Array of strings - without nesting - react-final-form

I want my record level data of the form to looks like this:
names: ['foo name', 'bar name']
However I am having to nest which gives me:
names: [ { name: 'foo name' }, { name: 'bar name' }]
The nest is caused by this:
<FieldArray name="names">
{({ fields }) =>, index) => (
<div key={name}>
Is there a way to avoid this nesting, and get a FieldArray of just strings?

Solved it, I just had to use
instead of


Change 'Please match the format requested.' to something else?

Is there an easy way to customise the message that appears when the pattern: "([A-Za-z0-9\-\_]+)" argument is not satisfied and this message appears:
<%= f.text_field :username, pattern: "([A-Za-z0-9\-\_]+)" %>
You can add a "title" attribute to append on to that message:
<%= f.text_field :username, pattern: "([A-Za-z0-9\-\_]+)" , title: "Letters, numbers, hyphen, and underscore Only"%>
This will result in the following message:
Please match the format requested: Letters, numbers, hyphen, and underscore Only
Otherwise, for more custom messages, you can use client side validation (via javascript) server side validations (via rails and ActiveModel)
For a fully custom message you must use JavaScript.
const username = document.querySelector("#user_username");
username.addEventListener("invalid", ({ target }) => {
target.setCustomValidity("Hello World!");
username.addEventListener("change", ({ target }) => {
<input id="user_username" name="user[username]" pattern="[A-Za-z0-9_-]+" />
<input type="submit" />
You could add this in your Rails view in a similar manner:
<%= f.text_field :username, pattern: "[A-Za-z0-9_-]+" %>
const username = document.querySelector("#user_username");
username.addEventListener("invalid", ({ target }) => {
target.setCustomValidity("Hello World!");
username.addEventListener("change", ({ target }) => {
If you need this sort of functionality more often, or want a cleaner solution you might want to write some unobtrusive JavaScript. For example:
function useCustomValidity({ target }) {
function clearCustomValidity({ target }) {
document.querySelectorAll("input[custom-validity]").forEach((input) => {
input.addEventListener("invalid", useCustomValidity);
input.addEventListener("change", clearCustomValidity);
With the above JavaScript being loaded (you need to add additional handlers when using Turbolinks). You can now have the following view:
<%= f.text_field :username, pattern: "[A-Za-z0-9_-]+", 'custom-validity': 'Hello World!' %>
See also: MDN Input: Client-side validation

Angular 5 - How to fill a FormArray

I will fill the customerNumberContainers which looks like this:
this.form = new FormGroup({
customerNumberContainers: new FormArray([
new FormGroup({
contactTenant: new FormControl('', [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(2)]),
customerNumber: new FormControl('', [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(2)])
Therefore I do this after I get the values over
this.contactService.findContactById( => { ...
Set values into form:
let customerNumberContainersFormArray: FormArray = this.form.controls.customerNumberContainers as FormArray;
customerNumberContainersFormArray.controls["0"].controls.contactTenant.value = 'TestValue';
but it is not shown with:
in Controller:
get customerNumberContainers(): FormArray {
return this.form.get("customerNumberContainers") as FormArray;
in Template:
<div formArrayName="customerNumberContainers">
<div *ngFor="let customerNumberContainer of customerNumberContainers.controls; index as i" [formGroupName]="i">
<mat-input-container class="full-width-input">
<input matInput formControlName="contactTenant">
Does anyone known what I am doing wrong. It seems for me that values with *ngFor arn't refreshed.
why dont You just patch whole form with model ? like this:
set up your model, for example:
export class Tenants {
id: number;
customerNumberContainers: TenantContact[];
export class TenantContact {
contactTenant: string;
customerNumber: string;
fetch it from service like u always do but it should match above models and patch whole form (or setValue)
this.contactService.findContactById( Tenants) => {

Setting default initial values for select multiple component

Using the select component i am having a hard time trying to set initial values.
As the docs. says im suppose to fill in the value prop with only string|number|string[]|number[].
Now the problem with this is that i need to show text on the input and send an id value on submit, but with this you show the same value you send.
defaultValue={tags} // => would need something like tags = [{id: 1, name: "Science"}]
placeholder="Select tags"
style={{ width: '100%' }}
{ => <Option value={} key={}>{}</Option>)}
So "labelInValue" is what i really needed in case anyone else experience the same problem.
You can use value instead of defaulValue. Here is a sample code from my project:
const stateTasksOptions = =>
<Select.Option key={} value={} title={<span className={`${}Label`}>{item.title}</span>}>
<span className={`${}Label`}>{item.title}</span> - <span class="normal-text">{}</span>
return (
value={ => d)}
And some css for colorizing.
this.tasksStore.filters.init.state looks like:
state = [
{id: "done", title: "Исполнена", help: "исполнены после 24.04.2017"},
{id: "active", title: "В работе", help: "текущие задачи"},
{id: "planned", title: "Запланирована", help: "задачи на будущее"},
{id: "missed", title: "Просрочена", help: "срок исполнения истек"},
{id: "archived", title: "Архив", help: "выполнены ранее 24.04.2017"}

Accessing hashes with slash separated keys

Suppose I have the following hash in one of my models named Company.
'num_founders': 'Number of Founders',
'num_employees': 'Number of Employees',
'founders': {
'person_info': {
'full_name': 'Full Name',
'first_name': 'First Name',
'last_name': 'Last Name',
'location': 'Location',
'gender': 'Gender',
'biography': 'Biography',
'num_articles': 'Number of Articles'
And I have a action in my application controller which renders this hash as json:
def field_names
module_name = params[:module]
category = params[:category]
case module_name
when 'company'
render json: Company::FIELDS[category.to_sym].to_json
So now if I open localhost:3000/field_names/company/TEAM I'd get the json. But the problem I'm now facing is I need to get the sub hash of this hash too. Like I want to /field_names/company/TEAM/founders/person_info and get the respective object.
To begin with I'd split the url by slashes to get the keys. Im unable to figure out how would I use those strings to access the hash.
If I define the route like get '/field_names/:query', to: 'application#field_names
And If I hit localhost:3000/field_names/company/TEAM/founders
The action should render Company::FIELDS[:TEAM]["founders"] object which would be
'person_info': {
'full_name': 'Full Name',
'first_name': 'First Name',
'last_name': 'Last Name',
'location': 'Location',
'gender': 'Gender',
'biography': 'Biography',
'num_articles': 'Number of Articles'
For this my action should do something like:
def field_names
query = params[:query]
keys = query.split("/")
#keys.first::FIELDS[key2][key3]... .to_json
How do I achieve this? Thanks :)
How about something like this:
fields = {
'num_founders': 'Number of Founders',
'num_employees': 'Number of Employees',
'founders': {
'person_info': {
'full_name': 'Full Name',
'first_name': 'First Name',
'last_name': 'Last Name',
'location': 'Location',
'gender': 'Gender',
'biography': 'Biography',
'num_articles': 'Number of Articles'
'TEAM/founders'.split('/').each do |key|
fields = fields[key]
puts fields
=> {"person_info"=>{"full_name"=>"Full Name", "first_name"=>"First Name", "last_name"=>"Last Name", "location"=>"Location", "gender"=>"Gender", "biography"=>"Biography", "num_articles"=>"Number of Articles"}}
Just for console, I changed FIELDS to fields (SHOUTING_CASE is usually reserved for constants, fwiw). And, I used with_indifferent_access because your nested hashes use both strings and symbols as keys.
If you want that person_info, then:
fields = {
'num_founders': 'Number of Founders',
'num_employees': 'Number of Employees',
'founders': {
'person_info': {
'full_name': 'Full Name',
'first_name': 'First Name',
'last_name': 'Last Name',
'location': 'Location',
'gender': 'Gender',
'biography': 'Biography',
'num_articles': 'Number of Articles'
'TEAM/founders/person_info'.split('/').each do |key|
fields = fields[key]
puts fields
=> {"full_name"=>"Full Name", "first_name"=>"First Name", "last_name"=>"Last Name", "location"=>"Location", "gender"=>"Gender", "biography"=>"Biography", "num_articles"=>"Number of Articles"}
You probably want to put some try in there in case the url is malformed.
Also, you could abstract and simplify that bit where you go:
case module_name
when 'company'
render json: Company::FIELDS[category.to_sym].to_json
Assuming you have (in routes.rb):
get '/field_names/:query'
And you hit:
Then your params should include:
{query: 'company/TEAM/founders'}
In which case you do something like:
def field_names
query_split = params[:query].split
module_name = query_split.shift.camelize
fields = "#{module_name}::FIELDS".constantize.clone.with_indifferent_access
query_split.each{|key| fields = fields[key]}
render json: fields
You don't have to put to_json at the end of your hash, btw.
It's a routing problem in your project. Actually, you should have a route to retrieve these fieldnames, like:
get 'field_names' => 'controller#action'
then, you can pass any parameters on your URL.
Than, those attributes would be available in your controller as
and so you can render only the attributes you want

MethodNotAllowedHttpException in compiled.php line 8931 Laravel 5

I am getting an error of MethodNotAllowedHttpException in compiled.php line 8931. It was working fine but suddenly it started throwing this error. I created a view in directory resources/views/main/templates/submit-for-sale.blade.php and defined its route in routes.php as:
Route::get('/submit-for-sale', function () {
return view('main.templates.submit-for-sale');
This view submit-for-sale.blade.php contains a form whose form tag looks like:
<form id="submit-sale-form" action="{{route('main.submit-sale-form')}}" method="post" class="form-horizontal>
{{ csrf_field() }}
View is loading perfectly.
Route to post form in routes.php
Route::post('/submit-sale-form', ['as' => 'main.submit-sale-form', 'uses' => 'MainController#submitSaleForm']);
Code in MainController.php
public function submitSaleForm(Request $request)
$parameters = Input::get();
foreach ([
'name' => 'Name',
'email' => 'Email',
] as $key => $label) {
if (!isset($parameters[$key]) || empty($parameters[$key])) {
return response()->json(
'success' => false,
'error' => "{$label} cannot be empty",
It worked fine 2 - 3 times same code but suddenly it started throwing this error. Your help and suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thank You.
