Is it possible to show trends from an lcov report in jenkins? - jenkins

I have an lcov report which produces a pretty html report and an file. I want to see on jenkins whether our code coverage is improving or degrading. Is it possible to do this with an lcov report? I can do it using cobertura, but for various reasons we need to stick with lcov. We also need to see statements, branches, functions and lines.
The coverage report is being produced by istanbul/nyc.


Jenkins cobertura plugin - comparison of code coverage reports

does anybody know if Cobertura provides possibility to automatically compare code coverage reports of two builds? If needed, I am always doing it manually in separate tabs in browser, which takes some time for larger modules

Can nose test's coverage report only show files that don't have 100% coverage?

Nose has a very thorough report for the coverage in the files that you run it for. Here's an example report.
This report is usually extremely long since I have lots of files that I need to run coverage for.
How can I generate a report for only the files that have less than 100% coverage?
Thank you!
The report you see is produced by, the software nose uses for coverage measurement. doesn't yet have a feature to omit 100% files. So there isn't a way to generate a report like you want.

Aggregate jmockit-coverage output with emma coverage output

Is there a way to aggregate code coverage data from jmockit-coverage and emma coverage? I can run the two different coverage steps in two separate junit ant tasks and generate the coverage data in two directories. Just not sure if the coverage outputs from these two are compatible and can be merged to display together.
No, they can't be aggregated into a single HTML report, since these are two different code coverage tools, which know nothing about each other. Of course, someone could create yet another tool which would do that; personally, I don't see much value in it, though.

Using gcovr to show zero coverage

we try to use gcovr to generate coverage report for our c++ project in Jenkins.
I was able to get it worked, but I'm stuck with one problem. gcovr doesn't show any statistics for files with zero coverage - they have only .gcno files, no .gcda files are produced and gcovr don't show it in results.
So I have 80% coverage for the whole project, but only 2 tests were written and it's actually 80% coverage only for source files involved in tests.
For large project it makes of course no sense to use such statistic.
I have found this changeset as solution for this ticket, but it seems not to be working.
Did I miss something?
p.s. I use gcovr 3.1-prerelease

NCover branch Coverage

I am using the Ncover I want branch coverage and sequence coverage. How to get this?
The .xml generated is given to the NCoverExplorer to generate the full coverage report.
But the full coverage report is not generated. What is the reason for this?
Branch coverage should be displayed for any successful coverage run, but to get symbol/sequence coverage, the PDB files for the source code must be placed in the directory with the tested assemblies.
A valid coverage file should produce a full coverage report (unless the coverage file is empty). If you can post any error messages, that would help track down the problem.
