For each in by reference or value - foreach

I have the following code:
dim key
for each key in Request.Querystring
'do something
key = sanitized_param(key)
My question for you classic-asp connoisseur, does classic-asp, or asp in general, pass the variables as references(memory), or by value? Trying to figure out if I sanitize the key variable and pass it back to itself, is it just "alive" for that loop, or does the new value get passed to the original QueryString?

Request.QueryString retrieves the query string parameters by value from the page headers.
You can only make changes to a query string once its been retrieved via Request.QueryString, but you can't make changes directly to Request.QueryString as it's read-only (If you could make changes you would presumably use Response.QueryString, but this isn't a valid response command).
I'm guessing you're trying to sanitize all your query strings in one go? This isn't really possible or indeed necessary. You would typically sanitize a query string as and when you request it:
Or to assign the query string to a variable first then sanitize it:
Dim myQS
myQS = Request.QueryString("myQS")
myQS = sanitized_param(myQS)
' or
myQS = sanitized_param(Request.QueryString("myQS"))
Once the query string has been assigned to a variable and sanitized you're able to reference that variable as often as you like without having to pass it to your sanitize function again.
Also, your example code doesn't make much sense. The key value in your for each loop is referencing just the names of your query strings and not their values. If Response.QueryString was a valid ASP command you would do:
Response.QueryString(key) = sanitized_param(Request.QueryString(key))
But again, this isn't possible.
EDIT: This solution might be what you're looking for:
Create a dictionary object, call it "QueryString" for example. Loop through all your query strings and add a sanitized version to the dictionary object.
Dim QueryString : Set QueryString = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each Item In Request.QueryString
QueryString.Add Item,sanitized_param(Request.QueryString(Item))
Now, to retrieve a sanitized version of a query string just use:
Or for the original unsanitized version you could still use:
Just like Request.QueryString, the dictionary object is forgiving and won't return an error if you ask for a query string that doesn't exist.
You could also create a function for retrieving sanitized query strings, for example:
Function SanitizedQS(ByVal qsName)
SanitizedQS = sanitized_param(Request.QueryString(qsName))
End Function
And rather than using Request.QueryString("query_string_name") just use SanitizedQS("query_string_name").


Complicated where request in Rails

I have two tables in my rails app: properties and requests. Both tables have field called address. But in property address is always single value like Hollywood for example and in request table there could be complicated string like ["Hollywood", "Beverley Hills"]. My task is to get all properties which match by address. It means that if we have in request ["Hollywood", "Beverley Hills"] i need all properties that have address as Hollywood and all Beverley Hills. I tried something like this:
#properties = Property.where("address = ? ", #request.address)
#properties = Property.where("address IN (?) ", #request.address)
but both variants don't work and i think because #request.address is actually string, not array.
So i would like if somebody would suggest me some good solution.
Your first try is wrong, as address in Property is a single value.
Your second try is correct but not the best.
You can use Property.where(address: #request.address). But you have to be sure that #request.address is an Array of String.
You shouldn't save an Array as a String like that: "[\"Hollywood\", \"Beverley Hills\"]. It is too hard to parse in the application. If you want to save this way, you will be better using serialize :address, Array in the model, because then it will return an Array when you try to access the attribute.
Anyway, check if #request.address in an Array of String, if not, parse it to be an Array of String.
You can just wrap it in an array
#properties = Property.where(address: [#request.address])

Uri class throws error when queryParameters contains a key with a value: false?

I was working through some code, and noticed:
return new Uri(host: server, path: apiPath, query: query, queryParameters: queryParams);
This code is executed regularly throughout the application, and the only difference was queryParams. So i printed it out:
{Id:[1234], enabled:false}
shows it is a key:value set of: Id:List, enabled:boolean.
The stack trace i get is:
which shows the map and then the trace. #6 points to the above line.
It is looking at false... something with iterating false is what breaks this.
When dealing with the URI and query parameters, it is looking for numerics, lists, and strings but not booleans. In order to resolve this and allow it to function correctly, you will need to do:
{"enabled": false.toString()}
// or
{"enabled": "false"}
and the uri class will set the query parameter accordingly.
The Uri class is located in core library for Dart. When we are using it, we are passing in the created Uri object into an action for a client class,
Client client = new BrowserClient();
which accepts the url as a part of the parameters.
While looking at the errors above though, the Uri class ultimately is unable to properly parse a false value to an accepted value.
When looking at the Code Docs for Uri as per the Dart languages:
The query component is set through either query or queryParameters. When query is used, the provided string should be a valid URI query, but invalid characters, other than general delimiters, will be escaped if necessary. When queryParameters is used the query is built from the provided map. Each key and value in the map is percent-encoded and joined using equal and ampersand characters. A value in the map must be either a string, or an Iterable of strings, where the latter corresponds to multiple values for the same key.
Which makes sense to say all values must be String or an Iterable of Strings. The only thing which I cant figure out is that in Dartpad, true and false have toString functions, and yet you can also pass numerics in there.
The only conclusion is that while it accepts Strings and Iterables of Strings, it will also parse ints and other numerics because they will explicitly check for that type as it is common to see in URI.
One would think that the URI would understand booleans since those are also common place, but that is yet to be seen since I cant take an explicit look at the source code for dartlang. I did however manage to look at the source code for it and narrowed it down. writeComponent points to _Uri._uriEncode but when looking at that function, there is no code as much as just a definition.

Access only one attribute of API in response - Ruby on Rails 4

I am calling an API that returns an array of JSON objects and I can access return values of the API call
I know that i can access each Param1 through iteration or by static indexing like #client[0].param1 #client[1].param1 #client[2].param1 but the thing is , i don't want param2 and i want just param1 . is there any way , to access param1 without iteration or static indexing
so that i could get the below result in response
The thing to notice is that i want to filter the result while making
the request (before getting the response when we know the attribute
Try to use delete.
Deletes and returns a key-value pair from hsh whose key is equal to
key. If the key is not found, returns the default value. If the
optional code block is given and the key is not found, pass in the key
and return the result of block.
data = [{"param1":1,"param2":"blah1"},
data.each {|x| x.delete("param2")}
For more information about delete.
I hope this help you.

How to access hash value stored in local variable

I'm doing an external API query ussing HTTParty, the resultant of that query is a hash that gets stored in an instance variable in my controller. Without saving it to my database I need to access the contents of the hash to send it as a string to another external app.
Here is my controller HTTParty call
#api_response = HTTParty.get("http://xxxxxxxxx.xx/vehicle/reg/#{#user.reg_number}/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
Here is the response I get that is stored in #api_response:
{"reg"=>"xxx", "make"=>"xxxx", "model"=>"xxxx", "version"=>"xxxxx", "body"=>"xxxxxx", "doors"=>"x", "reg_date"=>"xxxxxx", "engine_cc"=>"xxxxxx", "colour"=>"xxxxx", "fuel"=>"xxxxxx", "transmission"=>"x", "data_type"=>"x", "co2_emissions"=>"xxx"}
As it is I'm able to display the contents of #api_response in my views, but I need to retrieve the info and pass it on.
You access values in a hash using square brackets surrounding the hash key. For example, to access reg out of that response, you would do:
Is that all you're looking for, or did you need to do something else with it?

Replace a string with another in request.rawurl not working

I want to replace some string in my url like this
request.RawUrl.ToString().Replace("sometext566666", "othertest")
but it s not working why is it so?
For example, the original url is like
and I want it like this
I'm guessing that this is .NET. If so, you should be aware the String.Replace() returns a new string containing the result of the replacement (as do all other methods that purport to modify a string).
So you need to assign the result to a variable or field to hold the result. In some circumstances, you might assign the result back to the same place you obtained the original string from. But you're not allowed to overwrite RawUrl (and, it would be potentially confusing for you to do so).
The statement you are using is working, but you are not assigning the result of the replace function, just executing it.
request.RawUrl.ToString().Replace("sometext566666", "othertest")
If you want to keep the result, you will need to assign it to a string.
String result = request.RawUrl.ToString().Replace("sometext566666", "othertest");
Otherwise, you can assign it to the same RawURL but I think that is a URI so you'll need to use a new URI, something like:
request.RawUrl = new URI(request.RawUrl.ToString().Replace("sometext566666", "othertest"));
Nevertheless, I'm not sure if you can actually edit that property.
