User.find(params[:user_id]) : current_user
I followed this tutorial here to get started with this same project.
This is called URL rewriting if the web server does it (such as Apache), and routing when it happens in a web application framework (such as Ruby on Rails).
