I'm really confused.
I have function for listen socket.io emit from server side in my ViewController.
after i first time open the view controller and get the message from server all things ok.
but when i open the ViewController(using present) for second time & get the message from server this method run actually two time & as many times as i present the ViewController.
my function is:
func sendMessageStatus() {
var message_body: String!
var send_time: String!
var chat_user_id: UInt!
let socket = SocketConfig.manager.defaultSocket
socket.on("messageReceived") { (dataArray, ack) in
let response = dataArray as NSArray
for resp in response {
let resp_dic = resp as! NSDictionary
for z in resp_dic {
if z.key as! String == "time_now" {
send_time = (z.value as! String)
if z.key as! String == "message_body" {
message_body = z.value as? String
if z.key as! String == "chat_id" {
chat_user_id = z.value as? UInt
self.chat_id = z.value as? UInt
// 0 user_id is the value for my id(i dont have my id and none of users id is 0 so i use this for know my messages)
let message_object = Messages(user_id: 0, message: message_body, receive_time: send_time)
if var items = messages_dic[chat_user_id] {
messages_dic[chat_user_id] = items
else {
messages_dic[chat_user_id] = [message_object]
self.scrollToBottom(animated: true, delay: 0.3)
and this append to my messages_dic as many times as present the ViewController.
any one can help to solve this?
It is hard to say without seeing the code for your ViewController, but I would guess if is emitting "messageReceived" more frequently than you think. Perhaps is in is a document.ready() function or some other function. Your code here seems alright from a quick glance.
As one commenter suggested, you probably have a memory leak. Your ViewController is probably not getting released properly.
I would suggest using [weak self] in your socket closure:
socket.on("messageReceived") { [weak self] (dataArray, ack) in
Then within your socket closure, replace self with self?. For example:
I found my problem.
the problem is each time that i present the ViewController
set again and surely run as many times as i present the ViewController.
so for solve the problem I use the socket handlers for check if I handle "messageReceived" (set socket.on) don't set again.
so I use this code and the problem solved.
var is_set: Bool = false
let socket = SocketConfig.manager.defaultSocket
for handler in socket.handlers {
if handler.event == "messageReceived" {
is_set = true
if !is_set { // so set that
socket.on("messageReceived") { (dataArray, ack) in
// othere codes
and the another way is when I dismiss the ViewController I remove all handlers by this code:
deinit() {
let socket = SocketConfig.manager.defaultSocket
hope to help someone.
As the title says I have a weird problem to retrieve simple data from Firebase, but I really can't figure out where I'd go wrong.
This is my schema:
And this the code:
import Firebase
let DB_BASE = Database.database().reference()
class FirebaseService {
static let instance = FirebaseService()
private var REF_BASE = DB_BASE
private var REF_SERVICE_STATUS = DB_BASE.child("Service_Status")
struct ServiceStatus {
var downloadStatus: Bool
var uploadStatus: Bool
func getServiceStatus() -> (ServiceStatus?) {
var serviceStatus: ServiceStatus?
REF_SERVICE_STATUS.observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { (requestSnapshot) in
if let unwrapped = requestSnapshot.children.allObjects as? [DataSnapshot] {
for status in unwrapped {
serviceStatus.downloadStatus = status.childSnapshot(forPath: "Download_Status").value as! Bool
serviceStatus.uploadStatus = status.childSnapshot(forPath: "Upload_Status").value as! Bool
return sponsorStatus
but at the end serviceStatus is nil. Any advice?
I think you may be able to simplify your code a bit to make it more manageable. Try this
let ssRef = DB_BASE.child("Service_Status")
ssRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { snapshot in
let dict = snapshot.value as! [String: Any]
let down = dict["Download_Status"] ?? false
let up = dict["Upload_Status"] ?? false
the ?? will give the down and up vars a default value of false if the nodes are nil (i.e. don't exist)
Oh - and trying to return data from a Firebase asynchronous call (closure) isn't really going to work (as is).
Remember that normal functions propagate through code synchronously and then return a value to the calling function and that calling function then proceeds to the next line of code.
As soon as you call your Firebase function, your code is going to happily move on to the next line before Firebase has a chance to get the data from the server and populate the return var. In other words - don't do it.
There are always alternatives so check this link out
Run code only after asynchronous function finishes executing
I have the following case. The root controller is UITabViewController. There is a ProfileViewController, in it I make an observer that users started to be friends (and then the screen functions change). ProfileViewController can be opened with 4 tabs out of 5, and so the current user can open the screen with the same user in four places. In previous versions, when ProfileViewController opened in one place, I deleted the observer in deinit and did the deletion just by ref.removeAllObservers(), now when the user case is such, I started using handle and delete observer in viewDidDisappear. I would like to demonstrate the code to find out whether it can be improved and whether I'm doing it right in this situation.
I call this function in viewWillAppear
fileprivate func firObserve(_ isObserve: Bool) {
guard let _user = user else { return }
FIRFriendsDatabaseManager.shared.observeSpecificUserFriendshipStart(observer: self, isObserve: isObserve, userID: _user.id, success: { [weak self] (friendModel) in
}) { (error) in
This is in the FIRFriendsDatabaseManager
fileprivate var observeSpecificUserFriendshipStartDict = [AnyHashable : UInt]()
func observeSpecificUserFriendshipStart(observer: Any, isObserve: Bool, userID: String, success: ((_ friendModel: FriendModel) -> Void)?, fail: ((_ error: Error) -> Void)?) {
let realmManager = RealmManager()
guard let currentUserID = realmManager.getCurrentUser()?.id else { return }
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
let specificUserFriendRef = Database.database().reference().child(MainGateways.friends.description).child(currentUserID).child(SubGateways.userFriends.description).queryOrdered(byChild: "friendID").queryEqual(toValue: userID)
if !isObserve {
guard let observerHashable = observer as? AnyHashable else { return }
if let handle = self.observeSpecificUserFriendshipStartDict[observerHashable] {
self.observeSpecificUserFriendshipStartDict[observerHashable] = nil
specificUserFriendRef.removeObserver(withHandle: handle)
debugPrint("removed handle", handle)
var handle: UInt = 0
handle = specificUserFriendRef.observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in
if snapshot.value is NSNull {
guard let dict = snapshot.value as? [String : Any] else { return }
guard let friendModel = Mapper<FriendModel>().map(JSON: dict) else { return }
if friendModel.friendID == userID {
}, withCancel: { (error) in
guard let observerHashable = observer as? AnyHashable else { return }
self.observeSpecificUserFriendshipStartDict[observerHashable] = handle
Concerning your implementation of maintaining a reference to each viewController, I would consider moving the logic to an extension of the viewController itself.
And if you'd like to avoid calling ref.removeAllObservers() like you were previously, and assuming that there is just one of these listeners per viewController. I'd make the listener ref a variable on the view controller.
This way everything is contained to just the viewController. It also is potentially a good candidate for creating a protocol if other types of viewControllers will be doing similar types of management of listeners.
I am receiving up to four push notifications for each event I am subscribed to. I have gone through everything related to my CloudKit subscriptions and notification registry and I am convinced this is an Apple problem. I have instead turned my attention toward correctly processing the notifications no matter how many I receive. Here is a simplified version of what I am doing:
func recievePrivatePush(_ pushInfo: [String:NSObject], completion: #escaping ()->Void) {
let notification = CKNotification(fromRemoteNotificationDictionary: pushInfo)
let alertBody = notification.alertBody
if let queryNotification = notification as? CKQueryNotification {
let recordID = queryNotification.recordID
guard let body = queryNotification.alertBody else {
if recordID != nil {
switch body {
case "Notification Type":
let id = queryNotification.recordID
switch queryNotification.queryNotificationReason {
case .recordCreated:
DataCoordinatorInterface.sharedInstance.fetchDataItem(id!.recordName, completion: {
The fetching code looks something like this:
func fetchDataItem(_ id: String, completion: #escaping ()-> Void) {
if entityExistsInCoreData(id) {return}
let db = CKContainer.default().privateCloudDatabase
let recordID = CKRecordID(recordName: id)
db.fetch(withRecordID: recordID) { (record, error) in
if let topic = record {
//Here I create and save the object to core data.
All of my code works, the problem I am having is that when I receive multiple notifications, multiple fetch requests are started before the first core data entity is created, resulting in redundant core data objects.
What I would like to do is find a way to add the fetch requests to a serial queue so they are processed one at a time. I can put my request calls in a serial queue, but the callbacks always run asynchronously, so multiple fetch requests are still make before the first data object is persisted.
I have tried using semaphores and dispatch groups with a pattern that looks like this:
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
func recievePrivatePush(_ pushInfo: [String:NSObject], completion: #escaping ()->Void) {
_ = semaphore.wait(timeout: .distantFuture)
let notification = CKNotification(fromRemoteNotificationDictionary: pushInfo)
let alertBody = notification.alertBody
if let queryNotification = notification as? CKQueryNotification {
let recordID = queryNotification.recordID
guard let body = queryNotification.alertBody else {
if recordID != nil {
switch body {
case "Notification Type":
let id = queryNotification.recordID
switch queryNotification.queryNotificationReason {
case .recordCreated:
DataCoordinatorInterface.sharedInstance.fetchDataItem(id!.recordName, completion: {
Once the above function is called for the second time, and semaphore.wait is called, the execution of the first network request pauses, resulting in a frozen app.
Again, what I would like to accomplish it adding the asynchronous network requests to a queue so that they are made only one at a time i.e. the first network call is completed before the second request is started.
Perhaps you'll find your solutions with dispatch groups, a few key expressions to look into.
let group = DispatchGroup()
... code ...
I use them to limit the number of http requests I send out in a batch, to wait for the response. Perhaps you could use them together with the suggestion in my comment. Watch this video too, dispatch groups in here, I think more.
These simple classes helped me solve the problem.
class PushQueue {
internal var pushArray: Array<String> = [String]()
internal let pushQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.example.pushNotifications")
public func addPush(_ push: Push) {
pushQueue.sync {
if pushArray.contains(push.id) {
} else {
processNotification(push: push)
internal func processNotification(push: Push) {
PushInterface.sharedInstance.recievePrivatePush(push.userInfo as! [String: NSObject])
class CKPush: Equatable {
init(userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]) {
let ck = userInfo["ck"] as? NSDictionary
let id = ck?["nid"] as? String
self.id = id!
self.userInfo = userInfo
var id: String
var userInfo: [AnyHashable:Any]
public static func ==(lhs: CKPush, rhs: CKPush) -> Bool {
return lhs.id == rhs.id ? true : false
Please ignore the sloppy force unwraps. They need to be cleaned up.
I've run this code on my mac with good wifi and my phone using wifi / data and I'm getting an extremely slow load time on the code below. It takes about 7-10 seconds for my UI to update which I do in my view controller in the second block of code where the ...'s are.
This isn't the first time I've dealt with web requests and I've never had this kind of slow behavior. It is the first time I've used Alamofire and this kind of completion handler stuff I'm doing in my downloadProfileInformation where DownloadComplete is a typealais for () -> ().
I figure maybe the problem lies there. It's not updating the UI until everything is completely downloaded I guess, but should a picture be taking 10 seconds to download?
This is an example of a link that could be grabbed from the API.
I also don't know if it's possible the issue is with the API? I've never heard of something like that but I don't know what's possible.
//Called with IBAction
PROFILE_URL = "\(URL_BASE)\(Info.sharedInstance.platform)/\(Info.sharedInstance.region)/\(Info.sharedInstance.battletag)/profile"
Alamofire.request(PROFILE_URL).responseJSON { response in
let result = response.result
if let dict = result.value as? Dictionary<String,Any> {
if let error = dict["error"] as? String {
} else {
if let data = dict["data"] as? Dictionary<String,Any> {
//Assigning variables to that value
if let username = data["username"] as? String {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.battletagNameOutlet.text = username
print("battletag update happening")
if let level = data["level"] as? Int{
if let avatarURL = data["avatar"] as? String {
if let competitive = data["competitive"] as? Dictionary<String,Any> {
Usually the loading takes more time if the Per_Page is more than 50 for your API link. This can cause a delay when dealing with API and requests that contain images and videos.
I'm pretty new to IOS Application Development.
I'm trying to stop viewWillAppear from finishing until after my function has finished working. How do I do that?
Here's viewWillAppear:
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
if reset != 0 {
print("removing all bird facts")
func checkFacts() {
let date = getDate()
var x: Bool = true
var ind: Int = 0
print("count is ", birdFacts.count)
while ind < birdFacts.count {
print("accessing each bird fact in checkFacts")
let imageAsset: CKAsset = birdFacts[ind].valueForKey("birdPicture") as! CKAsset
let image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: imageAsset.fileURL.path!)
if image == nil {
if (birdFacts[ind].valueForKey("sortingDate") != nil){
print("replacing fact")
print("accessing the sortingDate of current fact in checkFacts")
let sdate = birdFacts[ind].valueForKey("sortingDate") as! NSNumber
replaceFact(sdate, index: ind)
/*else {
print("removing all bird facts")
ind = ind + 1
let y = checkRepeatingFacts()
if y {
print("removing all facts")
//allprevFacts(date, olddate: 0)
checkFacts references 2 others functions, but I'm not sure they're relevant here (but I will add them in if they are and I'm mistaken)
Instead of trying to alter or halt the application's actual lifecycle, why don't you try using a closure?
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
checkFacts(){ Void in
if self.reset != 0 {
print("removing all bird facts")
func checkFacts(block: (()->Void)? = nil) {
let date = getDate()
var x: Bool = true
var ind: Int = 0
print("count is ", birdFacts.count)
while ind < birdFacts.count {
print("accessing each bird fact in checkFacts")
let imageAsset: CKAsset = birdFacts[ind].valueForKey("birdPicture") as! CKAsset
let image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: imageAsset.fileURL.path!)
if image == nil {
if (birdFacts[ind].valueForKey("sortingDate") != nil){
print("replacing fact")
print("accessing the sortingDate of current fact in checkFacts")
let sdate = birdFacts[ind].valueForKey("sortingDate") as! NSNumber
replaceFact(sdate, index: ind)
/*else {
print("removing all bird facts")
ind = ind + 1
let y = checkRepeatingFacts()
if y {
print("removing all facts")
//allprevFacts(date, olddate: 0)
if let block = block {
According to Apple Documentation:
Closures are self-contained blocks of functionality that can be passed around and used in your code.
Closures can capture and store references to any constants and variables from the context in which they are defined.
So by defining checkFacts() as: func checkFacts(block: (()->Void)? = nil){...} we can optionally pass in a block of code to be executed within the checkFacts() function.
The syntax block: (()->Void)? = nil means that we can take in a block of code that will return void, but if nothing is passed in, block will simply be nil. This allows us to call the function with or without the use of a closure.
By using:
if let block = block {
we can safely call block(). If block comes back as nil, we pass over it and pretend like nothing happened. If block is not nil, we can execute the code contained within it, and go on our way.
One way we can pass our closure code into checkFacts() is by means of a trailing closure. A trailing closure looks like this:
checkFacts(){ Void in
if self.reset != 0 {
print("removing all bird facts")
Edit: Added syntax explanation.
So based on the comments, checkFacts is calling asynchronous iCloud operations that if they are not complete will result in null data that your view cannot manage.
Holding up viewWillAppear is not the way to manage this - that will just result in a user interface delay that will irritate your users.
Firstly, your view should be able to manage null data without crashing. Even when you solve this problem there may be other occasions when the data becomes bad and users hate crashes. So I recommend you fix that.
To fix the original problem: allow the view to load with unchecked data. Then trigger the checkData process and when it completes post an NSNotification. Make your view watch for that notification and redraw its contents when it occurs. Optionally, if you don't want your users to interact with unchecked data: disable appropriate controls and display an activity indicator until the notification occurs.